Chapter 14

Blind Love


Jaehyo and ______ were walking, hand in hand, as they left the hospital.

"Okay...Oppa, tell me something..."

"Hmm..." Jaehyo replied.


He stared at her, slightly taken back by her sudden outburst.

"W-why what?"

"Why were you friends with that...that THING!!~"

"I thought he was cool and he got a lot of girls."

"Of course...I were such a !~"

"Yah!~" he whined pulling her closer to him.

"I'm amazed that, that type of behavior can get anyone a girl. If you had tried that with'd be so lonely right now."

"Yeah...probably but you’re not that easy type of girl.”

“You liked that type?”

“I was young and stupid…” he said. “High school kids thinking about nothing but hormones.”

“Funny…in high school I never thought about my hormones like that…I was a good girl.”

“Oh yeah? What happened?”

“YAH!” she snapped and playfully smacked his chest.

“See what I mean?! You’re viscious!!~”

“You sounded like that ‘friend’ of yours back there, just now.”

“Yah! I used to be a sweet, well behaved little boy!!” He insisted causing her to break into a fit of giggles. “YAH! What’s so funny?!”

“Haha sorry Oppa, I’m just trying to picture you as a well behaved little boy and sweet little boy.” She said through her giggles.


“I mean the sweet part I can see…but well behaved?! Yeah, that’s too much of a long stretch.”

“Y-YAH!!~~~~ I was a well behaved kid…a damn computer nerd!”




It was a couple of months before Jaehyo’s last day of middle school.

“Ahn Jaehyo…” A teacher called.

He was always the teacher’s pet since Kindergarten.

 “Yes Mr. Shin? Waaa!~ It looks like you have a lot of work to do...” Jaehyo said looking at the papers spread out across the desk.

“These are for all my other classes.” Mr. Choi sighed. He took off his glasses to wipe the debris off the lenses.

“Take care of your health, sir!” Jaehyo scolded. “You don’t want to worry your wife and children. You shouldn’t stress yourself out too much! I’ll help you out a little to lessen your work load.”

“You don’t have to.”

“My father had a heart attack from putting too much focus on his work. You should relax a bit. I’m great with computers and I can type, quickly, without making many typos. I’ll have it done in no time!” Jaehyo said taking the pile of papers off of the teacher’s desk.

He bowed a few times before running out the door.

The next day he had everything done perfectly and placed in a neat pile on Mr. Choi’s desk.

“Waa!~ Ahn Jaehyo…how did you find the time to do all of this? You’re so young shouldn’t you be out with your friends.”

“Oh I still hung out with them. I finished this in a few hours.” Jaehyo said with a smile across his face. “I hope you enjoyed your family time.”

“I did…thank you.”

“No problem.” Jaehyo bowed. “If you ever need anything, just ask. I would be more than happy to help out.”


-----------end of flashback------------------------------------------


“Waa!~ Really?” ______ squealed. “Hmm, you were computer nerd and teacher’s pet?”

“Yeah, what of it?” Jaehyo said. “Not your type?”

“Oh…nothing…” she said with a smile. “I like it…definitely my type. After that story…don’t even try to convince me that you’re a bad person. You were sweet, smart, and thoughtful. Selfless. That’s what I notice when I’m with you.”

“That was before the whole Kim Kitae phase in my life…”

“All the ‘Evil ’ phase. So he taught you how to be a jerk?” she asked.

“Yeah…pretty much…”




In high school, Jaehyo watched Kitae in amazement and envy.

“Why can’t I get any girls?”

“Girls don’t like nerds…” Kitae said. “Isn’t it obvious? Then the way you dress is a ‘hell no’. Red Light means stop.”

“W-what’s wrong with the way I dress?” Jaehyo asked looking himself over. “I think I look nice.”

“Did your parents dress you this morning?” Kitae laughed.

“N-no…I don’t have any…”

“Ahh…now there’s something we can work with. You play the ‘orphan card’ on the women, they’ll sympathize with you and you’ll get them…just like that!” Kitae said snapping his fingers.

“T-that seems wrong, Hyung…”

“Maybe but the chicks dig those little sob stories. You want to learn my ways?”

“Uh…” Jaehyo thought about it for a while. “Yeah! Of course!~”

Kitae chuckled and put an arm around jaehyo’s shoulder.

“Come along my little protégé. I’ll teach you all the things you need to know, to be the ultimate play boy.”

Kitae mentored him.

“Okay, your face, nothing to change there. The girls will swoon over that handsome face. You CAN be picky with the girls. Don’t go for the fat ugly chicks.”

“Hyung…isn’t that cruel though?”

“Do you want to learn or not?!”

“Y-Yes Hyung!~”

Jaehyo fought off his conscience and just agreed with everything Kitae told him to do.

“Well, now that we got the look and attitude down, we’ll practice on actual women.” Kitae said.

They went out to a party that night.

“Hmm…she’s really y and totally checking you out. Go for it, go dance with her.”

Soon he was completely drunk, and she had her hands and lips all over him.

She kissed him and pulled him upstairs to a bedroom.

His phone kept ringing.

“Who’s Jiho?” the girl asked looking at his phone.

“No one.” He said. ‘Sorry Zico…Hyung is a little busy right now.’

“We’ll just turn that off and end all interruptions.”

Before he knew it his ity was gone, and he didn’t remember any of it.

When he woke up the next morning his phone was full of missed calls.

“Jiho, Yukwon, Minhyuk, Taeil, Kyung and Jihoon…of course…”

He listened to his friends worried, frantic voicemails, and read the text messages.

He quickly got up and went home to get ready for school.

“Aish…my head is killing me right now.”

He sat down in front of his locker holding his head.

“My head hurts so much…too much drinking. I don’t even know what the hell happened last night.”

“Are you alright?” an unfamiliar female voice said.

“No!~ My head is throbbing.”

“Here you should eat something.” She said. “it’s just some soup I made, and here’s some water, and asprin for your head. Feel better okay?”

He looked up but she was already gone.

“Who was that girl…and why was she so nice to me?” he whispered looking at the things she left for him.

He opened the bowl of soup and inhale the scent.

“it smells so good…” he said and took a taste. “Waa!~ it tastes good too.”

He finished up the soup and took the asprin with water.

He looked at the bowl and smiled.

‘I don’t even know who that girl was but she was so kind…I’ll keep this until I can return it to her..’ he thought as he placed the bowl in his locker.

“Jaehyo hyung!!~”

“Not so loud!~” Jaehyo  whined. “my head is throbbing.”

“Where were you last night?!”

“I was…at a party…” he said.

 Kitae came over.

“I took him to a party…my little protégé got laid last night.”

“WHAT?!?!” The six guys snapped.


“Hyung…are you insane?”

“Yah! Cucumber…shut up! You’re hurting my head!” Jaehyo snapped.

“W-what? Jaehyo hyung…Kyung hyung is just worried about you.” Jihoon said.

“Well don’t!”

“Hyung…what’s wrong with you?”

“He’s with me now…So don’t expect to ever hang out with him again…He’s been ignoring your calls and texts for a reason. He has new friends and he doesn’t need you.”

With that said, Jaehyo walked away from his friends, with Kitae and never looked back.


-------end of flashback------------------------------


They got to his apartment.

“What happened to those friends of yours?”

“They have tried to call but I’m too embarrassed to answer. I threw away my real friends for that . What did that get me? Nothing at all, just 2 years alone, these huge scars, and a whole lot of regret.

She reached up and touched his cheeks where most of the scars were, around his lips, across the bridge of his nose, and above his brow bone.

“Well you have me…” she said.

He smiled and kissed her lips.

“You know something, I don’t even remember my first time, but last night when I was with you…It meant something and it felt like that was my first time.”

“Good…we’ll count that.” She said hugging him close. “Oh yeah…How did that hangover go?”

“After the soup and asprin…it wasn’t so bad…why?”

“Good, because I want my bowl back!~”

He stared at her with wide-eyes.


______ just smiled.





So many flashbacks ^-^ ...Evil Kitae poopie head.

Jaehyo, sooo doesn't sound ugly to me ♥

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Chapter 40: This is one of the best stories i've ever read!
And they are such a cute couple!! ^^
Awww.... I loved this story!!! It was soo cute!! ^_^
eunseol #3
OMG!!!! this story is just awesome.. pure and soft. i like your writing a lot belive me! ~.~
The story that made me love Jaehyo.
I really love this story, even if I read this long time ago, I love rereading it over and over again. Great job!
HatrednAshes #6
Awesome ◕‿◕
I'm so happy. this was a very cutestory and FINALLY I've found one in wich Jaehyo was a main character, got the girl and was more than just a one shot =D
this is one of the loveliest stories i ever know everytime i read a chapter a song randomly blastedand fitted the chapter perfectly!and when i reading the last chapter,Super Junior's "Miracle" blasted!<br />
<br />
sweet,romantic,cheesy and other great impressions had covered me while reading your story!<br />
<br />
i can already imagine baby jaehwa! sooo cute!<br />
<br />
thanks for writing this lovely yet wonderful story! i enjoyed with all my heart! *makes a heart at you!*
fishcakes #9
this was a wonderful story by the way:)