
His Perfect Match

Miss You - SM the Ballad


1 year later


third person POV


Toronto, Canada, 8 am


a year of thinking nothing but recovery, Zee finally can move her legs a bit freely that when she first started. It may seem a big achievement already but she still couldn’t stand for a long time and still had to use a wheelchair to get around, but she thought it’s better than not having to feel your legs at all.

getting up from bed, Zee pushed herself to a sitting position, she wobbled a bit when she stood to grab her wheelchair and sat. Her family transferred her room to the first floor to make it easier for her.

As soon as she sat and directed her chair towards the door she smiled a bit as she looked at the control; it reminded her of her friends back in Korea. She thought she’d be lying if she hadn’t been thinking about them. She couldn’t even if she wanted to since everytime she looks at her chair it reminded her of the two guys who gave it to her, Kyuhyun and Yesung. And with that memories of the others came flooding back in.

But every night that memory of that one guy comes back, the happy times they’ve spent together and forcing herself to not think of how they ended. Hanna mentioned, by passing, of Heechul’s enlistment, but back then it was still so fresh that she left the room and locked herself in her room.

But it was ok now…or at least it’s not as bad as it was back then and everything was almost back to normal.

            “Hey Zee! You up yet?” Arnold’s head popped out from the door.

            “obviously…” Zee rolled her eyes. Her dog huffed from the foot of her bed obviously annoyed at being woken up.

            “oh…anyway, let’s better start early today so we can go watch a movie. Annie is coming too.” He said excitedly.

            “what about, Josh?” Zee asked thinking if this might be one of Arnold’s childish idea of a sibling bonding.

            “he isn’t coming. The runt has football practice. Anyway, better get dressed and have breakfast lil sis…” he grinned before slamming the door shut.

Zee shook her head when her brother left wondering how a 30-yr old can act so much like a kid. But then stopped thinking immediately as it reminded her of another immature adult.


Seoul, South Korea


9 pm


after Kim Heechul decided to enlist in the army a lot of plans changed. He and Leeteuk were supposed to enlist together at the first half of 2012 but after the sudden change of plans Leeteuk will have to enter on a later date.

None of the members blamed him or felt angry by his decision; they all understood him. The members also thought this might be the better alternative to this problem. To avoid any more emotional damage to their hyung, they avoided talking about Zee around him and tried to act as normally as they could.

Heechul also tried acting like his usual self, like fooling around with the members, being visible on Twitter and on events, but even that didn’t stop all the articles from popping up. He told the company not to respond to it and every time the question popped up he manages to dodge it

Heechul tried to wipe out any thought of Zee during his month in military training by keeping himself preoccupied as much as he could. When he came back to the dorm to start his 2 years of public service he finally talked to Leeteuk and the other about trying not to think about the “problem” and they all expressed how they felt about it. In the end, they agreed to not talk too much about it.

            “where are you guys taking me?” Heechul asked looking around for clues as to where his Chocoball buddies were taking him.

            “we are going to celebrate your 1 year in the army, hyung!” Hongki cheered ecstatically from the back seat along with Jang Geun Suk while Ssangchu was driving.

            “let me guess, norebang around Hongdae?” Heechul said sounding bored.

            “oh!, how’d you know?” Sangchu asked in surprise.

            “tch! Why are you even asking? I told you he’d figure it out.” Jang Geun Suk said.

Heechul is thankful that his friends wanted to have fun with him on this day but for him it’s just another day in the service.

They started walking around the busy streets looking for something good to eat. Deciding on the stall selling pancakes and soondae, they had their fill before setting off to the norebang they frequent in.

The walk was filled with chatter and laughter, even if there were some eyes that focused on them, the group just ignored them.

A few feet away, something caught Heechul’s attention. Among the abundant street sellers was a stall full of interesting eyewear. He unconsciously walked towards it and stared at the colorful assortment. His hand reached for the one with a kaleidoscope design. A slight smile appeared across is face but it quickly faded away; it reminded him of the day he and Zee walked through these streets and stopped by a stall just like this one.

Memories came flooding back; he didn’t know if he should welcome it or not. Everyday he kept thinking about her but he’d easily brush it off his mind by busying himself with work. Seeing these, however, it caused him a slight stab of pain.

Pain from trying not to think of her even tough he missed her so much he could die. Pain from trying to be happy when he was suffering inside and pain from making himself willingly endure all of this.

            “hyung, what are you doing?” Hongki asked curiously over his shoulder.

Heechul slightly jerked from his thoughts and glanced at his friend.

            “oh nothing, I thought I saw something interesting. Let’s go?” he said and walked towards the others.

Heechul let Hongki walk ahead of him slightly before he looked back again at the stall. He and Zee might not see each other again and may only have memories of each other to keep. But deep inside he wanted them to be the ones fated.


Toronto, Canada, 6pm


Arnold push Zee’s wheelchair while Annie bought their tickets for the movie. Zee didn’t even bother to ask what they were about to watch, it wasn’t a new movie or anything all she knew was that every time her sibs wanted a bonding time they’d always choose the theatre that plays old movies.

            “I think you’ll love this, sis! This is exactly the kind of movie you keep on nagging us to watch.” Annie said in her slightly squeaky voice.

            “if it’s a movie I’d recommend I doubt it’s something for you to be happy about, Annie.” Zee sniggered with Arnold. Annie sighed and put a hand on her forehead with a look of defeat on her face.

            “true, but this night is all about you. You’ve been cooped up in the house for too long and if you’re going out it’s only to go to your therapy sessions.” Annie nagged as the three of them went inside the theatre.

            “I think Annie would be better off as Hanna’s sister, don’t you think?” Arnold whispered to Zee as Annie went ahead of them to find good seats.

            “I think so too.” Zee giggled.

            “will you two stop talking behind my back and get your butts down here?” Annie demanded stomping her feet. Zee wondered how she’s already a mom with an attitude like that.

The movie hasn’t started yet so they were free to talk a bit loudly along with the few patrons inside the theatre. A few minutes later the lights dimmed and the movie started. The title appeared and Zee realized they were watching the really old Dracula movie, the one in black and white. She smiled happily as she always loved watching old movies like this one.

Zee heard the people gasped and Annie grabbed her hand. She giggled to herself that her sister was this scared. All the effects were pretty obvious compared to the effects these days but it still fascinated her. Shouts were heard throughout the theatre and Zee and Arnold just tried to hold back their laughter.

Zee remembered how she gasped herself when Heechul surprised her when they were watching a horror movie back in her apartment in Korea. Her smile disappeared.

How random she thought.

But her heart suddenly felt like it would die, the memories she had been trying to suppress comes back and caught her off guard like this. She had always thought of Heechul every day. How he was doing and all but as soon as it was unbearable to think she would stop and do something else.

But this time it was just too sudden. Tears came flowing down her eyes before she even realized it. it flowed harder every time she tried to stop it until she just let it flow and consume her.

She thought she only have those memories anyway she should at least remember those times and try not to be sad because those weren’t sad memories…those were happy memories she’d want to keep for the rest of her life.



update! sorry if i couldnt post it over the weekend..didnt realize i would be very busy during evenings over the a bit of workload when i got back so i didnt get to write much..but anyway here's the short update i promised! enjoy! His Perfect Match will be ending in 1 or 2 chapter(s) + epilogue..:D to all my readers who have been with me all this time thank you so much! mwahugz!

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final chapter almost finished!


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2018 and still my all-time favorite fic of uri Kim Heechul ♡
LeeAngel1004 #2
Chapter 64: LOVED IT!!! I have always had a soft spot for Heechul and this just sealed the deal^^
I really enjoyed the last chapter & look forward to seeing it come to pass in a small way in the future!
Chapter 65: Oh gosh I read your story again and still it is my favorite hee story <3 I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH ;; IT TAKES MY EMOTIONS OUT :)
hanhayoung #4
Chapter 66: Finally ~~~~~~
Can't wait for another update of sequel^^
hanhayoung #5
Chapter 65: 정망 미안해......
Very busy with school staff, coz the exam is nearby. Really sorry for my lateness..... :(
I've read this final chapter the days before but i coudn't comment at that time 미안 ㅠ_ㅠ
Finally the special chapter appearrr, why they're so sweet and cheesy <3<3<3<3<3 like it so muchhhhhh
This stro
When they're appear on strong heart is so touchy *_* but in the end the atmospher turn up with the mushy moment... Can't stop imagine their life, eventhough it's just fanfic but it felt so real.....정말
I wonder when they have a newly born baby ㅋㅋㅋ how they take care their baby? I imagine by myself=))
Kinda curious about the sequel autoooor....How was their marriagelife then?
Will surely read this fanfiction repeatedly coz this story is my 1st favorite fanfiction and the best fanfixtion i've ever read ㅋㅋㅋ
Keep writing the best fanfiction garie09 ~~~~~<3<3<3 Can't wait to see your next storyyyyy
Chapter 65: Aahh i love the last chapter ^_^
Chapter 64: Waaaaa, I just got the time to read this since I've been pretty busy with school stuffs ,_,
Author-nim, I know I'm late but I want to say that THIS FANFICT IS DAEBAK! :3
The final chapter is so adorable <333
I even imagine how it will be like if your fanfict really happens, turns into reality xD
Hankyung & Kibum coming back, future SJ Entertainment & future SJ:2 boyband <333
Will surely missing reading your fanfict!
hanhayoung #8
Chapter 64: Omoooooo finally this story is (really) end...the best story i've ever read....thank youuu very much for make this great story (my favorite) author!!!!!!!
JaeHee-SaeHee must be really cute like their parents^^ Why heenim so overprotective to his daughter? Kyeoptaaa*0*
After all that hapenned in the past finally all of them had their happy ending by themselves..... It's like really happened in their real life when i imagined this..... really like it <3<3<3<3<3
Can't forget this fanfiction for sureeee, i will reread this again and again =))))
Sequeeeeeellllll.......really wonder what the plot that you'll take? Is that ZeeChul in common life or......? Can't waitttt, so anxious really!!!
And also for the special chap.....can't wait tooo....
Thank you again authorrrrrr....good job! And hopefully you're succes on your next fanfic and your sequel toooo <3<3<3<3<3<3
정말 고마워여 =)))))
mychokyumintchip #9
Chapter 64: This is just too adorable for words!! :)) SaeHee and MinHyun-ah! Heechul appa for the win.:)) Can't wait for the sequel and special chap. Nyahahaha!
Chapter 64: Aww the kids are adorable! Hihi overprotective Heechul!
Yeeeyy sequellll :D