"All must be INSPIRITS?!!"
       “Guys, wake up.” Sunggyu knocked the door of each room with his hand still rubbed the eyes.
       “Woohyun, get up all the members and ready for our practice. I’m going first.” He said when he saw Woohyun came out from the bathroom.
       “Where are going, hyung?” Woohyun asked keenly.
       “Somewhere.” He replied and headed to the main door. He had to meet their president at Woolliment Entertainment although he was still in sleeping mode.
Soon Jae’s POV
            The sun shone doggedly. The birds were chirping cheerfully. I was looking at the sky excitedly when I bumped into a man with small eyes.
            “I’m sorry,” I said innocently. It was not my fault but it was a manner, I monologued. Unfortunately, the man never took a glance to look at me.
            “What a jerk,” I cursed under my breath before left him behind.
Sunggyu’s POV
            I was a little tired. My eyes seemed to close anytime when I bumped into a girl.
            “I’m sorry,” she apologized formally and bowed me.
            “Back to you, miss,” I whispered with my eyes not looking at her. I rubbeb my eyes for several times.
            “What a jerk,” I heard she cursed me clearly.
            “Huh? Jerk? Doesn’t she hear my words well?” I tried to call the girl but she hobbled faster than I thought.
No One POV
            Soon Jae sauntered into the huge mansion unhurriedly.
           Throughout her childhood, she could recall vividly many memories which caused emotional delight as well as emotional devastation. As she stood alone in her ‘beloved’ stepmother’s well-kept garden, she was reminded of the most unforgettable experience which leaves imprints in her minds that will not perish in her memory box. It was the turning point of her life which cause her father’s death.
Soon Jae’s POV
            Unexpectedly, a woman approached me happily. The woman is my father’s younger sister; Mrs. Choi.
            “Soon Jae, you’re back!” She dashed towards me following by her husband. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the mansion.
            “You looked skinny, dear. So, where’s your bag? You’re living with us, right? I’m all alone lately.” She grumbled continuously. I shook my head.
            “I just dropped by here.” Mrs. Choi let my hands. Her face turned murky.
            “What do you mean, Soon Jae?” Mr. Choi asked suspiciously.
            “I’m thinking of living alone.” I gulped before continued, “I already bought a house.” I said without any doubt.
            “What??” They thundered in unison. They looked completely disagree with my decision but, I already made up my mind.
            “Well, I’ve thought about this matter since my father was around. I ever expected his expression just like you both.” I snickered while looked at their faces.
           “W-wh-why?” Mrs. Choi stammered in frustration.
           “This mansion reminded me all the reminiscences with my father. How unlucky he was when my mother decided to save me and she chose to die.” I spurt it out, let go my burden. I held my tears not to roll down.
           “I’ll come to visit you again.” I remarked and put my hand up. They nodded with heavy heart.
No One POV
(Woolliment Entertainment)
        “Maybe, there’s a person out there who never knows INFINITE.” The president exclaimed with his cool expression.
       “But, I don’t think so. We’re famous in Korea. And all over the world.” Sunggyu denied the statement given by his president.
       “What are you guys will do?” He took off his glasses and pressing his finger to his nose.
       “I’ll make sure the person will become one of our BIG fan.” The president smirked mischievously. Sunggyu cupped his face. ‘What am I doing?’.
       Then, Sunggyu shuffled from the president’s room and headed to the practice room.

a/n : leave you comment. :))

     : and i hope you understand because they are 2 situation. ;)

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Update for the last chapter!! ^^


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honeydrizzle #1
this is incredibly interesting. keep on writing ^^
ilabya8 #2
ilabya8 #3
Chapter 8: cute story like it :)
Chapter 37: Aww, so sweet and cute ending <3 love it! :D love this story~
Btw, sorry for not commenting for the past few chaps ^^; been a little busy lately. haha
anyway, good luck on your new story! Hwaiting!
Chapter 37: Hi author-ssi , i forgot to comment last time , when you posted on my wall then i realized that i had forgot sorry ,
I really like this story , but it had ended... TT
Have part 2??
And i see that you've a new story , keep it up ^^
Chapter 37: Yayyyyyy..finally myungmyung confess...Myungjae..
I love it.. ^__^
CkpopL #8
Chapter 37: the story already ended but i want to read more of this
author-nim can you make a part 2 for this?
Chapter 35: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa...myungsoo back hug soon jae..
Update soon~
CkpopL #10
Chapter 34: I hope myungsoo would confess before she leaves.
super cute story author-nim =)