Chapter 43

Let's Play A Love Game

I was walking in the dark streets carrying bags of snacks for the guys. I stopped and admired the snowflakes that were still falling since this afternoon. I smiled slightly as I faced foward again to continue walking when I stopped once again. I stood at a intersection as the walking meter read it was safe to walk. I took a step forward when I suddenly got dizzy. I blinked a couple of times and then I saw a man in front of me. Crystal's father.
"No, Taehyung. They're not safe, Not yet, Taehyung. Please go back." Crystal's father shook his head at me as he pleaded for me to stop. He looked around nervously and then he looked at the walking meter. He quickly ran towards the crossing path and my feet followed him. Suddenly I hear a car honkng at me. I turn around and stare right at the head lights.
"TAEHYUNG!" I turn and look at Crystal's father as he's running towards me. My eyes begin to water as I shake my head.
"No...don't come ... DON'T COME NEAR ME!" I yell at Crystal's father and next thing I know the car goes around me, but there laying on the floor inches away from me is Crystal's father. He's on the floor, bleeding. He looks up at me.
" have to can't die, Taehyung....Cryssie needs have to live for Cryssie.." Crystal's father said as he fell unconsious. I looked at him as I fell to my knees, dropping the bag of snacks.
"I'm the reason...Mr. Lee died...I killed him." Taehyung mumbled as he looked around him with teary eyes.


"Hyung is taking a long time." Jungkook said as he looked at the clock. Jimin and Jihyun looked at the clock as well, but decided it wasn't a big deal.
"He probably needs time alone to think. This hasn't exactly been the easiest thing for him." Jimin reassured the younger boys as he began looking for a movie to watch. Jimin looked up at the clock and sighed worringly.
"Where are you?" He mumbled to himself as he continued choosing a movie.


I walked to the beach and sat on the sand. Coming to the realization that the reason Crystal lost her father was more of my own fault than it was of my step mother's. I looked out to the sea and couldn't help, but wonder what life would've been like if they never met. Crystal, Taewon and his friends were my soul source of happiness, but at the same time I was Crystal's soul source of pain. I sighed deeply before looking down at the sand.
"Do I even have the right to protect her anymore?" I mumblede to myself as I kicked the sand around me.
"I would hope you would continue to protect her despite what you knew." A familiar voice said from behind me and I turned around to see Henry.
"Henry? What are you doing here?" Henry sat down next to me and sighed deeply.
"I knew the second you found out where we were you would be here too. I saw you and Crystal together earlier. Originally I was going to separate you two, but I think that ended up hurting her more. I couldn't leave her in Seoul, but I knew I couldn't keep her from you either." Henry confessed as he looked at the ocean and then at me.
"How much do you know?" I asked Henry and he thought about it for a while before responding.
"More than you and Crystal know." He simply replied and I looked at him utterly confused.
"How?" I replied back and Henry smiled at himself before looking up at the stars.
"Crystal's father entrusted a mission to my family and I. When he sent his family back to Seoul, he called us to protect them. Which we did, but he also told us that we needed to find out the truth. He said he couldn't tell us because then Crystal would be in danger and he couldn't do that..neither could we. Long story short, I know everything that happened to Crystal's family and how your family is involved." Henry confessed and I just looked at him baffled and confused.
"Why didn't you say anything?" I bluntly asked him as I started feeling angry at the fact that he knew everything when Crystal and I didn't.
"Because then you would've gotten closer to her and that would only put her in more danger. I never expected that she would join in your game or fall for you." Henry confessed and I sat there speechless.
"But had I known I wouldn't have made her play. Then she wouldn't have-" I started to explain, but Henry cut me off.
"But you knowing Crystal was Min you would've still approached her. You would've tried to become her friend and she would've still fallen in love with you." Henry said the words he never wished to say outloud. I looked at Henry before saying what was on my mind.
"Why are you telling me this? I thought you hated me?" I said and Henry nodded agreeing my assumption was true,
"I don't like you, but not because of all of this. I don't like you for what you used to do to those girls at school, but I feel partially responsible. Despite that I know you are the only one who can help Crystal. Also after your talk with her earlier she's been really distant. She left her room for a moment to go throw up in the bathroom and her room was a mess. She was pale and she looked like she was crying, but worse than that she had a look on her face like she was determined about something, but also like she had given up. I'm afraid she will do something that will put her in danger. So whatever you are beating yourself over, I'm just letting you know that you weren't the cause of his death." Henry confessed before he stood up and walked away. I looked at him surprised and stood up too.
"How do you know!?" I managed to scream out before I lost sight of him.
"Because he always held your gift close to his heart!" Henry yelled back before disappearing before me. I stood there for a long time.
"My gift close to his heart?" I said to myself as I frowned.


"Taehyung! Are you ready!? We're going to be late for Mr. Lee's birthday dinner!" I hummed to myself despite the fact that my father was yelling at me to hurry. I grabbed Mr. Kim's present and placed it init's box. I admired the box and smiled to myself as I left my room.
"Taehyung what took you so long?" My father asked me. I looked at him and smiled.
"It's a surprise." I smiled as I looked at my father. My father smiled at me and ruffled my hair.
"Let's go." My father said and we all went into the car and headed to the restuarant,

We arrived to the restuarant just as Mr. Lee was approaching. We walked in together and when we entered everyone from the company shouted, "Happy birthday Mr. Lee!" Mr. Lee smiled and thanked everyone. Minji looked at me and smiled too which made me smile. We all sat down and ae our dinner. The whole time I kept patting my pocket to make sure my present for Mr. Lee was still there.
"What's that hyung?" I looked at Minji and smiled. I looked around and made sure no one was looking before aking it out.
"It's your father's gift." I explained as Minji looked at it in awe. She turned at me and smiled.
"He's going to love it." Minji reassured me. I smiled even more and we continued to eat. Once we were done everyone began talking to Mr. Lee, when someone walked into the restuarant. We all turned around and saw a lady walk in. I recognised the lady as the same lady my father was hugging when my mother got ill. I frowned as I looked at the lady approach Mr. Lee and my father.
"Happy birthday, Mr. Lee." The lady said as Mr. Lee looked at her surprised.
"Oh-uh thank you. I wasn't expecting you here." Mr. Lee explained and the and the lady smiled.
"Mr. Kim invited me." The lady informed everyone and the room grew silent. I frowned as my father nodded to her statement. I walked out of the restuarant as Minji looked over at me.
"Hyung!" Minji called after me before she attempted to follow me. Her mother stopped her and Mr. Lee followed me instead. For a long time, he simply walked behind me before appraoching me when we were at the park.

"Taehyung. What's wrong?" Mr. Lee asked as we sat down at a bench at the park.
"I don't like that woman." I bluntly responded nad Mr. Lee smiled.
"Should I tell you a secret, Taehyung?" Mr . Lee tempted me and I looked at him equally interested.
"What secret?" I asked him wondering if he really had a secret or whether he was just trying to get me to speak.
"I don't like her very much either." Mr. Lee confessed and I looked at him surprised.
"Then why don't you tell father to leave her?" I asked as Mr. Lee looked at me saddened.
"Because I have no right to do so. Yes we are friends, but I can't control who he sees. He's free to chose who he wants to see. You may not understand it now, but one day you will meet someone you desperately want to see and no one wants you to be with her." Mr. Lee explained and I looked at him confused before finally nodding. We both stood up and my present fell to the floor. Mr. Lee picked it up.
"What's this?" Mr. Lee asked and I finally realized I never handed him his gift.
"It's a present I got for your birthday. I hope you like it." I said as Mr. Lee opens the box revealing a pen, engraved with his name on it and a flashdrive.
"I love it, Taehyung. Thank you, but what's the flashdrive for?" Mr. Lee asked me and I happily grabbed the pen to show him.
"This pen isn't an ordinary pen. It has a hidden microphone and camera attached. You can record important information on here. Everything you record will be sent to this flashdrive. Once you connect the flashdrive to your phone all your files will be there." I happily explained and Mr. Lee seemed both impressed and happy about his gift. We spent the next few minutes discussing how it worked before headig home.

________________________________________________Flashback ends____________________________________________

"The pen. Mr. Lee had the pen with him the whole time." I mumbled to myelf as I sat there speechless

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Chapter 1 updated | 13.11.1


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Vtae84 #1
Chapter 43: Im waiting for the update for so long..and today at last..hehe..yeay..authornim..hope u can update soon..
Chapter 40: Welcome back authornim i'am really happy that you updated again... I've read this story a long time ago and I'm really inlove with it so I hop you can updat more :) :) good luck authornim <3 <3
yeyeyee #3
Chapter 39: I'm still waiting for u author-nim ❤
Chapter 38: I hope tae and crystal get back together jebal
whxliien52 #6
gcbgirl #7
Chapter 37: Update soon
yeyeyee #8
Chapter 37: The story is just so perfect author-nimmmm ❤ it gets more and more interesting by the chapters
Anw, adding Jihyun is no problem author-nim, and doesn't make any confussions ^~^
gcbgirl #9
Chapter 36: Update soon
yeyeyee #10
Chapter 18: Omg! U made me laugh hard as the way Jimin tried to imply those words to Taehyung (*゚⚙͠ ∀ ⚙͠)ノ❣ hahaha