Chapter 36

Let's Play A Love Game

“Taewon, Nanny Fei told me that you went to the beach today. Did you have fun?” Mr. Kim asked his son as they were sitting in the dining table eating. Mrs. Kim stopped eating and looked at her husband before turning to look at Taewon who was smiling happily to himself.

“I had a really fun time. I met a new friend here. We played together all day.” Taewon said happily to his father as Mrs. Kim eyed the innocent little boy before eating her food again.

“You shouldn’t hang around these village boys for long. They’ll start asking for favors because we are from Seoul.” Mrs. Kim said as she began biting into her food as Taewon turned and faced her. Mr. Kim stopped eating upon hearing her comment.

“Honey you shouldn’t say those things. Not everyone is like that.” Mr. Kim said as he looked at Nanny Fei before looking back at his wife. He knew his wife’s comment would offend Nanny Fei, but his wife didn’t seem to care. She continued to eat as Taewon looked at his father.

“My new friend isn’t a boy. She’s a girl and she isn’t from here. She was from Seoul, but her family moved here a few days ago.” Taewon explained to everyone and as soon as he did everyone stopped eating. Both Mr. and Mrs. Kim looked at Taewon with curiosity.

“Well that’s even worse. They probably moved here because they had no money. She’ll probably ask for your help to hire her father into our company. Then they’ll rob from us just like that sneaky girl’s father Taehyung introduced to us when he was young. All these Jeju women are the same asking for favors without knowing their place.” Mrs. Kim said as she sipped her wine as Nanny Fei left the dining hall.

“Honey!” Mr. Kim warned towards his wife as Mrs. Kim looked at him not knowing what she had said for him to yell at her.

“Was what I said false? I’m just clearly warning Taewon of what can happen if he isn’t careful. We don’t need another incident to happen like what we went through with Taehyung.” Mrs. Kim said and Mr. Kim slammed his hands on the table.

“I said enough!” Mr. Kim yelled causing Taewon to jump in surprise. He looked from his mother to his father knowing that was his cue to leave.

“I’m going to my room.” Taewon excused himself as he got out of his seat and headed toward his room, but then he stopped. “Hyung was right. We can never be a family.” Taewon turned and faced his mother before sighing. “And Minah isn’t like that, mother. I don’t know what you mean by your comment having to do with hyung, but I’m sure they didn’t rob from us. Hyung is good at choosing friends and girlfriends and so am I. If only father was like us.” Taewon said before bowing and leaving the dining hall as his mother gasped.

“Did you hear what he said!? We should’ve left him studying abroad!” Mrs. Kim said baffled by Taewon’s comment as Mr. Kim rubbed his temples.

“And then what? Leave him in America with Nanny Fei until he turned 18? Are you so surprised he’s lashing out on us? We deserve this for sending him away at such a young age!” Mr. Kim yelled panting heavily after speaking as Mrs. Kim set her silverware down.

“And whose fault is it? If you had never hired that robber into our company in the first place none of this would have happened! Don’t try to blame me from this. I was protecting Taewon from having to suffer from your mistake.” Mrs. Kim lashed back to her husband.

“And what about Taehyung? Have you ever considered him as your son? Why are you only protecting Taewon and not Taehyung?!” Mr. Kim yelled back and Mrs. Kim stood up while looking at her husband.

“Because it’s his fault. If he hadn’t met that girl and convinced you to hire her father we wouldn’t have suffered. That’s why.” Mrs. Kim said as she walked away and Mr. Kim rubbed his face before flinging the plates, glasses and silverware near him angrily.


Taewon sat on his bed trying not to think about anything he had from his parents, but he couldn’t help but start crying. Nanny Fei watched Taewon with pity and approached him. She sat on his bed and hugged him as he cried. She pat his back and waited patiently for him to calm down. Once he was calm again he looked at his nanny.

“Nanny Fei don’t you hate me?” Taewon asked his nanny through teary eyes as Nanny Fei smiled and shook her head.

“Why would I hate you, Taewon?” Nanny Fei asked in an accent. Taewon looked at her once more before wiping his tears.

“Because of what my mother says.” Taewon explained as he looks at his Nanny Fei as she smiled caringly at Taewon.

“Taewon listen carefully. Nothing that your mother says or does will ever make me hate you or Taehyung. I consider both of you like my children. Ever since Madam Kim died I vowed to dedicate my life to protect both you and Taehyung.” Nanny Fei said as she looked at Taewon who smiled happily at her.

“Nanny Fei I love you.” Taewon confessed and Nanny Fei smiled even more upon hearing Taewon’s confession. She hugged him deeply as he hugged her back with equal affection.

“And I love you, Taewon.” Nanny Fei said as she kissed Taewon’s forehead. She held onto him until the phone rang. She parted from Taewon and went to answer the phone.

“Hello, Kim residence. How may I help you?” Nanny Fei greeted as soon as she picked up the line. She was silent for a while before a smile formed on her lips. She faced Taewon with a happy expression.

“Taehyung. How have you been?” Nanny Fei asked and as soon as she did Taewon stood up happily. He hadn’t heard from his brother since he hung up on him yesterday.

“Yes, of course dear. I’ll send the driver right away.” Nanny Fei said before hanging up. Taewon looked at his nanny with a saddened expression. Nanny Fei went to him and smiled happily at him.

“Taewon dear don’t be sad. Taehyung just called to inform me he has just landed on Jeju. I have to send the driver. Would you like to go and see your brother?” Nanny Fei asked even though she knew the answer to her own question.

“Yes! Yes!” Taewon happily cheered as Nanny Fei laughed. She nodded made her way to the door as Taewon followed.


“Wow! This place never gets old!” Jimin happily said as he took in a deep breath of fresh air. He smiled happily as he looked at the scenery before him. Taehyung was on his phone not even paying attention.

“Hyung!” Taehyung’s head shot up upon hearing Taewon’s voice. He looked around and stopped at a small figure running towards him. Taehyung smiled and squatted down to greet his little brother. Taewon hugged his older brother as Taehyung picked up his brother in an embrace.

“Nanny Fei is so weak. I told her not to tell you. I wanted to surprise you.” Taehyung teased as Taewon laughed. Jimin watched the brothers and smiled. He ruffled Taewon’s hair as the little boy frowned slightly.

“Hyung why did you bring, Jimin hyung?” Taewon teased Jimin and Jimin pretended to act hurt. Before he could respond he was interrupted.

“I asked him the same thing the whole plane ride here.” Jungkook said as he came out of the airport with his luggage. Taewon smiled instantly upon seeing him and so did Jungkook. Jungkook lightly pinched his cheek.

“Have you been well, Taewon?” Jungkook asked Taewon as the little boy nodded at Jungkook. Jungkook smiled and Jimin was planning on protesting before he was interrupted once again.

“I understand why you two came along, but why exactly am I here?” A tall lean black haired boy whose facial features looked much like Jimin’s features. Jimin looked at his younger brother and smiled before putting his arm around his shoulders.

“Come on, Jihyun. We haven’t been to Jeju in such a long time. You need to leave Busan every now and then. Besides we’re here to visit a very good friend of ours.” Jimin raised his eyebrows at his younger brother who shrugged his arm away from him. Everyone laughed upon seeing the brother’s quarrel.

“We don’t have any friends in common other than Jungkook, Taehyung hyung, and the other hyungs.” Jihyun said to his older brother as Jimin eyed him carefully waiting for Jihyun to remember.

“Ah and noona.” Jihyun said carefully before stopping and looking at his brother’s face in disbelief. “You didn’t bring me here to visit noona’s grave did you?” Jihyun seemed mortified upon jumping to his own conclusion. Jimin made a face to his brother once he saw Taehyung’s pained expression.

“I’ll explain to you on the way to the hotel.” Jimin said in between his teeth as Jihyun looked at his brother confused. Taewon upon hearing this looked at his hyungs in surprise.

“You aren’t staying with us?” Taewon asked as the four older boys looked at him sadly. Jimin being the oldest he took it upon himself to explain the whole thing to Taewon.

“Taewon. Jihyun and I are actually here to visit a friend of ours. We probably won’t be here for long. Jungkook is staying with us since he has some business here, but he’s leaving soon. Taehyung is staying here longer than us so he’ll be staying with you.” Jimin explained to the younger boy as he looked at him and then at the other three guys before nodding.


“So noona is alive?” Jihyun asked his older brother and Jungkook who both nodded. Jihyun leaned against his chair as he tried to process everything his older brother and friend had just told him. Jimin looked at his younger brother and knew exactly what he felt.

“Jihyun I know this may be hard for you, but we need a favor from you.” Jimin cautiously said as he looked at his younger brother. Jihyun looked at his brother and Jungkook waiting for them to speak.

“You see, Jihyun. Minji is actually here in Jeju. We need a way of approaching her, but if we get close to her she’ll run away again.” Jungkook explained and Jihyun nodded as he watched both guys before him.

“So you want me to approach noona? What if she doesn’t remember me?” Jihyun said sounding afraid of not being remembered by his noona. Jimin smiled at his little brother and shook his head.

“She’ll remember you. It may take her a while but I’m sure she’ll remember you, Jihyun.” Jimin reassured his younger brother as Jungkook nodded. Jihyun looked at both of them before sighing deeply.

“Okay. I’ll do it.” Jihyun said as Jungkook and Jimin both smiled happy that Jihyun had agreed to help them in approaching Crystal. “But I have one condition.” Jihyun suddenly said and both boys stopped and looked at Jihyun. Jihyun seemed embarrassed before he continued speaking.

“I’ll approach noona to help Taehyung hyung, but I’ll do it my way and alone. I don’t want any of you there in case she finds out. We need to gain her trust first before we take action. So until I say so none of you can approach her. If we want this to work it has to be done like this.” Jihyun said and both boys agreed. They knew what Jihyun was saying was both logical and tactful.

“Okay. We’ll let Taehyung know and we’ll do it your way, Jihyun.” Jimin said as Jihyun smiled. Both Jimin and jungkook knew Taehyung wasn’t going to like this plan, but they knew it was the best plan for gaining Crystal’s trust and reuniting her with Taehyung sooner. 

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Chapter 1 updated | 13.11.1


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Vtae84 #1
Chapter 43: Im waiting for the update for so long..and today at last..hehe..yeay..authornim..hope u can update soon..
Chapter 40: Welcome back authornim i'am really happy that you updated again... I've read this story a long time ago and I'm really inlove with it so I hop you can updat more :) :) good luck authornim <3 <3
yeyeyee #3
Chapter 39: I'm still waiting for u author-nim ❤
Chapter 38: I hope tae and crystal get back together jebal
whxliien52 #6
gcbgirl #7
Chapter 37: Update soon
yeyeyee #8
Chapter 37: The story is just so perfect author-nimmmm ❤ it gets more and more interesting by the chapters
Anw, adding Jihyun is no problem author-nim, and doesn't make any confussions ^~^
gcbgirl #9
Chapter 36: Update soon
yeyeyee #10
Chapter 18: Omg! U made me laugh hard as the way Jimin tried to imply those words to Taehyung (*゚⚙͠ ∀ ⚙͠)ノ❣ hahaha