Chapter 37

Blind Love


Eunjo looked up at Jaehyo.

She had already dried up all of her tears.

“Oppa, are you lost too?” she asked in that cute little voice.

Jaehyo chuckled in response.

“Not really, I just need to go look for my fiancée.”

“Ooh, what’s a financy? Fian-…finch…fi…fi…”

“Fiancée? She’s the girl that I’m going to marry.”

“Oh, Jagiya! There you are!~” ______ said running up to him. She looked down to see the child at his side. ‘Oh…don’t tell me…he…’ “Yah! Jagiya, did you ask to borrow a child again?!?”

“N-no! No, no, no! I found her. I’m going to help her find her Appa.”

______ just stared at him.

‘This is the guys that always insisted he was a cold hearted person? That is one of the sweetest things he has ever done.’

“Oppa is this you fin-cin-cee? Unnie is sooo pretty!!!~” she giggled.

“My fiancée.” Jaehyo corrected with a nod.

“Aww…thank you.” ______ replied, squatting down in front of the child to get at her eye-level. “What’s your name cutie?”

“Kim Eunjo.”

“Aww…it’s nice to meet you Eunjo, I’m Choi ______.”

“Annyeonghaseyo, ______ Unnie!”

“You are so cute! Aww…what does your Appa look like?” ______ asked as she stood back up. She turned to look at Jaehyo. “Jagiya, has she said anything?”

“She was quit at first but so far I got, somewhat of a description. First he’s tall, with eyes, brown ones. He’s got dark hair and eyebrows.” He said holding back a laugh. “Doesn’t that narrow it down?”

“Well we’ll definitely find him!” ______ said. “Your poor Appa must be running around like a crazy person looking for you.”

“I’ve looked through the store and asked around but so far, no luck. So I’m going to mall security next.”

______ smiled.



“You’re amazing, did you know that?”

“Um…DUH! Of course I know that!”

They got to the security podium and told the guard everything.

“We have a missing child at the security podium! A little 3 year old girl by the name of Kim Eunjo.”

“Unnie, Oppa, Don’t go yet.” Eunjo begged.

“We’ll stay until your Appa gets here.” Jaehyo said. “I know that he’ll be here as fast as he can, after hearing that announcement.”

A guy came running up to the podium.

He appeared to be out of breath and his clothes were soaked with sweat.

“Eunjo-ya?! Oh my god! I was so worried about you!~ Are you alright?! Are you hurt at all?” he asked checking her for injuries.

“Nope...” She  squealed running into his arms.“Oppa, and Unnie were so nice to me!”

“You’re the one that found Eunjo?” the man asked looking up at Jaehyo. “Thank you…I don’t know how to thank you for this.”

He pulled out his wallet.

“NO! Don’t!” Jaehyo said waving his hands around in front of him.

“I have to thank you somehow.”

“It’s really, not necessary. I know that if it was my daughter…I’d just want her to be returned to me safely. I would hope, someone has the decency to do the same thing.”

______ looked at him and she had never felt more in love with him until that moment.

“Are you a parent?” the man asked putting his wallet back into his pocket.

“Well, in a few months I will be.” Jaehyo said putting his hand on ______’s baby bump.

All of a sudden, another guy ran up.

Someone they never expected to see.

“Kim Kitae?” ______ said softly.

He was even sweatier and you could tell he had been crying.

“Oh god…” he sighed.

“Wait a minute.” Jaehyo said looking in between Kitae and Eunjo.

“Appa!~” Eunjo cried trying to hug him.

He backed up.

“Yah…Kim Kitae.”

“Ahn Jaehyo.”

“Eunjo…she’s yours…isn’t she?”

“NO! She’s not mine! YAH! Ahn Jaehyo, do you want to die?”


“I can tell just by looking at her.”

“No! She’s not mine!”

“But Appa, I am yours!!~” Eunjo whined.

‘HOLY MOTHER OF…PIKACHU!!~ I WAS RIGHT?!?!?!’ Jaehyo thought. ‘Kim Kitae, ultimate playboy, has a kid?’

“Yah, Kim Kitae, pay attention to your daughter!”

“Hyung…” Kitae said.

“Appa doesn’t want me…” Eunjo cried, running to hug Jaehyo. “Oppa…”

“YAH!!!” Jaehyo snapped. “I’m kind of in shock right now, finding out that YOU of all people, have a kid, but as much as I hate your guts. This is a child…”

“What the hell do you know about being a parent? It’s not like you have any and when you did…they didn’t give a damn about you.”

“YAH Kim Kitae! Why are you being so rude to him? This is the guy that found your daughter and returned her safely. I’m sorry for my younger brothers’ behavior.”

Kitae glared at Jaehyo.

“No it’s okay. You’re right…I have no parents. When I did, they both treated me like crap. Which is why, I am going to be a great father to my daughter. I want my daughter to know how much she means to me. Why do you deny that she is your daughter? What’s the point when the concern is written all over your face?” Jaehyo asked with a smirk.

“Shut up!” Kitae growled. “You always let your feelings get in the way. Your conscience.”

“Of course, that’s what got me where I am now. I’m engaged to a beautiful girl, with a baby on the way. I have to say, you ditching me, turned out quite well for me. How’s life working out for you huh?”

“______-ssi…your fiancé is going to get his kicked in the middle of a mall.”

“I doubt that!~” ______ said in a sing-song voice, as she kept Eunjo’s ears covered. “How about no violence in front of the kid?”

“Aish! KiJoon hyung…can we go?” Kitae growled.

“Actually…I thought we could take our new friends out for dinner.”

“What?! WHY?!” Kitae snapped.

“To thank them for taking care of Eunjo. Your daughter. Remember her?” the guy named, Kijoon, said through narrow eyes. ‘I like this Jaehyo guy. He’s a kid person and he stands up to my brother. Nice one!’

“Please Oppa?! Please Unnie?!” Eunjo begged.

Jaehyo smiled.

“Your Appa won’t be very happy about that.”

“Appa is a meanie!!~” she pouted.

“You should come anyway.” Kijoon said. “You won’t accept any type of compensation so it’s the least we can do.”

Kitae didn’t say a word throughout the whole dinner.

“Jaehyo-ssi, maybe you can teach my brother a thing or two about being a man.” Kijoon said breaking the silence.

“I don’t need to learn anything from him.” Kitae growled.

“Maybe you do.”

“Like what?”

“Kindness…and not being so snappy.”

Jaehyo sighed.

“I could help you out…” he said softly.

“Why would you want to be so nice to me?” Kitae asked.

“Well…if you don’t want help…that’s fine too.”

“Wait…You’d do that?”

“Honestly…you may have not been a friend to me but I was always a friend to you. I genuinely cared for you like a brother. Even after what you did to me, I still think of you as the guy I looked up to.”

‘How the hell is he like this? He’s the same as before…’ Kitae thought as he eyed Jaehyo suspiciously.

 “So…who’s the mother?”

“Honestly, I have no clue.”

“One of his millions of one-night stands, no doubt.” Kijoon chimed in.


“Then how did you get her?”

They looked over at Eunjo, who was happily coloring with ______.

“It was so sudden. Like those movies when a woman leaves a baby on the guy’s doorstep with a note. Those things actually happen.”

______ looked up and watched the two supposed enemies.


“What?! What is it?!” Jaehyo asked.

 “You two are getting along, and the world is coming to an end?! AMAZING!!!~”

“I still don’t get it either…” Kitae said. “How are we getting along so well right now?”

“We’re different than we were before. Well you are…” Jaehyo said. “You’re much different than the Kitae I met at the beginning of high school.’

“Funny, you’re the same as the Ahn Jaehyo, I met in high school.” Kitae said. “I guess this was my karma for the being how I am.”

“Well it beats mine.”

“Yah!” ______ scolded. “What’s so bad about your karma?”

“Ooh…he dude.” Kitae laughed.

“Did you hear that baby? Your Appa thinks we’re bad karma.” ______ said her stomach. “How dare he…”

“Uh…NO! That’s not what I meant!” Jaehyo shouted, waving his hands in defense. “I mean…BEFORE I met you. Aish…I seriously need to keep my mouth shut. I’m just going to stop talking now.”

He stuffed food into his mouth so he couldn’t speak.

After dinner the guys exchanged numbers before saying goodbye.

“It amuses me, how the tables have turned. Who’s the protégé now?” Jaehyo chuckled.

“Yah! I’m still your Hyung, Ahn Jaehyo.” Kitae said with a smirk. “But now, you know my secret.”

“Your daughter?”

“Yeah that secret. Thanks for finding Eunjo, it means a lot.”

“No problem…I’m going to be a father too. It’s just a protective instinct.”

“AISH! I could have used this to my advantage right?”

“You, must be where, he got his erted-ness from.”

“He taught me everything I know.”

“Waaa! I was happy that you were becoming friends again…but now…I don’t know!~” ______ giggled.



Kitae and Jaehyo are becoming friends again?

Who would expect Kitae to have a kid?



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Chapter 40: This is one of the best stories i've ever read!
And they are such a cute couple!! ^^
Awww.... I loved this story!!! It was soo cute!! ^_^
eunseol #3
OMG!!!! this story is just awesome.. pure and soft. i like your writing a lot belive me! ~.~
The story that made me love Jaehyo.
I really love this story, even if I read this long time ago, I love rereading it over and over again. Great job!
HatrednAshes #6
Awesome ◕‿◕
I'm so happy. this was a very cutestory and FINALLY I've found one in wich Jaehyo was a main character, got the girl and was more than just a one shot =D
this is one of the loveliest stories i ever know everytime i read a chapter a song randomly blastedand fitted the chapter perfectly!and when i reading the last chapter,Super Junior's "Miracle" blasted!<br />
<br />
sweet,romantic,cheesy and other great impressions had covered me while reading your story!<br />
<br />
i can already imagine baby jaehwa! sooo cute!<br />
<br />
thanks for writing this lovely yet wonderful story! i enjoyed with all my heart! *makes a heart at you!*
fishcakes #9
this was a wonderful story by the way:)