It's Not Fanservice!

His Perfect Match

Leeteuk’s POV


            “I think we should move now.” Eunhyuk exclaimed as he started walking slowly back.

He was the first one to snap out of the shock while the rest of us were still dumbfounded.

            “why?” Henry asked.

            “Hell is about to break loose in approximately 3 seconds.” Eunhyuk continued and pointed towards the stage.

I didn’t notice that I did count 1-3 in my head and then the shouting started which was just in time for Sungmin to start his solo.

            “What did you think you were doing!?” Zee’s shout echoed. All of us even the managers were standing still. No one dared say one word.

We could but we can’t dare. You can almost see steam coming out of Zee’s ears and I’m not even exaggerating.

            “wasn’t it obvious!?” Heechul responded angrily back. For one thing, Heechul hates being shouted at.

            “was that one of your fan services again, Kim Heechul!?” she used his full name…not good.

The other boys and I were staring at each other. Even Siwon, who always have something to say at times like this, was just standing quietly beside Donghae.

Heechul opened his mouth but shut it quickly.

            “you know what? We’re not talking about this here.” He said gruffly before grabbing Zee’s wrist and walking towards the waiting room.

Zee looked like she was about to protest and tried pulling her arm but by the looks of it Heechul didn’t want to let it go.

            “should we stop them?” Henry piped in.

            “sorry, mochi, but we still want to live.” I said tapping on Henry’s shoulders.

            “yeah, going in there would be like going to a tiger’s lair armed with nothing but packs of raw meat.” Siwon said crossing his arms.

            “and I know I’d rather pick the tiger’s lair.” Donghae grinned.

            “tsh! You would. You’d be in there making friends with the tiger.” Hyukkie said to his bestfriend and shook his head.

            “I know it’s…errr…dangerous to go in there but don’t you think someone should stop them if it gets too violent?’ Henry started to look worried and I can’t blame him.

            “don’t worry, Henry, it’s going to be fine. Knowing those two, they’ll be able to sort it out.” I said trying to comfort him but I feel doubtful at my words.

            “yeah, know THOSE two…have you forgotten their tempers? If we’re lucky they wouldn’t break everything in there.” Eunhyuk gave a skeptical snort.

            “will someone enlighten us what’s going on?” Shindong said walking towards us with Kyuhyun. Both of them looked really confused.

            “yeah, Heechul hyung just kicked us out of there and the by the looks of those two, world war 3 is about to happen.” Kyuhyun said jerking a thumb towards the waiting room. ZhouMi suddenly appeared behind them panting.

            “what happened to you?” Siwon asked.

ZhouMi was clutching his heart and continued to take in deep breaths. He waved an arm towards the waiting roon.

            “threw…chair…scared…” ZhouMi said as he panted.

Errr…weirdly enough I kind of understand what he just said.

            “uhmmm…they threw a chair at you?” I asked and he nodded.

            “see, hyung!?” Henry said in an almost panicked voice.

            “can someone tell us what happened now?” Kyuhyun said again. I sighed.

We ended up explaining everything to them again and their eyes widened and mouths fell. They have the very same reactions we all had when we saw it.  I know Heechul planned for this but I think he should’ve at least talked to Zee about it.

            “seems to me, Heechul hyung has a death wish.” Kyuhyun said snapping out of the shock.

            “whatever those two have to talk about they’d better hurry and fix it. We still have to perform after Ryeowook’s solo.” I said as the rest were given last minute touchups by the cordis who were just called by the managers.

They better fix their issues asap or Heechul’s mood on stage will be affected when it’s time for us to perform.


Heechul’s POV


Fine I snapped, I just hate being shouted at. now I may have to apologize to ZhouMi for throwing that damn chair at him. Not only that I have to make this explanation quick coz I still have to perform. Argh!

            “now explain what went on out there.” Zee crossed her arms and glared at me. She was clutching her mask tightly that it was almost crumpled now. she’s lucky this is the last stop for out tour.

            “ok look, what I did out there was not for fan service.” I said summoning all my self-control to level my voice.

            “then what was it for?” her tone went down too, she seems to also be trying to control her temper.

            “I was trying to tell them that I’m dating already.” I blurted out. don’t care about that now.

Zee looked taken aback and blinked a couple of times.

            “by doing that? In front of all your fans? You’re crazy.” She shook her head.

            “well it's not like we can keep this relationship as a secret forever. Not that we’re over the 3-month line. Besides didn’t you say that you’ve thought about this possibility and how you’d accept it even if it were hard? Or was all of that just talk?” I think should’ve left out that last bit since her expression hardened.

I knew why, she hates being doubted, coz she always means what she says.

            “when I said that I was expecting you’d do it in the normal way. I guess I forgot whom I’m talking to. You don’t do normal.” She said flatly and sat on the couch.

It looked like she wouldn’t be unraveling her arms soon.           

            “yes, I don’t. I would’ve told you about my plan but I know you might disagree.”

            “of course, I would! It’s crazy!” she raised her voice a little and flailed her arms.

            “see! I know you’d say that. I also did this to show that I’m being serious.” I’m getting goosebumps just by hearing myself.

            “tsh! After that do you really think they’ll take it seriously?” she said skeptically.

            “maybe not now but that was just to prepare them about the possibility that I have a girlfriend already and that it’s not going to change soon.” I said sitting in a chair in front of her.

She turned to face me and looked at me as if she just saw me the first time.

If I heard myself say those words I would’ve done what she did…

            “so you want to make our relationship public?”

            “yes, but I want to do it slowly. You know, make them get used to the idea that I’ve got someone already.” I grinned knowing it’s safe enough to do so.

            “you know why I got mad?” she asked as she leaned back. “it’s because you didn’t tell me about your stinking plan!” she shouted.

            “stop shouting! Fine, I’m sorry if it shocked you. Happy?” I said rubbing my ears.

            “not really.” She exhaled. But she looked relaxed nonetheless.

            “about any articles that might come out, don’t mind it. I also told the company I’ll handle it.”

            “ok, if you say so.” She said as she stood up to leave the room. “and Heechul? It was really sweet of you to consider breaking the news to your fans slowly.”

            “of course, and it’s also for you. So that my fans won’t attack you the moment they’ll find out it’s you.” I said as I gave her a hug.

I knew when she hugged me back that the storm was over.

            “whatever. Just don’t tell them who I am yet. I am so not ready to leave my quiet life.”

            “baby, the moment you met us your life became far from quiet.” I laughed and so did she.

it was true. If you are actually connected to any member of Super Junior you will get no peaceful moment… it’s not from the people around us but from the members…kekeke

            “shall we do it now?” she asked. I nodded.

            “you can all come in now!” I shouted towards the door.

A few seconds later it creaked open revealing the guilty faces of the other members.

            “err…we actually came to tell you that we had to change the performance sequence a bit. ZhouMi is performing his solo now instead of our song.” Shindong said in a guilty voice.

The rest were either looking around or scratching their heads.

            “and he’s almost done.” Donghae piped in.

            “ok, we’re done here anyway. Let’s get this show back on the road!” I shouted and ran back out with the others.

They all followed but Zee stayed with Henry. I guess she’ll have to brief her cousin…keke

All we have to do now is wait for those articles, see what they write and do the next revelation step.


2 days later


Seoul, Korea


Zee’s POV


After the stunt Heechul pulled on stage during their last concert pretty much became media worthy. Not only news articles popped out even fan site blogs posted about. I knew because Donghae oppa, who’s a spy in their fansites, showed me some links. I agreed to read it as long as they weren’t threatening to kill me.

Surprisingly most posts were decent. Even some were saying it was about time Heechul finds a girlfriend since he’s not getting any younger. But not all comments were very encouraging, it was already expected but still it’s different when you read it like that.

Articles like:

Super Junior’s Kim Heechul Shocks Crowd with Stunt!

Identity of Super Junior’s Mystery Violinist Remains a Mystery

Fans Become More Curious as to Who the Mystery Violinist Is

Real or Fanservice? Was Heechul just treating his fans or was he trying to reveal something?


Since my identity is still hidden, I still have no worries but it’s Heechul I’m concerned about. I’m sure reporters are calling him left and right about the issue and I hope he can get through it. now I’m just guilty for getting mad at him at the concert.

Heechul got busy with his schedules again as soon as we got back from Vietnam so we didn’t get the chance to talk much again after that night and the manger separated our seats during the flight home to avoid suspicions and they even let me leave the plane first when we landed.

            “Zee, Heechul oppa’s going to be ok, I’m sure he’s used to things like this after being in the industry for so long.” Angela said giving me a glass of water. Since it’s Monday, I have no work and she decided to keep me company after knowing what happened.

But something tells me she still doesn’t want to see Kyuhyun yet.

            “thanks, I just wish I could help but he said he could handle it. anyway, were you okay while I was away?” I asked.

            “yep, Kim Shin and EunHee were very helpful. Although they did tell me some SJ facts.” At this her expression changed which made me curious.

            “what kind of facts?”

            “errr… the accidents…”  she trailed off.

That bit I knew. Heechul’s accident and Kyuhyun’s near-death experience with the others that happened a few years ago…

            “ahhh…yeah, it was a pretty bad year for them. Haven’t met them yet that time and I don’t want talking to them about it. I could only just imagine what they went through.” I felt the hairs on my arms stood up.

I was thinking if that accident didn’t happen before but now to Heechul, to Kyuhyun, I wouldn’t know what to do.

            “is Heechul oppa’s leg really ok now? how about about Kyu--?” she stopped herself. I gave her a reassuring smile. If our topic weren’t so serious I would’ve .

            “he can’t dance as he could before the accident but he’s ok now and as for Kyuhyun, if it weren’t for his father’s decision there wouldn’t be a singer Kyuhyun now.” I smiled and so did Angela.

Then I remembered when we showed Angela some of SJ’s MVs.

            “Hey, Angela, let’s continue watching their videos.”  I said before I stood up and grabbing my laptop from my room. My dog whined at me for disturbing his nap.

            “these are all post accident mvs and on this one…” I said before clicking their Don’t Don video from SM’s YouTube page. “was just a few months, if not weeks, after Kyuhyun got discharged from the hospital, so you probably won’t see him dancing.

I clicked play and we both started watching the MV. She pointed at some of the members she haven’t met yet, like Kangin oppa, Kibum oppa and Hangeng and asked where they were now. I explained it to her and it got kind of uncomfortable talking about Hangeng’s departure from the group and how much it affected them.

We didn’t linger on the sorry details and moved on to Marry U.

            “you know watching this after Don’t Don seems like a 180 degree turn of concept.” She said noticing the white coat and tie theme as opposed to Don’t Don’s black rocker theme.

            “just shows how versatile they can be. But you should’ve seen their ‘the making’ video of this. They look so awkward!” I laughed and started loading ‘Sorry Sorry’

            “I could only imagine.” Angela giggled as she clicked play for the video. “hey this song became popular in the Philippines, I remember getting annoyed from hearing this a lot on the radio.”

            “you can probably say this is actually the song that made them even more popular. It’s their breakthrough song to say the least.”

            “ew, ahjussi looked like e didn’t shower for days!” she said and pointed at Kyuhyun whose messy hair really did make him look scruffy.

            “that’s his look. Hey I’m going to cook lunch, you can continue watching their videos and if you like, you can watch their live performances which is as great as the videos.”  I said winking at her.

            “uhmmm…sure. Don’t want me to help you?” she asked and stood up.

            “nah, I’m only cooking for two anyway so this should not take long.”  I replied before walking towards the kitchen.

It’s also good that I leave her alone with those videos so she won’t have any disruptions while watching. Kyuhyun should probably be the one who’s running in her mind right now and she may be saying bad things about him but still she’s thinking about him. Hihihi

I decided to cook something simple, just a few pork chops and kimchi so it really didn’t take long to cook and I fried some eggs for us to nibble.

Since the apartment is really quiet and the volume of the laptop was almost in full I could hear what was playing. Super Girl played after Noerago then Bonamana, Perfection and Blue Tomorrow. After No Other, however, I felt like Boom Boom kept playing nonstop. After setting the table I decided to check on what she’s actually doing.

She was still sitting cross-legged on the floor while hugging a throw pillow from the couch. Only this time there was a goofy grin on her face and looking closely it was every time Kyuhyun came on screen.

Ohhh…now this is interesting. I guess she caught Kyu’s sudden transformation from boy to man. And even I have to admit Kyuhyun really became manly at the start of the Bonamana era.

            “what’s with that look?”  I asked in a teasing voice.

Angela jumped in surprise.

            “what look?” she blushed like her head’s been put into the oven.

            “THAT~ look!” I said pointing at her face. I really couldn’t help grinning.

            “I….I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She stuttered and hurriedly closed my laptop.

            “oh, don’t stop watching on my account.” I teased.

            “I was…finished anyway and I’m sick of looking at his face.” She stood up, flipped her hair and tried to act as if she hates what she saw. A load of crappy acting if you ask me…

            “oh, please Angela, your mouth says you don’t but your eyes just practically spelled out Kyuhyun for me and it’s says H.O.T.!”

            “no it doesn’t! and I wasn’t even paying attention to him.” she stomped her feet as if it’s going to help her convince me.

            “well, even if Kyuhyun only had his solo for the last part of Boom Boom, I’m sure he left a strong impression.” I said raising an eyebrow.

            “he had his solo at the start of the song and—“ her eyes widened. Gotcha~

            “gotcha.” I winked. She gave up arguing with me and just pursed her lips in frustration.

I could just tell her about Kyuhyun getting all jealous in Vietnam but where’s the fun without a little bit of trolling.hihihi

We ate our lunch in silence, Angela was still blushing and is probably still thinking about what happened. Being in denial will only make things more difficult for her.

            “hey, how about we go watch a musical to relax? Eunhyuk oppa called and he’s going with his sister. Wanna go?” I just left the part about what musical we’re going to watch.

            “sounds nice, but I wouldn’t really understand it.

            “no worries, their acting will tell you and of course I’ll translate some for you.” I said as we started washing the dishes.

            “as long as Kyuhyun’s not going with us I’m good.”

            “it’s all settled then, we’re leaving at 4. The musical starts at around 7 and we’ll be meeting them at the entrance.” I placed the last plate on the rack and wiped my hands. Angela just nodded and walked back to her room.

Yeah I know I’ve been to Kyuhyun’s musical with Henry and Donghae oppa but it’s almost ending now and I’m feeling good about tagging Angela along. Of course, and a chance to troll… yippee!


Chungmu Art Hall, 6pm


            “Zee, over here!” I heard Eunhyuk oppa call me from the ticketing area. I waved at him and I immediately noticed he had more company.

We quickly walked towards them and bowed in greeting.

            “hey Zee, how’s it going?” Sungjin greeted giving me a high five.

            “hi Sungjin.” I smiled at Sungmin oppa’s little brother.

            “oh, before I forget.” Eunhyuk oppa said and gestured to his sister. “this is my sister Lee Sora and Yesung hyung’s little brother, Jongjin. Guys, this is Zee, Henry’s cousin and Heechul hyung’s girlfriend. And Angela…the girl I told you about.” Oppa looked at his companions conspiratorially.

Now it made me curious what he just told them.

            “Angela, relax they’re just some of SJ’s siblings. Lee Sora unnie, oppa’ssister, Sungjin, Sungmin oppa’sbrother and Jongjin, Yesung oppa’s brother.”

            “hi, nice to meet you all.” she said bowing shyly.

            “what year were you born, Angela?” Sungjin asked. if Sungmin oppa was shy, his brother couldn’t be more opposite.


            “cool! I’m not the youngest in the group!” Sungjin exclaimed and nudged Jongjin who just laughed at him.

            “don’t mind him, he’s been the youngest in the crowd whenever we go out.” Jongjin said in a kind smile to Angela. “and I’m born in 1987, so I’m your oppa.” He finished for Angela.

            “so I’m calling you oppa too coz I’m an 88-er.” I said and Jongjin ‘oppa’ laughed.

            “looks like it.”

Sungjin is younger than me but I told him not to call me noona since we’re only months apart. It’s also actually a relief that the others could speak English or Eunhyuk oppa and I would probably spend the whole night translating.

            “I hope you guys don’t mind we bought front row seats.” Sora unnie said smiling.

            “oh not at all, oppa, called to tell me that earlier so we got to book our ticket online.”I replied.

Since it was already spring and the weather had finally improved there wasn’t much disguise Eunhyuk could do but only with glasses and a scarf. Unfortunately the two “jins” were quite popular among ELFs as well so some heads turned towards us from time to time.

            “I think we better get inside now.” Jongjin said looking around.

We all agreed and started towards the theatre, we had a few stares, whispers and finger pointing but we didn’t pay them any mind. Only Eunhyuk oppa greeted the fans that were gutsy enough to approach him. Some of the fans took some pictures of us and were probably already on the web right now.

            “Zee, you know we’re leaving for Jeju tomorrow right?” Eunhyuk oppa who’s on my left asked. Angela, on the other hand, was being interrogated by the ‘jins’; I’d have to ask her later about that.

            “yeah, do I really have to go?” one thing I’m having doubts in going is that I still have work and it’s going to be my birthday. Not that they know about it and I pressured Henry not to tell them.

            “of course! You were our guest in our concert tour so you have to go. We also need a girl there to clean up after us.” he joked.

            “yah! Lee HyukJae, is that all you guys see in us girls?” Sora unnie hit Eunhyuk oppa’s arm. it was so funny that I had to bite my lip to stop myself from laughing.

            “noona, that hurts! and I was only kidding.” He said rubbing his arm.

            “Henry better not learn from you guys.” I said.

            “too late! he already has.” Oppa said sticking his tongue out.

            “hey Zee, I’ll go to the restroom for a while, I’ll be back.” Angela said excusing herslf.

            “ok but come back quickly the show is about to start.” I said and she nodded.

            “hey Zee, is it really true about Angela and Kyuhyun hyung?” Jongjin asked in a whisper taking over Angela’s seat.

            “what bit?” I asked to clarify what they knew.

            “the bit where they like each other but won’t admit.” Sunjin said quickly in excitement.

            “tsh! And they say girls like to gossip.” Sora unnie shook her head in exasperation. I’m actually with her on this one.

            “so you told them everything?” I turned to ask Eunhyuk oppa who was pretending not to hear us. I rolled my eyes.

            “so, is it?” Sunjin pressed on.

            “we think they do but we’ll have to wait and find out how they’ll be.” I said honestly.

            “Angela is a nice enough girl and I think she and hyung will look very good together.” Sungjin said leaning back.

            “yah, you think everyone looks well together.” Jongjin said lightly punching his arm.

            “well, don’t you think they do?” Sungjin asked indignantly. The rest of us laughed.

            “I think I have to agree with you this time, Sungjin-ah.” Sora unnie said laughing along.

            “thanks noona!” Sungjin smiled like a kid and that reminded me that he and Sungmin really are brothers. That natural aegyo is definitely genetic.

            “she coming.” Eunhyuk said and we turned to see Angela coming down. Jongjin immediately went back to his seat.

            “hey, did I miss something?” she asked as she took her seat.

            “nothing much. Oh and you’re coming with me to Jeju tomorrow.” I said like I wouldn’t take no for an answer, and I wouldn’t. I would not be stuck there for 2 days with 12 boys. No way jose!

            “what? why?” Angela asked in a shocked voice.

The others were sniggering as if I have other reasons to tag her along.

            “I need female company.”

            “how about Kim Shin and EunHee? You can ask them.” She argued.

            “there’d be no one left to manage the hotel if they come with me and I’ve already asked them countless of times and they don’t want to go. And as for your ticket it’s on me since I’m the one who insisted to bring you with me.” I said with finality.

Angela opened to argue but closed it again. good girl.

A few minutes later the lights started to dim which signaled the start of the show. We all relaxed but I glanced at Angela when it was almost time for Kyuhyun to come out.

            “oh! Ahjusshi!” Angela exclaimed in a loud whisper. It was really a good thing that she didn’t shout. “you didn’t tell me he’s on this musical.” Angela said in an accusing tone.

            “well, you said you wouldn’t come if he went with us and not when he’s a PART of the musical. So technically, he’s not with us.” I grinned and she glared at me crossing her arms tightly. The boys were grinning widely as well.

Angela didn’t ask for translation of the musical as she had mentioned that she’s familiar with the story of The Three Musketeers. But even if she doesn’t understand the words, she seems to be enjoying herself.

She’s not the only one, every time Kyuhyun and the girl playing Constance appear together and act all sweet he laughs. He’s going tp be in trouble for it in the future I think.

            “how are you liking the show so far?” I whispered to Angela. The show was almost at the end now and Kyu was singing to Constance.

            “minus Kyuhyun, the show is great. The performances are just breathtaking.” She said and smiled.

            “you’re not jealous, are you?” Sungjin suddenly asked her. Angela whipped her head towards the grinning man.

            “I am not jealous, oppa. Why would I be?” she looked hard at Sungjin and then at me and I just shrugged in amusement. Angela went back to her whispered argument with Sungjin.

In our exchange, I didn’t notice that Kyuhyun was walking off the stage. If it weren’t for the loud whispers and giggles, I might not have seen him.

            “the kid’s doing it again.” Eunhyuk oppa sniggered beside me.

            “doing what again?” I asked and when I turned towards Kyuhyun again, I noticed he was walking towards us.

what is this guy up to?

            “just wait. He did this once when we dared him to do it, I don’t know if someone dared him again but I think it’s what he’s going to do. Look.” Oppa pointed at suddenly Kyuhyun was already in front of us; more specifically in front of Angela.

Angela was gripping the seat tightly as Kyuhyun was about to end his song. The rest of us could just exchange expecting glances. Sungjin and Jongjin oppa already had their phones out.

Kyuhyun extended his hand to Angela and my shocked friend just froze. I nudged her and gestured for her to take his hand. She looked at me as if she’s mentally begging me to help her out of the situation.

Sorry girl but this is the only way out…hihihi

When she finally took Kyuhyun’s hand, he pulled her up and sang the last note of his song. He then held Angela’s face with both of his hands and kissed her forehead.

Now I know what the others felt when Heechul kissed me on stage during the concert! My mouth fell wide open and Eunhyuk oppa laughed clapping his hands. The ‘jins’ and unnie were putting a hand to their mouths to keep themselves from making any sounds. The ‘jins’ still had their phones up and Kyuhyun looked like he was literally the soul out of Angela.

He let go of Angela a few minutes after and he gave a ‘gentleman bow’ towards Angela before walking back up to the stage.

I almost had to yank Angela back down because was frozen in shock.

We left before the curtain call so the lobby was still pretty much deserted. Angela, however, still had not recovered from Kyuhyun’s little surprise.

            “earth to Angela? Anybody home?” Sungjin started waving a hand over Angela’s face. She was really starting to look pale.

            “maybe Kyuhyun did her soul out.” Jongjin oppa joked.

            “maybe you can shake her out of it, Zee.” Sora unnie suggested.

            “Angela? Still with us?”  I shook her a little. She blinked but still looked dazed.

            “drink this, maybe it’ll help.” Eunhyuk oppa said handing her a bottle of water.

She took a tiny drink and then she seemed to look ok, at least a little. She was breathing normally now at very least.

            “Kyuhyun hyung, would’ve been the cause of her death if he made her stop breathing.” Sungjin sniggered and Jongjin elbowed him.

            “stop making fun of her, you idiot.” Jongjin oppa reprimanded Sungjin.

            “aish, what has gotten into that kid? I know he wasn’t dared to do anything today.” Eunhyuk oppa said running a hand through his hair.

            “he’s been hanging around with you guys too much.” Sora unnie rolled her eyes at her brother who pouted cutely at his sister.

            “hmmm…Jongwoon hyung, has his way in surprising the heck out of people. Maybe I could try it.”Jongjin said moving in front of Angela.

            “are you sure it’s a good idea, oppa? I mean she already had a lot of surprises for one day.”I said on Angela’s behalf.

            “well, the members hate it when hyung does it so maybe Angela will hate it and snap out of her daze.” He explained. I looked at Eunhyuk oppa.

            “most of what his brother does to us is weird that’s why it creeps us out and not that we hate it. I guess it would be worth a shot.” Oppa said defensively.

            “here goes nothing.” Jongjin raised his finger and touched Angela’s philtrum.

            “it would really be funny if she punches you, hyung.” Sungjin laughed from behind the other ‘jin’.

            “shut up, you.” As soon as Jongjin oppa said it Angela looked straight into his eyes.

            “Kyuhyun, what are you doing to me?” Angela said in a quiet robotic voice.

We all looked at each other.




here's another update from me! i hope you guys like this..i may not update as often as before coz i will be leaving for a while and there's limited internet there..but i will update as much as i can if there's a chance..:D there will stil be around 2 more updates from me before the week ends..:D

oh and i wish heenim just brought heebum to a groomer..poor kitty.. as much as i love him i wouldnt really want to be his pet..hihi

ps. still unedited and gif is not mine and as always vredits to the owner..:D

oh and i just wrote a oneshot - Haunting of a Mistake... it's my first time writing a oneshot so it may not be all that good..and it's in the third person's pov which i've also bever done before..hope you all will enjoy it..:)



mari_038: well you know how stubborn Kyu can be..hihi

Coralie_x_SHINee: lots more to come in the future chaps as well..!;)

jam_9445: well, lets just hope no one got to look closely and no one saw them together from some place else..;)

hanhayoung: yep, we're the same age..he only a month and 10 days older than me..haha well, heenim can be sweet even if he is a bit unpredictable.haha the cry moment will happen in much later chapters and hopefully i can do that chapter well..hihi fun chapters before the sad ones..hihi

trishababes21: thanks!:D hope you subscribe!:D

achilison: don't worry school is almost over anyway so hang on for another month..hihi yeah i saw the pics. dont worry about it.;) and i'm glad my update made you feel better..:)

BLOOP2530: thanks! i hope this update didnt disappoint..will have more fun on the next chapter..hihi

mychokyumintchip: haha here it is! i hope this is like the one you imagined..:)) im excited to start my next update already..:))

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final chapter almost finished!


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2018 and still my all-time favorite fic of uri Kim Heechul ♡
LeeAngel1004 #2
Chapter 64: LOVED IT!!! I have always had a soft spot for Heechul and this just sealed the deal^^
I really enjoyed the last chapter & look forward to seeing it come to pass in a small way in the future!
Chapter 65: Oh gosh I read your story again and still it is my favorite hee story <3 I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH ;; IT TAKES MY EMOTIONS OUT :)
hanhayoung #4
Chapter 66: Finally ~~~~~~
Can't wait for another update of sequel^^
hanhayoung #5
Chapter 65: 정망 미안해......
Very busy with school staff, coz the exam is nearby. Really sorry for my lateness..... :(
I've read this final chapter the days before but i coudn't comment at that time 미안 ㅠ_ㅠ
Finally the special chapter appearrr, why they're so sweet and cheesy <3<3<3<3<3 like it so muchhhhhh
This stro
When they're appear on strong heart is so touchy *_* but in the end the atmospher turn up with the mushy moment... Can't stop imagine their life, eventhough it's just fanfic but it felt so real.....정말
I wonder when they have a newly born baby ㅋㅋㅋ how they take care their baby? I imagine by myself=))
Kinda curious about the sequel autoooor....How was their marriagelife then?
Will surely read this fanfiction repeatedly coz this story is my 1st favorite fanfiction and the best fanfixtion i've ever read ㅋㅋㅋ
Keep writing the best fanfiction garie09 ~~~~~<3<3<3 Can't wait to see your next storyyyyy
Chapter 65: Aahh i love the last chapter ^_^
Chapter 64: Waaaaa, I just got the time to read this since I've been pretty busy with school stuffs ,_,
Author-nim, I know I'm late but I want to say that THIS FANFICT IS DAEBAK! :3
The final chapter is so adorable <333
I even imagine how it will be like if your fanfict really happens, turns into reality xD
Hankyung & Kibum coming back, future SJ Entertainment & future SJ:2 boyband <333
Will surely missing reading your fanfict!
hanhayoung #8
Chapter 64: Omoooooo finally this story is (really) end...the best story i've ever read....thank youuu very much for make this great story (my favorite) author!!!!!!!
JaeHee-SaeHee must be really cute like their parents^^ Why heenim so overprotective to his daughter? Kyeoptaaa*0*
After all that hapenned in the past finally all of them had their happy ending by themselves..... It's like really happened in their real life when i imagined this..... really like it <3<3<3<3<3
Can't forget this fanfiction for sureeee, i will reread this again and again =))))
Sequeeeeeellllll.......really wonder what the plot that you'll take? Is that ZeeChul in common life or......? Can't waitttt, so anxious really!!!
And also for the special chap.....can't wait tooo....
Thank you again authorrrrrr....good job! And hopefully you're succes on your next fanfic and your sequel toooo <3<3<3<3<3<3
정말 고마워여 =)))))
mychokyumintchip #9
Chapter 64: This is just too adorable for words!! :)) SaeHee and MinHyun-ah! Heechul appa for the win.:)) Can't wait for the sequel and special chap. Nyahahaha!
Chapter 64: Aww the kids are adorable! Hihi overprotective Heechul!
Yeeeyy sequellll :D