Chapter 31

Let's Play A Love Game

------------------------------------------------------- Flash back 12 years ago ------------------------------------------------------------------

I was watching tv in the living room when suddenly the front door slammed shut. I watched as my father paced the room back and forth. My mother came out from her room and walked to his side. She tried to reach out to him, but my father pulled away. We both looked at him worried. 

"You both have to go away." He said to us in a cold tone. My mother tried to approach him again and my father walked away. My mother stood in her spot defeated. My father came back with luggages and our clothes. He threw our clothes in the luggage and I stood up. 

"Appa...what are you doing?" I asked completely confused by my father's actions and words.

"You both are going to Seoul." My father said as he continued to pack our clothes. 

"Why are we suddenly going back?" My mother asked him and my father simply ignored her question. I could see my mother's worried expression grow deeper. "Why aren't you coming with us?" My mother asked and my father threw the last of our clothes in the luggage with an annoyed expression on his face. 

"Because I'm leaving you. I realized I wasn't ready to be a father again. I like it here in Jeju. It's peaceful and I can do what ever I want, but I can't with you both here. That's why you're both leaving and I'm not." My father said plainly and I froze where I stood. Father doesn't want us anymore? My mother approached my father once more.

"Honey-" My mother said before she was cut of by my father's words.

"Leave and take them with you." My father said as he motioned towards me and my mother's stomach. My mother froze on the spot. I made an attempt to talk towards my father.

"Don't you want us anymore?" I asked and my father turned his head towards me. For a brief second he looked sad, but instantly looked away. 

"Just leave." He said as he walked into his room. My mother on the verge of tears grabbed our luggage and looked at me with a weak smile. 

"Let's go visit grandmother for a while." She said as I nodded obidently. We walked passed the room as I looked inside but couldn't see my father. 

"Take care, appa." I managed to say as we walked past his room and headed towards the door. I stopped for a minute and took off the necklace my father bought me for my birthday. I hung it on the door knob of his room and walked back out. Once we were out we never met my father again until the day of his funeral. 

--------------------------------------------------------- Present Time -------------------------------------------------------------------

I laid in my hospital bed thinking through of all the memories that came rushing towards me since last night. I could feel my tears falling as I remembered everything. The whole time I hated my father for leaving us when all he was doing was protecting us. That day he kicked us out of the house of Jeju and I saw my mother struggle I've hated him. He'd rather have us hate him and die than lose us. I fought hard to keep my tears from falling when suddenly I heard the door open. I looked towards the door as a nurse came in. I eased back into my bed as she came in and checked my pulse. She kept loking in my direction before finally speaking. 

"Miss Crystal. I don't know what is going on with you and Mister Taehyung nor is it any of my business but as a nurse he'll get sick if he continues sleeping in the hallway. It seems like he lacks sleep from trying to stay awake." She said and I said nothing. I didn't know what to say. I shouldn't care about Taehyung's well being but a part of me was concerned for his health. I sighed deeply not knowing how to feel. I was angry at Taehyung from keeping everything a secret and for being the reason my family is once again in danger.

"Next time he tries to do that please send him home." The nurse looked at me and smiled. 

"Everything is fine. You are ready to be discharged tomorrow morning." The nurse said and I looked at her surprised.

"Tomorrow morning?" I asked and the nurse nodded. I nodded back and laid against  my bed as the nurse left locking the door. Suddenly my phone rang and I andswered it.

"Hello?" I asked since the caller ID was in private.

"Crystal. It's Taehyung's mother." I froze in my bed and felt my arms tremble. "I was going to visit you, but they said you wouldn't allow visitors. Here I am willing to donate my time to visit you, but you refuse. You must be wondering how I got your number well with Taehyung sticking to you like glue I was able to easily find out. Had I known Taehyung was so useful I would've used him years ago. Oh wait? I did use him then too. When we were in Jeju we surprisingly ran into your father and I didn't recognize him but Taehyung did. We were able to find you all again, but when we went to your house you and your mother weren't there. But luckily for us your father was. Thanks to Taehyung we were able to find you then and now. Rest well Crystal. I will be coming to visit tomorrow and I know you won't refuse me then." With that she hung up and my whole body shook uncontrollably. I was so angry at myself for being so selfish and falling for Taehyung. Then my phone rang again and I checked to see who it was. It was Henry.

"Hello?" I said trying my best to keep my voice steady. 

"Crystal. How are you?" He asked and I tried my best to sound cheerful.

"I'm fine. They're letting me out tomorrow." I said as cheerful as possible.

"That's great news!" Henry said and I simply nodded to myself and then Henry became serious. "I know I shouldn't mention this, but have you thought about leaving for Jeju?" I didn't speak for a while and then I suddenly made up my mind.

                         •                                             •                                                       •

I woke up and frowned slightly as the sun shined brightly in my face. I looked around and realized I was at Jimin's house. I sat up and looked around. I yawned as I stretched my back just as Jimin came into his room. 

"Oh! You're awake." He said and I nodded. He sat next to me and looked at me. "Tsk. You haven't been sleeping well at all. Tae, you're my best friend and so is Crystal but you can't keep doing this." I looked at Jimin and stood up as I looked for my phone. 

"I'm not giving up on Crystal. She's the first girl I've ever loved and I'm not going to lose her again." I picked up my phone from Jimin's dresser and headed towards his door. 

"She's still not allowing visitors." I stopped and faced Jimin. He looked at me and sighed deeply. "I left early to see if I could talk to her, but she isn't allowing anyone to enter. She's not going to let you in." He said and I sighed.

"But I still have to try. If I stop trying I'd never be able to forgive myself." I said as I grabbed the door knob. 

"Then I'm coming with you." I turned around to see Jimin getting up. He smiled at me as he followed me. "What kind of friend would I be to you and Crystal if I just stayed here doing nothing." I smiled at him as we walked out of his room.

                         •                                             •                                                       

We arrived at the hospital with flowers for Crystal and some home cooking Jimin's mother made for Crystal. We walked in and headed to Crystal's room but we were stopped by a familiar nurse.

"Mister Taehyung and Mister Jimin how are you both?" She asked us and we bowed respectfully towards her. She was the nurse who was attending to Crystal. We smiled towards her.

"We're fine. Is Crystal awake already?" I asked. Despite knowing what was going to happen next I was still hopeful. The nurse's smile faded a bit as she looked at us.

"Miss Crystal is asleep right now. She hasn't been sleeping well so she's tired." I looked at the nurse confused and worried.

"What do you mean she hasn't been sleeping well? Is she hurt or uncomfortable?" I asked the nurse completely worried and confused by her comment. The nurse sighed slightly and looked around before speaking.

"Miss Crystal hasn't been able to sleep lately. Every time she tries to sleep she has nightmares and is unable to sleep anymore. When she's awake she does nothing but cry. She ends up crying herself to sleep most of the times only to have another nightmare. We've tried to give her something to calm her down but what ever is bothering her doesn't seem to go away. So we've basically had to give her medication to help her sleep and clear her mind from her worries. Even the medication is only effective for a while before she has another nightmare. Miss Crystal told me not to tel anyone but I think if you were there she'd feel better. As of now I can't allowing you to enter her room in case she wakes up and becomes frantic." I exhaled defeated and looked away. I rubbed my forehead lightly and nodded. 

"I'll stay here in case she has another nightmare and help in anyway I can. Please give her these without her knowing they're from us. She'll only get frantic knowing they're from us." I said and the nurse nodded as she took the flowers and food from me. Jimin looked at me worried and I smiled weakly towards him. 

"Don't worry. I slept plently last night so I'll be fine." Jimin nodded as we watched the nurse enter Crystal's room. 

After Jimin left to help his parents I sat against the wall beside the door to Crystal's door. My mind was filled with so many memories I couldn't even think straight. I laid my head back and closed my eyes. 

---------------------------------------------------------- 10 years ago -------------------------------------------------------

I watched as a prettty girl sat on the swings pushing herself against the ground gently while singing. I stared at her from the top of the slide. She was looking at the ground so she hadn't seen me. I was memorized by her beauty even then. Her long beautiful hair that followed her as she swung on the swings. Her pretty voice that sang gently in the empty playground. Back then I was confident enough to approach anyone but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to approach her. I stood there looking at her and it felt as though time stopped. Then without warning she slowly lifted her head and looked straight at me. She didn't say anything or moved. She simply sat there in her swing looking at me as I looked at her. Then she smiled at me and my heart skipped a beat. Back then I didn't know I fell for her at that moment. I didn't know the feelings I had for her were love. I only knew I had to be by her side. That simply smile is where it all began for us.

"Hi." She said in her soft and gentle voice. I looked at her from the top of the slide and smiled.

"Hi." I responded as she continued to smile at me. I slide down as she got off her slide. We stood face to face with each other for a while before she spoke. 

"What's your name?" She asked me. Shy from her sudden question to know my name I stuttered to answer her. 

"Ta-Taehyung!" I said a little too loudly and she simply giggled at my response. Even her giggle made my heart flutter. She looked at me as she responded, but she got cut off by the suddenly thunder. 

"I'm Min-" We both looked up as the thunder appeared. Then slowly it began to drizzle as it began to pick up speed. We looked at each other as the rain started pouring harder and harder. I grabbed Min's hand and pulled her below the slide. We looked at each other and laughed at how we looked soaked by the sudden rain. Then we watched the rain continue to fall as we tried our best to avoid being more soaked then we already were. I looked at Min as she held her hand out as the rain touched the palms of her hand. I watched as a smile crept onto her face from the rain and I became envious of the rain. I was envious that the rain could make her smile by simply landing onto her hand. I continued to watch her as she looked up at the rain. Then she turned her attention to me and smiled. Caught of guard I looked away as she giggled. I avoided her gaze but even I felt the smiling forming on my lips. I turned and looked at her as she continued to smile at me. Since that day there was never a day Min and I weren't together. Eventually Jimin came to know her to and the three of us became great friends. 

------------------------------------------------------- 4 Months Later --------------------------------------------------------------------

"Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday to Min~ Happy Birthday to you~" Everyone clapped as Min blew out her candles. We all stood by her as she smiled at us. Min stepped away from the table as the adults began cutting the cake. She came my way and my heart felt like it was going to explode. She was wearing a white lace dress and white shoes. She looked like an angel. She finally reached me and she grabbed both my hands. I felt my face get warmer as I looked at her sudden skinship. 

"Hyung! Hurry! If you don't hurry now you won't get a piece of cake." She said with the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. I nodded as she lead me towards the table. Once we reached the table Min let go of my hands and they felt strangely empty to me. I watched as she made her way towards another boy on the other side. She lead him over to me and stood between us smiling. 

"Hyung. This is my best friend, Henry. We've known each other since we were babies." She said with a big smile as she looked over at Henry. "Henry-ah this is my friend, Hyung. We met while I was at the playground." Min looked at me with a genuine smile and Henry bowed towards me. I bowed back out of respect, but just knowing he knew more about Min than me made me angry. I didn't like the fact that this boy was her best friend while I was a simply friend to Min. 

"I'm going to find Jimin." I said as I walked away. Min nodded as she turned her attention to that Henry boy. I kept walking not necessarily looking for Jimin, just to get away from them. My chest felt suffocated and I had no idea why I felt that way or why I hated that Henry boy. Suddenly I was stopped by a sudden flash. I stopped walking and looked up to see my mother holding a camera. She pulled away from the camera and frowned slightly before looking at me. 

"Taehyung. Why are you so upset? You should be happy today of all days." She looked around before looking at me again. "Why aren't you with Min?" She asked and I suddenly became frustrated. My mother kneeled down as she looked at me. "What's wrong Taehyung?" She asked me. I looked at her and decided to tell her everything.

"Mom. Ever since I met Min I've had this weird feeling in my chest. When I see her smiling or laughing I get that feeling. When she's near me I get nervous and I can't move or talk. She introduced me to one of her friends and I became angry because he knew her more than me. When she grabbed my hands I felt like my heart was going to explode. Mom. Am I sick?" I asked her genuinely worried about myself as my mother laughed. I looked at her confused as she smiled at me. 

"Aigoo! I never thought I'd see the day my little Taehyung become a man so soon." She smiled at me and I stared at her confused. She chuckled before looking at me again. "No honey. You're not sick. What you are feeling right now is something we all feel." She smiled at me and patted my head. "It's called liking somone." She said to me and I nodded. She grabbed my hand and walked me back to the table.

------------------------------------------- 4 Months Later ----------------------------------------------

"Eomma! Eomma! Eomma!" Taehyung cried as they lowered his mother's casket. Everyone stood back and watched as Taehyung called for his mother. Minji stepped out of the umbrella her father was holding to prevent them for getting soaked in rain. Minji got down on her knees beside Taehyung with fresh tears in her eyes. She hugged Taehyung as he continued to call out for his mother. 

"I'm sorry Hyung. I'm sorry." Minji cried out to him and she hugged him tight. After several moments Taehyung was able to calm down as he remained in Minji's arms. "I'm sorry you had to see that Hyung." Minji cried and Taehyung pulled back slightly to see her. She was completely soaked like him and her eyes were puffy and red. Minji looked and saw how Taehyung was pale and emotionless only made her cry more. Minji hugged Taehyung once again and he let himself be embraced by her. 


"Don't worry. We'll take care of Taehyung." Minji's father hung up as he looked up at his wife. His wife gave him an small smile as they both looked up at the stairs. 

Minji fixed the guest bed that Taehyung would be sleeping in and set his food on his table. Taehyung just sat motionless on his chair and didn't say anything. Minji looked at her friend worried and thought it was best to leave him alone. Minji was about to leave his room when she was stopped by Taehyung's voice. 

"Don't go." Taehyung said softly. Minji turned around and looked at her frined. She smiled a bit and nodded. She walked to Taehyung's bed as Taehyung laid down in his bed. Minji laid beside him as she faced him. Taehyung looked at her and noticed her tired expression. 

"You should sleep Hyung-ah" Minji said to her friend as she tried to get up. Taehyung grabbed her hand which stopped Minji on her tracks. 

"Don't go." He said again and Minji nodded once more. She laid beside her friend and looked at his tired expression. "Min-ah?" Taehyung called out to her and Minji just looked at him. "Promise me you'll never leave me." Minji looked at her friend for a long time before she nodded.

"I won't ever leave you, Hyung." Minji said as she smiled at her friend. Taehyung smiled for the first time as he looked at Minji.

"You're all I have left, Min. Please don't leave me." Minji nodded and smiled at her friend. Slowly the two fell asleep in the same bed facing each other.

---------------------------------------------- 1 Month later -----------------------------------------------------

Minji's parents were packing everything into the car. Minji was standing near the car with a saddened expression. She didn't want to leave Seoul, but her father insisted on leaving to Jeju. She sighed softly as her mother who was 2 months pregnant looked at her daughter. 

"Minji-" She began before she was cut off by Minji's father. 

"We're all set. Honey, Cryssie. Let's get going." He said happily and they both nodded. As they entered the car, Minji looked back to face her house as they drove away. As she looked behind her she caught a glimpse of Taehyung and Jimin running after the car. 

"Hyung.....Chim...."Minji whispered as she began to cry silently to herself. 

------------------------------------------- A Few Days Later -----------------------------------------------------

Taehyung was at the park where he first met Minji staring at the swings from the top of the slide. 

"Tae?" Taehyung turned around to see his best friend, Jimin.

They both sat together on the bench as they remained quite for a while. 

"Do you miss Min?" Jimin asked and Taehyung looked at him. He shook his head.

"No." Jimin looked at his friend for a while before speaking.

"I miss her." Jimin said bravely and Taehyung looked at him annoyed.

"How can you miss her? Did you forget? She left us! She promised she'd never leave and she did!" Taehyung snapped at his friend before looking away. 

"Do you really hate her Taehyung?" Jimin asked carefully. 

"I do. I hate her for breaking her promise. I hate her for leaving." He said as he looked away.

--------------------------------------------- Present Time -----------------------------

"Mister Taehyung? Mister Taehyung?" I woke up and saw the face of the nurse I instantly stood up. 

"What's wrong?" I asked afraid something happened to Crystal.

"She's having a nightmare." The nurse said as she unlocked the door to Crystal's door. She opened the door for me and I walked in. I looked at Crystal as she frowned and turned in her sleep. The nurse closed the door and I sat beside Crystal's bedside. I watched as she frowned and sweat began to apear on her forehead. I grabbed her hand and with my other hand I gently caressed her hair. Then I remembered a smiliar memory when we were younger and when my mother was still alive. I looked at Crystal and tried my best to keep calm before I began to sing.

"I can't overcome the sadness in my heart.....another one of my sleepless nights as I endure it once more...I really don't mind the sadness.." I looked up and noticed Crystal was slightly calmer than she was before.

--------------------------------------------------- 12 years ago ------------------------------------------------

Minji and Taehyung were outside playing when suddenly they heard loud barking. A pack of rabid dogs stood before them and Taehyung grabbed Minji's hands. Taehyung's mother who was a few feet away stood up and looked at the kids. 

"Min. Taehyung. When I count to three run towards me." Taehyung and Minji both nodded. "One." Taehyung's mother said as she took a step forward. "Two." She said as she took a bigger step towards the kids. "Three!" Taehyung pulled Minji towards his mother as she grabbed both kids hands. She ran as the dogs chased after them. They managed to out run the dogs and rest near a bench. Minji shook with fear as Taehyung tried to calm her but he was also in shock. 

"I can't overcome the sadness in my heart. Another one of my sleepless nights as I endure it once more. I really don't mind the sadness-"

--------------------------------------------- Present Time ---------------------------------------------

" It just absenmindedly wakes me up again in the morning. The injury seems worse than I thought it'd be...." I felt my throat go into a knot as I finished that verse. I looked at Crystal and my heart ached again. I felt my tears come out of me but I continued to sing, "The pain seems to dig in deeper than I thought it would.... in the countless nights I spent resenting you it feels like I'm in hell..please just stay by my side please remain here..don't let go of my hand as you're holding it in yours..if this takes you a step further away from me .. all I have to do is take a step closer isn't it? A thousand times a day your face repeatedly appears in my thoughts .. the sharp words you said to me..those empty eyes and cold stare .. you're quite a pretty person aren't you? Please don't do this to me .. you know me well enough don't you?" I stopped being unable to continue as I began to cry. I hunched over Crystal's calm body as I began to cry even more. I had let out everything I tried to keep in, but it was too much. Losing my mom was painful enough but when I lost Crystal I felt like my world ended. I hated her for leaving only to find out after her death that she was forced to move. I hated myself for hating her all that time. I looked at Crystal's face and saw her sleeping peacefully. She frowned a bit and I calmed down again before I began singing.

"Please just hug me, hug me even just for a while. Without any words please just run towards me. With my lonely and uneasy heart. I'm still here waiting for you.. I love you..I love you..I shout it out after staying in this long silence .. it may seem weak and childish, but it's my true feelings." I looked at Crystal who was now sleeping peacefully in her bed. I looked at her through teary eyes and smiled at her.

"I can at least be this much of use to you right?" I asked knowing she wouldn't respond. I was about to leave when I felt Crystal's hand tighten around mine. I looked at her as she still slept. She frowned a bit as if having another nightmare.

"Don't go...please...don't go." I looked at her and held onto her hand. I stayed by her side the whole night singing to her to calm her down until I eventually slept beside her.



"Mister Taehyung..Mister Taehyung." I woke up and saw the nurse from before smiling at me. "Mister Taehyung it'll be morning soon and Miss Crystal will wake up. Why don't you head home and come back tomorrow." I nodded groggy and stood up. I let go of Crystal's hand and kissed her forehead before I left. The nurse locked the door behind us and walked me to the entrance.


Hello readers

Sorry for such a long wait. I hope this update makes it up. I'll try to update more for you guys. Thank you for being patient and For your best wishes for my grandmother. School is about to start for me so I'll try to update as much as possible.

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Chapter 1 updated | 13.11.1


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Vtae84 #1
Chapter 43: Im waiting for the update for so long..and today at last..hehe..yeay..authornim..hope u can update soon..
Chapter 40: Welcome back authornim i'am really happy that you updated again... I've read this story a long time ago and I'm really inlove with it so I hop you can updat more :) :) good luck authornim <3 <3
yeyeyee #3
Chapter 39: I'm still waiting for u author-nim ❤
Chapter 38: I hope tae and crystal get back together jebal
whxliien52 #6
gcbgirl #7
Chapter 37: Update soon
yeyeyee #8
Chapter 37: The story is just so perfect author-nimmmm ❤ it gets more and more interesting by the chapters
Anw, adding Jihyun is no problem author-nim, and doesn't make any confussions ^~^
gcbgirl #9
Chapter 36: Update soon
yeyeyee #10
Chapter 18: Omg! U made me laugh hard as the way Jimin tried to imply those words to Taehyung (*゚⚙͠ ∀ ⚙͠)ノ❣ hahaha