Chapter 4

Let's Play A Love Game

I stood in front of my house trying to catch my breath. Who does Taehyung think he is? That jerk suddenly showing up and butting into people's business. I shook my thoughts away and entered my house. Once I entered I saw my mother helping Kimmy put on her jacket.

"Cryssie!" Kimmy happily shouted and escaped my mother's grasp. She ran in my direction and embraced my legs tightly. That's right. There was also Kimmy I had to worry about. She and mother are the whole reason I was working so hard. I lifted Kimmy into my arms and carried her as she hugged my neck. She kissed my cheek and I instantly smiled.

"Crystal thank goodness you're alright." My mother came to my side and hugged me. Surprised and confused I hugged my mother back.

"What's wrong mom?" My mom let go of me and touched my cheek. She didn't speak for a while almost debating whether to tell me or not. She finally shook her head and smiled at me.

"Henry called. He wanted to know if you got home safely. I was afraid something happened to you so Kimmy and I were going to go look for you, but then you came home." My mother smiled at me once again, but I could see the sadness and fear in her eyes. I made my mother and Kimmy worry so much. I immediately hugged my mother again with Kimmy still in my arms.

"I'm sorry mom. I promise I'll never make you worry like I did today ever again." I felt my mother my hair and Kimmy hugged me tightier. That's right. I have to protect my mother and little sister. Even if it means playing the Love Game. That's the only reason I agreed to play this stupid game anyway.

                                                                              •                          •                       •

My mother and Kimmy were eating dinner happily at the table while I did my homework in the living room. I looked over at them and smiled. I looked at the two empty seats and smiled sadly. If dad had been here he would be sitting next to mom right now eating his favorite dish. Kimmy would sit in front of dad just to and I would be sitting in front of mom laughing at dad. That's how it was suppose to be, but that's not how it turned out. I shook my head and went back to doing my homework. Tonight I will go to bed hungry and wake up with an empty stomach. I won't have breakfast either so mom and Kimmy can eat.

"Crystal dear are you sure you don't want to eat?" I looked at my mother who hardly touched her food. I smiled sweetly at her. That's mom. she won't eat because she's so worried about me or Kimmy going hungry.

"No thank you mom. I'm not hungry at all." Lie. I was starving, but I couldn't tell her that. Kimmy and me never complained about being hungry. Complaining wasn't going to change our current position. My mother's face saddened again as she looked at me.

"Crystal you're so skinny. You'll make yourself sick." That's right mom was sick. I get paid in all my jobs tomorrow. I'll have to pay the rent, lighting, water, buy groceries and hopefully have enough left over to buy my mother her medicine she needs. More importantly how will I be able to win the Love Game? I need that money in order to help my mother, but how will I win?

"Crystal?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at my mother who looked worried. I smiled and cleaned the table. Idiot you zoned out and made mom worry again. I looked at her again and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry about me. I won't get sick any time soon. Go ahead and eat. I'm heading to bed." I packed all my things and headed up stairs. Get it together Crystal.

                                                                              •                          •                       •

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and laid in bed for a few seconds before getting up. I turned the alarm off and stretched. I got ready and headed downstairs. My mother and Kimmy were already seated in the table waiting for me. I walked over to them and smiled.

"Good morning." I went toward Kimmy and bent down to give her a kiss on the cheek. She giggled and gave me a kiss on the cheek also. Then I went over to my mom and gave her a kiss on the cheek. My mother returned the kiss and smiled at me.

"Good morning dear. Sit so we can all eat." I looked at the breakfast my mother made. It looked delicious, but it wasn't enough for all three of us. If it were only two people than it would be enough to keep them full until lunch time.

"I actually have to go to school early today. You and Kimmy should eat. I'll eat breakfast at school." I smiled at my mother and kissed her forehead. I'm sorry for lying to you mom. I kissed Kimmy on the head before leaving the house. Once I was outside the house I touched my stomach. It rumbled and I sighed. Another day without breakfast. I shook my head and walked to school.

                                                                              •                          •                       •

I walked into my classroom and sat in my seat. Because I lied to my mom I came to school so early that no one else was here. I sighed and put my head down onto my desk. I could hear my stomach grumbling and I closed my eyes. Maybe I could sleep for a while before someone else comes. I slowly drifted into sleep.

"Crystal. Hello earth to Crystal. Wake up." I slowly opened my eyes and saw Bomi standign in front of me. I instantly jumped up and blinked a few times to make sure I wasn't dreaming. How long was I out? I looked around the classroom and saw that it was mostly full already. Then I noticed a small drink and a bun on my desk. Wait that's not mine. Is it Bomi's?

"Say Bomi is this yours?" I looked at Bomi as I pointed to the drink and bun. Bomi looked at it and shook her head.

"I thought it was yours. When I came in it was already on your desk. I asked the others, but they also said it was there when they came in." I looked at the drink and bun again. This wasn't mine that's for sure.

"OH MY GOSH! Don't tell me someone saw you here sleeping and put it here for you! How romantic! I can see it now! A charming boy walking down the hall to his classroom with his breakfast in hand when he suddenly sees a girl sleeping in an empty classroom alone. Since he's a caring and nice guy he didn't want you to wake up hungry since you came early he must have fiqured you didn't have breakfast. Then he sets his own hunger aside for you, Crystal!" Bomi squealed as she came onto her own conclusion. I stared at the food again and lifted the bun when suddenly a sticky note fell onto my desk. I picked it up and read it while Bomi was in her own fantasy.

You shouldn't be in school with an empty stomach. Eat or else you'll get sick.

I stared at the sticky note for a long time. Someone did see me and left me this, but who? Then suddenly the door opened and I turned around to see who it was. Henry came into the classroom and we immediately made eye contact. I turned away and looked at the food.

"Henry you're late today." Bomi went over to Henry's desk and I uncomfortably sat in my seat. I stared at the food and finally decided to open the bun. It was left for me right? So I didn't have anythign to worry about. I began eating trying to avoid looking at Henry who I was sure would be even more mad at me for running away from him.

"Crystal!? Where's your boyfriend, Taehyung?! I havent's seen him all morning that's strange isn't it?" I nearly choked on the bun and began coughing. What was wrong with Bomi? Why did she have to say that so loud?

"Crystal!" I heard Henry's voice and immediately dranked the drink that was on my desk. I took a few big gulps and tried to regain my breath. Henry and Bomi had both stood up and looked over at me.

"I'm fine. I don't know anything about him so I can't answer your question Bomi." I looked at my desk and felt even more uncomfortable. Who cares about him anyway? All he ever does is bring bad luck to people. Either way right now I have to focus on how to apologize to Henry and how to win this stupid game and end it once and for all.

                                                                              •                          •                       •

I was walking down the hallway to head to the bathroom since I couldn't stand being in the classroom any longer. I still haven't found the correct words and actions to apologize properly to Henry. It did hurt that he'd yell at me for something that I thought was nothing, but to Henry I betrayed him and seeked Taehyung's help. I was at fault here so I should apologize first. Just as I was thinking this a group of girls pushed past me and ran ahead to crowd somone.

"Hurry! Taehyung is coming this way!" I froze on my tracks as I heard the two girls run past me to the crowd of other girls ahead. As the group came my way the group of girls left a gap for Taehyung to keep walking. He was alone with the crowd of girls and he looked tired for some strange reason. He looked up and made eye contact with me just a few feet away. Great. Now he's going to make a scene and all those girls are going to hate me. Why does he insist to ruin my day like this? Fully prepared for his comments I brace myself for the worst. However to my surprise Taehyung ends up walking past me as if he never saw me in the first place. Wait what?! I turned around to see him walking away with the group of girls he was with. He didn't do anything. That's strange. Just like Bomi said. Was he sick? He did look tired. Then again he was out late last night. Maybe he caught a cold or stayed up late. I stood there and watched as he left. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I immeddiately turned around and saw Taehyung's friends smiling at me.

"Worried about Taehyung Crystal?" I looked at Hoseok who still had his hand on my shoulder. He was the one with the brightest smile compared to the rest. I stared at him for a while not sure what they were up to and then looked at the rest. I finally backed away causing Hoseok's hand to fall back to his side. Hoseok's expression saddened a bit, but then realizing that his hand had been on my shoulder his smile returned.

"Why would I worry about Taehyung? He seems fine to me." I avoided eye contact with all of them feeling a bit guilty for lying. Well maybe I was a little worried about him. I mean I'd worry for anyone. I may not like a person, but I don't wish for them to be in pain either.

"Because he's your boyfriend." I looked up at Jimin's comment. Of course he would be on Taehyung's side. They were the same age and he better than anybody would understand his stupid reasoning. That irrated me the most that these so called friends didn't once try to stop Taehyung from his twisted game. Instead they'd watch from the classroom window with Taehyung as all the girls made their confessions to their class embarressed. They'd laugh with Taehyung as the girl cried in embaressment once they realized Taehyung had played them all along.

"It's not like we're actually dating. This is his stupid game." I couldn't help, but sound harsh as my words came out. Who were they to judge me? They were 10 no 100 times as bad as Taehyung himself. Who cares about Taehyung anyway.

"I'm sure you've noticed that Taehyung hasn't been himself today. Since the morning he's been acting strange. First, he came to school way too early without us. Then, once we get here early he says he needs time to think alone and takes his breakfast with him. Once he came back he was empty handed and when we asked him if he enjoyed his breakfast he tells us he gave it to a hungry sleeping puppy he saw. Not only that, but he's isolating himself from us all day. You can't tell us you don't care, Crystal." I looked at Namjoon who looked sincerely worried about Taehyung and sad. I frowned slightly as I looked at them. What was going on with Taehyung? Not only was he avoiding me, but also his closest friends? I shook these thoughts away and took another step away from them. Idiot, they're only trying to trick you don't you see? They must have planned this out the day before. For what reason would Taehyung be avoiding his friends? That's not right. They're trying to trick me. They set this trap out for me and they almost had me, but I won't let Taehyung win. Never.

"My only job is to win the Love Game not to to worry about Taehyung. Taehyung's strangeness has nothing to do with me." When I finished saying what I had to I ran away. Crystal you have to remain strong and push through. You can't let Taehyung and his friends win.

                                                                              •                          •                       •

I sighed deeply as I stared at my notebook. Was I too harsh? Maybe I shouldn't have said that to Taehyung's friends. No Crystal you did the right thing. Don't let something like this bother you. I nodded to myself trying to convince myself I did the right thing. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around. Henry stood there looking at me with a weak smile. I returned the weak smile and then feeling embarressed I looked down.

"Crystal can I talk to you?" My heart started racing and I suddenly got really nervous. I looked at my hands and nodded. Afraid that my voice would have cracked I didn't dare talk or look at Henry. After a few moments of silence I decided to talk first. Ok Crystal this is your chance to apologize to Henry. He's obviously waiting for you to apologize first that's why he hasn't spoken yet. You can do this. Just say those two words, I'm sorry. I took a deep breath and looked at Henry.

"I'm sorry!" Henry and I blinked several times as we both spoke simultaneously. We laughed and suddenly the tension was released. We smiled at each other geniunely and Henry pulled a chair to sit next to me.

"I really am sorry Crystal. I shouldn't have lashed out on you like that yesterday. I'm also sorry for making you cry like I did. I felt really bad and I'll never do it again I promise." Henry grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly. I smiled and shook my head at him.

"No I'm sorry Henry. I should have considered your feelings when I decided to go along with Taehyung's stupid game. I should have come to you first despite everything you're special to me." Henry smiled at me and for a long time we stayed that way. Then we noticed everyone looking at us and whispering. We quickly seperated embarressed and then laughed at each other.

                                                                              •                          •                       •

I was on my way to lunch to meet up with my friends especially now that Henry and me made up. I smiled as I stretched. Then I heard people running in my direction and as I turned around they knocked me down. I rubbed my arms while I was on the ground and watched the crowd run away. What was the rush? Lunch could not possibly be that exciting right? I got up and dusted myself off as another group came my direction. I quickly moved out of the way as they passed me. I sighed relieved and watched them leave.

"Hurry up guys! Taehyung is fighting!" I froze as I heard them. What? Taehyung was fighting?! I quickly ran after the crowd of people who were heading to Taehyung. What was wrong with him? First, he acts strange all day and now he's fighting? He seriously loves all the attention doesn't he? I turned the corner and headed to the garden where the crowd was. I tried to regain my breath as I approached the crowd.

"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" I came near the crowd, but wasn't able to see the people. I stood on my tippy toes and saw a glimpse of SongJung from my class. What was he doing here? I tried to look at the other person and sure enough it was Taehyung. That idiot. Making a scene like this. What was he trying to prove? He's so reckless. I tried to get closer, but the crowd kept pushing me back. Then I heard screams and I knew they had already started punching at each other. I tried again to push past them, but once again they pushed me back out. I got frustrated and angry that I pulled people back without a care. I eventually made it to the center and saw how SongJung punched Taehyung across the face. Baffled I stared at Taehyung who wiped the blood out of his lip and charged at SongJung. Without thinking I jumped in front of Taehyung and spread my arms out. Taehyung surprised stopped and looked at me.

"What do you two think you're doing?! We're on school grounds and your pointless fighting is just childish!" I glared at Taehyung as he looked at me with his eyes widened. I looked at his hands as he unfolded his fists. I made it just in time. If I came later who knows how bad things could have ended. I dropped my arms to my side and sighed. Then I heard somone laugh.

"Speak of the devil. Maybe she brought her secret lovers as well." I turned to face SongJung who had a smirk on his face. What did he mean by that? Secret lovers? Was he talking about me?

"If you can't keep your mouth shut I'll happily shut it for you!" I turned back to Taehyung and stopped him as he clenched his hands into a fist. Taehyung glared past me to SongJung. What on earths was going on here? I obviously can't stop SongJung but I could stop Taehyung.

"What is wrong with you?! First you act like a lone wolf and now you're trying to look tough by picking fights! You're always so childish and foolish! Can't you once use your brain instead of your stupid mouth! What are you trying to prove!' Ugh! I yelled that last part too loud now my throat hurts. I looked at Taehyung who was now glaring at me. He harshly jerked his hand away causing me to lose grip with his arm. What was with him?

"What do you know anyway?" Taehyung's voice sounded harsh and hoarse. He glared at SongJung and walked away. The crowd slowly dispersed leaving me alone with SongJung.

"Such a weak bas-" I instantly turned around and clenched my hand into a fist. My punch came into contact hard and unexpected with SongJung's nose. I was actually aiming for his cheek, but I guess that will have to do.

"That was for Taehyung. And this is from me." I instantly released my fist and slapped SongJung across the face. I felt a sharp pain in my hand as it made contact with SongJung's face. I flinched a little, but shook it off.

"I don't know why you and Taehyung fought and I honestly don't care. But the second I get knocked to the floor because stupid people want to see you two fight that's when I have to interfere got it?" I turned my back to SongJung and held onto my hand as I walked away. Stupid Taehyung. Stupid SongJung. No body hits Taehyung, but me. That idiot's going to pay for getting me knocked down and causing me to get hurt for avenging him. Knowing him he'd say "Who asked you to avenge me?" or "I could have done it myself if you hadn't stopped us." That idiot.

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Chapter 1 updated | 13.11.1


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Vtae84 #1
Chapter 43: Im waiting for the update for so long..and today at last..hehe..yeay..authornim..hope u can update soon..
Chapter 40: Welcome back authornim i'am really happy that you updated again... I've read this story a long time ago and I'm really inlove with it so I hop you can updat more :) :) good luck authornim <3 <3
yeyeyee #3
Chapter 39: I'm still waiting for u author-nim ❤
Chapter 38: I hope tae and crystal get back together jebal
whxliien52 #6
gcbgirl #7
Chapter 37: Update soon
yeyeyee #8
Chapter 37: The story is just so perfect author-nimmmm ❤ it gets more and more interesting by the chapters
Anw, adding Jihyun is no problem author-nim, and doesn't make any confussions ^~^
gcbgirl #9
Chapter 36: Update soon
yeyeyee #10
Chapter 18: Omg! U made me laugh hard as the way Jimin tried to imply those words to Taehyung (*゚⚙͠ ∀ ⚙͠)ノ❣ hahaha