Chapter 5 : Do the Feelings Grow?

It Started With A Debt


Jaekyung ran downstairs, she saw someone who seemed unfamiliar, looking at her as he go upstairs, but she didn’t even bother to look who it was.


She went to the garden and found Dony and Deuk there, eating on a table. She ran towards them and sat. “I’ll eat too.” Then without confirming the permission of the twins she hastily ate a cupcake. The twins were dumbfounded.


“What the hell Jaekyung why are you eating our cupcakes!!” Dony tried to hide and protect the cupcakes.


“What is your problem! We’re eating here!” Deuk looked at her with disgust.


Omo I didn’t just saw something I shouldn’t see. Why did I even enter there! I should just left the food somewhere. “Urghh!” she screamed. The twins jumped in surprised.


“Did hyung made you drunk? You just came here and stole a cupcake from us then you just screamed without reason! Have you gone crazy!?” Deuk looked at Jaekyung with confusion.


“Yah Jaekyung where are you?!! If I caught you, I promise you, you’ll be dead!” Seunghyun shouted as he walked towards the garden.


“Omo, wait, wait I’ll hide.” She stood up and looked for a place to hide. The twins were puzzled.


Seunghyun finally arrived in the garden place. He saw Jaekyung. When she saw him she swiftly turned her back. She was definitely clueless. She started walking off fast.


“Yah! Jaekyung come back here! Yah!” he shouted at her but she was still walking off.


“Yah! Jaekyung! Stop right there or you’re dead, you ert!” Jaekyung finally stopped, but she didn’t dare look at him. Seunghyun walked towards her.


The twins eyed each other. “What? Jaekyung’s a ert?” they snickered.


“Yah! How dare you enter my room without my permission!” he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to face him. Jaekyung averted his eyes and looked down.


“I’m not! I mean I just went there to give the food tray, I’ve been knocking but no response so I just entered, I didn’t know you’re taking a shower, you should have at least just locked your bedroom door!” she scoffed.


“Yah! So it’s my fault?! Aissh, you ert, tell me are you sneaking in? Ahh, I know, you have dirty desires over me, don’t you!” He shouted at her.


She glared at him looking into him. “Yah! I’m not a ert and for your information I’ll never have interest in your body! Even if you’ll be the last man living in this earth I won’t ever have interest in you!!” she looked at him straight into his eyes.


“Yah! Don’t look at me like that! How dare you! You just me!”


“What? How the hell, what are you saying I you huh!” and now they seem like fighting for real.


“I saw your eyes trailing my body from head to toe!” he pointed at her eyes.


She laughed. “You’re crazy! I didn’t even move my eyes! And how did I you with that! I don’t know what kind of mind you have but you’re just really immature!” she pouted.


“I am what? Immature? And why are you answering me, you’re even shouting at me!” he protested.


“I’ve been shouting at you like from the start of this conversation and you just realized it now!? Your mind is so slow!” she hissed.


The twins were just watching them, highly amused with what they’re hearing and seeing.


“My mind is slow?! Aissh how dare you say that to me! And you can still look at me after what you have done! Aisshh you’re such a naughty girl, Dony, give me a handkerchief.” He smirked.


“Why?” Dony sounded confused.


“Just give me a handkerchief and don’t ask why, Aissh!”


Then Dony gave him a handkerchief.


“You, turn.” He signaled Jaekyung to turn her back.


“What?” she was confused.


“I said turn, you’re telling me my mind is slow? Just look at you, you don’t even know what turn is?” he then put his hands on her shoulder and turned her, her back facing him.


Then he folded the handkerchief and blindfolded her.


“What are you doing?!” Jaekyung tried to take off the blindfold. Seunghyun pulled her hands away from it.


“Don’t take that off! Your eyes should be punished! If you ever try to take that off you’re dead! And you two, make sure she won’t take it off or you’re dead as well!” he pointed at the twins.


“Now let’s see how you do things blindfolded.” He smirked and walked away.


“Yah! I have work today, Aissh, he’s childish, I’ll just take this off.” She tried pulling the blindfold down.


‘No! No Jaekyung don’t do that, we’ll be in trouble as well!” Deuk held her hand stopping her.


“What!? But how am I supposed to do things like this? I have work later! And I haven’t eaten yet! Urghhh! I can’t believe him! He’s so childish!” she screamed.




Seunghyun went back to his room. Jiyong was still there checking up his laptop.


“So, who’s that Jaekyung girl? Is she the one you’re talking about last night when we’re in the club?” Jiyong said as he saw Seunghyun entered the room.


“Yeah, that’s her.” He answered as he went to the bathroom to change there since Jiyong was in the room as well.


“Oh, she looks pretty, her body is just right, and she has a strong aura. What will you do to her?” Jiyong turned off the laptop and started checking up things inside the room.


“I don’t know, but that girl surely is weird.” He said from the bathroom.


“If your grandma knew about this when she got home you’re dead. You haven’t done anything good yet. I bet she’ll kill you.” Jiyong laughed.


“I’ve been managing a nightclub, and a café, I don’t want to manage the hotel. It will only give me a headache.”


“And she told you to get rid of the gang you made, but you didn’t.” Jiyong added.


“I won’t break it, I made it. After all, I’m having fun and the group’s so useful, it doesn’t give me any harm.” Seunghyun went out of the bathroom since he just finished dressing up.


“But you’re still in a bit of trouble, you just had some enemies. What if your grandma and your parents will take all you have, let’s say your house?” Jiyong started playing one of the stuffed toys in the room.


“No, my dad’s fine with what I’m doing, it’s that old woman getting in the way wanting me to take over the hotel and get married.” Seunghyun hissed.


“Why are you here by the way?” Seunghyun looked at Jiyong who was still playing the stuffed toy.


“Nothing, I got bored. It seems like your house is entertaining.” Jiyong chuckled. “Oh, I got a message from Seungri, Hyung come over here, I’ve set a blind date for you. Omo, I got a blind date, wait, I’ll leave for now, I wonder what kind of girl he has just set with me.” He left the room.



“Urghh please let me take it off I wanted to eat and take a shower, and go to work.” Jaekyung buried her face in the table, they’re still in the garden. Dony and Deuk were playing cards.


“We can’t do that Jaekyung, we don’t want to get screwed. Let’s just wait for hyung to come back. Do you want to eat? We bought a cake last night, we’ll just share it to you, we’ll feed you so you can eat breakfast.” Deuk sighed and he picked the box of cake he and Dony were hiding. “Good thing I get some plates and spoon in the kitchen.”


“I’ll feed her.” Seunghyun just came from nowhere and he sat on the chair beside Jaekyung who still has her face buried on the table.


“Where did you bought that cake? Can I have as well? I haven’t eaten since this girl just threw my food earlier.” He looked at the cake, and on the twins.


“I didn’t throw it! It’s an accident.” Jaekyung broke off.


“Aissh hyung, we’ll just give you the whole cake and leave the two of you before you get to eat our other food. Come on Deuk, this two people are the reason why we’re having scarcity of food in the world.” Then they left them.


“Aishh these two!” he hissed. “Yah! Don’t bury your face there, how can I feed you with that position?” he poked her.


Jaekyung lifted her head and sat up straight. “Can I just take the blindfold so I can eat well?” she smiled.


“No! You’re so full of complains, you have to pay for what you did.” He scolded her.


“Okay then, I just hope you’ll feed me food and not something that will kill me. Oh, I bet you’ll feed me insects or something disgusting.” She muttered.


“What?! You think I’m like that? I even didn’t think of that idea.” He started slicing the cake and putting it on the plate. “This looks delicious, those twins like hiding their food, how dare them not even give me.”


“Open your mouth.” He ordered her. She opened waiting, but a few seconds passed but nothing happened.


“Yah! Are you tricking me!? You’re so chrmmmmmmm-“ he just shoved food in , causing some icing to spread around her lips. He laughed.


She tried to take off the blindfold but he held both her hands with his one hand. “You’re so messy, look at you.” He continued laughing. Jaekyung felt embarrassed.


“Wait, I’ll wipe that off.” He took his handkerchief and he wiped the icings off her lips.


He felt his heart beat fast at the site of her lips. He leaned closer to her, he was tempted to kiss her when-


“Hyung, the nightclub manager just called.” It was Dony.


He was frozen, his face was so close to her. “Aissh, you go clean yourself!” he threw his handkerchief on her face and left. Jaekyung pulled off the blindfold.


“What the hell is his problem?” she looked at him as he left and saw Dony staring at her.




“That’s right! Wow, you can make different styles in that coffee, you seem artistic!” Daesung told Jaekyung. She was in the café starting to learn how to do her work.


“Thank you, actually, I love arts, and one of my hobby is drawing, and I sometimes paint when I have money to buy the tools.” She smiled. She made a heart on the coffee she just made.


“Really? Your talents shouldn’t be wasted then.” Daesung told her.


“No, I’m not really that good.” She half-smiled.


“I want to see your works,  you can bring them here one time, I wanted to see them if you just permit.” Daesung was checking on the orders.


“Ah, I can’t do that sunbaenim, because that Choi Seunghyun, he actually stole all my school stuffs, including my photography portfolio and my drawings.” She frowned.


“What!? Why did he do that? But I don’t think he’ll do that of no reason. I know hyung, something must be going on. Did he tell you anything about your school? And why aren’t you going to school?” Daesung was more than curious that he just forgot the number of money he has just counted.


“He said I won’t go to school anymore.I don’t know, he’s so stupid, he only thinks of himself, I bet he’s just playing me. I feel really frustrated.” She readied the orders and put them up on a tray.


“Um, I don’t think he only thinks of himself, hyung’s not like that. Really, he may act foolish as times but he won’t really ruin innocent people’s lives. I bet he’s up to something, or if not, well, he’s not Choi Seunghyun anymore. And I assure you, he’ll release you someday. I don’t know what’s gotten into his mind getting you in exchange of a debtor’s debt. “ he shook his head.


“Really? I hope this nightmare will end soon. I’ll bring the orders to the customers.” She flushed Daesung a wide smile and went to the dining to bring the café’s customer’s orders.



Jaekyung has gone back to Seunghyun’s house at around 9 in the evening. She was always accompanied by the twins, since they’re making sure she won’t escape. She didn’t have a problem with that though, the twins don’t harm her, they’re even more like friends.


“Hey, tone down your voices, boss is not in a good mood.” One of Mr.Kim’s men told Dony and Deuk since they’re laughing loud.


“Why? What’s his problem?” Dony asked.


“I don’t know, but I guess it’s family matters. More like business matters. He’s not really in a good mood, he’s in the living area right now, drinking wine.” He whispered.


“Ahh, Omo, Jaekyung you better go to your room, he’s scary when he’s mad.” Deuk told Jaekyung. “Where’s Mr. Kim anyway? I haven’t seen him in days.” he then asked the man.


“He’s arranging something. Actually it should be our boss’ secretary doing it, but he doesn’t want his family to know about it so he let Mr. Kim do it.”


“do what?” Deuk asked.


“Don’t ask anymore! Just go ahead and walk quietly.”


Jaekyung sneaked in the living room, and she saw Seunghyun, looking really problematic. She stared at him for a long time. I wonder what’s his problem, he looks depressed. She was about to leave when he called her.


“Jaekyung,” his husky deep voice made her nervous.


She turned around and looked at him, his face was expressionless.


“Come here.” He ordered her. Did I just do something wrong? Sneaking is not a crime right? She thought.


She walked to the living room. “Why? Sorry if I was sneaking in I won’t do-“


“Just stay here, I need someone.” He cut her off. Her jaw dropped. He wanted me to stay? Okay now, I don’t know what’s with him. She thought. She sat on the couch.


“Are you okay?” Jaekyung asked nervously.


“No.” he drank his wine.


Jaekyung sat up straight on the couch. She was a little scared seeing Seunhyun’s expressionless’ face.


The silence just made it awkward to Jaekyung. She was sitting there with him for half an hour and they didn’t even speak a word. She stared at him, he was doing something in his phone. She sighed. He looked really sad, it isn’t like him, I guess I’ll prefer the dork Seunghyun, than this melodramatic one. She thought.


Finally, she came up with an idea to brighten his mood. She stood up. She started to sing and dance to SNSD’s Oh. “jonhi aldeon naega anya brand new sound~~”


Seunghyun looked at her with disbelief. “Yah, what are you doing?” he chuckled.


“oh oh oh oh oh, oppareul saranghae, ah ah aha ah oh manhi manhi hae!~”


“Jaekyung-ah! Are you okay?” he looked in amusement.


“sujubuni jebal utjimayo~”


She danced and sang. Seunghyun just gazed at her, surprised at what she was doing.


“Oppa chankaman, chankaman dureobwa!~” she was dancing and singing until she fell on the floor when she tried to jump a little. Her ached.


Seunghyun laughed at her. “Is that also part of the dance?” he was laughing hard at her as she rubbed her .


“Aww, how could you laugh at me when I’m hurt.” She pouted. But she was glad, that somehow she made him laugh. She smiled as she saw him still laughing hard, it was the first time she saw him laugh like that.


When she woke up the next morning, she saw books on the desk beside her bed, and her camera was there. The books were about Graphic designs, photography, paintings. The only thing was, the books were not her old books, they’re different.


“What’s the meaning of this?” Jaekyung was dumbfounded.



I updated fast because I thought, chapter 5 is a little long. ^.^ Sorry if it was long though.. :( i wanted to organize the flow of the story, that's why!*-* First, I wanted to thank you all people reading my story, it’s just like two days? Since I wrote it, and now it’s chapter 5, it’s all because you inspire me, it’s my first fanfiction, and I kinda felt nervous it won’t work. But,because of you, I felt so happy!!^.^ Thank you!


@JVIP13 thank you for reading! ^.^ I updated chapter 5 fast.. hehe..^.^ hope you’ll like it!

@kangana thank you for loving it! Oh, the reason he made her give up school will be revealed in the next chapter! ^.^ thanks for finding that eye thing funny! Haha..xD

@lyricallies @pinkypn @xxkemiraxx

yeah, lol, I was also laughing when I typed that “eye ”! thanks for finding that funny!! ^.^

@spongey waah! You subscribe to me! Thank you, and I love your story! ^.^




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Bella_Isabelle #1
Chapter 40: Greate story ! Seriously , I love your story authornim ^_^*
Reachelicious00 #2
Chapter 29: I hate Hana, why won't she leave Jaekyung alone? -,- btw keep going i love your writing ^^
Reachelicious00 #3
Chapter 25: omo! so romantic! Seunghyun 'kidnapped' her... hehe so cute :3 btw i love your writing!!... hwaiting!! ^^
Chapter 40: This story is so cuteeeee, I supposed to see some ...You know....Kkkkkkk Anyway So interesting story ^^
Chapter 40: finally,.. Finished..
My friend recomended this story to me.. It's a good story... Seunghyun n jaekyung are cute..
Chapter 40: ahh finished. . :) sweet story,,,
Chapter 13: As far as I read this story, ahh so nice and crunchy story. Like it so much authornim. . . :)
crybaby #8
Chapter 40: Authooorrrrrrrrr! Sequel pleaseeeee? :'DD even just a one-shot! Meeeh one? Huhuhu I was so excited I thought they will do it! XD And yeah this fic is just sooooo great i really like this! It makes me feel so happy!
Chapter 23: JAEJOONG <3 imma love this guy now....