What Happens in Jeju...(Valentines Special p.1)

His Perfect Match

Heechul’s POV


Crazy, crazy, crazy days…but meh, handled the media like usual. I didn’t deny anything so they would not really say that I lied now would they? Nyahahaha

So for now we have to pack for the 2 days and 1 night trip to Jeju to celebrate the successful end to our concert. Unfortunately, most of the members still have schedules in the morning so we will be arriving Jeju around noon while ZhouMi, Henry and Zee will be arriving earlier in the morning.

With all these articles coming up I am very surprised that Zee is taking it quite calmly. Plus most of the fans’ reactions weren’t that violent, overall I’m one happy star…:p

            “hyung! hyung!” I heard Eunhyuk’s screaming voice from outside.

What is this guy on about now?

            “HyukJae-ah, stop screaming!” Donghae said throwing a pillow at him from the couch.

            “what do you want anyway? Weren’t you out with your sister?” Teukie came out of his room with his hair disheveled.

            “you guys would never guess what Kyuhyun did.” HyukJae rambled.

I walked towards him with my arms crossed.

            “what did he do? He kissed Angela or something?” I guessed. It was a joke and even though Kyuhyun liked her deep inside I doubt he would do it now that he’s still in denial.

But he suddenly looked at me with wide eyes.

            “how did you know, hyung?”

            “EH!? He kissed her!?” Teukie, Donghae and I said together in surprise.

Donghae jumped up from the couch and towards his monkey friend. JungSu suddenly was wide awake.

            “b…but I thought you knew?” Eunhyuk looked confused.

            “yah, didn’t you realize that I was only jokingly guessing?” I said hitting the back of his head. “now spill it.”

            “oh, it was just how we dared him last time to kiss someone during the musical and he did it again tonight with Angela.”

            “you mean he kissed her on the forehead?” Leeteuk asked.

            “yeah, and it could just be random but then he passed by a lot of girls there.” He said starting to giggle like an excited highschooler now.

            “what did Angela do?” Leeteuk asked again.

            “did she it him?” I was kind of hoping that she did but if I did tell Zee I’d like Angela to do that then I might just get hit.

            “no, you guys should’ve seen her face! It was epic!” he started flailing his arms.

I was getting impatient now and I want to hit him for keeping the suspense up.

            “she didn’t faint, did she?” Donghae asked raising an eyebrow.

            “no, stop guessing!” he said hitting Donghae’s arm. I hit him on his arm as well.

            “then get to the point and stop stalling!” I shouted as he flinched slightly.

            “ok ok. Well, there’s no other way to describe it really, she just spaced out. like you know light’s are open but there’s nobody home kind of thing. Jongjin kind of tried to snap her out of it and it kind of worked.” He said lingering on the last bit.

            “kind of?” Teukie raised an eyebrow.

            “yeah, Jongjin did get her to talk but what she said made it clear to us that she wasn’t back on earth yet.”

He’s making it sound like Angela’s an astronaut. OTL

            “what did she say?” Donghae was now grinning.

            “she said ‘what are you doing to me, Kyuhyun?’” he imitated or tried to imitate Angela’s voice and failed. Well let’s just give him an A for effort.

And looks like two people are finally realizing something here. Success!

All 4 of us were laughing now. Who wouldn’t? it’s really too bad I wasn’t there!

            “we’re so going to be enjoying the trip tomorrow.” Eunhyuk said after he had laughed himself to tears.

            “I’m guessing Zee is bringing Angela along?” I asked knowingly. Zee had already mentioned this to me and I quite agree with her. Bringing Angela along would be way interesting than spending 2 days with the members.

            “this is going to be an interesting trip I must say.” Leeteuk grinned and walked back to his room.

The duo went back to their usual crazy selves and I went back to packing.

Tomorrow could hardly wait! And I must pack one important thing. Voila! It’s in my bag now. Zee really thought we didn’t know her birthday is tomorrow but in fact, we actually do...nyahahaha


Next Day


Jeju Island.


            “wah! The weather is so nice!” Ryeowook exclaimed as we got to the van.

            “good thing too, or else we’ll be spending the day indoors. Can’t wait to go to the beach.” Siwon stretched as he settled down in the back seat.

            “tsh! You mean you can’t wait to go and show off your body.” I remarked bitterly.

The guys laughed and the van started to move.

There were only 5 of us in this van; Leeteuk, Shindong, Sungmin, Donghae and Eunhyuk were in the other. Zee called earlier that they’ve already arrived at the resort and were already settled in. if it weren’t for the schedule, we might have also been lazing around the             resort as well.

The resort is owned by the company and only used for events and in cases like their talents go on a trip they’ll let us use it.

            “Kyuhyun-ah, I heard what you did last night. How was it?” I teased the maknae who was staring out the window.

            “I don’t know what you’re talking about, hyung.” he mumbled. He can deny it all he wants but going pale is not helping him at all.

            “ayyyy…Jongjin already told me what happened. I also know a bit of detail that you don’t.” Yesung leaned over from the backseat and wriggled his eyebrows at Kyuhyun.

            “why what happened last night?” Ryeowook asked innocently.

            “did you notice anything weird about Kyuhyun when he got home last night?” I looked back at Ryeowook who looked up to think.

            “well, he didn’t ask for food which was a first and when ZhouMi hyung and I asked him what’s wrong he’d blush.”

            “ahhh…so you did intend to do that.” I grinned. He face went from pale to red.

            “I don’t want to talk about it, hyung.” he said nervously grabbing a bottle of water and drank it.

            “you aren’t even curious what we know that you don’t?” I said continuing to .

            “no.” he said flatly.

            “will someone tell us what happened?” Ryeowook looked at Yesung and me.

            “to make the long story short. Kyuhyun kissed Angela during his musical last night.” I stared grinning at Kyuhyun who looked like he was wishing the ground to swallow him at that moment.

He should’ve expected this outcome from us. He knew we’d be trolling on him like this if he did something like that coz he would if another member did it.

            “how come we don’t know about this, Kyuhyun-ah?” Siwon asked incredulously hitting Kyuhyun lightly after I told them. Siwon and Wookie’s eyes were already as round as marbles.

            “it was just all show, guys. No need to make a big deal out of it.” Kyuhyun said angrily.

The van was suddenly filled with teasing howls.

            “you really expect us to believe that crap, Kyuhyun? If it was really nothing it would not affect you as much.” I said raising my voice a bit since they were still howling.

            “yeah and you’re now probably having the same mental battle Heechul hyung had when he was denying he liked Zee.” Siwon said enthusiastically that I hit him.

            “yah! That may be true but don’t use me as an example.” I shouted at the horse who rubbed a hand over his head.  I looked at Kyuhyun. “anyway, you better get a move on before someone else gets to Angela before you do and we both know who I’m talking about.”

Kyuhyun looked at me, and he suddenly looked like the maknae that he is and not just a maknae but also a little boy. The lost of the evilness in his look made him look so innocent that it was slightly unnerving.

            “we’re here!” Ryeowook excitedly pointed at the entrance of the enormous resort ahead of us.

we’ve been here quite a few times before and it changes slightly every time we come. Like new furniture inside, new added landscapes, new paint colors etc. you get the idea. But they would always keep it simple and a perfect place to relax. There were quite a lot of spacious rooms in case all company talents decides to come together. But to make things simple there were 5 rooms for our group, 3 for SNSD, 2 each for SHINee and f(x) and 1 for TVXQ and the solo artists like, BoA, Kangta hyung etc. there used to be 2 rooms for TVXQ but after you know what, well, it just changed.

We all got off the van and started to stretch, it wasn’t a long ride from the airport but it still feels good to loosen up those tightened muscles.

There were a few resort staffs around and they took our bags to our rooms.

            “wanna check out the beach?” Eunhyuk said throwing a volleyball ball to Siwon. He sounded like he was looking for a challenge.

            “sure!” Siwon welcomed his challenge with a grin and both ran towards the beach followed by Donghae.

Idiots… they still haven’t even changed yet.

Teukie and I just walked towards the building. It was designed so that each floor would have a balcony that would overlook the ocean and it has a great view of sunsets. The first floor is only where the dining area is since each floor has it’s own living room. Yeah that’s how big this place is. Not including the first floor there are 3 floors here for us to creep ourselves with at night...muhahaha

            “Heechul-ah, the staff said the others arrived earlier and are on the beach.” Leeteuk said pulling up his sunglasses as we got to our room.

            “I’ll look for them later, I’ll go get changed first.” I said and he nodded.

Room assignments are arranged by age and since we lack some people, ahem, we decided to give the 5th room to Zee and Angela. Leeteuk, Yesung and I will be sharing room 1. Shindong, Sungmin and Eunhyuk will be in room number 2, ZhouMi, Donghae and Siwon in room number 3 and the 3 maknaes, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun and Henry in the 4th. Kind of a bummer that we’re on the last floor, but it’s not surprising, since we do have the most members. Which of kind of cool too coz we all have the floor all to ourselves. muhahaha

After I finished changing I walked towards the beach, I was supposed to wait for Leeteuk but he’s taking so much time in the bathroom that I just had to leave him.

I could hear the rowdy voices of the voice as I neared the beach and instead of playing volleyball they somehow ended up playing dodge ball instead. How typical.

            “Heechul oppa!” Angela waved to me by the seashore. She and ZhouMi were under a huge umbrella and were making sandcastles.

            “hey Angela, where’s Zee?” I sat at the bench watching ZhouMi trying to make a moat around his castle.

            “ermm…I don’t really know. I haven’t seen her or Henry since 2 hours ago.” Angela bit her lip guiltily. Why would she be feeling guilty? Did she leave Zee in a cave or something?

            “I heard her talk to Henry about going for a ride but I’m not really sure. But they both were grinning widely when we got here.” ZhouMi shrugged looking serious with his castle.

            “yah, two of your friends are missing and you’re so concentrated about your sand castle?” I have half a mind to ruin it. but I have to control myself coz Angela’s here.

To avoid causing mayhem I just stood up and walked towards Siwon and the others.

            “hyung! Found your other half yet?” Siwon asked and threw the ball hard at Shindong who got hit straight to the stomach.

            “no, have you guys seen her?”

            “nope, Don’t worry, Jeju is a small place, they can’t be lost.” Siwon just managed to dodge a throw from Eunhyuk and caught the ball.

I walked towards Ryeowook and Kyuhyun who were just lounging under a tree. Ryeowook watching a drama on his iPad and Kyuhyun playing something on his PSP and by the looks on his face he’s losing.

            “when do we eat, hyung?” Kyuhyun asked irritably.

            “am I the chef?” I snapped.

I still couldn’t get my mind to settle. Those two better be here in a few minutes or I’ll be grilling them both when they get here.

            “do you guys hear that?” Ryeowook looked around searching for the noise he heard.

Kyuhyun and I listened intently and I could hear something. Errr…thunder?

            “it can’t be thunder. The sun is up and there’s practically almost no cloud in sight.” Kyuhyun said getting on his feet.

            “that couldn’t be hooves, could it?” Ryeowook asked.

            “could be coz Siwon’s over there running around like a maniac with the others.” I said lazily.

We all looked at the playing members but their expression suddenly changed and Donghae who was teamed with Siwon pointed something from behind us. it was then that I noticed that the thundering sounds were actually getting closer.

            “look! Isn’t that Henry?” Ryeowook pointed enthusiastically.

He was pointing at 2 horseback riders and they looked like racing towards us with their gigantic horses. And the one that was lagging is Henry and the one who was winning was…

            “Zee!” Kyuhyun cheered. It was the first time he actually smiled since we got here. Or maybe he was just laughing at the look of exertion from Henry’s face.

            “I won!” Zee shouted triumphantly pilling the reins on her horse.

The black horse she was riding looked really scary as opposed to Henry’s white one.

            “no fair! The sand is elevated on my side!” Henry complained. The duo still seemed oblivious to our presence.

            “yeah right, we just switched remember?” Zee rolled her eyes at her cousin and at point she saw us staring at her. Some of the boys had their mouths hanging wide open.

            “Siwon-ah! It’s your brothers!” Eunhyuk teased Siwon who was ignoring him.

            “you guys are here already?” Henry piped in. he was panting like Zee as well.

            “oh no, Henry, you just had too much sun and are actually seeing things.” I said sarcastically rolling my eyes.

            “come on, Heechul, give him a break.” Zee said in an irritated voice as sh got off her horse.

She really looked comfortable as if she did it everyday. Oh yeah I forgot their clan owns a ranch. Mental facepalm.

Zee walked the horse towards the keeper as well as Henry, who didn’t look as smug as Zee as he got off. He did lose after all.

            “wow Zee, I didn’t know you’d actually ride on a horse when you said you wanted to do it.” Angela said awed at her friend.

            “riding a horse is very calming, you should ride one some time.”

            “you could ask Kyuhyun over there.” I grinned and Kyuhyun scowled at me. While Angela wrinkled her nose in response.

            “come on all of you, lunch time!” Leeteuk suddenly popped out of nowhere and clapped his hands. Shindong and Yesung were already with him.

            “yey! Food!” Henry exclaimed literally hopping towards Leeteuk. Aish this kid.

            “hey Siwon-ah, you should go with your brothers, they’ll be sad without you.” Donghae teased jumping on Siwon’s back.

            “yah, do you want me to throw you to the ocean so you could be with your family?” the threat in Siwon’s voice was so creepy that Donghae ran for his life.

            “how was you morning, Angela? I heard about last night.” I smirked when I saw the redness forming on her cheeks and it’s not even because of the sun.

            “don’t remind me about it, oppa, it’s embarrassing!” Angela covered her face with her hands as Kyuhyun passed in front of her.

            “I’ll tell you about it later.” Zee patted my arm and winked.

There wasn’t much happening during lunch just some quiet conversation here and there. Since lunch was like this I’ve got a feeling tonight will be crazier, especially that we’re going to celebrate Zee’s birthday…

            “I’m going to the back to the beach, Zee. ZhouMi oppaand I still haven’t finished our sandcastle.” Angela said standing up.

            “will you be ok alone? ZhouMi is still back in his room.” Zee told her in a slightly concerned voice.

            “who will bother her anyway? As you can see it’s just us and the resort staff here.” I rolled my eyes.

            oppais right, Zee, I’ll be fine.” Angela waved and left the dining area.

Some of the members were already out; all that were left here was Ryeowook, Sungmin and Shindong.

            “want to walk around?” I said leaning back.

            “sure, I really want to go horseback riding again.” Zee’s wide smile made me slightly anxious. I don’t really like riding a horse much.

            “do you want to turn into a bbq? The sun is still high up you know.”

            “I didn’t mean that as right now, I can ride it again after this afternoon and I’m sure Henry will want a rematch.” She rolled her eyes.

            “whatever, where is he anyway?” I asked looking around for the other maknae.

            “he said he’d take some videos around. No idea what he’s going to do with it.” she shrugged.

We walked around the stone path that lined the beach. Thank goodness for the trees that the area was slightly shaded. We took some selcas and I casually held her hand. It comes so naturally now that there’s no shyness to it anymore and before we knew it our fingers interlaced with each other.

            “doesn’t it feel relaxing being on the beach?” she asked after we settled on a bench.

            “of course, but I’m sure Leeteuk isn’t having that much fun, he realy doesn’t like having nothing to do.” I said putting an arm around her shoulder. She instinctively leaned on me.

            “oppa is such a workaholic, he should really learn how to relax.” She sighed and dropped her head on my shoulder.


Zee and I jolted straight up at the scream.

            “who’s that?” Zee looked around frantically searching for the source of the voice.

            “sounds like Henry. It’s coming from there.” I pointed at somewhere to our left.

We hurriedly ran to the beach and we noticed the other members were running as well.

            “there! It is Henry!” Henry was running towards us but the heavy sand made it impossible for him to run any faster.

            “Henry, get back here!” looking closely we notice that Kyuhyun was running after him.

            “ANDWAE!!!” Henry came flailing his camera towards us. “Zee!!! Save the camera before hyung kills me!”

since we were the closest we ran towards Henry and as soon as he met us he hid behind Zee and me and shoved his camera in my hands.

            “give me that camera or I’ll kill you, Henry!” Kyuhyun shouted but was already too late as it was already in my hands.

Smart Henry, he knew Kyuhyun wouldn’t dare taking it out of my hands by force.

            “what are you two on about? And if you dare lay a finger on my cousin I WILL be killing you, Cho Kyuhyun.” Zee pointed a finger angrily at Kyuhyun.

            “I’m not the one at fault! He did something to me first!” Kyuhyun said angrily back. He was really red in the face and aside from anger he looked really embarrassed.

            “and what DID Henry do?” Leeteuk said behind us as he and the others finally caught up.

At that question, Kyuhyun opened his mouth but hurriedly closed it. He looked like a guppy.

            “could it be that whatever happened is in this little camera?” I teased evilly.

Henry seemed like he collapsed from behind us; Ryeowook and Yesung tended to him.

            “shall we watch it, hyung?” Eunhyuk suggested and suddenly appeared beside me.

            “you’ll be…very…happy…with what’s…in there…hyung!” Henry panted heavily while lying on the floor.

            “yah, stop talking and catch you breath first. Ryeowook-ah, can you get him some water?” Siwon said kneeling beside the downed man. Ryeowook nodded and ran back to the resort.

            “hyung, just don’t watch it.” Kyuhyun pleaded. He was already hunched in defeat knowing that his pleas will definitely go unheard.

            “where’s Angela?” Sungmin said looking around.

As if on cue, Angela appeared from somewhere walking in a daze near the seashore.

            “what’s up with her?” Donghae said squinting his eyes.

            “that’s exactly what she looked like when Kyuhyun kissed her at—“ Eunhyuk trailed on and then he slowly turned towards Zee and then to me.

A grin appeared on our faces in the silence.

            “ohhhhh…Cho Kyuhyun what exactly did you do this time?” Leeteuk high pitched laughed broke the quiet atmosphere.

Kyuhyun became red again and glared at Henry who Siwon just helped stand.

            “Henry! I’ll bury you in the sand like I did in Taiwan!” Kyuhyun lunged towards Henry but was single handedly blocked by the Siwon’s muscular wall of a body.

            “YOU DID WHAT!?” Zee’s trilling shout nearly pierced all of our eardrums.

Kyuhyun froze. His head slowly turned towards Zee who looked like she was about to him whole.

            “uhmmm… BYE!” Kyuhyun sprinted towards the opposite direction. It was the fastest I’ve seen him run before.

            “get back here and I’ll bury!” Zee shouted running after her best friend.

            “when will he learn never to bully Henry whenever Zee is around?” Leeteuk shook his head.

            “hyung, let’s watch the video now.” it was Shindong who said it this time.

I flipped the camera opened and searched for the most recent clip.

Henry just seemed to get videos of random stuffs like rustling leaves, the waves, and waves hitting the rocks or shore. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he might use some of the things here for a music video.

And as soon as Kyuhyun and Angela appeared on the screen, jeers erupted from all around.

            “whoo! Maknae is now a man!” Shindong shouted.

Eunhyuk, Henry and Donghae were laughing with glee, hugging each other bouncing around in a circle. Siwon just did what he usually does, laugh out loud while clapping. Ryeowook and Yesung were singing a victory song while Shindong and Sungmin danced with them.

            “what’s your verdict?” I asked the person who was shaking his head beside me.

            “well, he can do what he wants, can’t he? Let’s just hope he isn’t using her to forget Victoria.” Leeteuk said crossing his arms while looking at Kyuhyun who just got caught by Zee in the distance.

            “by the look of things, it looks like he isn’t but if he really is using her to forget Victoria, I know one person who will never let him get away with it.” I grinned and we both looked over at Zee who was now burying her best friend in the sand.


6:30 pm


Zee’s POV


My arms and legs were absolutely sore from all that running. But chasing and burying Kyu was worth it, no one messes with my cousin and gets away with it.

The sun is about to set and sitting here by the seashore, inhaling the fresh sea air is just relaxing.  Henry gave me something for my birthday, which was a pair of my birthstone earrings. My cousin is a sweetie at times.

The boys are off roughhousing by the pool, Angela won’t come out of the room, I think that other happening from this afternoon just really got to her. Kyuhyun is now literally warming himself in his room after he fell off the canoe and the water was just too cold.

            “thinking about me?” a haughty voice said behind me and gave me no doubt as to who it was.

            “I was just clearing my head actually.” I sighed as he sat beside me.

Today was just a fine day to relax for us and for some bizarre reason he wasn’t as crazy as he usually is. He’s being on the serious side.

            “is it working?”

            “a bit. It’s nice to relax in a place like this; it makes me want to think of a lot of things or just to clear my head.” I closed my eyes and just hugged my legs. The night breeze is so comforting.

            “you’re sounding like a poet.” Heechul sniggered from beside me. I stared at him and he was just leaning back with both of his hands on the sand.

            “you could relate since you come up with some weird philosophical nonsense a lot.” I stuck my tongue out at him and he frowned.

            “whatever. But don’t you see much ocean in Canada?”

            “beaches there are usually packed with a lot of people so it’s not relaxing. If I do want to relax I just go riding in the mountains and just stay by the river.” I leaned my head on my knees and stared out in the ocean.

            “you miss home, don’t you?” he asked seriously from beside me. I nodded.

Even though I just came back last month I still miss my home and family.

            “yeah, but they said they’re coming next month.”

            “bwo!?” Heechul’s surprised gasp made me jump.

            “yes, they will be coming to check up on how the things are going in the hotel.” His eyes were wide and mouth hanging wide open. “Which reminds me, what did you and Arnold talk about during the video chat?”

I’ve really been wanting to ask him this but there weren’t much chances and sometimes I just forget.

            “oh that…it was just short.”

            “still I want to hear it.” I faced him cross-legged.

            “I’m warning you It’s just short. He just said…” he paused and puffed out his chest imitating my brother. ‘we’ll talk longer when I get there.’”

            “that’s it?”

            “I told you it was short.” Heechul shrugged.

            “so typical of him…” I really hate it when he does things like that.

            “so now that’s over with, when are you planning on telling me?” Heechul leaned forward and grinned.

My eyebrows met in confusion.

            “telling you what?”

            “that it’s you birthday, what else?” his grin widened into an evil smile.

            “how in the world did you know?!” my voice became slightly shrill due to shock.

If Henry told him, I swear I will give Kyuhyun a torture-Henry-for-a-day pass.

            “I am the amazing Heechul after all and no, Henry did not tell me.” He was so smug and swung his head from side to side.

            “tsh! So how did you know?”

            “simple. I asked EunHee and Kim Shin.”

Oh boy…why didn’t I consider that. Argh!

            “jeez, I’m speechless.” I grabbed a fistful of sand and just clenched my fist tightly.

            “it’s nothing to be mad about. Why don’t you want us to know about your birthday anyway?” he grabbed my and held it in place.

            “I just don’t people to make a big fuss out of my birthday.” I said sulkily. If he knows then I’m sure everyone does.

            “look at it this way, and I will only say this once, so pay attention. Everyone loves you and they would love to spend your special day. So cheer up, I promise nothing stupid.” He smiled gently.

            “when did you become so…so…”

            “Chivalrous?” he cocked an eyebrow. The gentle smile transformed into a smug one, now THIS is the Heechul I know.

            “I was thinking of, engaging, actually.” I giggled as I saw him scoff.

            “but you wouldn’t want me to give you your present in front of the others right?” my jaw dropped.

            “no you did not.” I shook my head disbelievingly but he already took out a small black box.

            “well, think of it this way, this is my belated 100th day gift.” He said handing me his present.

He leaned on his fist while I took the box from his other hand.

Suddenly, 2PM’s song came through my head. Can you feel my Heartbeat? Oh boy why oh why? Good thing he’s not doing anything cheesy or I’ll definitely dump him in the ocean.

            “you really didn’t have to give me this you know.” I stared at the box.

            “just open it, it’s much as a gift to you as it is to me.” He demanded.

I didn’t know what he meant but I just went and opened it.

What I saw just made me gasp.

What I saw before me was the most beautiful pair of couple rings I’ve ever set my eyes on. The bigger one, which I’m assuming as his was just as simple silver band with a white gemstone, While mine has wings on the band.. I was really hoping these are not real diamonds.

            “Heechul-ah, they’re beautiful.” My mouth was literally hanging wide open and I am not usually like this when it comes to jewelry since I hardly ever wear any flashy ones.

            “nothing but the best for my girl.” He grinned and took my ring and placed it on my left hand’s ring finger. It fit perfectly.

            “I suppose you should also get to wear yours?” I put up his ring.

            “sure. I was thinking of making it a pendant since I hardly ever wear any rings but what the heck.” As soon as I put the ring on his finger, he leaned forwards and kissed me on the cheek.

            “thanks, Heechul-ah.” I smiled.

            “no problem.” He smiled back and put an arm around me.

I breathed in the smell of fresh air and listened to the waves splashing to shore.

This is something I could definitely get used to.



so sorry for not updating earlier! i was about to leaeve tomorrow but then i was told it was cancelled for a week or two..*celebration mode* so i kind of slacked off a bit..hihi but anyway here's the update..the first part may coz i was seriously having a block moment and i was almost literally dragging my self over it..T_T hope you guys like this..:D belated happy valentines day!

ps. unedited and photo not mine.



Coralie_x_SHINee: haha i wouldve liked to do it WW3 style but as Zee may have already said it in the past chap that she'll deal with it then i have to stick to it..hihihi and yeah but dont worry the kiss on the lips will happen...;)

jam_9445: thanks so much! it feels good to have unexpected twists..hihi anyway thanks! and here's the update..:D

mychokyumintchip: nah..she's only close to 1 jin..:)) and i'm glad you liked it..:)) hope things go well with you that you can update fast..:D i hope this update will give yu a boost...:D

hanhayoung: yep, only a month left..:)) the time fo all revelation is coming soooooooon..hahaha yey! here's my update..:D

achilison: oh?hahaha nice one..but anyway thanks for giving a few minutes to read this..it's the weekend so i hope this update wont distract you..hihihi

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final chapter almost finished!


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2018 and still my all-time favorite fic of uri Kim Heechul ♡
LeeAngel1004 #2
Chapter 64: LOVED IT!!! I have always had a soft spot for Heechul and this just sealed the deal^^
I really enjoyed the last chapter & look forward to seeing it come to pass in a small way in the future!
Chapter 65: Oh gosh I read your story again and still it is my favorite hee story <3 I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH ;; IT TAKES MY EMOTIONS OUT :)
hanhayoung #4
Chapter 66: Finally ~~~~~~
Can't wait for another update of sequel^^
hanhayoung #5
Chapter 65: 정망 미안해......
Very busy with school staff, coz the exam is nearby. Really sorry for my lateness..... :(
I've read this final chapter the days before but i coudn't comment at that time 미안 ㅠ_ㅠ
Finally the special chapter appearrr, why they're so sweet and cheesy <3<3<3<3<3 like it so muchhhhhh
This stro
When they're appear on strong heart is so touchy *_* but in the end the atmospher turn up with the mushy moment... Can't stop imagine their life, eventhough it's just fanfic but it felt so real.....정말
I wonder when they have a newly born baby ㅋㅋㅋ how they take care their baby? I imagine by myself=))
Kinda curious about the sequel autoooor....How was their marriagelife then?
Will surely read this fanfiction repeatedly coz this story is my 1st favorite fanfiction and the best fanfixtion i've ever read ㅋㅋㅋ
Keep writing the best fanfiction garie09 ~~~~~<3<3<3 Can't wait to see your next storyyyyy
Chapter 65: Aahh i love the last chapter ^_^
Chapter 64: Waaaaa, I just got the time to read this since I've been pretty busy with school stuffs ,_,
Author-nim, I know I'm late but I want to say that THIS FANFICT IS DAEBAK! :3
The final chapter is so adorable <333
I even imagine how it will be like if your fanfict really happens, turns into reality xD
Hankyung & Kibum coming back, future SJ Entertainment & future SJ:2 boyband <333
Will surely missing reading your fanfict!
hanhayoung #8
Chapter 64: Omoooooo finally this story is (really) end...the best story i've ever read....thank youuu very much for make this great story (my favorite) author!!!!!!!
JaeHee-SaeHee must be really cute like their parents^^ Why heenim so overprotective to his daughter? Kyeoptaaa*0*
After all that hapenned in the past finally all of them had their happy ending by themselves..... It's like really happened in their real life when i imagined this..... really like it <3<3<3<3<3
Can't forget this fanfiction for sureeee, i will reread this again and again =))))
Sequeeeeeellllll.......really wonder what the plot that you'll take? Is that ZeeChul in common life or......? Can't waitttt, so anxious really!!!
And also for the special chap.....can't wait tooo....
Thank you again authorrrrrr....good job! And hopefully you're succes on your next fanfic and your sequel toooo <3<3<3<3<3<3
정말 고마워여 =)))))
mychokyumintchip #9
Chapter 64: This is just too adorable for words!! :)) SaeHee and MinHyun-ah! Heechul appa for the win.:)) Can't wait for the sequel and special chap. Nyahahaha!
Chapter 64: Aww the kids are adorable! Hihi overprotective Heechul!
Yeeeyy sequellll :D