Saying Goodbye

99 Paper Cranes (Completed)
A/N - what would you do if I tell you this is the lst chapter? :P please please do leave comments and violent reactions


When you wake up and find me gone tomorrow,
Don't think I meant to hurt
I just did what we knew I have to...


That morning, Kit decided to to wake up with a smile. The nightmare she had nights before was suddenly gone. She did her usual stuff before she go to school. That day, she wore her prettiest dress. She hummed her favorite tune as she prepares for school. She ate breakfast with her family, and joke around her little sister. Although her parent found her a little weird that day, they were happy to see their daughter back to her old self. She drove to school, and she got to school an hour before her finals would start. She had enough time to review, and to talk to her classmates before the test would start. Just like her parents, her classmates found her acting weird that day. They have seen how quiet Kit was for the past few weeks, but today, she was talkative, and she smiles and talks to them. As she took her finals, she found it very easy as she was able to answer all the questions correctly and was able to finish earlier.

After her first class, she went to meet Danson at the study hall. “Hey, Dannie Boy!” she said cheerfully as she sat beside him. Danson looked at her skeptically, wondering what happened to her. “You seemed awfully happy today, Ms. Jin. Let me guess, you have this gut feel that you'll ace your subjects?” he asked. Kit smiled and nodded her head. Danson smiled back at her. He was happy to see her smiling once again. It's been a long time since she have seen her this cheerful. “I know I will. I especially prepared for this one. I know I'll have high grades this semester.” she said proudly. “Good for you, Kit.” he said. He turned his attention to the book he's reading, but as he was reading it, he could tell that Kit was staring at him, as if wanting to say something. Danson looked up at him, and wrinkled his brow at him. “Is there something you want to say?” he asked. Kit smiled and nodded her head. Then, she took his hand and held it tight. “Danson... thank you for everything...” she began. “Thank you for always being there for me. especially during the times that I needed a friend...”
“You know why I'm doing this, Kit. I would do anything to make you happy.”
“I wish... I wish I could repay you for all the things you've done for me...”

She leaned him, and gave him a hug. “I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I can't love you. I'm sorry that I can't give you my heart before...” she said. She released him from her hug, and then cupped his cheek. Danson could clearly see the tear in her eyes. The past few moths have been hard for Kit, he knows. She have been struggling to keep her feelings from Calvin, and when Calvin found out that his best friend is in love with him, he decided to cut off the friendship. “You know that I love you as a friend, Kit... and your happiness is my happiness as well.” he said. Kit smiled at him. “My only wish is that someday, you could find your happiness with the girl you truly love. I'm happy for you and Hannah, and I hope, you won't make the same mistake I did. I don't want to see your heart break if that happens...” she said. He wiped the tear on her eyes and smiled at her. He knew in his heart that no matter what happens, he would always be here for Kit, supporting her and loving her as his friend. He have long accepted that could never have her heart, and he have been contented being her friend.

Then, she looked up to him. Her face moving closer to his. He closed his eyes, and he felt his lips against hers. Her lips were cold, and yet, it tasted sweet. He suddenly felt shiver running down down his spine as she kissed her, it's as if that will be her last kiss for her. He opened his eyes, and he saw her smiling face, but as he looked into her eyes, he found loneliness. “Kit...” he said in a low voice. “Thank you for being a part of my life, Danson. Thank you...” she said. It's like she knew something would happen to her, and she was saying her last goodbye to him. “What... what are you saying. I'm getting scared with the way you're acting.” he told her. Kit shook her head, giving out a faint smile. “I'll be OK, Danson. I... I just want to let you know how much I've appreciate what you've done for me these past few months. I might not have enough time to tell you what's in my heart...”
“Don't say that.”
“Life is short, Danson. We don't know what will happen next. If I'll be gone today, then there won't be regrets for me for holding back.”

Then, she stood up to leave. Danson could only watch her as she walked away from him. He felt something is wrong with Kit, and that something bad would happen to her.


“What's wrong?” Chun asked Danson as they were eating their lunch. Since they met that afternoon, he have been silent. Then, Danson shook his head. “I don't know... but I feel something is wrong...” he said in a low voice. Then, Danson looked up at Chun. “Chun, I didn't want to tell you this, but I have no choice but to let you know...” he began. Chun looked at him, confused at what he is saying. “I don't know why... but I keep on having these dreams about Kit...” he said. “It's not an dream, right?” Chun asked as he chuckled. Danson sighed and glared at him. “This is serious, Chun! Now listen to me.” he said. Chun stopped laughing and began to listen to him. “I've been having nightmares, about Kit. In my dream, she was waiting for Calvin outside the school building. I was telling her that we have to go home, but she said she have to wait for Calvin because she needs to tell him something. Then, this girl came... she took out a gun and shot Kit in the head.” Danson said. Then, he looked at Chun. “And you know what's weird? When I saw Kit this morning, she was telling me how thankful she is to have me as her friend...” he said. “What's wrong with that? We all know that Kit is vocal with her feelings ever since, except for her feelings for Calvin.” Chun said. Danson turned away from him and shook his head. “You don't understand... it's as if she was saying goodbye to me. I don't know. I've never seen her like this... most of all, I've never felt this scared before.” he said. Chun smiled at him, and patted his back. “Dannie Boy... maybe you're just over reacting. Nothing bad would happen to Kit, trust me. And besides, have you heard of the saying that when you have nightmares, the opposite will happen? I don't think Someone will just show up and shoot Kit. You're just thinking too much.” Chun said. “But... but what if?” Danson asked again. Chun shook his head. “Nothing will happen, OK? You're just scaring yourself, and me. I guess your dreams simply mean that Kit will have a long life, or she'll be lucky. Don't think much of it.” Chun said. Danson sighed and let out a faint smile. “You're right...” he said. “Maybe I'm just thinking too much. I trust that nothing bad will happen to Kit.”


And all the time we knew
The time was never right for us
Time to leave this love behind
I could never leave you
If I see you cry


“Jiro, can we talk?” Kit asked as soon as she saw Jiro came out of the classroom. Jiro was surprised to see Kit waiting for him. He smiled, and then nodded his head. “O-of course.. we can talk.” he said. Kit smiled at him and then hugged him. Jiro was surprised at what she did, that he became speechless. “Jiro, thank you...” she said as soon as she let him go. “Thank you for being a part of my life. Thank you for loving me, for making me feel what it was to be loved. Thank you for coming back to me, after all those years that we've been apart...” she said. Jiro just looked at her, trying to find the words to say to her. “Tin...” he said in a low voice. “I know, in some way, I have hurt you because of my love for Calvin. You've hurt me as well, when you cheated on me with Celestine. I just wish you let me eplain everything to you before you decided to hurt me that way... but I don't want to stay mad at you. I can't have this grudge inside my heart, because it felt so heavy and it felt so bad...” she said. Jiro gave her a confused look. “So... you mean... you forgive me for hurting you?” he asked. Kit smiled and nodded her head. “We've been friends before we became lovers, Jiro. I don't want to waste our friendship just like that... at least it's something that I could save for the two of us.” she said.

Jiro looked at her lovingly, and then he smiled at her. “Tin... thank you...” he said in a low voice. “Thank you for forgiving me. I know it would be too soon to ask you to give me chance, but this is a good start. I know that you still love Calvin, but I'm willing to wait for you. I'm willing to stay with you until the day comes that you have forgotten your love for him.” he said. Kit looked down and shook her head. “I don't think that day would ever come, Jay...” she said in a low voice. “I'm sorry... I tried my best to forget him... but...”
“But it's him that you still love?”
Kit looked up at him. She stared into his eyes for a long time before she could nod her head. As she looked into her eyes, she could see how hurt he is with her answer. “I'm sorry, Jiro... I loved you first. God knows I was clinging onto my love for you for a long time... but Calvin has always been there for me. He was there to wipe away my tears, to make me smile, to listen to me when I needed to speak my mind. Those little things he have done in the past, those things have made me fall in love with my best friend. I have fallen so deep, that I don't think I could tell my heart to stop loving him... I've tried before, but my heart is too stubborn to listen to me...” she said in a low voice.

Jiro forced a smile, and nodded his head as if telling her that he understood. “I'm really sorry, Jay... I didn't mean to hurt you...” she said. “Kit, it's OK. Let's just say this is my karma for not loving Joy and Celestine in the past. I understand, Kit. If you can only offer me your friendship, then I would gladly accept it.” he said. Kit smiled, and then hugged him again. “Thank you for understanding, Jay...” she said. Then, she released him, and smiled at him. “I know, someone out there is loving you more than I have loved you. I wish one day, you can open your eyes to see her... she deserves a chance, Jay. She deserves to be given a chance to show her love for you...” she said. Then she turned to leave. As she walked away from him, Jiro watched her and smiled at her. “I'll bear that in mind, Tin... I will” he whispered.


Chun found Kit by the soccer field, watching the little kids playing soccer. He smiled as he walked towards her. She was too engrossed in watching the kids play, that she did not notice that he was already sitting beside her. “Enjoying the game?” he asked. Kit looked at him. She smiled and nodded her head. Then, she turned her attention to the kids. “Look at them, they seem so carefree, so happy. All that matters to them is their happy feeling when they're playing with their friends, and it doesn't matter to them if they fall down or hurt themselves.” she said. “You wanted to be a kid again, am I right?” Chun asked. Kit smiled at him and nodded her head. “I wish I was. At least all that I would think of is playing with my friends. If I got hurt, it would be because of my own fault...” she said. “You're tired of being broken hearted?” he asked again. Kit could only let out a faint smile. “You can say that. I'm tired, Chun.... really really tired. I'm tired of crying. Tired of loving. Tired of feeling my heart break...” she said.

Then, she looked at him again. “Sometimes I wonder why my life is always filled with complications. I always wonder why I can't always get what I want. I always wonder why I end up hurting myself and a lot of people... but in the end, I realize something.” she said. Chun gave him a curious look. “What did you realize?” he asked. “That life, no matter how perfect it is, will always be filled with complications. You only get what God feels that you deserves, because not everything you want is everything you would need and would be good for you. You will hurt a lot of people in the end, especially yourself, but you have to learn to forgive yourself, after all, you're only a human with weaknesses. If you have a hurt people, you should ask forgiveness as well.” she said. Chun let out a faint smile upon hearing her answer. “You seemed too philosophical.” he commented. “Of course. I learned it all from a very philosophical person named Wu Ji Chun.” she said.

Kit paused, and then looked at Chun. “Thank you.” she said. Chun gave her another confused look. “For what?” she asked. “For being there for me. For advising me. For listening to me when I needed someone to listen to my rants. For making me smile. For your goofiness. For being a friend. For just being yourself. I've learned a lot for you, Chun... and I will be forever thankful that you became a part of my life” she said. Chun let out a nervous laugh, but at the back of his mind, he's suddenly getting scared of what she is saying. He wondered why Kit is thanking him, as if it will be the last time that they will see each other. “H-hey... why are you being so mushy. I-it's as if you're going to leave us or something.” he joke. Kit just laughed at what he said. “Life is too short, Chun. You don't know what's going to happen next. Maybe next week, we'll move to Africa, or maybe later when I cross the street -” before Kit could finish her sentence, Chun glared at her. “Stop.” he said in a firm tone. “It's not a very good joke, Kit. Nothing bad will happen to you...” he said worriedly. Kit just smiled at him as she put her arm around him. “It's just a joke, Chun. Don't take it seriously. Don't worry, nothing will happen to me. I just want to thank you for all the things you've done for me. I will still be here... don't worry.” she said. Chun sighed and then smiled at her. But somehow, his heart is beating faster, he was never this anxious before. He prays to God that nothing bad would really happen to his friend.


Please realize how hard it is to do this
I'm trying to make it through this
Say goodbye just as gently as I can...


“Joy...” she called at the girl walking in front of her. Joy turned round, and saw Kit walking towards her. “What do you want?” she asked in a hard tone. “Can we talk?” Kit asked. “I'm giving you five minutes to speak.” Joy snapped. Kit sighed before beginning to speak again. “Joy, I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry that I have to hurt you, I'm sorry that I tried to take Calvin away from you. And most of all, I'm sorry that because of me, Jiro could not love you whole-heartedly...” she said. Joy shook her head, and then smirked at her. “Do you think I would believe you?” she asked. Kit nodded her head. “Yes, I do. Despite everything, I know we are still friends...” she said in a low voice. “No, we're not!” Joy shouted at her. “Did you know how hurt I was when I found out that Jiro loved you ever since? Did you know how it pained me when I found out you were Calvin's paper crane girl? You can never understand how I feel!”

Kit lowered her head, as she felt the tears falling from her eyes once again. “I trusted you, Kit. I trusted you. But what did you do? You betrayed me! You took the guy I loved away from me, and worse you tried to ruin my relationship with my boyfriend. I could never forgive you, Kit.” she heard Joy said. Kit looked up at her, and then wiped her tears. “You're right. I guess, I really don't deserve your forgiveness... and I understand that. I just hope one day, you'll find it in your heart to forgive me for all the things I've done.” she said. Kit watched Joy as she turned to leave. “I'm really sorry, Joy. I mean it.” Joy heard her say. She paused for a while, when she turned to face her, she was already gone.


This time just wasn’t the time for us
We knew I couldn’t stay
But that don’t make it easier to leave you
So while I can find the strength

Calvin looked at his watch. It was almost 9 PM. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to meet Kit at the outside the school building at this time, as it was already late. But he have to see her. He have to talk to her. He knows that if doesn't take this chance, everything between then would be ruined, and that he would never have the chance to talk to her again. She have been avoiding her since that incident at the hotel, and when he asked her to meet him, she agreed. All he wanted is to tell her what's inside his heart, to explain his actions, and to save whatever it is that's remaining in their friendship. “Calvin...” he turned and saw Kit walking towards him. Calvin smiled at her as she walked towards him. “I'm glad you came...” he said. Kit looked up at him, and just stared at him. “What is it that you want to talk about?” she asked. “A lot of things. I want to say a lot of things to you, Kit... I just don't know where to start...” he said in a low voice. “Then start at the very beginning, Calvin. I will listen.” she said.

Calvin looked into her eyes before he begins to speak. “I'm sorry...” he said. “I'm sorry if I always end up hurting you. I'm sorry if I have been a jerk... if I hadn't listened to you. I know I've said hurtful words to you in the past, but I didn't mean it. I really don't. I don't hate you, Kit. I don't want you out of my life... I want you to stay with me. I'm sorry that I've let my ego get in the way... it's just that I could accept that I've lost again to Jiro. You know that I've been competing with him ever since I met him... whether it's in school, in sports, with love, with you... The past few weeks without you is like hell. I couldn't focus on a lot of things. I'm missing you so badly, Kit...” he said. Then, he stepped forward her, and then cupped her cheeks. “I hope you can forgive me for everything. Let's start all over again. I don't want to lose you, Kit...” he said in a low voice. Kit smiled at him, and he saw a tear fall from her eyes. “I forgive you, Calvin. I'm sorry too... for all the things I've done... for hiding the truth from you. I'm sorry if I have fallen in love with you. I don't want to lose you too...” she said. Then, she hugged him tight. Calvin leaned on her head. As he smiled, a tear of joy fell from his eyes. Finally, everything is back in it's place. He have saved their friendship, but he will soon have to end it again, but for the better. “There are some more things I want you to know, Kit. A lot more things...” he whispered. Kit smiled to herself. “Then keep on talking, Calvin. You know that I love hearing your voice...” she said. Calvin released her, and then stared into her eyes. “Katherine Jin... please don't be sorry that you fell in love with me. The times that you were my paper crane girl, it was the best time of my life. You made me feel loved, that I am special. You made me feel that I am capable of being loved as well. You have always encouraged me, and you gave me a reason to be happy although there is no reason to smile at. There's something you should know, Katherine. I have this little secret that I've been keeping to myself ever since... and I was scared that if you found out this little secret, you'll do the things I've done to you.” he said. “What's your secret, Calvin?” she asked. Calvin stared at her for a long time, and then smiled at her. He reached for her face, and he cupped her cheek. “Katherine... I -”

Then, he was interrupted when he heard someone call his name. “Calvin Chen.” Kit and Calvin looked back, and saw Trixie walking up to them. Kit was surprised to see her again. “Trixie? You're back?” she asked. Trixie did not answer, and she just continued to walk towards them. As she got closer, they could see the fury in her eyes. “I hate you, Kit. I hate you ever since...” Trixie said. Then, he looked at Calvin. “I hate you too, Calvin. You always reject me. You always hurt me. I don't know why you can't give me another chance? We could be together, and happy... just like before...” she said to him. “I'm sorry, Trixie. It's just that I can't love you like before. There is someone else that I love...” he said to her. Kit looked up at him. She know that Calvin is talking about Joy, and although she felt hurt, she have to accept that. Then, she took out something from her bag. Both of them were shocked when Trixie pointed at gun at Calvin. “Trixie... what's this? Let's talk about this, OK?” Kit said to her, trying to calm Trixie down.. As Trixie moves closer, she went near Calvin, trying to protect him from her.. “I tried to forget you, Cal... I really did... but I just can't...”


Danson's mobile phone rang, he took it from his pocket, and saw Mike's name flashing on the screen. “Mike?” he said. “Danson! Where's Calvin and Kit?” Chun asked in a panicked tone. “I don't know... what's wrong?”
“Trixie! She's going to do something to Calvin. I'm trying to find her, but I can't!”
“What do you mean?”
“Her brother told me she took her dad's gun. I don't know what's on her mind, but I know she will go and find Calvin. We have to stop her!”
Danson felt his heart beating faster at what Mike said. He immediately ended the call, and dialed Chun's number. After a few rings, Chun answered his call. “Chun? Do you know where Calvin or Kit is?” he asked in a panic tone. “I don't kinow. Wait... I think they'[ll be meeting in front of the school building tonight. Why?” Chun asked.

He stood frozen. He felt as if someone poured cold water on his spine. It hit him – his dream about the gun, and Kit being shot in the head. “Oh my God...” he said in a low voice. “Chun... I need you to go find them. Trixie... she... she might do something to them...” Danson said. He ended the call, and then he dialed Mike's number. “Mike...” he said. “I know where they are. Let's meet in front of the school building. And hurry up!”


I'll say goodbye for the two of us
Tonight, while you sleep,
I'll kiss you softly one last time and say goodbye
Like I know we must
There’s just no other way
And I couldn’t bear to see your heart break
So I´ll wait till your asleep to say good-bye

“Trixie, this is not a good joke. Stop this, OK...” Calvin said, trying to calm Trixie. Trixie shook her head. “This is not a joke, Calvin. If you can't be mine, then it would be better if I kill you.” she said. “Trixie, don't do this, please. Let's talk about this...” Kit said to her. Trixie didn't listen to her. Instead, she took a step forward them. As she took another step, she began to pull the trigger. “No!” Both of them shouted.

A loud shot was heard all over the place. Kit was able to manage to block Calvin from the bullet with her body, but in the end, she was shot in at the back, in her lower head. Upon seeing the blood rushing out of Kit's head, Trixie realized just what she did. “Kit!” she heard someone say. As she turned, she saw Mike and Danson running towards them Mike got near her, and lowered her hands so as the gun would be pointed away from them. Calvin held Kit up, but she was falling on the ground. He knelt on the ground to support Kit's weak body, and as he looked at his hand covered with her blood, he realized just what happened – Kit took the bullet that was meant for her. “Kit!” he shouted. He cradled her body, and he could feel the tears falling from his eyes. He realized that at that moment, he could lose Kit forever, and with that thought, he felt scared. “Call an ambulance, now!” he shouted at Danson. Danson stood up and took his phone to call for help.

Calvin still cradled Kit into his arms. “Kit... hang in there, OK? We'll get you to the hospital...” he said to her. He held her tight. The tears were falling uncontrollably in his eyes. “Kit... stay with me... you'll be OK... you'll be OK...” he whispered.“Cal...Vin...” she said in a weak voice. “I... I'm so... rry... for every... thing... I... really am...” she said, trying to catch her breath. Calvin just cried as she watched her getting weaker and weaker. “Save all your strength, Kit. Don't try to speak. We'll get you to the hospital soon. You're going to be all right, just hang on...” he said. Kit smiled at him, and then cupped his cheek. “I... glad... you're... safe... I... feel... cold... and... tired... I... want... to... sleep...” she said. A tear fell from her eyes as she looked at him. “I... love... you... Cal... Vin... I... love... you... for... e... ver...” she whispered. She smiled weakly at him, and with her remaining strength, she reached up to him, and kissed his lips. “Kit, open your eyes. Stay awake... the ambulance will be here anytime soon.” Calvin said in between sobs. She took her last breath, and closed her eyes. “Kit, stay with me. Don't leave me...” he said to her. He shook her to wake her up, but she remained unmoved. “No... no... Kit... stay with me... hang on, OK? Don't leave me... there are still a lot of things I want to say to you... stay awake, Katherine...” he said to her as he held her tight. He didn't want her to leave. He didn't want her to be gone like that. He just can't lose her now, not now...

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fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #1
very good storryyy here
The foreword looks great! It's a pity that most ppl on AFF are kpop fans, if not, this fic will definitely be featured!
Lovely story here