Still a Hero

The Sworn

chapter eight          
✧✦Still a Hero✦✧


"He hit me!" KyuHyun touched a hand to his cheek, staring at YoungSaeng with wide eyes. "You keep that damn freak away from me!"

"Not a sheep, never a sheep!" YoungSaeng shouted, struggling to get out of JungMin's grip. "Trust a sheep and the wolf bites!"

"Min, take him upstairs," KyuJong said, trying to get in between them. "Come on KyuHyun, let's take a walk."

"... If he's still here when we get back, I'm never coming back here again," KyuHyun said, glaring at YoungSaeng as KyuJong pulled him towards the door.

JungMin lifted YoungSaeng up off the ground by his waist, carrying the struggling man towards the stairs. "Cut it out!" He snapped, nearly getting elbowed in the face.

"It isn't safe out," DongHae ran back from the kitchen, having found a wet cloth for KyuHyun's cheek. He wisely decided to hand it to KyuJong instead, KyuHyun looking far too murderous.

"We'll just take a walk around the block," KyuJong said, accepting the washcloth. "They need to cool down. We'll be back in a few."

"No, let go, let go," YoungSaeng whined, trying to kick his feet. They had barely got halfway up the stairs before he went limp, head bowed as he sobbed.

Grunting a little, JungMin carried him the rest of the way up. He brought YoungSaeng into the bedroom and kicked the door closed with his foot before depositing the precog on the bed. "What the  was that? You do NOT go around slapping your teammates for no damn reason! You realize you could have just lost one of your precious 'Sworn' you were so convinced had to work together?"

Shoulders shaking, YoungSaeng looked up at JungMin, tears streaming from his large dark eyes. "He...we will lose him," he whispered. "Inviting the wolf in, lets it happen."

"And slapping and screaming at him does exactly what to help anything?" JungMin put his hands on his hips, scowling. Yes YoungSaeng was crying and distressed, but he was pissed one of his friends had been struck seemingly out of nowhere. "And unless you can tell us exactly what's going on in whatever possible future you're seeing, we're not losing him cause of any wolf, we're losing him cause of you."

YoungSaeng rubbed at his face, clearly agitated as he started rocking forward and back. "Hard to... so many lines, hard to see. Wasn't watching, didn't see it earlier. The wolf... the wolf... treads closer... circling. The spark in danger, doesn't see, try to make him see... so angry. I'm angry, he's angry, whole world crying."

JungMin's scowl eased into a frown, because it was hard to keep yelling at YoungSaeng when he was like this. "Hey. Hey, stop it, focus." He crouched down in front of YoungSaeng, trying to lightly catch the man's chin to keep his attention. "Stop looking ahead, stay with me. Focus on right here."

"Try... try so hard," YoungSaeng whispered, taking JungMin's hands in his own and holding them tightly. "Try to sort it all, become confused... Help me... help me to ignore it."

JungMin got back up and sat down next to YoungSaeng. He pulled YoungSaeng into an embrace, tucking the man's head under his chin. "You're okay, everything's okay," he whispered. "Stay right here. Do you want to go look at the stars?"

YoungSaeng shook his head, curling up against JungMin. "No, grounded here... better here." He was quiet for a few minutes, just breathing in and out slowly. "I shouldn't have hit him."

"No, you shouldn't have." JungMin ran his hand in slow circles along YoungSaeng's back. "You're going to apologize when they come back, right?"

"Yes, I will," YoungSaeng said, closing his eyes. "I lost control... and I don't even know why now. I can't remember what I saw or why it was so bad."

"We're going to need to work more on your control," JungMin frowned, tilting his head slightly to look down at YoungSaeng. "At least so you're not freaking out that much. I haven't a clue how to practice control with a precog, but we'll figure something out."

YoungSaeng smiled, looking up at JungMin as he pulled back enough to see him comfortably. "I can get there again," he said softly, bringing a hand up to touch JungMin's cheek. "It's why I'm here, with you."

Looking down at him, JungMin's lips quirked slightly. He covered the hand against his cheek with his own. "Yeah. We'll work on this. We just have to keep you calm and in the present."

"Sometimes I wish other people could see what I see," YoungSaeng said. "See the beautiful things that could happen. I see a future for you JungMin, one that's happy and full of joy... the future I want you to have."

Blinking, JungMin chuckled softly. "I'm not going to keep my hopes up, but just knowing there's something else out there is enough for me. I don't think most people could be trusted to know their own futures."

"Probably not," YoungSaeng agreed. He glanced towards the door, frowning a little. "They're coming back... KyuHyun's still mad."

"I'm not very surprised at that," JungMin sighed, squeezing YoungSaeng's hand lightly. "Well, let's go face the music. Just don't hit him again." He stood up, holding onto YoungSaeng's hands. "I'll be right beside you, if it helps."

"I wouldn't be able to do it without you," YoungSaeng said, getting up to his feet. "I won't hit him. Unless he hits me, but that isn't likely."

"We'll stand more than an arm's length away either way." JungMin led YoungSaeng to the stairs, heading back down. DongHae was fretting nervously in the living room, KiBum nowhere to be seen. He was probably in the kitchen making sure whatever KyuJong had been cooking wasn't burning.

YoungSaeng hovered anxiously behind JungMin, looking towards the front door where KyuJong and KyuHyun were coming back in. KyuHyun's expression didn't look much better, and when he saw YoungSaeng he nearly left again if it hadn't been for KyuJong holding him.

"I'm not going to be anywhere near that crazy hobo," KyuHyun was saying as KyuJong pulled him into the room.

"You're going to need to be," JungMin said, squeezing YoungSaeng's hand reassuringly. "He has something he wants to say to you."

"Well I don't want to hear it," KyuHyun balked. "He's dangerous, and completely insane!"

"And he needs our help," KyuJong said, pushing KyuHyun in front of him. "Listen to what he has to say first before making life decisions."

YoungSaeng looked up at JungMin, biting a little at his lip before he shuffled forward, head bowed. "I'm sorry for hitting you, I shouldn't have."

JungMin's lips quirked slightly. "We need to work more on his control, maybe get in touch with any other precogs in the city to see how they cope. He has trouble staying in the present, and deciphering what he's seeing without getting all freaked out about it. He's not dangerous, he just needs help staying grounded."

Which is something we all need to be understanding about," KyuJong said, prodding KyuHyun in the side. "It's not okay to hit, but at least we can move past this."

KyuHyun looked like he wanted to argue, but with a stern look from KyuJong he sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "Okay, I accept your apology YoungSaeng, but next time you get an urge to hit someone, find someone else. I'm not a punching bag."

YoungSaeng smiled a little at that, leaning against JungMin. "Don't want to hit anyone... don't want anyone hurt."

"That makes all of us," JungMin looked down at YoungSaeng.

"Uh...maybe food would help?" DongHae piped up cautiously from the kitchen doorway. "KiBum's finishing what you were cooking, KyuJong."

"Yes, food sounds good," KyuJong said, patting KyuHyun's arm. "Come on. We all need to destress a bit."

"Sure, but I'm not sitting next to him," KyuHyun muttered, following KyuJong to the kitchen.

JungMin steered YoungSaeng around towards the other side of the table, not arguing against that. For some reason, DongHae seemed wary about getting too close to KyuHyun either. "Is your cheek still sore?" he asked, seeing how red it was. "I can re-wet the cloth."

"It's fine," KyuHyun said, sitting down. "Not like it's the first time I've ever been hit before. I have to say though, for a little guy, he's got some strength in him."

"My hand still hurts," YoungSaeng pouted, looking down at his hands.

"That's because KyuHyun has a hard head," KyuJong said, joining KiBum in finishing the meal.

Once all the plates had been passed out around the table, KiBum pulled DongHae to sit down, taking the spot on KyuHyun's other side so he was between him and DongHae.

"No one's heard anything else about that assassin guy yet?" JungMin asked.

"Nope," KyuHyun said, digging into the meal. "Haven't really had an opportunity to ask anyone since I was babysitting all day."

"Can we get through a meal before talking about this?" KyuJong asked, frowning a little. "We've been on edge since all this started."

"Ah, right," JungMin turned his attention to the food instead.

"How was working with flowers?" DongHae was asking KiBum.

"It was nice," KiBum shrugged. "A laid-back job."

"Maybe you can bring some back for the apartment!"

"You two live together?" JungMin blinked.

"Yeah, we were roommates for university," DongHae chuckled.

"You two went to school?" KyuJong blinked. "How long have you two been doing the super hero thing then?"

"Unofficially for a little over two years," KiBum shrugged. "We started a couple months before the Sworn stopped appearing in the news."

"The costumes are recent though, cause we figured if we were going to try saving people, we could at least dress the part," DongHae grinned.

"You look like a damn fool in that gold get up," KyuHyun said. "And what kind of name is Blowfish anyway? You're not a fish."

"It's Goldfish," DongHae sniffed. "And it was KiBum's suggestion, to go with the outfit! And cause I'm from a fishing town and fishing family."

Once DongHae had returned his attention to his food, KiBum leaned a little towards KyuHyun. "It was actually a warning about his attention span," he murmured.

KyuHyun snorted at that, covering his mouth with his hand. "Fitting," he replied quietly once he had his laughter under control.

DongHae swallowed his mouthful. "How did you guys pick your names, though? Isn't it the same thing? I mean, Slipstream, Fractal and ShatterWave are pretty cool, but how did you get to that?"

"We all come up with our names in our own ways," KyuJong shrugged. "Fractal for instance is a mathmatical set that can describe physical properties in natural, sound, and time."

"Whatever that means," KyuHyun rolled his eyes. "I got my name out of a book."

"ShatterWave was probably one of the nicest names that came up when discussing my power," JungMin mumbled, focusing on his food rather than the conversation.

"I think they're nice names," DongHae grinned. "I mean, sometimes you just get a bunch of people named something-girl, or something-boy, or like that. It gets boring after a while."

"Names aren't important," YoungSaeng said, poking at his food. "Only intention. Names easily stolen, used without permission."

"..." DongHae's ears turned red and he focused on his food again. KiBum patted his shoulder lightly.

"At least you were doing good things with our name," JungMin snorted. "I think KyuHyun wouldn't be the only one pissed if someone committed a robbery in the Sworn's name."

"Exactly, and I don't think it was that bad for you two use our name, especially if it meant meeting you," KyuJong said, smiling warmly at the two. "Despite what's happened, I'm happy you're here with us."

"We're happy to be here too," DongHae returned the smile.





The following day was bright and sunny, which seemed to have a reverse effect on KiBum's mood as he met KyuJong for work the following morning. And with it being a flower shop, there were plenty of windows for the flowers.

"If it doesn't make a difference, I'd like to work with a hat on today," KiBum said as he went to find the watering cans for the flowers. He'd taken the cap off the day before, but today it was pulled so low it was a wonder he could see where he was walking.

"Hm?" KyuJong looked up from the vase he was putting together. "Oh, yeah, that should be fine. As long as you don't make the customers feel unwelcome that's okay... but may I ask why?"

Finding what he was looking for, KiBum filled the can and went around watering the flowers the sprinkler system couldn't reach. "It's brighter out today, I'd rather avoid a migraine if possible." He looked over his shoulder at KyuJong.

"... Ah," KyuJong nodded. "If it gets too bad, you can always go into cold storage and restock the cut flowers."

"I'll keep that in mind." KiBum winced as he ventured too close to a large window and got a sunbeam almost directly in his eyes. "I'll warn you right now, if I get short with you around noon it isn't because of you."

KyuJong set down his scissors and turned to look at KiBum with a frown. "If this is going to affect you that badly, maybe working here isn't right for you. I don't want you in any pain."

KiBum turned towards KyuJong. "It's fine. I don't mind working with flowers. I just don't want you to take anything personally." He smiled at the older man, lifting his cap a little so his eyes were visible.

"Okay, if you're sure," KyuJong smiled back at him. "But if you are going to go into the cold storage, I need some more carnations. I used them all up on this vase."

"I'll get those," KiBum chuckled, finishing what he was doing. Then he headed towards the back of the shop, disappearing through a door.

Ten seconds later, the front door chimed as someone walked in.

"Hi there, let me know if you have any qu..." KyuJong had been in the process of turning towards the door when he caught sight of who it was. "Oh... oh! Hi! What are you doing here Sunny?" he asked, getting to his feet and quickly going around the corner, arms open.

The young woman who'd just walked in brightened. "Oppa!" She walked into KyuJong's arms, returning the hug. "I saw your voice message, I'm sorry I missed your call. How have you been?"

"Oh... you know," KyuJong chuckled, squeezing her tightly. "Been missing you. How are things with you? I'm surprised you came all the way down here to see me, you could have just called."

"It's been a while, I wanted to visit," Sunny chuckled, pulling back to beam at him. "It's been great. We found a place and moved in together, and..." she lifted one hand, showing the engagement ring.

"Well, now you've gone and done it," KyuJong sighed, looking at the ring and shaking his head. "We still haven't even met this boy who stole you away. We have to make sure he's good enough for you."

"Oppa, don't scare him away," she giggled. "What about you? Meet a cute guy yet?"

"One or two," KyuJong smirked, pulling back enough to take a look at her. "You just get prettier and prettier every day. Why don't we talk in the office?"

"Of course, I don't want to take you away from any customers though," Sunny nodded, smiling up at him. By then KiBum had returned from cold storage with the carnations.

"KiBum can watch the counter for me," KyuJong said. "I'll be back in a few, okay KiBum?" he said, putting an arm around Sunny's shoulder and leading her towards the back office.

"I didn't know you ran such a lovely shop," Sunny smiled, looking at all the flowers. "I might have to leave with some now."

"I would insist," KyuJong chuckled. Opening the back office door, he let Sunny go in first before closing the door and taking a seat at his desk. "So, you're probably wondering why I called after so long huh?"

Sunny sat down in the other free chair, hands folded in her lap. "I am curious. I know you oppa, you wouldn't call without a good reason. Unless you just missed me that much."

"Well, I did miss you, but I would respect your wish for privacy unless it was important," KyuJong said, sighing a little as he looked down. "And this is important... someone's killing heroes."

The smile on Sunny's face faded slowly. "You mean repeatedly?" she asked quietly. "Not just some supervillian finally getting his paws on his arch-nemesis."

"No, and there's more," KyuJong said, looking up at her. He explained the entire situation as best he could, starting from the weird feelings he had been having to finding YoungSaeng. "... And then we made KiBum and DongHae swear the oath to join us, to prevent whatever it is that's going to happen."

Sunny was quiet, taking in the explanation. "And from what the precog's saying, the hero killings is related to the 'darkness' he's foreseeing." She leaned back in her chair. "Does he think all the heroes are in danger? Even those like you and me, who aren't doing the whole saving-people thing anymore?"

"He wasn't very specific, but the way he was acting then he meant everyone," KyuJong said. "I don't really want to take the chance that he's wrong or he's only meaning active heroes. I'm going to get in touch with some of our old allies, let them know what we do. I'm sure they know something's up by now."

She nodded in understanding. "I want to help, oppa...I really do..." she looked down at the ring on her finger, playing with it. "But I don't want to put him in danger."

"I know, and I would never ask you to," KyuJong said, leaning over his desk a little. "YoungSaeng pretty much said you weren't involved, you or GyuRi. Maybe you should take the boy on a vacation? Somewhere far away?"

"But what about you?" Sunny looked up at him. "I don't know if I'd be able to live with myself if something happened to you, and I chickened out."

"Protecting an innocent you care about isn't chickening out," KyuJong quirked a smile. "We'll be fine. We have two new members, and even JungMin's getting out of the house these days."

"That's good," she smiled sadly. "Two years delayed, but better late than never." She sighed softly, leaning forward and reaching out to touch KyuJong's hand lightly. "I' with him about leaving for a while. But I want you to keep me updated on everything, okay?"

"Of course, it wouldn't feel right if I didn't keep you updated," KyuJong said, turning his hand around to hold hers. "I do have a favor to ask of you, one you can do... I need any contact information you have for anyone we knew in the old days. Would you be able to help?"

Sunny thought about that, nodding. "I do have a few numbers. Does your email address still work? I can send you a list once I get back home."

"Yes, send it in an encrypted file," KyuJong said. "I wouldn't want that list falling into the wrong hands."

"Of course," Sunny chuckled. "And don't call it the 'old days' oppa, it was only two years ago. You make it sound like we're so old."

"Feels like it some days," KyuJong snorted. "Well, how about I get you a bouquet to go? Or will the boy get jealous?"

"He doesn't get me any flowers, it'll be a hint," Sunny giggled, standing. "Recent developments've been okay? Is KyuHyun oppa still mad at us?"

"Oh, he's mad for other reasons now," KyuJong sighed, getting up as well. "He's working for HyunJoong, so he's been in a perpetual pissy mood because of it."

"Oh no, why do I not see that ending well," Sunny shook her head. "There's taking his job seriously, then there's making himself absolutely miserable all the time. But he's always been like that. Say hi to him for me? JungMin oppa too."

"I will, and tell the boy he needs to treat you right or he'll have two very angry oppa's to deal with okay?" KyuJong said, opening the door for her. "I think I have the perfect bouquet for you, in fact I even named it after you."

"You named a bouquet after me?" Sunny brightened, stepping out. "Oh oppa, if only you liked girls as much as you liked boys."

"If I did, then you wouldn't have found the man of your dreams," KyuJong said, tweaking her nose as they stepped over to the display case. He pointed to a large arrangement of yellow daisies and daffodils. "I named it the Sunshine, it brightens peoples day."

Sunny smiled widely, bouncing excitedly. "It's gorgeous, how much is it? I have to take it home with me." Her skin started to glow softly.

"For you? Nothing, consider it an engagement gift," KyuJong said, opening up the case. "KiBum, you might want to hide out until she's gone."

KiBum had turned away when he noticed the glowing. "I think I will." he retreated back into cold storage.

Sunny blinked, looking in the direction he'd gone. "What's wrong with him?"

"He has an aversion to bright lights," KyuJong said, pulling out the vase to take to the counter. "It's not anything personal, but you getting giddy in excitement would probably blind him."

"Oh," Sunny pouted, the steadily rising light under her skin dimming again. "I guess it's a good thing we don't work together then." She followed KyuJong to the counter, wide smile back. "Thank you oppa!" She glomped him from behind.

"You're welcome," KyuJong chuckled, nearly dropping the bouquet as he pulled it from the vase. "When this whole mess is over, I want to see more of you. You're always welcome to come by the shop to talk."

"I'll take you up on that," Sunny giggled, hugging him for a moment before detaching herself and stepping up beside the counter to watch. "Maybe we can all go for lunch, especially if JungMin oppa's getting out of the house. Maybe GyuRi will be free too...and I suppose grumpy KyuHyun oppa is invited."

"I'd like that," KyuJong nodded. He placed the bouquet down on the paper, rolling up the ends and folding them over to wrap the stems. "I think we all would, and you can probably meet YoungSaeng too. He isn't officially part of the group or anything, but the way he and JungMin have been acting... well I don't think he'll be leaving anytime soon."

"Oh?" Sunny perked up: she loved gossip. "Acting how?"

"Well, YoungSaeng has been hanging on him, literally," KyuJong said, tying a ribbon around the paper. "They've been very affectionate towards each other, touching each other and giving each other doe eyes. You know how much JungMin despises all that."

"Yes," Sunny pouted, covering her head. She knew how much JungMin disliked the doe eyes. "Well this I have to see. And the two new guys? How are they fairing?"

"For now, they're doing well. KyuHyun doesn't like them, but he doesn't really like anyone," KyuJong sighed. "KyuHyun took DongHae to work with him, though I don't know if that was a good idea or not. KiBum... is doing okay here," he smiled, glancing towards where KiBum had disappeared to.

"That's good," Sunny smiled. "I missed you lots oppa, it was great to hear from you again." She hugged KyuJong tightly.

"I missed you too," KyuJong replied, returning the tight hug. "I'm always here for you if you need me, so don't be a stranger okay?"

"I won't." She stepped back after a moment, smiling up at him and taking the offered flowers. "These are so beautiful...I'll stop by again sometime. Take care, oppa."

"You too," KyuJong waved as she left the shop. He sighed heavily when she was gone, looking down at the counter. After a moment he pushed away from the counter and walked back to the storage room. "KiBum? What do you say to closing up early and getting some lunch?"

Working on the cut flowers, KiBum looked over at KyuJong. "Sure. How was the visit?" He stepped away from the shelves.

"Nice, it was good to see Sunshine again," KyuJong said with a small smile. "She gets prettier every time I see her... her fiancé’s a lucky man."

KiBum chuckled at that, stepping towards the door. "What did she say about the situation at hand? Will Nova be fighting with us?"

"No," KyuJong shook his head. "I wouldn't ask her to. She has a good life now, one that doesn't include super villains. I want it to stay that way."

The younger man nodded in understanding. "And there has been no word from Dust yet."

"No, and I don't really expect there to be," KyuJong sighed, leaning up against the doorframe. "When she left, she made it clear she didn't want to see us ever again."

"Problems?" KiBum asked, arms folded across his chest.

"Not particularly, but then you would just have to know Dust's personality," KyuJong chuckled. "So, where do you want to eat?"

"Anywhere," KiBum shrugged as they stepped out of cold storage. He winced a little. "...Maybe somewhere inside."

"Hmm... how about we go to my apartment? It's just around the corner," KyuJong suggested. "I can make us something."

KiBum nodded. "Sure."

"Well, don't sound so enthused," KyuJong chuckled, lightly pushing him towards the front door. "I'll have you know I'm a great cook when I have the right ingredients."

"I'm never enthused," KiBum grinned, heading towards the door when he was nudged. "I know you're a good cook, from last night. You're lucky by the way, DongHae wanted to finish up the cooking."

"... I think JungMin would have killed him," KyuJong snorted, following along beside him. "And if you think what I made last night was good, wait till you see what I can really make. You know I had aspirations of becoming a chef?"

"Oh?" KiBum raised an eyebrow, stepping outside. He pulled his cap lower. "Why didn't you?"

"It would have taken too much time to dedicate to it," KyuJong said, locking the door up behind them. "I wouldn't have been able to take care of JungMin if I went to culinary school. Besides, I like working with flowers just as much."

KiBum waited for him to be finished, hands in his pockets. "Do you regret not going?"

Tucking his keys back in his pocket, KyuJong thought about the question as they started to walk. "Honestly? No, I don't. I'm happy with my life, and how things turned out. As bad as some things have gone, I think it turned out okay. What about you? What aspirations did you have?

"I'm still studying, psychology," KiBum shrugged. "So that's coming along...if it still works out. Wanted to act when I was younger, but it's been a long time since I've even thought about it."

"Acting?" KyuJong tilted his head a little, glancing at him. "Not interested in it anymore or did you find out you weren't any good," he teased.

KiBum chuckled. "Not interested. It was a childhood dream, instead of wanting to be a firefighter or something. One could say that, running around in a costume, you're still acting a little."

"I guess you could say that," KyuJong nodded. "Or you could also say that the costume is who you really are and it's when you're out of it that you're acting."

"That would depend upon the person: trying too hard to be the good guy isn't always how people are either. Or bad guy in the case of villains." KiBum glanced at KyuJong beside him.

"True, but defining good and bad isn't easy," KyuJong said, turning down a side alley. "It's ultimately what the end result is that defines if something is considered good or bad. Most people make choices based on the greater good, but the greater good is more of a personal definition than something set in stone."

"Saying that the end result is what defines good or bad is a dangerous path. The end doesn't always justify the means. And there are those whose means and methods are good, but they end badly."

"Then how do we determine if something is good or bad?" KyuJong asked, stopping at a doorway. "Let's put it this way... what if what we're trying to prevent, what YoungSaeng is seeing... what if it's a good thing but we're not seeing it that way?"

"Then I guess that would make us the villains," KiBum shrugged. "Good and bad is a matter of perspective. Even villains sometimes think, in their own way, what they're doing can make a better world."

"Of course, but as super heroes, we draw the line at what is good and evil," KyuJong said, opening the door to his apartment. "Just because a villain believes they are correct doesn't make them so."

"No, it doesn't," KiBum shook his head, frowning as he followed KyuJong inside. Instantly he noticed the sunlight was far less intrusive, and he removed his cap with a sigh of relief. "But do they know that?"

"Some do, some don't," KyuJong shrugged, closing the door behind them. "I could say the same for those that we would call super heroes. Do they think they're good? Or do they try to convince themselves they are by doing good deeds... it's all a matter of perspective as you said."

"You sound like you have this debate often," KiBum chuckled quietly, slipping off his shoes and looking around the apartment.

"With myself, yes," KyuJong nodded. The apartment was tiny, not much bigger than a closet with a small kitchen tucked to one side and the main living space dominated by KyuJong's bed. "I work alone, sleep alone, eat alone... don't have much else to do but think. Not much else to think about when you're a retired super hero. Uh... take a seat anywhere, I'll get started on lunch."

KiBum looked around, deciding to sit down on the edge of the bed. "Need help? I'm not completely useless in the kitchen."

"There really isn't enough room, we'd be bumping into each other," KyuJong said, pulling things out of the cupboards. "But I appreciate the offer. Next time you can cook for me."

"Sounds like a plan. I'll have to double-check our place before inviting you over, DongHae's taken a liking to trip-wires and motion sensors," KiBum said, resting his chin in one hand.

"...Why?" KyuJong blinked, looking over his shoulder. "If you don't mind me saying... that seems like it could be very dangerous with him around."

"Dangerous for other people: I've been around him long enough to know to watch where I walk," KiBum chuckled. "This was right after we found out heroes have been dying, if it helps. His heart's in the right place."

"Yes, but it seems like he's more likely to get you both killed than anything," KyuJong said, shaking his head. "I have an errand to run tomorrow... would you like to go with me?"

KiBum blinked, surprised. "Sure? What kind of errand is it?"

"Just need to find a couple old friends, and hopefully they're where I think they are still," KyuJong said with a smile.

"Ah." KiBum smiled in return. "Of course then. We'll be closing up early again tomorrow?"

"Yes, can't be helped," KyuJong hummed, returning to his ingredients. "I'll still pay you for a full day, in case you were wondering."

"You don't have to do that," KiBum chuckled. "If I'm not working, I shouldn't be paid. I have a feeling this errand will be more than interesting enough to make up for it."

"... Oh if you only knew," KyuJong said with a pained smile as he finished adding the ingredients to the pan. Covering the pan to let it simmer, he joined KiBum on the edge of the bed. "Did you really want to join the Sworn, or was it mostly DongHae's idea?"

"Mostly DongHae's, but I was curious about his decision," KiBum shrugged. "The Sworn and the members in it were influential to us when we first came into our powers."

"You know, it's not something we really thought about when we started, or hell, even when we quit," KyuJong said, resting back on his hands. "We wanted to do good things, we didn't care about the honor or anything like that. And we definitely didn't think about how it would affect other people out there like us."

"I would say you influenced a lot of the newer groups," the younger man chuckled. "From the circles I was in at the time, not many were used to thinking of their powers as a blessing of any sort. Many saw them as a curse, or if not, something that was inherently bad. Not many thought about using those abilities for good."

KyuJong's eyes lowered at that, his smile disappearing. "I'm glad we could help others, even if we couldn't help ourselves. I guess the first ones, the trail blazers have to learn things the hard way."

KiBum watched him. "You have a lot to be proud of yourselves for though. You started something in this city."

"I know, I think we all knew it," KyuJong said. "Doesn't make it hurt any less though, you know?"

"I know," KiBum nodded. There was nothing he could say to that, just resting his hand lightly on KyuJong's shoulder in support.

KyuJong looked up at the hand on his shoulder and then into KiBum's eyes. He smiled a little in thanks and rested his cheek against KiBum's fingers. "I did miss being a hero though, even through all the bad moments I never wanted to do or be anything else."

"I don't think you ever stopped being a hero," KiBum murmured. "Whether you were in the news or not, in costume or not."

"I'm only a hero to boyfriends and husbands who need to apologize their girls now," KyuJong said with a small laugh.

KiBum chuckled, shaking his head. "I can think of at least a few more people you're a hero to."

"I guess you're right, the girlfriends and wives probably think so too," KyuJong said. "YoungSaeng too, I did save him after all."

"I was thinking more...JungMin," KiBum smiled. "He might agree with me. DongHae. A couple others we lost contact with. Me."

"I'm not a hero to JungMin, I'm his cook and annoying friend," KyuJong said quietly. "But you think I'm a hero?"

"I do," KiBum nodded, glancing at him.

KyuJong blinked a little at that, his soft smile growing. "Well... I'll try not to let you down then," he murmured.



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Also, I'm already plotting out a potential sequel for Spirit Wars. Without having finished Spirit Wars yet. What is my life ._____. How many readers would I lose if the main character's from EXO? I really want to get more comfortable writing them, but I don't know how much of my current reader base would follow me into an EXO sequel... even with tons of other fandoms there too... .__.;;;


@Forest_pixi: LOL If you make it vague enough, new readers won't know what you're talking about? :P Or you could always comment on LJ XDDD


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blahblahpok #1
Chapter 47: I found this story cos of the kyumin tag and I don't generally read stories with people I don't know, but I got hooked on this cos it was GREAT and so much fun to read ^^ Plus I'm a kihae gal (can't read eunhae cos of that) but you totally made the pairings work! Those 4 were my fave couples in the story after kyumin :p

I've a question though. I remember reading this ages ago and I seem to have some recollection of either Donghae or Kibum sharing more in depth about the times when Donghae tried to kill himself, and how it felt to watch/do that. Was that ever in the story or did my brain make it up? :p
Chapter 47: it's done


You never did tell us Youngsaeng's name though
Chapter 45: MY bby Yesung ;;;;;

But Minsaeng :"))))
Chapter 45: winding down...bittersweet feeling
Chapter 42: kkkk....This pairing in the guys always throw out curveballs for the unsuspecting...hehehe
Chapter 38: :"))))) babies, all of them
Chapter 37: ouch...emotions are on the rise...
Take a chill pill horse..
Leave my wolf and his little lamb alone....tch

And Yesung lolol but I feel like his entry was weird idk man don't take that as an offense pls
Chapter 36: I just want to say, i'm in love with my crazy hobo precog.....

It's almost time and the fish is probably driving Joon crazy...hehe

/missing the wolf me some suju501