Chapter 25 : Can We Delay Love?

It Started With A Debt


One week and three days after Jaekyung left Seunghyun’s house, and it felt like a year for her. The day she got back to her old apartment with her uncle, all she could think of was: it was over. And when she thought of it, she could feel tears wanting to escape from her eyes, and whenever that happens, she would quickly swivel her thoughts to elude the pain.


Right now, she got herself curled in a ball on her own bed. Always the same routine since she got back: go to work or to school, then go back home, lay herself on the bed, think of him, then try to switch her mind to something else, but it would always spin back to him. All the nights since she left, she would always shed some tears, how much she wanted to see his face. She would stare from time to time to the pictures of him she had. She hasn’t seen him since she left. She thought of visiting him, but her mind would always contradict her, why would she visit him when it seemed like he didn’t even care? Why would he care at the first place, when she was just a commoner, plain girl who has payed her debt to him? I have to get that childish, rude, selfish and cocky guy out of my mind! She thought.


Jaekyung has immediately found a job, her uncle knew someone who worked in a bookstore and that’s how Jaekyung got hired. She was also working as a part time photographer in a magazine company, thanks to her classmate, Eunji, who thought she would fit it. Changmin asked her to come back to the bakery, but Jaekyung wanted to stay away from being somehow dependent in him in that, and his mother won’t want it if he sees her there.


“Jaekyung, are you awake? I bought food, just eat if you’re hungry.” It was her uncle who knocked on her door. Somehow her uncle has become nice since he got back. He was working in a factory already, earning money, and ended all his gambling activities.


Jaekyung wasn’t eating dinner for days. Whenever she got home, she wasn’t in the mood to eat. She preferred sleeping, for it would be the only time, she would be able to run off from missing Seunghyun.




Seunghyun has his car parked on the side of an apartment building, patiently waiting for someone for him to take a quick glance. Every morning since Jaekyung left, he would do this. He would wake up early just to find a good spot to park his car and wait for her to go out, so he could see her. Then same thing at night, he would come back and wait for her to go back home, then he would leave peacefully. He wasn’t sure about what he was doing, he felt like he was so stupid. He just couldn’t take a day not seeing her, and he wanted to make sure she got home safely.


There was one night, he saw Jaekyung with Changmin, and they were laughing together. He wanted to get out of the car and just drag her away from him, but all he could do was stay inside the car, and suppress all his anger.


Plenty of times, he thought of just kidnapping her, screw the law, he’d rather keep her locked just so he could see her everyday, and yet he wasn’t sure if it would be fine. But one thing’s for sure, he’s getting close to just doing that. He thought he has already gone crazy, and he hated Jaekyung for being able to live a normal life while he’s there, sitting inside his car, watching her from a distant.




“So, what happened?” Jiyong was sitting on the sofa in the living room when Seunghyun came back in the morning.


“Nothing.” Seunghyun sat on the couch and the television.


“You know what, you should stop what you’re doing, it’s getting creepy!” Jiyong chuckled. “It won’t be too long ‘til your grandma and your mom will know what’s happening,you told her Jaekyung just had a vacation, it’s over a week and she hasn’t come back yet, she’ll be asking you about her soon.”


“Aissh, I think I’m going crazy!!” Seunghyun shouted.


Jiyong sighed. “You’re already insane. You should just approach her and tell her you miss-“


“No! Why would I? She should go to me first.” Seunghyun pouted.


“Aissh, your pride is overflowing right now!” Jiyong grimaced.


“I can’t let myself suffer alone, she should suffer as well, how dare she! It’s unfair!” Seunghyun narrowed his eyes.


“Then what are you going to do?” Jiyong looked at him.


Seunghyun thought hard. “I’ll just take her as a hostage.” He smirked.


Jiyong looked at him with a disgusted expression. “You’re out of your mind.”




“Sir, I have the pictures already from the previous orientation. Here you go.” Jaekyung smiled and handed the pictures to the editor in chief.

“Thank you Jaekyung. You really take awesome pictures, I think you could go home now, it’s late already and, you look so pale.” The editor half-smiled at her.


Jaekyung bowed to him. “Thank you sir, I’ll leave now.”




The next morning, Seunghyun once again went early near Jaekyung’s apartment. He parked his car somewhere not visible to her, and he waited.


He was sitting, waiting for more than half an hour already but Jaekyung wasn’t going out. He knew well the time she goes out, it was usually 8 in the morning, and yet it was almost 8:50 and she hasn’t go out.


He freaked out. He called Jaekyung’s phone, and only a voice message answered him. “Aissh, I’m sure I saw her got home last night. Did she go out too early?” he muttered to himself.


He tried to calm down and wait for more time.


Twenty minutes..


Forty minutes..


He couldn’t take it anymore. He quickly went out of his car and went to her apartment. He knocked on the door harshly. “I can’t hear anything from the inside.” He muttered. He knocked again, and nothing happened.


“Jaekyung! Jaekyung!” Seunghyun shouted. Right now, too many speculations has gotten into his mind. He thought she might have slipped on the bathroom, or she might have been stabbed, or she might have been abducted by aliens. His silly thoughts brought him to kicking the door of the apartment. He managed to make it open.


“Jaekyung!? Jaekyung!?” He searched inside the apartment, first he opened one door, and it seemed to be Jaekyung’s uncle’s bedroom. Then in the bathroom, kitchen, she wasn’t there. He opened another door, he saw her.


She was lying on bed, sleeping. Seunghyun swiftly walked fast her, then he shook her many times. “Jaekyung! Jaekyung!” he could feel her hot skin on his hands, she was ill.

“Jaekyung! Don’t die!”


Jaekyung lazily opened her eyes. “What the hell- are you doing here?” she said weakly.


“Come on, I’ll bring you to the hospital.” Seunghyun was starting to put her on his back.


“Yah! Put me down, I’m fine.” Jaekyung shouted weakly as she was being carried.


“No, you can’t die!” Seunghyun has piggybacked her fully, he was about to go out her room.


“You’re over reacting I said I’m fine put me down I just need some rest!” Jaekyung used all her energy to yell at him. Seunghyun sighed, he put her down back to her bed. Jaekung closed her eyes.


“Have you eaten breakfast? Medicine? Did you drink?” Seunghyun touched her forehead.  “Aiissh, you’re so ill.”


Jaekyung didn’t answer. She slightly opened her eyes.


“I’ll, I’ll just buy you medicine and food, stay here.” Seunghyun stood and fastly walked outside.




He got back immediately in the apartment. He went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. “Aissh, this apartment’s so small.” He muttered.


He went to Jaekyung’s bedroom. “Jaekyung, get up, you need to drink this.” He forced Jaekyung to sit.


“Are you trying to kill me?” She weakly said, looking at him. He shoved the medicine tablet in .


“Now drink water.” He assisted her as she drink. Jaekyung lied on the bed again.


“You have to eat.” Seunghyun sighed. He stared at Jaekyung who as her eyes closed. He fixed the blanket on her and he put a damp towel on her forehead. His eyes never leaving the sight of her. His brows furrowed when he noticed Jaekyung was wearing a necklace: it was the necklace he gave to her.


“Yah! Why are you still wearing this?” he held the necklace lightly. She didn’t respond, she seemed to have fallen asleep.


Seunghyun sighed; he sat on the floor, leaning his back on the bed. He got bored, he grabbed Jaekyung’s laptop that was on the desk beside the bed and he started playing the games available there.


From time to time he would check on Jaekyung. He thought she should eat so he got up from sitting and went to the kitchen to heat the food he bought in the microwave.

“Aissh, this microwave’s so old.” He muttered as he brought out food from the microwave.


He went back to Jaekyung, she was already awake, but still lying on the bed. Somehow she could already let her mind think clearly. She thought she was just hallucinating earlier that Seunghyun was with her.


“Good thing you’re awake. You should eat.” Seunghyun sat on the floor and put the food beside Jaekyung on the bed.


“Why are you here?” Jaekyung looked at him.


“Ahh, me? I’m-“ Seunghyun has no clue what to say.


“How did you get in? Did you- break open the door?” Jaekyung slowly sat.


Seunghyun felt relieved that she asked another question. “Um, yeah, I- well, I’ll just ask someone to fix that.” He half-smiled. “You have to eat, I’ll feed you.”


Jaekyung felt her heart skipped a beat. He started feeding her.


“You don’t have to do this, I’m fine, you can already leave.” Actually, what she wanted was the other way around, that he’ll stay.


“No, it’s okay, I don’t have anything important to do today.” He lied, truthfully, his grandma would kill him. His grandma told him to go to the hotel today.


Jaekyung was just staring blankly at him.


“Yah! Don’t look at me like that!” Seunghyun averted her eyes.


“You have to eat as well. I’m already full.” She smiled.


“I’ll eat later, I’m not yet hungry.” He said. “Rest more.”




“Where are you? You must go here at once!”It was his grandma who called after an hour. Jaekyung was sleeping on her bed.


“I can’t go, I’ll just go there tomorrow!” Seunghyun toned down his voice.


“What? Why?! How hard-headed can you get? Go here now!”his grandma was shouting on the phone.

Seunghyun hung up immediately, he put out the battery of his phone.”Aissh, I said I couldn’t come.” He mumbled.


He looked at Jaekyung, she was sleeping soundly. Suddenly, the thought of just bringing her with him in his house popped into his mind. I should just kidnap her now. He thought.


He slowly carried her on his shoulder, he was very careful not to wake her up. He opened the door of her bedroom and started walking to the door.


“What are you doing?” Jaekyung was woken, she asked him weakly. He didn’t answer her.


“Where are you bringing me?” She was fully awake, but she was still weak.


“I’m taking you back to my house.” Seunghyun was almost on the door when Jaekyung struggled to release herself, she successfully did it but she has fallen on the floor.


“Oooucch..” She whimpered. She clasped her left arm for it landed first when she fell.


“What are you doing? Aissh!” Seunghyun carefully scooped her in his arms.


“Put me down what are you doing!!” Jaekyung tried her best to shout at him. Seunghyun ignored her and he gently closed the door.


He got to his car; he carefully put her in the passenger seat. He fixed the seatbelt on her. Jaekyung was too weak to stand. He went in the driver’s seat and started the engine.


“Choi Seunghyun, bring me back to the apartment..” she said weakly.


“No.” Seunghyun was about to start driving.


“ uncle will look for me, he’ll think something bad would happen to me, the door is broken.” Jaekyung was keeping her eyes open, but she was tempted to drift off to sleep.


Seunghyun looked at her. He thought she was right, but he also thought he could just send some men to fix the door right before it becomes dark.


“I’ll just ask someone to fix it.” He smirked.


Jaekyung opened her eyes widely. “No, you can’t take me with you! Why are you bringing me to your house?!” she shouted faintly.


“Just sleep first, we’ll get back to my house in less than an hour.” He grinned at her, he patted her head then he drove off.




“What’s going on I thought we’re going to go to-“ Jiyong approached Seunghyun as soon as Seunghyun got back to his house. He was surprised when he saw him carrying an unconscious Jaekyung in his arms. “Oh my God don’t tell me you killed her!”


“What?! Why would I do that you idiot, she’s sick!” Seunghyun told him. “I’ll just bring her to my room.”


“So, you really kidnapped her? I thought you’re just kidding.” Jiyong chuckled.


Seunghyun just sneered at him then he went upstairs carrying Jaekyung.


“He’s gone crazy.” Jiyong laughed.




Okay! Updated chapter 25! Too much drama from the start, but it didn’t end that way Hihi, so he just took her! xD


@JVIP13lol, Jaejoong was a fail this time..haha..xD he let her go, but he brought her that’s how immature he is..xD yes, I’ll put some Minhee-Seungri moments in the upcoming chapters.. :3 Thanks for reading!!

@renaiseuhyun84oh..sorry for the drama!! Hihi, don’t worry, it won’t be everytime that there’ll be a drama of course, I just put some to add color in the story! ^^ Thanks for reading!

@RiBoSshiaww..i hope this chapter would make you happy!! :D thanks for reading!

@MzChoiLeehe didn’t stop her.. =( but he brought her back hhahaaha!! xD thanks for reading!

@kpopaddx_cj2hihi, there’s some sweet moments here.. :3 thanks for reading!

@lovis89aww..i hope this chapter would make you happy!! :D thanks for reading!

@sweetestrebelshe has left already.. :/ but he just brought her back forcely in this thanks for reading!!

@kanganahihi, yes he failed this time..haha..yes, and he became nicer to Jaekyung.. :) He has to be somehow a real uncle to her. Yes, it’s Top’s fault..:3 Sorry if I ended it that way, hihi.. well, the marriage, I can’t say about that now..:DD The confession, it’s coming near.. :) Thanks for reading!!

@ohmyyoungbaesorry! Hihi, the confession’s coming near.. =) yes, he’s an idiot here..hihi..xD Thanks for reading!

@proudviphihi, he couldn’t make her stay forever since the debt was paid, but now he kidnapped I want them to have babies too!! Hihi..xD thanks for reading!!

@Passion1don’t worry, he brought her back in this chapter..i’m just not sure if Jaekyung would stay haha..xD and the confession won’t take too long.. :3 Thanks for reading!

@KatieLeebergyes, he must just admit it.. :DDDD dn’t worry, it won’t be too long until he does.. ^^ Thanks for reading!

@yenisvip12If I were her I won’t leave as well..haha..xD yes, she’s gonna get married and she doesn’t even know it yet! Hahaha.. xD thanks for reading!


-Thanks for everyone who reads this story!! For the subscribers!! For the silent readers!!! Specially for those who leaves their comments!! Thank you so much, your words are inspiring.. ^^ Thank you everyone!! :D





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Bella_Isabelle #1
Chapter 40: Greate story ! Seriously , I love your story authornim ^_^*
Reachelicious00 #2
Chapter 29: I hate Hana, why won't she leave Jaekyung alone? -,- btw keep going i love your writing ^^
Reachelicious00 #3
Chapter 25: omo! so romantic! Seunghyun 'kidnapped' her... hehe so cute :3 btw i love your writing!!... hwaiting!! ^^
Chapter 40: This story is so cuteeeee, I supposed to see some ...You know....Kkkkkkk Anyway So interesting story ^^
Chapter 40: finally,.. Finished..
My friend recomended this story to me.. It's a good story... Seunghyun n jaekyung are cute..
Chapter 40: ahh finished. . :) sweet story,,,
Chapter 13: As far as I read this story, ahh so nice and crunchy story. Like it so much authornim. . . :)
crybaby #8
Chapter 40: Authooorrrrrrrrr! Sequel pleaseeeee? :'DD even just a one-shot! Meeeh one? Huhuhu I was so excited I thought they will do it! XD And yeah this fic is just sooooo great i really like this! It makes me feel so happy!
Chapter 23: JAEJOONG <3 imma love this guy now....