The Wolf

The Sworn


chapter six         
✧✦The Wolf✦✧


"... Min I'm going to go help them find YoungSaeng," KyuJong said, feeling like he was talking to a wall at this point. "Please come downstairs in case he comes back here first."

There was no reply from inside the room. Downstairs, DongHae had bolted out the back room, slipping on his mask and looking around. The neighboring building's wall was within easy reach, and with a running leap he latched onto the bricks and climbed up to the roof. KiBum was nowhere to be seen, but with the darkness night brought he had probably stolen far ahead looking for the missing precog.

Not having a costume or much of anything to put on, KyuJong stuffed his feet into his shoes and headed out. He could feel YoungSaeng not far away, but the others were going the wrong way. Starting out at a light jog, he rounded a few corners and ended up a few streets away where he finally caught sight of YoungSaeng.

The precog was sitting on the curb under a street lamp. His head was up, as if to look at the stars but there weren't any on the cloudy night. Slowing down, KyuJong approached quietly, afraid he'd spook YoungSaeng.

"I was only trying to help," YoungSaeng said when KyuJong was near enough. "That wasn't how it was supposed to go.. I said the wrong words, thought they were the right ones. Events are all jumbled."

"..." KyuJong sat down slowly next to him. "I'm not sure what you said, but it can't be as bad as you think it is. I'm sure whatever it is you said, JungMin will forgive you for, he knows..."

"No, he doesn't know," YoungSaeng shook his head. "I tried to make him understand, but he wasn't ready in this timeline."

Footsteps approached, DongHae panting as he found them from the rooftops above. "There you are." He climbed back down the wall rather than take the two-storey jump. He didn't see KiBum and KyuHyun anywhere, but considering their powers that didn't mean they weren't around. He hoped they were around.

"Hey...we should get back inside," he said, walking to join them.

"He's right, it's dangerous out here," KyuJong said, getting back up to his feet. "Come on, I'll make you something to eat, okay? We can talk this over."

YoungSaeng looked like he wanted to protest when his eyes went wide and he looked down the street to his left. "The wolf!" he hissed, scrambling to get up.

DongHae's eyes widened and he looked in the direction YoungSaeng was. He couldn't see anything, but that was no indication of safety. "Look out!" He reached them, pulling YoungSaeng behind him.

There was no gunshot, only a muffled twack. DongHae staggered and went down, taking the bullet instead of YoungSaeng.

YoungSaeng was pretty close to coming unhinged. "No! No!" he screamed, over and over, nearly tripping over his own feet as he tried to run. KyuJong's hand snapped up his wrist and held him tight.

"Don't move," KyuJong said, holding his other hand out. The air around them shattered, like pieces of a broken mirror. "DongHae? You still with us?"

"Ow. Yes." DongHae sat up, wincing and rubbing his chest. The bullet fell out of the hole it created before the wound sealed again. "What was that?"

Another thwack of the gun was heard, but when it reached the strange bubble surrounding them it disappeared.

"The wolf!" YoungSaeng shrilled, tugging on KyuJong's hand to let him go. "Kill me, kill us, all dead."

"Shut up YoungSaeng," KyuJong hissed, his eyes narrowing. "DongHae, where's KiBum? Was he with you?"

"No, I don't know..." DongHae squinted to see past the shattered edges of the bubble around them. "He's out there!" He pointed.

Long tendrils of shadow had formed, attacking at the mouth of an alleyway. A figure in black rolled out of the way of KiBum's attacks, firing the gun before disappearing down the street.

"I can't hold this for much longer, is it safe?" KyuJong asked, his hand trembling from the strain. It had been a long time since he had to create a time bubble this large.

A shower of sparks overhead from the lamp post and KyuHyun was crouching beside the bubble. "Everyone alright? I think whoever that was is gone. Yah, Shape, or whatever! Is he gone?"

A moment later, KiBum stepped out of the shadows to their right, eyeing where the attacker had gone. "For now. We should leave before he returns."

DongHae stood up, eyes wide. "Is he the one who was killing heroes?"

Seeing as the danger was past, KyuJong dropped the bubble, the splintered air reforming together. He nearly fell over but KyuHyun held him up.

"The wolf... wolf aiding the darkness," YoungSaeng said, sticking close to KyuJong. "Bites and swallows the stars."

"I think we should take that as a yes," KyuHyun said with a frown. "Come on, let's get back. You two watch our back."

"Yes sir," DongHae nodded, looking around warily. KiBum disappeared again as they started to move back to JungMin's house.

The redhead was waiting for them, pulling the door open so they could get inside. "What happened?" They all looked spooked.

Before anyone could even say anything, YoungSaeng attached himself to JungMin, holding onto him tightly. "The wolf... tried... wants to kill me. Stupid stupid stupid, didn't think."

"We ran into a little trouble," KyuHyun said, pushing past them into the house, still supporting KyuJong to get to the couch.

"What?" JungMin looked startled, nearly falling over before he supported YoungSaeng properly.

DongHae closed the door behind them. "Whoever he is, he's pretty serious." He showed JungMin the hole in his vest, right above his heart.

JungMin's lips thinned and he helped YoungSaeng to the living room to sit down. "Did you catch him?"

"No, didn't get a chance," KyuHyun said, helping KyuJong sit down. "KyuJong was pretty out of it and YoungSaeng was panicking. Thought it would just be a good idea to retreat."

"No one goes anywhere alone..." KyuJong said, sagging heavily into the couch. "Especially at night."

"Especially him," KiBum reappeared next to DongHae as the older man sat down, looking at YoungSaeng.

"Hear that? No more running off," JungMin looked down at YoungSaeng, who was still attached to his arm. "If you want to go look at the stars or something, I'll go out with you."

YoungSaeng didn't reply, just nodding as he held onto JungMin tighter. "Well, I think it's time to call it a night," KyuJong said, rubbing at his forehead. "You three should just go home for the night, whoever that was may still be in the area so don't draw any attention to yourselves."

“I'm not worried about drawing attention to myself, and Sludge over there should be fine," KyuHyun said with a frown. "Golden boy here needs to tone it down though, even if he can't be killed."

"Oh, it still hurts to be shot," DongHae grinned sheepishly, rubbing his chest. "I'll be quiet."

"You should at least figure out your new teammates' names, Sparky," JungMin sniffed, watching as DongHae got up and went to put the rest of his outfit back on. "When are we meeting again?"

"That depends... what are you two doing tomorrow during the day?" KyuJong asked the two newcomers, ignoring the grumbling from KyuHyun.

"Job-hunting," DongHae grinned.

"Studying," KiBum put out.

"It's summer Bummie, you shouldn't be holing yourself up in the library all day."

"Job hunting?" KyuJong looked thoughtful at that. "Okay, KyuHyun, find DongHae a job at your work."

"Excuse you?" KyuHyun wrinkled his nose. "Why can't he go work with you?"

"Because I don't think he'd work well around delicate things," KyuJong said. "I think KiBum is a better choice to work with me, if it doesn't interrupt your studies too much?"

KiBum glanced at KyuJong, frowning lightly. "What's the job?"

"KyuJong runs a flower shop," JungMin said, leaning back in his seat. "You get rid of weeds, water plants, and make bouquets all day."

"Doesn't sound too obstructive," KiBum shrugged.

"Where do you work?" DongHae looked back at KyuHyun with a grin.

"In an office, a quiet office where people do important things," KyuHyun said. "This is a bad idea KyuJong."

"We need to stay together and I think JungMin has enough on his plate that he doesn't need another special needs case to watch after."

"Special needs?" DongHae blinked over his shoulder at them as he tried to fit the wing set over his head again. "KiBum isn't special needs, he's pretty smart!"

KiBum sighed and stood up, picking up his hat and bandana. "We'll take our leave now, it's past his bedtime."

"Mine too," KyuJong nodded, waving a little. "Come by here in the morning, that means you too KyuHyun."

"Fine, whatever," KyuHyun muttered, heading out the door first.

KyuJong glanced over at JungMin with a small smile. "You think you'll be okay by yourself tomorrow?"

JungMin looked over at KyuJong, nodding after a moment. "Yeah. You'll stop by after work right?"

DongHae was still fighting with his cape, KiBum stepping up behind him and fixing it before he could strangle himself. Nodding to those left, he and DongHae stepped out the door after KyuHyun.

"Of course, someone needs to make dinner," KyuJong said, smiling as he closed his eyes. "I need to sleep, I'm about ready to pass out. I remember being able to fight for hours at a time, but even a few minutes and I'm exhausted. Maybe I'm just getting too old for this."

"It's been two years. I don't know about you, but I haven't so much as practiced," JungMin shrugged, standing and prying YoungSaeng's arms off from his waist so he could walk to KyuJong. "Are you going to be okay out there? Some psycho killing people, I wouldn't trust him not attacking during the day."

"I'll be fine," KyuJong said, opening his eyes again and looking up at JungMin. "I'll have KiBum with me at the shop. Would you feel better if I checked in often?"

"Yeah," JungMin nodded. "No offense to him and DongHae, but if seasoned heroes are dying? I don't exactly trust a newbie to keep you safe."

"Well it'll be more like I'm keeping him safe," KyuJong chuckled, slowly getting up to his feet. "I may be old and tired, but I'm still a survivor. Try not to worry about me too much, you've got someone else to take care of," he said, touching JungMin's arm lightly and giving it a squeeze. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Yeah," JungMin frowned worriedly though. "You don't want me to walk you back?"

"No, just keep an eye on the runaway," KyuJong said. "Go easy on him okay?" he said, his voice dropping a little. "He didn't mean anything by what he said."

Looking away, JungMin sighed. "...Yeah. We'll be fine. Stay safe," he pulled KyuJong into a tight hug.

"I plan on it," KyuJong smiled, returning the hug. When he pulled away, he pointed a warning finger at YoungSaeng. "And you, no more running away, got it?"

"No, never again," YoungSaeng said, slumping down a little more on the couch. "Wasn't thinking."

"No, of course you weren't," KyuJong said, giving JungMin another small smile before he started for the door. "See you two in the morning."

"See you." JungMin waited until KyuJong was gone before locking the door behind him, heading back into the living room with a sigh. "Let's get some rest, they'll be back bright and early tomorrow."

Nodding, YoungSaeng got to his feet. "Tomorrow.. can we watch the stars?" he asked, looking to JungMin hopefully. "No clouds tomorrow."

Looking at the hopeful expression on YoungSaeng's face, JungMin's lips quirked slightly. "Yeah. We'll watch the stars tomorrow." He turned off the lights on the main floor, heading up the stairs. It was going to be a long day tomorrow, and he wondered how many of them would actually be able to sleep easy.




Mornings were never an issue for KyuJong, in fact he preferred them which had made being a super hero difficult since it had required late hours. By the time he had gotten up and ready for the day, the sun had barely made it up over the horizon before he was unlocking JungMin's door and stepping in. "Min?" he called, though he knew it was useless. JungMin had to be dragged out of bed if it was before noon. Slipping off his shoes, he headed up the stairs and slowly opened the bedroom door to peek in.

What he saw made him smile sadly. Though JungMin had a big bed with plenty of space, YoungSaeng was curled up at the farthest edge away from him, burrowed up under the covers. KyuJong padded over to the bed, leaning over JungMin's sleeping form and gently shaking his shoulder. "JungMin, wake up."

JungMin grunted before rolling over, arm lashing out and nearly catching KyuJong off the nose. "Nhmm..." He buried his face in his pillow.

Flinching back, KyuJong scowled and smacked JungMin on the shoulder. "Yah, you almost hit me," he said, pulling back the covers. "Wake up, lazy ."

"Mh?" JungMin flailed for a moment for the covers before cracking his eyes open, twisting his head around to blink at KyuJong blearily through a mess of hair. "Huh?"

"Morning," KyuJong smiled, hitting him again. "Breakfast will be in ten minutes, so get up. And wake up your roommate while you're at it," he said, turning around and heading out the door. "Ten minutes Min!"

"I heard you the first time!" JungMin groaned, rolling over again. He stayed down for a moment before sitting up and rubbing his eyes, yawning. Well, he could have slept much better than that.

Pushing his hair out of his face and reflecting he should probably cut it, JungMin blinked at YoungSaeng. He reached over and rested a hand on the older man's shoulder. "Hey, YoungSaeng. Time to get up."

YoungSaeng didn't reply, though he flinched to get away from the hand and burrowed deeper into the covers.

Frowning, JungMin got up and walked around to the other side of the bed where YoungSaeng was in danger of falling off if he moved much farther. "YoungSaeng, come on. Up." He crouched next to the bed, shaking the precog's shoulder lightly. "Breakfast is soon."

After a moment the covers pulled down slightly, two squinty eyes peeking out from under a tangle of black hair. "Hmm?" he groaned softly, blinking a couple of times. "Dreamt of you... wrapping me up in a blanket, over and over until the sky went black... felt so safe."

JungMin blinked at YoungSaeng. "You have weird dreams. Well, whatever makes you happy I guess. KyuJong's making breakfast, it's time to get up."

It took a bit, but YoungSaeng finally got himself to sit up, rubbing at his eyes. "Keep the fish out of the kitchen, he's going to start a fire," he said, yawning a little.

"The fish? Oh, DongHae. I don't think he's here yet, Kyu would have said so," JungMin stood.

"Not yet, no," YoungSaeng said, stretching out his arms. "KyuHyun is though, he just doesn't want to come in."

"...Sounds like him, let's go get him," JungMin sighed, stretching as well before going to throw on a shirt. "Before KyuJong comes back up here and drags us both down."

"He would," YoungSaeng chuckled, getting up to his feet finally. "Um... thank you again," he said sheepishly, picking at the shirt that was a little too big on him. "We'll get me new clothes next week, but thank you for letting me wear these for now."

"No problem," JungMin shrugged. "I have more clothes than I know what to do with." He wandered towards the stairs, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

Smiling a litle to himself, YoungSaeng followed after him down the stairs and into the kitchen. KyuJong looked up and greeted them cheerily. "Morning, I thought I was going to have to go back up there again. Sleep okay?"

"Could have slept better. Or longer, whichever." JungMin peered outside. "It's barely dawn Kyu." He walked towards the door, unlocking it and pulling it open.

"Dawn is the best part of the day," KyuJong sing songed, bustling over the stove. YoungSaeng knew well enough to stay out of the way, following after JungMin to peer outside.

"What? I'm not coming inside," KyuHyun had his coat on, slumped in a chair on the outside patio. "It's nice out."

"It's cold," YoungSaeng pointed out.

"You can either get in here, or be the first person to greet the two newbies when they show up," JungMin leaned in the doorway, arms folded across his chest. "Are you going to behave today?"

"Me?" KyuHyun blinked, his expression twisting into incomprehension. "What'd I do?"

"He won't," YoungSaeng said, poking JungMin in the back. "And he wants to lose DongHae before getting to work so..."

"Okay okay!" KyuHyun huffed, getting to his feet. "He's starting to become a real pest Min."

"Says the pest," JungMin smirked, stepping aside so KyuHyun could get inside. "At least you'll have backup to watch over HyunJoong, though you might not want to tell DongHae that."

"Yeah I don't think telling DongHae that his boss is our former arch enemy will go over well," KyuHyun said. "On the bright side, maybe SungMin can annoy him now instead of me?"

"Doubt it," YoungSaeng said, hopping up to put his arms around JungMin's neck and hang against his back. "Now you'll have two people bothering you."

"... I've changed my mind KyuJong!" KyuHyun called, stepping inside. "You take DongHae, I'm taking KiBum."

"KiBum doesn't seem the sort to let your attitude problems slide either, if he puts up with DongHae all day," JungMin snorted, grunting slightly at the weight on his back. "What are you doing, am I supposed to carry you now?" he looked over his shoulder at YoungSaeng as he closed and locked the door.

"I wanted to see things from your perspective," YoungSaeng said with a grin. "And I feel like I'm flying."

"It was already decided that DongHae was going with you KyuHyun," KyuJong said, dishing out bowls to put on the table. "And don't give me anything about how HyunJoong won't hire him, you know he will, he hired you of all people."

"To torment me," KyuHyun huffed, dropping down into a chair at the small table in the kitchen.

"So what makes you think he won't hire someone who's gonna join him in tormenting you?" JungMin grinned, making his way into the kitchen hunched over so YoungSaeng's feet weren't touching the ground. "You're strangling me, just so you know."

"Am not," YoungSaeng sniffed. "If I was, you wouldn't be able to talk."

"Are you sure you're going to be okay by yourself today Min?" KyuJong asked, trying very hard not to smile at the scene, though his lips were trembling slightly. "He could be too much for you."

"I think I could take him." JungMin let go of YoungSaeng when there was a knock on the door. "That must be the other two." He steered YoungSaeng towards a seat before going to let them in. "Why does everyone show up so early?" He mumbled, unlocking the door.

"Hi!" DongHae waved excitedly. Behind him KiBum looked like he was sleepwalking, a cap pulled low over his face against the morning sun.

"Oh, another morning person, KyuHyun's really going to hate you now," JungMin snorted, letting them in and locking the door after them.

"I can hear you!" KyuHyun called from the kitchen. It's not like the house was that big or anything.

"It's too early for yelling," YoungSaeng clamped his hands over his ears and dropped his head on the table.

"Breakfast is ready if you two haven't eaten yet," KyuJong said, stepping out into the hall to greet them.

"Oh, we ate before coming, thanks though!" DongHae smiled widely at KyuJong, kicking off his shoes and heading to the kitchen where the others were. "I'm all ready for my job interview!" He was dressed in semi-nice clothes, and actually looked respectable. Minus the gold-foil bowtie.

"... There won't be an interview," KyuHyun said, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're not going to work with me."

"KyuHyun, if you don't knock it off I'm going to do one of two things," KyuJong said, scowling at him. "I'm either going to tie DongHae to you like a puppy, or I'm going to trap you in a time bubble with him for a week, understood?"

KyuHyun wrinkled his nose at that, though he shot a glare towards YoungSaeng who was cackling. "Okay, fine! You win."

DongHae smiled widely, dropping into a chair out of the way while the others ate. KiBum followed him, taking up a chair at the back of the room and appearing to sleep.

"That makes me wonder," JungMin looked at YoungSaeng. "When KyuJong says he's going to do something, like tie DongHae to KyuHyun, do you actually see him doing it?"

If the grin on YoungSaeng's face was anything to go by, that was a yes. "KyuJong had a pink leash in mind," he leaned over to whisper in JungMin's ear.

JungMin snorted and choked on his coffee, coughing.

"What?" DongHae blinked at them curiously. "What's so funny?"

YoungSaeng turned to DongHae with a sorrowful expression. "I'm sorry DongHae, it was a reality that will never come to be. Thousands of choices to make but only one path we'll travel. It's sad, isn't it? All those missed opportunities to do the right thing..." he leaned in a little closer "... or the wrong thing."

"...Huh?" DongHae blinked at YoungSaeng. "What reality? What wrong thing?"

JungMin watched with amusement as DongHae fell silent as he tried to puzzle out what YoungSaeng had said.  "Well. I didn't think it was possible to shut him up." KiBum proved to be still awake, the shadow of his cap hiding a quivering smile.

"We should go before he snaps out of it," KyuHyun said, scooping in a few bites of food before getting to his feet. "Come on Clownfish, I need to go sweet talk an ."

"Good luck," KyuJong said, and meant it. He still hadn't figured out why HyunJoong had hired KyuHyun at all, and wasn't even sure the man would agree with hiring someone KyuHyun knew. "We might as well go too KiBum. Busy day ahead."

KiBum nodded, standing and adjusting his cap. "Hyung." He got DongHae's attention, the older man blinking up at him. "Listen to him and try not to cause any trouble your first day."

"Yeah, of course," DongHae nodded, not paying attention. "Listen, no trouble." He stood up and wandered towards the door.

"This will be fun," KyuHyun grumbled, following DongHae towards the door.

"It's going to be a rough first day," YoungSaeng said, watching them go before turning to JungMin. "We should fly today," he grinned.

"Yes, speaking of rough days," KyuJong chuckled, clearing away the dishes to stack up on the counter. "I'll call you later Min, see how you're doing. Try not to have too much fun?"

"I'll stop him from jumping off of things, lets start with that," JungMin rolled his eyes. "Don't forget to call! You, don't give him any trouble," he pointed at KiBum who raised an eyebrow at him.

"I don't think he's the one you have to worry about," KyuJong laughed, taking KiBum by the arm to pull him towards the door. "Bye Min, we'll be back later!"

Once they were out of the kitchen, YoungSaeng beamed brightly at JungMin. "Fly?"

"Flying? What, am I carrying you everywhere again?" JungMin rolled his eyes before turning around. "Well, get on. I'm heading upstairs with or without you."

YoungSaeng didn't need to be told twice, jumping onto JungMin's back, arms going around his neck and resting his chin on JungMin's shoulder. "I like flying," he said, smiling at him. "Like flying with you."

"Crazy precog," JungMin snorted, turning and walking towards the stairs. He headed up them slowly, hampered by the additional weight on his back. He was loath to admit he was actually getting a little used to YoungSaeng being around, even if his daily routine had gone to hell. When they weren't arguing about the future of course.

Reaching the second floor, he made it to the bedroom before straightening. "Okay, I need to change into proper clothes if you want to go stare at clouds all day."

"Why?" YoungSaeng looked him up at down. "I think you look okay like that, why do you need to change?"

"If people are going to be coming through my house on a regular basis, I can't sit around in my pajamas all day," JungMin chuckled, going to his closet and pulling out a new pair of clothes. "I'll be right back, don't go anywhere."

"... I'm still in pajamas," YoungSaeng pouted. He glanced over to the window. "Glass is so hard to clean up... cut feet and hands. Blood everywhere. Shouldn't open yet."

"What?" JungMin blinked, stopping. "The glass is going to break, why?"

YoungSaeng glanced over his shoulder, smiling dazedly. "When the stars disappear, the wolf comes. Glass breaks... and the screams..."

"Hey..." JungMin put his clothes down, reaching out and turning YoungSaeng away from the window. "Look at me, YoungSaeng," he tilted the older man's face up. "Focus, none of that is happening. There's no one here but you and me."

"The wolf... scares me..." he whispered, eyes focusing slowly onto JungMin. "He hunts me at night, in my dreams. I run and run, fast as I can but always finds me."

"You're safe here." JungMin pulled him to sit down on the edge of the bed. "We're not going to let anyone hurt you, okay? Not some wolf, not this darkness, nothing."

Taking in a few deep breaths, YoungSaeng leaned again JungMin, closing his eyes. "Safe with you, stay with you and stay safe, stay whole..." He tilted his head up to look at JungMin, chin resting on his shoulder. "Help you."

JungMin's lips quirked slightly. "We can help each other, okay? You don't have to be afraid of anything here." He wrapped his arm loosely around YoungSaeng's shoulders, hoping to be a sort of comfort. He couldn't even imagine the things YoungSaeng saw every day, to drive him so far from the present and reality.

"Neither do you," YoungSaeng said quietly, though he did smile at that. "I wasn't always like this... I had control once."

"What happened?" JungMin murmured, looking down at YoungSaeng.

"The darkness stole me away," YoungSaeng replied, a flicker of pain crossing his expression. "Hurt me, took away my mind, stuffed it with fog. I dreaded that moment for so long..."

So he'd been tortured until he could barely tell the possible future from the present anymore. Eyes narrowing, JungMin felt anger at what YoungSaeng had gone through. "We're not going to let whoever it is get to you again," he murmured, arm tightening slightly around the older man's shoulder. "We'll stop him, for sure."

"I know," YoungSaeng smiled, burrowing closer into JungMin. "You... help clear away the fog," he said quietly. "Even if it's just brief moments."

JungMin's lips quirked softly. "Glad to help," he murmured, resting his head lightly against the top of YoungSaeng's. It had been a long time since he'd been this close to anyone. Sometimes he couldn't tell if it was to help YoungSaeng relax, or something else.

"Need to fly," YoungSaeng said, pulling back a little and looking up at him. "Come on, let's go." He took JungMin's hand and got to his feet, pulling JungMin up.

"Oh fine," JungMin chuckled, guessing he'd have to change later. Standing as well, he followed YoungSaeng to the window and pulled it open. "KyuJong would kill us both if he knew we were coming out here again."

"KyuJong worries too much," YoungSaeng said, clamoring out onto the roof first. "Too young to worry about so many people. Needs a distraction." Walking up to the edge, he stretched his arms out wide to the side and took in a deep breath. The wind picked at his hair and shirt. "So good to fly... so free."

JungMin followed him, close enough to stop YoungSaeng from falling. "I used to come out here a lot, part of the reason why I live in this place. Despite it not being the best part of town ever."

"It's very... you," YoungSaeng said. "This is what I looked forward to, before the pain. Standing on the roof with you. It made it all worth it."

"You shouldn't have had to go through pain like that in the first place," JungMin said quietly.

"Didn't want to, but had to," YoungSaeng said, smiling a little as the sun touched his face. "All paths of my life led to it. Just as they led me to you."




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blahblahpok #1
Chapter 47: I found this story cos of the kyumin tag and I don't generally read stories with people I don't know, but I got hooked on this cos it was GREAT and so much fun to read ^^ Plus I'm a kihae gal (can't read eunhae cos of that) but you totally made the pairings work! Those 4 were my fave couples in the story after kyumin :p

I've a question though. I remember reading this ages ago and I seem to have some recollection of either Donghae or Kibum sharing more in depth about the times when Donghae tried to kill himself, and how it felt to watch/do that. Was that ever in the story or did my brain make it up? :p
Chapter 47: it's done


You never did tell us Youngsaeng's name though
Chapter 45: MY bby Yesung ;;;;;

But Minsaeng :"))))
Chapter 45: winding down...bittersweet feeling
Chapter 42: kkkk....This pairing in the guys always throw out curveballs for the unsuspecting...hehehe
Chapter 38: :"))))) babies, all of them
Chapter 37: ouch...emotions are on the rise...
Take a chill pill horse..
Leave my wolf and his little lamb alone....tch

And Yesung lolol but I feel like his entry was weird idk man don't take that as an offense pls
Chapter 36: I just want to say, i'm in love with my crazy hobo precog.....

It's almost time and the fish is probably driving Joon crazy...hehe

/missing the wolf me some suju501