Chapter 18

Let's Play A Love Game

I paced the waiting room back and forth. It has been more than an hour since we arrived to the hospital. Crystal collapsed in my arms after we arrived and she was rushed into the operation room. The surgeon talked to me an hour ago about finding a donor for Crystal and left. Now I was waiting in the waiting room for any news on Crystal or a donor. I frantically ran my hands through my hair just as Crystal's mother ran into the waiting room in tears.

"Crystal! How is Crystal? I looked at Crystal's mother as she clung onto the sleeve of my shirt.

"The doctor told me Crystal lost a lot of blood. When she fell she not only had shards of glass in her arm, but it seems she also had some on her back. The shard of glass on her back went in deep and she lost a lot of blood. Crystal never knew since she was in shock and we never knew since she had a cold patch on the side she fell on. When we arrived at the hospital I saw the left side of her shirt covered in blood. The doctor said they need a donor to donate blood to her before they are able to operate on her. He said these next few hours are crucial if he isn't able to find a donor." Crystal's mother began to cry and I had to help her sit down. I left her side when I saw the doctor come back.

"Are you a relative of Miss Crystal?" Not knowing what to say or how to respond I simply nodded. 'Well we weren't able to find a donor for Miss Crystal's blood type. If we don't find a donor soon Miss Crystal's chances of living will be near to impossible. Is there anyone in your family whose blood type is AB?" I stared at the doctor at first in disbelief and then I remembered something.

"I'm AB. My blood type is AB." The doctor looked at me for a while and then nodded.

"Come with me." I took one last glance at Crystal's mother before following the doctor.

                                                              •                                                                    •                                                                     •

I laid in a bed in the operation room beside Crystal's unconcious body. She seemed paler than usual and almost like she's died. I sighed deeply and extended my hand to grab Crystal's hand. I held her hand tightly and looked up.

"Are you ready Mr. Taehyung?" The nurse asked me. I nodded and turned my head to face Crystal.

"It's not your time Crystal. You have to keep living. For your mother and Kimmy. You have to keep fighting no matter what. You can't leave them. You can't leave me." I squeezed Crystal's hand tightly and closed my eyes as the nurse began to take out my blood.

                                                              •                                                                    •                                                                     •

I paced the waiting room again as I waited to hear news about Crystal. It had been four hours since they started the operation. I sent Crystal's mother home to look after Kimmy since she was alone with my friends. I rubbed the back of the neck and closed my eyes. I sighed deeply and then I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and turned around. I saw Jimin standing there.

"Hey man." I looked at him and nodded. Jimin continued to pat my shoulder and then that Henry guy came in. He looked around and then spotted us. He came to us and grabbed my collar.

"What did you do to Crystal you bastard!?" He gripped my collar and pulled me closer to my face. Jimin imediately grabbed Henry's arm and Henry looked at him.

"He didn't do anything other than save Crystal's life!" Henry looked at Jimin and then at me. He huffed annoyed and gripped my collar tighter.

"You expect me to believe something like that!?" Jimin yanked Henry's hands from my collar forcing Henry to take a step back. Jimin stood in front of me and faced Henry.

"Because of Taehyung Crystal had the operation she needed and she is able to have higher chances to live!" Henry looked at Jimin and then at me. I touched Jimin's shoulder and he faced me.

"Stop. We're in a hospital. Neither one of you should be yelling unless you want to kicked out." Jimin nodded and I sighed deeply. I looked at the sign above the operation doors as it's lights were still on. Jimin went to my side and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm going to get something to drink. Do you want something?" I shook my head lightly as I looked at the sign. Jimin nodded and turned to leave but stopped. "Do you want something to drink?" I turned around and saw Jimin asking Henry. Henry shook his head and Jimin shrugged. I looked at Henry and turned to look at Jimin.

"Jimin?" Jimin looked back to face me. He raised his eyebrows at me. "Bring him a water or something. It looks like he ran over here and he must be tired." Jimin looked at Henry and nodded. Henry looked at me and I walked to the operation doors to sit on the chairs near the doors. The sign was still on and I began to worry. Then I noticed Henry sit down two chairs away from me.

"Why do you care if I ran over here?" I continued to look at the sign. I didn't say anything at first and then sighed deeply.

"Because you ran all the way here to see Crystal." I placed my elbows on my knees and sighed. I stood up and rubbed my face in frustration. I leaned against the wall and stared at the sign.

"Why did you save Crystal?" I looked at Henry as he sat up to look at me. I stared at him for a while trying to figuare out what I should say. I finally sighed and decided to say what I felt.

"Because she's Crystal." Was all I said as Henry looked at me confused. I looked back at the sign frustrated and worried. Isighed deeply once again. "I may have hurt girls feelings and humilated them, but it doesn't mean I'm a heartless monster." I turned to look at Henry as he sighed deeply.

"Have you fallen for Crystal?" I looked at Henry as he looked at me. I didn't say anything but just studied him for a while.

"If I had. Would you confess to her first to keep her away from me?" Henry looked at me and then Jimin came back. He handed Henry a water bottle and handed me a juice. I looked at him for a while and he smiled.

"It's good for whenever you donate blood." I smiled weakly to him and took the juice. I looked up when I saw Henry stand up. Jimin turned around and looked at him.

"You gave Crystal blood?" I looked at Jimin and nodded toward Henry. "You're AB too?" I looked at Henry with a confused expression. I nodded and he looked at the sign. I turned and looked at the sign. It was still on and I turned to look at Henry. "I'm AB." Henry whispered. He continued to look at the sign and sighed deeply. "Since we were little I always said to myself "Henry you must protect Crystal at all costs." When her father died I felt like a failure for not being able to protect her from that pain. Since that day I vowed to do anything and everything of her. I'd help her get jobs and look after her. She would never accept my money, but she would accept yours. She did everything for her family. One day Crystal and I had gotten hurt while riding our bikes. We fell and got scrapes on our knees. That day we were young and our mothers worried about us so they sent us to the hospital. That's when I found out we were both AB. That's when I vowed that if Crystal ever needed blood donated I would be the one to give it to her. I never thought someone else would be AB and give it to her. Guess life is filled with surprises whether they're good or bad." I looked at Henry for a long time. Then his phone rang.

"Hello? Yeah mom. What? I'll be right there." Henry hung up and ran down the hallway but stopped. He looked back at me. "Take care of her." I nodded and he ran off. Jimin looked at me and I shrugged. I sighed deeply and looked at the sign just as it turned off. I stood up straight and faced the doors. The doctor came out and walked towards me.

"Mister Taehyung?" I took a step forward as the doctor took off his mask. "Miss Crystal's surgery was successful. She will be assigned a room where she will be able to rest and recover quickly." I nodded and smiled relieved. Jimin looked at me and smiled.

"She's fine man. Your girl is fine." I nodded and took a deep breath.

                                                              •                                                                    •                                                                     •

"Mrs. Lee? Hello this is Taehyung, Crystal's boyfriend. I'm sorry to call this late at night, but Crystal's surgery was successful. I'll be looking after her so please just rest and look after Kimmy." I nodded and Crystal's mother spoke and smiled. As soon as I was done I hung up and sat in a chair beside Crystal's bed. She was sleeping peacefully in the bed and I grabbed her hand without knowing. I stared at her for a long time and smiled. I looked down and saw her hand. I held her hand in between both my hands. I placed my elbows on the bed and looked at her. "No matter what happens I'll be here by your side. You just have to keep fighting. Please keep fighting. You can't leave me yet. Not before I get the chance to confess to you properly."

                                                              •                                                                    •                                                                     •

I walked down the hallway to find Crystal's room. As I was about to open the door I saw Taehyung with Crystal. He was holding onto her hand and looking at her. I opened the door slightly and heard as he spoke.

"No matter what happens I'll be here by your side. You just have to keep fighting. Please keep fighting. You can't leave me yet. Not before I get the chance to confess to you properly." I was left in a daze.

"Is this Crystal's room?" I closed the door quietly. I turned around and saw Henry standing behind me. He was trying to catch his breath. I turned my head slightly behind me and then back at Henry.

"HENRY! It's good to see you're BACK! Are YOU okay? You seemed WORRIED earlier. Let ME go get you a drink. Why don't you go INSIDE? TAEHYUNG'S WITH CRYSTAL! I'll LET you GO inside to see Crystal." Henry looked at me strangely and nodded.

                                                              •                                                                    •                                                                     •

I held Crystal's hand and smiled. Then suddenly I heard mummbling outside. I looked at the door but saw a figuare blocking it. I couldn't hear anything they were saying. Then suddenly I heard some words. I sat there and tried to listen.

"HENRY....BACK.....YOU.....WORRIED....ME.....INSIDE......TAEHYUNG'S WITH CRYSTAL.......LET......GO..." I frowned slightly as I tried to figuare out what was going on. It sounded like Jimin's voice.

"Henry. Back. You. Worried. Me. Inside. Taehyung's with Crystal. Let. Go. What does that mean?" I thought about it and I suddenly realized what was going on. Jimin knew and he was trying to help me. "Henry's back. You worried me. Taehyung's with Crystal. Let go." I looked around and stopped at our hands. "Let go." I let go of Crystal's hand just as Henry entered the room. He looked behind him and tilted his head slightly. He came into the room and faced me.

"Your friend is strange." He said and I smiled. Henry sat down on the oppisite side of the bed.

"Not strange, but rather reliable." Henry looked at me and chuckled. We both smiled at Jimin's actions. Henry then looked at me with a serious expression.

"Thank you for helping Crystal." I looked at him and nodded. Then I remembered his phone call earlier.

"Is everything okay with you? Your phone call seemed serious." Henry looked at me and sighed. He looked at Crystal and then at me.

"Crystal's mother has been ill for a while. She doesn't act like herself whenever it's Crystal's father's birthday and death anniversary. After today since it was so similar to when her father died Mrs. Lee went into a depressing state. My mother went to check on her and called me for help since we couldn't get Mrs. Lee to answer us. She's safe and also is Kimmy. My mother is staying with her but since our house is empty I have to go back home. I just wanted to check on Crystal." I nodded and Henry looked at Crystal. He got up and moved some loose strands of hair from her face. I looked at him and he looked back at me. "Take care of Crystal for me." I nodded as Henry left and Jimin came in. He closed the door behind him and went to my side. He punched me playfully on my arm and made high pitched sounds.

"You animal! I can't believe you're crushing on a girl! Better than anything it's Crystal!" I laughed at him and tried to get him to stop. He sat down and we both laughed about it. "When do you plan on telling her?" I looked at Jimin and my smile slowly faded. I looked at Crystal and sighed deeply.

"I can't tell her. Not for a while. Right now her health is more important than anything else." Jimin looked at me and nodded. He stood up and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I'll be going." I nodded as Jimin left the room and I grabbed Crystal's hand. I smiled as I looked at Crystal.

Hello my lovely readers~

I'm officially in summer vacation! Which means two months of absolutely no school and school work. So since many of you have been waiting patiently for my updates I promise to update more chapters now. I will be leaving for a family trip in a week so I promise to update a lot until then. Maybe even finish the story, but I want your opinions. Should I end this story here or create a sequel? Anyways I'll update another chapter or two later today.

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Chapter 1 updated | 13.11.1


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Vtae84 #1
Chapter 43: Im waiting for the update for so long..and today at last..hehe..yeay..authornim..hope u can update soon..
Chapter 40: Welcome back authornim i'am really happy that you updated again... I've read this story a long time ago and I'm really inlove with it so I hop you can updat more :) :) good luck authornim <3 <3
yeyeyee #3
Chapter 39: I'm still waiting for u author-nim ❤
Chapter 38: I hope tae and crystal get back together jebal
whxliien52 #6
gcbgirl #7
Chapter 37: Update soon
yeyeyee #8
Chapter 37: The story is just so perfect author-nimmmm ❤ it gets more and more interesting by the chapters
Anw, adding Jihyun is no problem author-nim, and doesn't make any confussions ^~^
gcbgirl #9
Chapter 36: Update soon
yeyeyee #10
Chapter 18: Omg! U made me laugh hard as the way Jimin tried to imply those words to Taehyung (*゚⚙͠ ∀ ⚙͠)ノ❣ hahaha