Taking Chances

99 Paper Cranes (Completed)
“Yes Calvin, I am the paper crane girl...” he heard Trixie said. Calvin could not believe what he heard. He looked back, and saw Danson and Kit, he saw Kit shook her head. "Are you sure you are?" he asked again. Trixie slowly nodded her head. Kit could not believe that Trixie would lie to them. "It's not her! It's not her!" she wanted to shout. She looked at Danson, hoping he would speak up. "Maybe we're wrong..." she heard him say. Then, she looked back at Calvin. She saw him shook his head. She could tell that he was confused as well. Then, she looked at Hannah. She too surprised that she dropped her books when Trixie told Calvin she was the paper crane girl. She could sense she was affected by this. She watched her as she turned around and ran away from that scene. "Hannah!" she shouted. She ran after her, and soon, Danson followed her. Calvin could only watch his friends as they chase Hannah.

“This is... insane. How could it be you?” Calvin said to Trixie. She was most likely to be his paper crane girl, because she have been chasing him ever since. “Because it's the only way I could let you know that my intentions are real, Calvin. I love you, I really do... but you didn't gave me the chance to prove to you that I do love you...” she said. At that moment, he didn't know what to do. He didn't like Trixie, but he love his paper crane girl. Now that he knew that Trixie is his paper crane girl, he have to accept her. After all, it's what's inside Trixie's heart that matters, but still, the way things turned out to be still confuses him. “I... I'm sorry Trixie...” he said to her. Trixie, on the other felt scared. Her plans are not working. She have to think of ways to convince Calvin that she is the one for him. “I guess I'm just a little overwhelmed with what's happening. I... I need time to think...” he said. He turned to leave, but he felt Trixie hug him. “I love you...” he heard her voice cracking. “Please give me a chance, Calvin. That's all I'm asking... Give me a chance to show you how much I love you...” He took her hand, and detached himself from her embrace. Then, he faced her again. For the first time, he saw the tears in her eyes. He reached for her face and wiped the tear from her cheeks. “Trixie...”
“If you can't love me, it's all right. Just let me love you. I have enough love for the two of us. Please... just let me love you...”
“Give me time to think. I need to clear my mind...”
“Calvin, I'm willing to do anything for you. I'm willing to give everything for you... please...”
“Please, Calvin...”
He closed his eyes for a moment. He's still having second thoughts giving his answer to Trixie. “Trixie. I can't give you an answer now... give me time to think, then I'll do the right thing...”


The lonely tune played on the piano. Her fingers, heavy as she press the ivory keys, just like how her heart is feeling now. Moon River, it was Calvin's favorite tune. She was playing it, for him, for her broken heart. Then, she heard the door slowly open. A figure came in, and walked slowly towards her. She looked up at her, and she saw the tears on her eyes. She looked at the girl sitting by the piano, and she could see the sadness in her eyes. She could clearly see the tears in her eyes. She could also feel her heart breaking into pieces.

The figure sat beside her. She was not speaking, but she was listening to her soft sobs. She put her hands on the piano, and then she began to play the tune she was playing before she came in. Moon River. She knew it was not just Calvin's favorite, it was also this girl's favorite tune. She felt her head lay on her shoulder. She looked at her, and she put her arms around her. She wished she could protect her from all the pain, she wished to take away all the heartaches she is feeling right now. She does not deserve this, not her... not this girl who became her only friend. “It's gonna be OK...” she whispered to her. She wanted to believe what she said, but she knows it's not going to be OK. Not anymore. They both know that starting today, everything will change. She leaned over her, and then she cried with her...


Danson drove Kit home that afternoon. Along the way, Kit was not speaking. He knew she was not able to talk to Calvin, though she tried too many times to reach for him on his phone. Danson simply respected her silence. She knew she was mad at what Trixie did a while ago. “How could she lie?” he heard her say in a furious tone. Danson looked at her. “We both knew it was Hannah. How could she assume the identity of the paper crane girl?”
“Maybe... maybe we're wrong...”
Kit looked up at Danson. “We saw Hannah in front of Calvin's locker, but we never saw her put the paper crane... Calvin caught Trixie in the act. Maybe Trixie really is the paper crane girl after all.” he said in a low voice. “But I have this gut feel that it's Hannah. I know Trixie is lying.” she said. Danson shook his head. “I really don't know, Kit. It maybe Hannah, it maybe Trixie, it maybe another girl. For now, let's give Trixie the benefit of the doubt.” he said. Then, he looked up at her. “And whatever Calvin decides, we should accept it. If he wants to get together with Trixie, as his friends we should be happy for Calvin.” he continued. “Well, even if I don't like Trixie, I guess I have to learn to like her...” Kit said.

He gaze into her eyes, and he saw something wrong with her eyes. “Are you OK?” Danson asked. Kit gave him a confused look. “Your eyes...” he said. She looked at herself at the rear mirror, and saw her eyes were red. She looked at him and smiled. “I rubbed my eyes too much, I guess...” she said.


The next day was election day. Kit went to the headquarters of Calvin's party to talk to him. “I haven' seen Calvin today, he didn't even came for our meeting yesterday...” Joy said to Kit. “He didn't came today?” she asked again. Joy shook her head. “Nic and Aaron were looking for him. We tried calling him in his mobile, but e's not answering.” she explained. Kit let out a sigh. She was disappointed that she was not able to see Calvin today. She waited for him last night at his house, but he didn't came home, she guessed. “Where could he be?” she thought. “You guys didn't have a fight again?” she heard Joy asked. Kit smiled at her and shook her head. “No, we didn't...” she said. Joy smiled at her. “I thought the two of you had another fight. If you see him, please tell him to drop by. We'll be having a small celebration. You and Danson are also invited.” Joy said. Kit nodded her head. Then, she went on her and try to find her best friend.

She was walking through the lobby when she saw Danson walking towards her. “Hey, have you seen Calvin?” she asked. Danson shook his head. “I was looking for him as well... what happened to him?” he asked her. Kit sighed before answering his question. “I waited for him last night at his house, but it seemed that he didn't come home... and he's nowhere to be found here in the campus.” she explained. “Tried calling him on his mobile?”
“He's not answering it. Joy and his co-candidates were also looking for him.”
“I know he had to be here in school for the results of the election. Whatever happened to him?”
“Well, I guess he's not here. I think he skipped school...”

Kit sighed again. Knowing Calvin, if he's confused or if he needs to clear his mind, he would go away as far as he could. “As far as he could....” she said in a low voice. Then, she realized something. She know where he could find that guy. If she's right, he's in his little sanctuary right at this moment. “Danson...” she called. Danson looked at her. “I think I know where Calvin is...” she said. Danson gave him a skeptical look. “You do?” he asked. Kit nodded her head. Then, she held his hand and pulled him. “Come on, let's go find Calvin!”


After taking a long walk, Calvin sat on a log, and then watched the sea as it's wave touches the shore. It has always been his habit that when he's stressed out or wanted to be alone to think, he would go to this beach. He wanted to clear his mind with confusion, and to reflect on his next actions and decision. Yes, he was surprised to find out that Trixie was his secret admirer. She was the last person he thought that would be able to do that, after all, she was too shallow. But the, when he found out that Trixie and the paper crane girl are one and the same, it's as if he saw the other side of her that no one have ever seen before. He have always thought that Trixie was insensitive, selfish and only thinks of herself. He never thought that she's capable of thinking others, and making others happy, especially him.

He wanted to believe that the paper crane girl is his soul mate. Through her notes, it's as if she could tell what he's feeling and what he's thinking. It's like she could feel what's in his heart, and could read what's on his mind. She always gives him encouragement, and he could feel her support and love even though he haven't see her. Whoever she is, he knew he have fallen in love with her even though he haven't met her.

But then, he caught Trixie in the act of putting paper crane on his locker. That moment, his vision of this mystery girl have faded. He thought she's a shy, sensitive girl like Hannah. He thought the mystery girl was Hannah. But he was wrong. The mystery girl is the girl he hated the most. But then, he have to accept that fact. Didn't he say that he would accept her whoever she is?

“Calvin Chen! You dork!” he heard someone shouted. He looked back and saw Kit and Danson walking towards him. Well then, that's the end of his long reflection. He stood up, and then smiled at his friends. “How did you find me?” he asked as soon as the two reached him. “Of course, I know everything about you, Calvin Chen. I know exactly where to find you!” Kit snapped at him Calvin just laughed at his best friend. He looked at her, and smiled at her lovingly. Was he ever glad that this girl, who claims to know everything about him, is his best friend. He could use her good advice at this point in time. “Kit insisted on coming here. I never thought it's a long drive going here...” Danson complained. “Aiyo, I know you could not resist Kit's charm...” Calvin teased. Danson just smiled, then looked at Kit. “If only I didn't love this girl, I wouldn't do this...” he thought. “Well, I guess you guys need to talk for a while. I'll go find something to drink and eat.” he said. Then, Danson left the two.

“Penny for your thought, Cal?” Kit said as they sat on the log. Calvin just smiled at her. “You really know when something's bothering me...”
“Of course. I've known you all my life. I could never overlook the subtle hints you're giving. I know you're thinking of something...”
“Well, I guess you're right. Something really is bothering and confusing me.”
“It's about Trixie being your paper crane girl, right?”

Calvin slowly nodded his head, and then looked away from her, gazing back the the sea. “I still can't believe it's her..” he said. “Well, who would've expected that it's her after all.” she said. Calvin looked back at her again. “You told me that you found the paper crane girl. Was it really Trixie?” Kit shook her head. “Danson and I thought it was Hannah. But then again, we never caught her in the act of putting the paper crane in your locker. We just saw her standing in front of your locker, so we already assumed. But you, you caught Trixie red-handed, so I guess it's really Trixie...” she explained. Calvin nodded his head. “Yeah, I guess we could never deny the fact that it's Trixie...”
“And you didn't want it to be Trixie?”
“I wish it wasn't her... but she is. There's nothing I can do about it.”
“So what are you going to do now?”
“I don't know. I don't like her... but I guess she have this good side after all...”

Kit became silent. She looked away at him, and instead stared into the horizon. “So, you... you're going to like her?” she said. She could hear her voice crack as she speak. “Honestly, I thought she's a brat who only cares for herself. I never thought she could be sweet and nice and all...”
“I guess all of us have other sides that we didn't want others to see. Like Trixie, she never wanted to show that romantic and sensitive side of hers.”
Calvin nodded his head in agreement. “So, have you decided what to do next?” Kit asked. Calvin shook his head. “Let me remind what you said before, Cal. You said that whoever this girl is, you would accept her, even if she's the ugliest girl in the world. You said that what matters is what's inside her heart. You may not like Trixie at first, but she still deserved to be given a chance. And knowing how much she loves you, I know she won't hurt you like the other girls you dated before.” she said. “So, you think I should give her a chance?” he asked. Kit nodded her head. “Let her show you the side of her that she have never shown to anyone. Give her a space in your heart. She deserves it. I could understand the things she have done, after all she might have been hurt before because of your rejection, and this is the only way she could really prove to you that she loves you.” Kit said. “I... I guess you're right. I think she deserves a chance with me... after all she's the paper crane girl.” he said. Kit smiled and nodded her head. “That's right. So, let's go back to school so that the two of you could talk, OK?” she said. Calvin nodded his head, then the two headed to Danson's car.


Rina sat beside Trixie at their favorite spot at the cafeteria. She knew that her friend is feeling low because her plan backfired. “Girl, cheer up. At least you tried, right?” she said. Trixie just shook her head. “I tried every means to get Calvin. Why can't he give me a chance?” she asked. “Maybe you just have to accept the fact that the two of you are not meant to be. Just give your other admirers a chance, OK?” Trixie shook her head. “If I can't have Calvin, then I don't want anyone at all...”she said. Rina just sighed and shook her head. She knew that Trixie won't stop as long as she got what she wants.

Rina looked outside, and then he saw Calvin walking towards their spot. Not only that, he have a bouquet of roses with him. “Girl...” she said, tapping Trixie's shoulder. Trixie looked at her, then looked at Calvin's direction. She smiled to herself. “Well, I guess the plan didn't back fired after all...” she said. She stood up from her seat, and walked towards Calvin. “Can we talk?” Calvin asked her. She nodded her head. “Look, I'm sorry about the way I acted yesterday, and the days before. I must admit, I really didn't like you. But when I found out that you were my paper crane girl, I realized that you deserve a chance.” he said. “I'm happy by just loving you from afar, Calvin. As long as you're happy, I'm happy as well. I also sorry if I annoyed you before...”
“Trixie, I realized that I should accept you. I realized that I should give you chance and a space in my heart....”
Trixie was confused at what he was saying. She could feel her heart beating faster as he speaks. “What... what do you mean?” she stuttered. “Trixie...” he began. “I want to give us a try.” She was speechless when she heard what he said. Finally, her efforts were not put down the drain. After all the chasing she have done, this is the sweetest reward. “Trixie Yan, in front of everyone, I ask you... will you be my girlfriend?”

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fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #1
very good storryyy here
The foreword looks great! It's a pity that most ppl on AFF are kpop fans, if not, this fic will definitely be featured!
Lovely story here