Chapter 33

Let's Play A Love Game

I looked out at the road from the airport entrance. The air was much more fresh and free compared to the air in Seoul. It was a good feeling and I was able to smile for the first time in a really long time. Suddenly I felt someone’s hand hold mine and as I looked at the person’s hand I instantly knew who it was. I looked up and saw Henry looking at me with a serious expression.

“If Jeju makes you feel uncomfortable we can go somewhere else.” He said to me which made me smile more. Henry cared about me. He’s always cared about me and I always took him for granted. Why? He was a much better person than Taehyung. I shouldn’t have neglected him for Taehyung at all. I squeezed his hand softly as he looked at my hand then at me.

“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be then here.” I said to him as he smiled. I looked at the sky as our parents loaded the luggage into the car. I smiled before feeling a knot in my throat as I tried to hold back my tears. “I’m home, father.” I said to myself in a whisper. Henry squeezed my hand and I looked at him. He smiled at me before spoke.

“Let’s go home to greet, uncle.” He said and I could feel my tears pouring out of my eyes. I smiled at him and nodded my head. We walked hand in hand toward the car where our parents waited for us.


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Jimin saw Taehyung sitting on a bench in the park. The same bench he sat in whenever he saw Jungkook and Crystal hugging. He sighed deeply before approaching his best friend. Taehyung heard him coming a few steps before he arrived in front of him. He looked up at his best friend and Jimin could see the pain he was going through. His friend was broken once again.

“Tae-” He began before Taehyung shook his head and looked at the ground. Jimin knew what those actions meant. Something was wrong and Taehyung was deeply hurt.

“Crystal’s been discharged.” He simply said through a groggy voice which made Jimin frown in confusion. What was so bad about Crystal being discharged? Wasn’t that a good thing? Or did they never solve the problem at hand? Jimin wondered to himself before Taehyung continued.

“She left the hospital before I got there and I don’t know where she went.” He finished and Jimin’s back sent chills all over his body. Everything felt like déjà vu to him. The same thing happened to Taehyung’s mother a couple of years ago, but he couldn’t let his mind wonder back to the past. His friend was in pain once more.

“Have you tried looking for her?” Jimin asked knowing how stupid his question was. Of course his best friend would have looked to the ends of the world had it not been for his father and step mother stopping him. Taehyung simply nodded his head and Jimin sighed.

“That guy is gone too.” Taehyung said which made Jimin look at him in shock. Henry? That guy was gone too? Could it be possible they left together? He looked at his best friend and knew he was thinking the same thing.

“Tae-” Jimin tried again to speak but Taehyung cut him off again.

“They’re together. I know they are. They both shared the same memories and know each other well enough to help each other. I never knew Crystal’s past nor tried to help her. I only hid it from her thinking it would help instead of talking to her. I was afraid she’d hate me if she knew her father died because of me. I was afraid she’d avoid me and go to that guy.” He sighed deeply before getting up from the bench. “In the end it didn’t even matter. She hates me, she’s with him and she’s gone. I have no idea where to find her, but I bet if Henry were in my place he’d know where to look.” Taehyung said as he looked at me.

“Thank you for coming here. I just needed someone to say this to. I’m sorry you had to come here at the middle of the night. You can go now. I’m just going home.” He said to Jimin before leaving him there seated. Jimin sighed once more defeated. The world was playing a cruel joke with him and Taehyung. He was once again going through the same thing he went through with his mother and Jimin was a witness to his suffering.

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We arrived at our house and I looked around the living room. Everything was the same. Nothing had changed. It felt as if time had stood still. I smiled to myself as I looked around. Henry had taken my luggage and set it into my old room. My mother stood beside me and hugged me sideways. I looked up at her as she smiled at me.

“It feels like all those years hadn’t even passed at all.” She said as I nodded. Kimmy came to us holding a frame.

“I found daddy.” Kimmy said as she showed us the photo frame of mother, me and father. My smile faded as I looked at the picture. I grabbed the frame and studied the picture. Before my dad lashed out on my mother and before he died we took this picture. I smiled weakly as a tear escaped my eye. My mother squeezed my shoulder and I looked up at her. Her eyes were teary but she tried her best to keep it in. I wiped my tear and smiled. I looked at Kimmy and squatted to look at her.

“Kimmy. I have videos of daddy. Would you like to see them with me?” I asked her knowing she’s always wanted to hear my father’s voice. Kimmy smiled brightly at me and nodded her small head.

“I want to hear daddy’s voice.” She said excitedly and we all laughed. Henry came to us with his parents. They were staying with us here in our home since we saw no reason for them to go elsewhere when he had extra rooms here. I stood up and walked into my room. I grabbed a box from a hidden safe hidden on the far back corner of my closet. No one knew of this place but me and father. He had built it for me since I was scared of anyone taking the recordings. I opened the safe with the code 12-30-95. I never knew why my father put that code. The numbers seemed fairly identical to a birthdate but I didn’t know anyone with that date of birth. I shook the thoughts away and grabbed the recordings. I closed my safe and made my way to the living room. Everyone was seated and looking at me as I put the recording in the VCR. I sat down next to Henry who smiled at me. I pressed play and we watched as the view of the beach outside appeared on the screen.

“How do you work this thing?” We could hear my father’s voice as he moved the recorder all over the place poorly. We all laughed as he finally focused on my mother.

“Have you ever seen a more beautiful and radiant woman before?” He asked as my mother pushed the recording to the side. We heard my father’s laugh as we smiled. Then it focused on me while I was inventively building a sand castle.

“What is my princess doing here by herself?” He asked as he focused on my face. A younger me looked up at him and smiled at him.

“Appa. I’m trying to build a sand castle so when my baby sister is born we can build them together but it keeps falling.” The younger me said as I looked at the sand.

“Why don’t you teach her honey?” My mother’s voice said from somewhere behind the recorder. The recorder shifted a bit before my father appeared. He helped me build a sand castle and we laughed the whole time. My mother laughed as well from behind the camera. Suddenly my dad grabbed the recorder and looked into the lens.

“I can’t wait to see you my precious baby. Your mother, big sister and I are excited to see you.” He said which made me cry. Henry hugged me and I cried softly in his arms. My missed my father deeply. I missed his voice. His laugh. His hugs. More importantly I missed him being here. Had he been here would things have been different?

“It’s okay, Crystal. Everything will be okay. I will protect you from now on.” Henry said to me as I continued to cry. Everything was falling apart again and I refused to let it worse. Even if it meant losing the first person I ever liked. Even if it meant losing Taehyung. I’d rather lose him than my family, but them why did my heart yearn for him. Why was he still on my mind all the time even though I hated him?

              •                                                                       •                                                                               •

I was lying on my bed staring at the ceiling. How did everything turn this way? How was it possible that Crystal was Min? I sighed as I remembered that Crystal’s real name was Minji. I heard a knock on my door and rolled my eyes. I knew it was one of the maids who for the eighth time today have come to tell me the food was ready. I had already told them I refused to eat and yet they still came back. The door opened and then closed.

“Hyung? Are you asleep?” My expression softened as I sighed softly. It was my little brother, Taewon. I sat up and looked at him. I smiled softly as I saw his smile.

“You’re back from studying abroad?” I asked him already knowing the answer. I had seen him briefly as I had ran after Crystal. He nodded at me and sat beside me on my bed.

“Hyung. Dad is planning a family trip to Jeju. You are coming right?” He asked me and my smile faded. A family trip was the last thing I needed right now with everything going on. I looked at my brother’s hopeful eyes.

“I’m sorry, Taewon, but I have unfinished business here. I can’t just leave without finishing things here.” I tried to explain to him. He looked at me disappointed and of course I could sense his disappointment. Even then I couldn’t go. I had to find Crystal and clear everything up with her first.

“Can’t it wait for a week?” He asked me and I shook my head. Taewon slumped his shoulders downward as he nodded. “I understand.” He said which made me feel guilty. My little brother was back from his trip and wanted to spend time with me and I was neglecting him. None the less I had to find Crystal.

“Hey.” I said hoping to cheer him up. Taewon looked at me for a while. “I promise I’ll go over there at least for a day so we can play together okay?” I said as I watched my brother’s expression light up. He smiled at me happily which made me smile too.

“Okay!” He said happily as he got up. He made his way to the door and then stopped suddenly. I looked at him as we turned around to face me.

“Hyung?” He called out to me. I looked at him waiting for him to continue. “Who was the girl who was crying earlier? Crystal? That’s what you called her right?” He asked and I tensed up. I wasn’t expecting him to ask me that. I looked at him and sighed.

“A friend. A very special friend to me.” I said plainly feeling even guiltier for everything I’ve done to her.

“Your girlfriend?” He asked me. I froze as I looked at him surprised. I sighed once more. Girlfriend wasn’t the exact word I’d use since she hated me. But before this we were a couple even if it was for the Love Game it still counted. I nodded towards Taewon.

‘Yeah my girlfriend.” I said as Taewon smiled at me.

“She’s pretty but tell her she shouldn’t cry so much. She’s prettier when she isn’t crying so much.” He said which made me smile despite feeling a ping of pain from the reminder of her crying earlier. “Invite her to dinner so I can meet her.” He said which made me laugh. Taewon smiled at me before leaving my room. If only he knew that she’d never come anywhere near this house because of me. Sadly for Taewon he’d never be able to meet her and I was also looking forward to introducing her to my little brother. How nice would it be to have Crystal and Kimmy meet my brother. Then all of us having fun together laughing all the time. I laughed bitterly. Of course that would never happen. Crystal hates me and probably never wants to see me ever again. Can I blame her? I’m the reason her father died in the first place.

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My family and I were in Jeju. My father thought it would be a good idea to forget about Min, but that was impossible. I missed her so much. I didn’t want to be here. I wanted to find Min. I was walking on the beach kicking the sand angrily and annoyed. I looked up and sighed at how I wished I saw Min here. As I looked around the beach a familiar figure appeared before me.

“Mr. Lee?” I said as I watched a lean man walking fast towards a beach house on the beach. My face brightened at the sight of this man. If Mr. Lee was here then so was Crystal. I quickly ran towards him when I was stopped by my step mother.

“Where are you going?” She asked me annoyed. I looked at her fearful of what she might do to me.

“I was following Mr. Lee.” I said as she laughed at me.

“Mr. Lee? He’s not here.” She said as if I was a dumb boy who was delusional.

“Yes he is.” I said defensively. She glared at me as I backed up.

“Oh yeah? Where?” She said as I pointed at the beach house he went into. She looked up and her expression became evil. She smiled a hideous smile and looked at me. “I guess we’ll have to pay him a visit.” She said before my father’s words interrupted us.

“It’s late! Let’s go home.” He said and we both nodded. My step mother looked at me before speaking.

“Not a word of this to your father. If you really want to see Mr. Lee we’ll have to keep this a secret from your father.” Not sure why I had to keep it a secret from my father I obeyed my step mother and nodded.


The next day I woke up early and made my way to the beach. We owned a beach house too which was a few yards from Min’s beach house. I was so happy with the coincidence that I sneaked out by myself to meet Min. As I approached the entrance I noticed the door was opened.

“Mr. Lee?” I called out as I got closer to the door. There was no answer. I opened the door wider and walked inside the beach house. Once I was inside I saw the house was a mess. Almost as if someone came in and trashed their house. I walked in and went from room to room searching for Mr. Lee. I saw something red on the floor leading to a bedroom. I slowly walked towards the door shaking not knowing what was going on.

“Mr. Lee?” I called out once more. No one answered me. I opened the door and saw no one. I sighed relieved as I entered the room. Everything was thrown everywhere. I saw a note on the table and read it.

“I’m sorry for what I’ve done. I can’t live on this way.” I read as I felt child running down my back. I stumbled to walk out of the beach house. A suicide note? No, it can’t be. I ran out of the house not knowing where I was going. I somehow ended up on a street that was near the beach. I looked around me unfamiliar with my surroundings. As I was looking around I saw Mr. Lee. He was looking around nervously. He spotted me and his eyes became afraid. As I tried approaching him he shook his head.

“No, Taehyung. You have to stay away. You can’t come near us anymore.” He said to me and I was confused. I couldn’t come near them? Why? I took another step towards him as he backed away.

“You can’t. They’re not safe. Not yet, Taehyung. Please go back.” He said and I became even more confused. He looked around and noticed the sign showed a green person indicating it was safe to cross. He ran through the streets and I instinctively followed him. Suddenly I heard a car honk and I stopped running. I saw a car approaching me and I froze up. I closed my eyes out of fear and then heard someone scream my name. I felt a pair of arms embrace me as something with a lot of force pushed us away. That was the last thing I remembered before falling into unconsciousness.

Hello readers~

I'm back from a much waited and anticipated update. I know many of you have been waiting for my update from my long hiatus and I deeply apologize. My grandmother's health is once again restored and I'm thankful for your support and patience. I am currently in my break so I will try my best to update more for you guys. I will be posting another update tomorrow so please anticipate the upcoming chapter. I will be trying my absolute best to continue the daily updates but please understand if they are late. I recently got a job and it takes up most of my time but I am still committed to this story. I will be leaving for a family vacation on the 24th so there may not be an update on that date but I'll try my best to provide an update on Christmas. I'm anxious to hear what you guys think of this chapter. Is it confusing? Is the plot revealing too fast and sudden? Is it bragging out too much? Let me know. Your guys input is what makes this story yours. Also, I'm currently debated whether this story should have an ending or have a cliff hanger and write a sequel with new issues and then have an ending. Also, should I get another cover for this story or is the current one okay? It's been bothering me lately for some reason. Let me know what you guys think. I'm all ears and eyes for your opinions. Thank you for the waiting and patience. I will see you all in my next update.

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Chapter 1 updated | 13.11.1


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Vtae84 #1
Chapter 43: Im waiting for the update for so long..and today at last..hehe..yeay..authornim..hope u can update soon..
Chapter 40: Welcome back authornim i'am really happy that you updated again... I've read this story a long time ago and I'm really inlove with it so I hop you can updat more :) :) good luck authornim <3 <3
yeyeyee #3
Chapter 39: I'm still waiting for u author-nim ❤
Chapter 38: I hope tae and crystal get back together jebal
whxliien52 #6
gcbgirl #7
Chapter 37: Update soon
yeyeyee #8
Chapter 37: The story is just so perfect author-nimmmm ❤ it gets more and more interesting by the chapters
Anw, adding Jihyun is no problem author-nim, and doesn't make any confussions ^~^
gcbgirl #9
Chapter 36: Update soon
yeyeyee #10
Chapter 18: Omg! U made me laugh hard as the way Jimin tried to imply those words to Taehyung (*゚⚙͠ ∀ ⚙͠)ノ❣ hahaha