The 100th Paper Crane

99 Paper Cranes (Completed)
Chapter 60 – The 100th Paper Crane

Calvin watched as the doctors tries to revive Kit again. She had another attack that morning. It was all of a sudden, he was just talking to Joy, when they heard the loud beeping sound from the machine. When the two of them looked at it, it was almost coming to a flat line. Joy was holding Calvin's hands as they watched the doctors. Danson was rubbing his back to calm him down. But no matter what they do, they could not take away the fear he is feeling right now. “Calvin...” he heard Chun said. He looked at his friend. “It's OK to cry. I know you are scared... let it out. You can't always be strong... I know....” he said. Calvin turned away from him, and then eyed on Kit, who was almost dying. He could not hold back anymore. It was hurting her more, seeing the girl he loves suffer this way. He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. And then, a tear fell from his eyes. “No...” he said in a low voice. “I... I can't lose her...”

He felt his knees began to get weak. He held on to Danson for support, and Danson helped him. He could hear Joy sniffle beside her. He knows that Joy has been crying as well. He buried his head on his arm, and began to break down. “Please, Kit... please hear me... don't leave me... please...” he said in between sobs.


The sun's rays shone on her eyes, and slowly, she opened her eyes. “Where am I?” she thought. She sat up, and saw herself in a field of roses. She looked around her, and found herself alone. She recalled the things that happened before she woke up – Calvin's gentle touch, his sad eyes, the loud gunshot, the tears falling on her cheek. Then, there was darkness. “Am I dead? Is this heaven?” she thought. “Come with me...” she heard a sweet voice say. “Come? Where?” she asked again. She stood up, and as she walked at the other side of the garden, she saw a playground. She saw a little girl in her pig tails, running around as if she's a bird. She was smiling as she was playing by herself. She looked familiar to her. “Is... is that me?” she asked. She watched the little girl closely. She found herself walking towards her. Just then, three big bullies came, and pushed her. One of them pulled her pigtail, while the other took her lollipop. “Don't!” she shouted at the bullies. As she ran towards the little girl, the three bullies ran away. The little girl stood up, and she sadly went to the swing. Kit walked towards her. As she got in front of her, she knelt down. She reached for her to wipe her tear, but then a little boy came. The little boy gave her his handkerchief, and the girl took it. “Why are you crying?” the little boy asked. The little girl just looked down, and continued to cry. “They... they took my... my lollipop...” she said in between sobs. The boy gave her a confused look. “Who?” he asked. “Those.. those bullies...” she said. Then, she looked up at him. “They... they even... pulled... my pigtails...” she said. She saw the anger in the little boy's eyes after hearing what she said. “Don't worry, I'll protect you from them.” she heard him say.

Kit stood up, and looked at the children. She could clearly remember this scene. How could she ever forget the first time she met Calvin? “I know you have a lot of questions in your mind. And one of your question, is if there was a time that Calvin have loved you...” she heard the voice say again. “Did he? All this time, he only see me as a friend...” she answered. “You may not be awake, but you can hear what he says. You could hear those words that he tells you...”
“Maybe he only realized that he loves me now...”
“But maybe you are wrong.”
“We made a pact. A promise... to not fall in love with each other. We promised that when we were still young...”
“Just watch. Maybe you will get the answer with these scenes...”

As she turn around, she saw another familiar scene. She saw herself inside a classroom, and she saw herself, when she was still 9 years old. As soon as she was finished, Little Kit held up a blue friendship bracelet in the air. “This is for Calvin!” she heard herself think. Then, she saw little Kit stood up from her seat and went over Calvin. “Cal! I have something for you!” she said cheerfully. She saw little Calvin look at her and smile. “What is it?” he asked. Kit smiled at him, and then held the friendship bracelet up in the air. She saw little Calvin's eyes widened, and how he smiled happily. “You're giving that to me?” little Calvin asked in disbelief. Little Kit smiled and nodded her head. Calvin smiled as he extended his arm to her. Kit sat beside him, and then put the bracelet on his wrist. “There!” she said with glee. Kit looked at little Calvin, and saw his face light up as he looked at little Kit. “Thank you, Kit. I never thought that you would give this to me.” he said. She smiled, and then looked at her younger self. “Of course...” she said in a low voice. “You're my best friend.” she and her younger self said in unison.

“All this time, he still have that friendship bracelet that he gave you...” the voice said to her. “He treasures every little things that you gave him, just like how he treasured your friendship...” Kit smiled sadly as she watched the two children talk. “Because for him, I am his best friend. I am important to him...” she said. “You're right. You are very important to him...” the voice said. Kit closed her eyes for a moment, and as she opened her eyes, she found herself on the beach. She looked around, and found it very familiar. It was the very same beach that her and Calvin's family usually goes to during summer vacation. “He's not coming...” she heard a sad voice said. She walked towards the other side of the shore, and saw herself when she was already 13 years old. She was sitting on the log, and Calvin was beside her. She remembered that day as the very last summer that she waited for Jiro. “I guess he really forgot about me...” she heard herself say. She saw Calvin looked at her sadly as he comforted her as she cries. “Ssshhh... Kit... it's OK... I am here...” Calvin said. But still, she continued to cry. “I am here, Kit. You don't need him... I am here to make you happy...” Kit heard his thoughts. Ever since they were young, Calvin was the one who always makes her smile whenever she is sad. “You don't understand, Cal...” she said in between sobs. “Why? Because you have a crush on this guy? Why can't you have a crush on me?” she heard his thoughts. Kit was surprised at what she have heard. “Just watch... maybe after this, you will realize something...” she heard the voice said. Then, she smiled to herself sadly. “Now I know why... why he's mad at Jiro. Not because he is taking me away from him but because... even though when we are young...” She paused, and the looked at the two. She saw Calvin stood before Kit, and made funny faces. Then, he made a funny dance, that eventually made her smile. “See? You're much prettier when you smile. If that guy never shows up, you have to promise me that you will forget him. He only makes you cry, while I am here always trying to cheer you up. You should give me all of you attention from now on.” Calvin said. She saw herself laughing at him. “Fine! I will never wait for him again. After all, you are here with me, and you're all I ever needed to be happy.” she said. Kit looked at Calvin, and saw him blushing. “And you're all I ever needed too, Kit. We could be happy, just the two of us...” she heard him say silently. She saw Calvin took her by her hand to help her up, then they ran through the shore.

“He loved me... he loved me when we were still young... he was the first one who loved me... and he was the first one who broke that promise even before we made it...” she whispered. She could feel the tears falling from her eyes. Why was she too blind before, that she didn't notice that her best friend have fallen in love with her? “Do you still remember why the two of you made that pact of not falling in love with each other?” she heard the voice said. As she looked back, she saw herself sitting by the swing at their school's playground. She have this glum on her face. She was trying to remember what happened on that day that made her really sad. “Kit! I've been looking for you!” she heard someone say. She saw Calvin walking towards her. Instead of smiling at him, she glared at him. “Aiyo! Why are you still here? If those girls see us together, they will confront me again!” she said to him. She stood up, and began to walk away from him. But as she took a step, Calvin held her hand to stop her. “Hey, what's wrong? Did I do anything to make you mad?” he asked. She took a deep breath, and then faced him again. “I don't know why you are still friends with me! When I'm with you, its either our classmates would tease me to you, or those girls that have a crush on you would bully me. Sometimes I wish you're not my best friend anymore!” she shouted at him. She walked over to them, and Kit saw the sadness registering on Calvin's face. “You... you don't want to be friends with me anymore?” he asked sadly. “I can't hang out with you if I would always get myself into fights, explaining to them that we are only best friends! I'm sick of this! I hate being teased to you... and most of all, I hate it when a mean girl comes up to me and tells me to back off from you.” she said. She saw Calvin swallowed hard. She could clearly tell that he was hurt because of what she have said. “Don't do this... don't end our friendship like this...” she heard his thoughts. “Kit... w-what... what if we promise not to fall in love with each other. We can prove to them that the two of us can only be best friends. Will... will you still stay with me and be your best friend?” he asked. She saw herself giving him a confused look. “We'll promise not to fall in love with each other?” she asked. Calvin nodded his head. “And we can tell everyone about that. If you want, I can date one of those girls who have a crush on me, to prove it. You can also go and date the guy you really like in our class. And besides, we both now what exactly happens when two best friends fell in love and jump into a relationship. When they break up, their friendship is also ruined. I don't want that to happen to us.” Calvin said. She looked at him for a while, and then smiled at Calvin. “Please don't say yes... please...” she heard him thought again. Then, she smiled. “OK. I agree. So what will happen if one of us fall for another?” she asked. “Then, we should end our friendship if that happens.” he said.

Kit looked at Calvin. She could not believe the revelations coming to her. “He made that promise to please you... because you didn't want to be teased to be his girlfriend and you didn't want to be confronted by those girls who had a crush on him. But you see, it was against his will to make that promise. He did that so that you won't leave him... and most of all, he did that to make you happy...” the voice said. “And I failed to notice it before. I failed to see that he truly loves me...” she said sadly.

As Kit looked up, she saw another vision. It was Calvin and Chun. “Chun, I need to talk to you...” she heard Calvin said. She saw Chun sigh, and gave him a smirk. “I know what it's all about. You'll ask the very same thing that you've been asking me since middle school.” he said. “Please? Can you do it for me? Can you not accept Kit's chocolates this time?” Calvin asked. She looked at Chun, and saw him shook his head. “Sometimes, I wonder if you really are Kit's friend. Why are you being selfish? Why can't you let her give her chocolates to me?” Chun asked. “Because I know you will only reject her. You like someone else, right? And that someone isn't Kit. Because you've been doing the very same thing I've been doing for the past few years, turning down those girls who approaches you every Valentine's day.” Calvin said in a firm tone. “Maybe I wanted to give Kit a chance this time. Maybe I do like her too...” Chun said. She saw Calvin clench his fist, and looked at him with anger in his eyes. He moved towards him, and held him by his collar. “Look, Wu. I don't want to do this every time. Just do what I said.” he said in a furious tone. Chun just laughed him off, and then put his hands away from me. “Why do you have to threaten me whenever Valentine's day approaches? I know about you and your stupid promise to Kit. Do you think you are getting obvious with your feelings for her?” he said. Calvin paused, and just stared at him. “You're in love with your best friend, right? But your best friend doesn't feel the same way for you...” Chun said. “Stop it, Wu Chun.” Calvin said. But that didn't stop Chun from talking. “What is it with your deal? Oh yeah, if one of you fell for another, you have to end your friendship. Of course, you didn't want to tell Kit that you love her, or she will end your friendship in an instant...”
“i said stop it!”
“But too bad, your best friend have a huge crush on me since middle school. And you know what, Kit's kinda cute, and I like her too. Maybe I should ask her to be my girlfriend this Valentine's day...”
“Stop it!”
“Yeah, that's a good idea. Anyways, it's our last year in high school. Kit should experience what it's like to have a boyfriend, rather than just hanging around with her coward best friend.”
“Chun! I'm warning you. Stop it.”
“Or maybe I should tell Kit about what I found out...”

Calvin threw a punch at Chun, but he stopped his arm before his fist could reach Chun's face. “Stop it...” he said in a more calm tone. He put his fist down, and then looked down. “Stop it, Chun.” he said. “Why, does hearing the truth hurts you more? You don't want to admit to yourself that you've fallen in love with your best friend?” he asked. He looked up at Chun, and took a deep breath. “You don't know how it hurts me, Chun. You don't know how it was breaking my heart, when every time I see her, all I wanted is for us to be more than friends. I just can't go out there and ask her to stop loving you, because you don't see how happy she is whenever she is with you.” Calvin said. Then, Calvin turned his back on him, and walked away. He felt defeated knowing that Chun wouldn't listen to him this time. “You know...” Chun said. “This is our last year in high school, and after this year, we might not see each other again. Do you think it's about time that you tell Kit you love her before someone else could take her away from you?”

Kit looked at Chun, and then she looked back at Calvin. “And then, that day came when he found someone else to love...” the voice said. Another vision came into her sight. She remembered it as their first day of classes at the university. They were on their way to their class, when a girl bumped in to Calvin. All of her books fell on the floor, and Calvin, being the gentleman that he is, he helped pick up the girl's books. As he stood up, he handed the book to the girl. When he looked at her face, he could that he was mesmerized by her beauty. “It was Joy...” Kit whispered as she continued to watch. “Thank you...” Joy said in her sweetest voice. Calvin was speechless as he nodded her head. “How could someone be as angelic as her?” she heard his thoughts. They both watched as the girl leaves. “Wei, Calvin... it's not as if it's the first time you've seen a pretty girl.” she heard herself commented to him. Though Joy was gone, Calvin followed her with his eyes. “Wow...” he muttered. Then, he looked at Kit and smiled. “Kit... I think I'm in love...” he said. How could she forget that day? It was the day that Calvin admitted to her for the first time that he is in love with another girl. When Calvin got to know Joy, he decided to pursue her. But then, being shy around girls, he never had much chance with Joy. In the end, he lost her to Jiro.

“Why are you showing these to me? Do you want me to regret those lost time we had? Do you want me to see my heart breaking again because of him?” she asked. She closed her eyes, and let the tears fall from her eyes. “I want you to realize something, Kit...” she heard the voice said. “I realized something. That all this time, I have been blind. The love I've been longing for, it's right in front of me all this time. But I chose to ignore it, and before I knew it, it was all gone...” she said. “Kit... look up, and watch...” the voice said again. She found herself inside Calvin's room. It was dark, but she could clearly see him as he sat by his window. She walked towards him, and found that from his window, he was watching her as she sleeps. “What happened to us...” Calvin said in a low voice. “I have Joy, I should be the happiest guy in the world. Then, you found Jay is Jiro, you are now with him... I know I should be happy for you for you have finally found your first love, but I couldn't help but feel jealous of him...” she heard him say. Then, he let out a faint laugh, and looked away from the window. “I know I shouldn't feel this way. I know I should be ready for the day that you will tell me that you are in love with someone else... but still, I couldn't help but feel this way. I'm used to be the only guy in your life, the one that you always depend on. I'm used with having all of your time, to the point of you annoying me. I miss it. I miss being with you. I miss hanging out with you...” Calvin paused, and then looked outside his window again. “You've always thought that I hated Jay because he stood up on you. The truth is, I hated Jay because you gave him the love I've always wanted. I wish you could see me the way you see him. How can I make you understand that I was the one who broke our promise first? How can I make you understand that I can't stand losing you, because I love you? I thought that if I become Joy's boyfriend, I will be the happiest guy in the world, but I'm wrong. I am more happy when I'm with you. I only wanted to be with you, but each time I try to be more closer to you, you always push me away. And it's hurting me. Although I have managed to forget my feelings for you, all of it came back to me that day I found out that you were my paper crane girl. I thought we could have our chance, but you chose Jiro over me. That's why I was able to say those hurtful words. I regret saying those things, I swear, Kit... I couldn't even bear seeing you sad because of me. But I've hurt you... and because of what I did, I felt like I don't deserve your love anymore.”

Kit's tears cascaded from her eyes as she listened to what he said. “I only want you to be happy, Kit. I don't want to hurt you anymore. If Jiro is the one that's making you happy, then I will keep my distance from you. I hope one day, we can be friends again. I will wait until that day comes... I'm sorry Kit. I'm sorry that I loved you. I'm sorry for hurting you. I wish you could hear me...” he said. Kit walked towards him, and reached for his shoulder. “Calvin...” she called. “I didn't know... that you were still love me all this time. I didn't know that you are willing to give me a chance. I'm sorry.... I'm sorry that I didn't have enough courage to tell you how I feel...” she whispered to him. Then, she leaned at his back, and embraced him. “Calvin... I love you... hear me, please... I love you...” She closed his eyes, and he closed his eyes as well. At that moment, their tears began to fall endlessly from their eyes.


Calvin slowly walked inside the chapel. He went up to one of the seats, and then knelt down to pray. “God.. please... I'm begging you... please don't take her away from me...” he prayed. “I've been waiting for a long time for her to wake up. I wanted to tell her what's inside my heart. I want to make her feel that I love her. I know you've given me enough chance to tell her I love her, but I blew it off... because I was to scared to tell her. I broke her heart before, I know, but I want to make it up to her. She's still young, and she have a lot of dreams. I need her. We all need her. Please, don't take her away from us... please...” he said. Then, he lowered his head, and began to sob.

Kit walked inside the chapel, and at one corner, she saw Calvin. She walked up to him, and sat beside him. For a long time, she looked at him. It breaks her heart seeing him like this – worried, scared and broken. “Calvin...” she whispered. Slowly, Calvin looked up at the cross before him. “Please, give me another chance to be with her... please, God...” he said. Kit reached up for his face to wipe the tear from his eyes. “I am here, Calvin... I am here...” she said. But Calvin remained unmoved. As her hand reaches for him, she realized that she could not touch him. She was just a mere spirit, roaming around in this world. She doesn't know what will happen next to her, if God will eventually take her in, or if He will let her live to be with the man she loves. “Calvin... I am here... look at me...” she pleaded. But still, Calvin remained unmoved. No matter how loud her voice is, she knows that Calvin will never hear her. “I love Kit... I love her very much.” he said. “Calvin... I love you too... I know now that you have loved me for so long... but I'm also scared. I'm scared of what will happen to me, to us...” she whispered to him. “She is my life... the other half of me. If she'll die, a bigger part of me will die as well....” he said. Kit felt her tears falling from her eyes upon hearing what he said. “I couldn't bear losing you too. That's why I took the bullet for you. Calvin... hear me... I am here... please...” she said to him.

She lowered her head. She's too tired to let him know her presence. Then, she felt Calvin look her way. “Kit...” he said. She looked up at him, and saw him staring at her. “Calvin, do you see me? I am here...” she said. Then, he smiled and shook his head. “I'm going crazy. Why am I thinking that Kit's beside me...” he said. She bit her lips as she looked at him sadly. “Calvin... if you love me, then you should feel my presence...” she said. Then, she held his hand. At that moment, Calvin felt a cold wind touching his hand. “Kit... if you are here... please come back to me...” he said. Kit smiled and nodded her. Then, she reached up to him, and kissed his lips. As Kit kissed him, Calvin felt a cold wind touching his lips. He closed his eyes, and let the cold wind embrace his whole body.


“I finally understand...” Kit said. “Calvin's love has always been with me. That he never stopped loving me although he set aside his feelings for me. He always cares for me, always worrying about me, he always prioritize me...” she continued. “He have always loved you...” the voice said. “Tell me, I... I will die, right? You made me realize these things because you will take me to heaven...” she asked. “I'm sorry...” the voice said. Kit smiled and nodded her head. “I understand. I know it's my time anyway. Thank you for showing the truth to me.”
“It's rare for a spirit to finally accept her fate...”
“Are you going to take me now?”
“I'm sorry, Kit...”
“Do... do I get the chance to wake up and say goodbye to the people I love?”


“Can I tell him I love him for the last time?”
“But time is running out...”
“If... if we can't be together in the end... at least, I was able to tell her that I love him. It's the only thing he is waiting right now. Can... can I go back... for a while?”


“Maybe, it wouldn't hurt to go back... even for just few minutes...”


He made the final fold on the paper, and then pulled it's two ends. Finally, a paper crane was formed. He smiled to himself, as he looked at it. “This is my hundredth paper crane...” Calvin said. He put it inside the jar, right beside Kit, then he stared at the girl who was sleeping peacefully on her bed. He smiled to her as he held her hand. “Today is the hundredth day that you are asleep.” he said to her. “I've been making paper cranes for you. I was wishing that you would wake up on my hundredth paper crane. Don't tell me that I have to make a thousand paper cranes before you wake up...” he said. Then he laughed to himself and shook his head. “Even if my hand gets hurt for making a paper crane for you for each day that I love you, I wouldn't. For as long as I live, and for as long as I love, I will make a paper crane each day for you...” he said. He leaned towards her, and kissed her on the lips. Then, he stared at her face lovingly as he held his hand.

Then, he felt her hand move. He looked at her hand, and saw her lifting up her finger. He looked at her face again, and he saw her slowly opening her eyes. He was happy and he was speechless. He could not believe that Kit will finally wake up today. God have heard his prayers, and He have let her came back to him. “Kit...” he whispered. Kit have finally opened her eyes, and the first person she saw is Calvin. Upon seeing him, she smiled at him weakly. “Calvin...” she said in a weak voice. He felt his tears flooding his eyes as he heard her say his name. “You're awake... you're finally awake...” he said. He took her hand, and put it on his cheek. “I've waited for you, Kit. I've waited for this day. I've wanted to say a lot of things to you, and now that you are here, I guess all that I wanted to say comes down to these three words... I love you, Kit. I love you...” he whispered. Kit bit her lips as she listened to him. A single tear fell from her eye. He reached for her face, and wiped that ear from her face. “I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry if I didn't have enough courage to tell you how I feel. Kit... I love you ever since. I was scared to tell you how I feel because everything about our friendship might change, and you might decided to leave me. I'm sorry if I was the one who break our promise first.” he said. Kit let out a weak smile and shook her head. “You don't have to be sorry because of what happened, Calvin...” she said. “When you're near it seems that I took you for granted, but during the time that we were apart, I realized that your love has been a part of my life. I love you, Katherine. I will love you until forever...” he said. “I... I love you too, Calvin. I love you more than beyond a reason why. I will love you until my last breath...” she said. He smiled at her, and then he leaned towards her again, this time, giving her a long, passionate kiss. As they kissed, Kit closed her eyes and let the tears fall from his eyes. After they broke apart, Calvin stared into Kit's eyes lovingly. He wanted so much to remember this day, this day that they finally got together. After all the heartaches they've been through, finally, they have found their happy ending. Or so he thought.

“I love you...” he whispered to him. “And I will never stop saying that to you...” he added. Kit smiled and nodded his head. As Calvin sat up, he saw Kit's parent inside the room. They were just as surprised as he is to find Kit finally awake. “My baby...” Mrs. Jin said as she walked towards her bed. Kit looked up at them smiled. “Mom... dad...” she whispered. “Baby... my little princess is awake now...” Mr. Jin said. She saw her dad turn away from her to hide his tears, but nevertheless, she saw his tears of joy. She looked at the people she love – her mom, her dad, and most of all, Calvin. They are all happy to see her finally awake, but it was a heartbreaking scene for her. “God... please give me more time... to be with them...” she prayed. Then, Calvin stood up from his seat. “I'll go and get the doctor so that he could check on Kit.” he told her parents. As he turned to leave, he felt Kit's hand tug him. He looked back at her, and smiled. He failed to see the sadness embedded in his eyes. “i love you, Calvin... I love you... always remember that...” she said. Calvin smiled and nodded his head. Then, he went out of the room. As soon as Calvin left, she turned to her parents, and smiled at them. “Mom, dad... I love you. I love you... I'm sorry for everything...” she said. She stared at them for a long time, and then slowly closed her eyes to take another long and peaceful slumber. Forever...


“Doctor!” Calvin said as soon as he saw Kit's doctor. The doctor just smiled at him. “What is it, son?” he asked. “She's awake! She's finally awake! Can you go to her room, and check on her?” he said. The doctor nodded his head. As they were walking towards Kit's room, they saw three nurses and another doctor rushing up to kit's room. “Code red! Code red!” he heard one of the nurses said. The doctor didn't waste any time, and immediately followed them. Calvin felt his heart beating faster, as he rush up to her room. When he entered the room, he saw the doctors trying to revive Kit again. At that scene, he felt as if someone splashed cold water at his back. He is losing Kit again, and this time, it's for real. “No...” he whispered. He shook his head as he watched them. He looked at her parents, and saw her mom crying. He swallowed hard, and he felt a tear fell from his eyes. “You can't leave me, Kit... you can't... not now... not now that we're together. Please... come back to me. Please... don't leave me...” he prayed. He looked at the machine beside Kit, and saw it almost coming to a flat line. “Kit... please... be strong... you have awaken. You can't leave me forever... I love you...” he said. Then there was silence. He looked at Kit, and saw her lying lifeless on her bed. He looked back at the machine, and saw the flat line on it. “She's gone...” he heard someone say. And with that, Calvin felt his knees began to get weak. He slowly slipped into the floor, and broke down. Finally, she was out of his life. Forever...


Kit stood before the white light. “Kit, it's time...” she heard the voice said. Kit closed her eyes, and let a tear fall from her eyes. “I know...” she whispered. She took her first step towards the light, and then she paused. She looked back, and she saw Calvin crying at one corner of the hospital room. He was crying for her loss. He was crying because after she said the things he wanted to hear, she chose to leave him behind. She know she have broken his heart once again, but this is her fate. “I'm sorry...” she whispered. Then, she began to run...


It was evening.

Calvin stood before the empty hospital room. He stared at the empty bed, where Kit used to be at. He remembered the memories he had in the span of 100 days that he's here, patiently waiting for Kit to wake up. And while he's waiting for her, it was in this room that he witnessed how things got into their right place. It was in this room that he witnessed the love confessions of his friends, and how they planned to have wonderful night with the one they love. It was in this room that his friends shared with him his tears, especially during the times that he almost lost Kit. It was also in this room that he was able to tell Kit what's inside his heart. Although she's asleep, he knows that Kit could hear those words of love he have whispered to her. Then, the day finally came for Kit to wake up. He was able to tell her everything, and she told him that she loves him. He thought that after she woke up, everything will finally be back in it's place, but he was wrong.

“Cal...” he heard someone call. He looked back, and saw Danson coming up to him. “Kit... she's...” he said. He wasn't able to continue what he was about to say, but Danson understood it after all. “I know.” he said. He sighed, and then, he looked at Calvin. “Everyone should move on... even you...” he said. Calvin smiled sadly and nodded his head. “I know.” he said. “I will sure miss this room. We used to hang out here the whole vacation, waiting for Kit to wake up. We shared secrets here, and most of all, we all got closer while being with Kit. I guess if there's a good thing that came from all the things that happened, it's that we all got closer, and that we got more matured.” Danson said. “I will miss her...” Danson added. “But she will always be in our hearts... she will always be the biggest part of me. And I know, I will always love her...” Calvin said. “You're going to be OK, Calvin. I know that.” Danson said. Calvin looked at him, and for the first time, he smiled warmly at him. “I know...” he said. Then, turned their backs to leave the room. Calvin turned the lights off before closing the door behind him. As he closed the door, he finally realized that it's time to move one. Finally.


The 100th Paper Crane

The greatest irony of love is letting go when you need to hold on, and holding on when you need to let go...


Well, this is it, the last chapter for this fan fic. Thanks for all those who have patiently read this fan fic, especially those who commented here. :) till my next story!

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fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #1
very good storryyy here
The foreword looks great! It's a pity that most ppl on AFF are kpop fans, if not, this fic will definitely be featured!
Lovely story here