The Last Dance

99 Paper Cranes (Completed)
This is my last dance with you
This is my only chance to do
All I can do
To let you know that what I feel is real...


The door of the ballroom opened, and Calvin and Joy stepped inside. Calvin looked at her lovingly, then, she held onto his arms. “There they are...” he heard someone say. Calvin looked at his side, and saw Chun waving at them. They walked towards them, and they saw Jiro, Kit and Danson with him. “Don't tell me you and Danson don't have a date?” he asked Chun. Chun just smiled at him. “I am a lucky guy. I have two dates. Dannie boy here doesn't have one, and doesn't want one.” he said. Then, Calvin saw two girls came by his side. “Excuse me, guys... but I have to go with my dates.” he said, winking at them all of them laughed as they watched Chun leave with his dates. Danson found himself being left with the two lovers. “I think Ill go and ask Chun if I could borrow one of his dates for tonight.” he said as he followed Chun.

“So...” Calvin said to break the awkward silence among them. “I think we should find a seat and have dinner. I'm starving.” he said. Kit laughed at what he said. “You're always starving, Calvin.” she remarked. Calvin looked at her, and smirked. “I'm a growing boy, Katherine.” he snapped at her. Kit flinched upon hearing her name. “Or is it because you have a lot of tape worms in your stomach...” Kit snapped back at him. Jiro and Joy could see the tension building up between the two. “Aiyo... don't start fighting over nonsense matters now...” Jiro said as he stand between the two. Calvin and Kit laughed upon seeing the look on Jiro's face. “Didn't we got you on that, prince charming?” Calvin asked. Joy gave the two a confused look. “Don't worry, we're not really fighting. We're just acting like we're fighting.” Kit said. Jiro sighed with relief upon hearing what she said. “And I thought the two of you are really fighting.” he said. Then, he put his arm around Kit and smiled at her. “Don't scare me like that ever again.” he said to her. Kit smiled and nodded her head. Then, Jiro turned to Calvin. “I think we should go find our table so that we could have our dinner.” he said. Calvin nodded his head, then all of them followed him.


After settling to their table, the four went to the buffet table to get their food. Calvin took the serving spoon, and then took some stir-fried shrimps. “Joy, dear, do you want some shrimps?” he asked. “Uh... Cal.. Joy is allergic to shrimps. Better not give her some or she'll have an attack.” Jiro said. Calvin nodded his head, and then put the shrimp on his plate instead. He looked at Jiro and saw him putting some asparagus on Kit's plate. “Uh... Jiro.. Kit is not fond of asparagus. Don't bother putting some on her plate for she won't eat it.” he said. Jiro then gave a confused look at Kit. “You don't like asparagus?” he asked. Kit nodded her head. “OK. I'll just get those asparagus later...” he said in an apologetic tone. “It's OK, Jiro. I'd like to try some of these as well.” Kit said. Calvin gave her a surprised look. “Wei... you hate asparagus! Why would you want to eat them now?” he asked. Kit looked at Calvin and smiled. “I want to try it out. Besides, it looked delicious.” she said. As Kit looked at Jiro and smiled at him, Calvin could only glare at his best friend. “And since when did she want to try out asparagus? You hated it ever since...” he thought while watching Kit.

Just then, he saw Joy putting some chili pork on her plate. “Koochiepoo...” can you give me some of that?” he asked sweetly at her. Joy smiled at him and nodded her head. As she put some chili pork on his plate, Kit stopped her. “Wei... Joy... Calvin doesn't like anything spicy.” she said. Joy gave Calvin a confused look. “I thought you want some?” she asked. Calvin nodded his head, then he glared at Kit. “Maybe I want to try it too, Katherine.” he snapped at her. Kit was confused at the way Calvin was acting. “Fine...” she said in a confused tone. “Don't cry if you found it too spicy.” she said. Calvin saw as she looked at Jiro again and smiled. He felt jealous again, because Kit turned all of her attention to Jiro. “Calvin, is there anything else that you want?” Joy asked. Calvin looked at her and shook his head. “I'm good. Joy smiled at him and nodded his head. Then, she looked at Kit, and saw her putting some oysters on Jiro's plate. “Kit... not too much on the oysters. He have a little allergy on those.” she said. Kit looked at Joy and nodded her head. Calvin felt more jealous, because even Joy cared about Jiro. “Why him? I'm also here... why are they ignoring me?” he thought. Then, he went back to the pan with chili pork and took some more of it. Kit saw what Calvin did and was even more confused at him. “Calvin!” she called. Calvin paused, and smiled. “This is it... he'll tell me to stop getting these chili pork...” he thought. Kit walked towards him, and then tapped his should. “I just want you to know that my camera is ready to take a picture of you when you ate all of the chili pork. I know you'll cry and turn red if you eat all of that, so... good luck!” he heard Kit say. He looker at her with disbelief.


This is that chance for us
This is the moment that I just cannot let end
Before I know that there's a chance
We're more than friends...


All throughout dinner, Calvin was watching Jiro and Kit. The two are very sweet as they ate dinner. Jiro had his arms wound Kit, and from time to time, Kit would look lovingly at Jiro. She would help Jiro wipe his mouth as he eat. Calvin tried to do the same with Joy, but he always gets distracted by the two. “Why does she only have her eyes on him? She's ignoring me...” he thought. He absent-mindedly stuck his fork on the food on his plate. “Calvin, are you OK?” he heard Joy asked. Calvin looked at her and smiled. “Of course I am, koochiepoo. Don't worry about me.” he said, smiling at her. He leaned over Joy, and then kissed her on the cheek. “Hmmm... I think why you were too silent is because the chili pork is way too spicy for you.” Kit teased. He looked at Kit and gave her a smirk. “In fact, it's not.” he said. He took one, and then ate it. As he chewed on the pork, he realized that Kit is right. He could see the I-told-you-so look on her face, and that triumphant smile as he turned all read. But, he can't let Kit think that she won. “Not... that... spicy...” he said in between chew. Jiro and Joy just looked at him. “Are you sure you're all right, koochiepoo?” Joy asked. Calvin turned to Joy and forced a smile. He took another chili pork, and put it inside his mouth. He chewed it, but it was way too spicy that he was already sweating profusely. “I... can't... let... Kit... win...” he thought.

Kit leaned over the table, and then smirked at Calvin. “See, I told you so...” she said. Unable to take it anymore, Calvin grabbed the glass of water and gulped it down. The three laughed as they watched Calvin finished off a glass of water. He put the glass down and sighed with relief. He looked at the three, and found them laughing at him. “Wei... there's nothing funny!” he snapped at the three. He leaned on his chair, and then looked sternly at Kit. Kit just raised an eyebrow at him, and smirked at him. Then, she turned her attention to Jiro. “Jay, taste this one...” he said as she took the food from her plate, and put it on Jiro's mouth. “It's delicious!” Jiro said. Then, he leaned over Kit, and kissed her on the cheek. Calvin flinched at he watched the two. “Eewww... you two are very disgusting.” he remarked. Kit looked at Calvin, trying her best to control her temper. “You're just jealous because my boyfriend is sweet.” she snapped at him. Calvin smirked at her, and then put his arm around Joy. “Oh, really now...” he said to her. Jiro and Joy looked at the two, confused if they are fighting or still acting. “Err... guys... maybe you two should calm down...” Joy suggested. Calvin just smiled, still glaring at Kit. “I am calm, koochiepoo. Don't worry.” he said. Kit smiled as well as she glared at Calvin. “Yeah... we're calm already...” she said.

“Uh... princess... would you like some deserts?” Jiro asked. Kit looked at him and nodded her head. “Would love to, my prince charming.” she said. She watched as Jiro stood up from his seat and went to the buffet table. Joy couldn't handle the tension between the two, so she stood up and followed Jiro. “I... I think I'll get us some deserts too, Calvin.” she said. The two were left alone at the table. Kit folded her arms as she looked away from him. There was a hostile silence between the two. Then, Kit glared at Calvin. “You started it... and I don't know why you're acting like that...” she thought as she looked at him.


“Hey Jiro! Hey Joy!” Danson called as soon as he saw the two walking towards the buffet table. Jiro looked up at him and smiled. “Hey, Dannie boy! Enjoying the ball?” he asked. Danson smiled and nodded his head. Danson noticed that they were together, and not with their respective beau. “Where's Kit and Cal?” he asked. Joy pointed at their table. “They were fighting, I guess...” she said. Danson gave Joy a confused look. “Fighting? About what?” he asked. Joy just shrugged her shoulders. “Weird, what's wrong with them?” he thought. Then, he turned to Jiro and Joy, and smiled. “I'll check out on them first. See you guys around.” he said.

He walked towards their table, and he could see that the two best friends were not talking. “Hey, Kit...” he said as he walked towards her. Kit looked up at him and smiled. “Hey, Danson!” she greeted. “Enjoying the ball?” she asked. Kit nodded her head. “Sure I am... I don't know with this guy in front of me.” she said, eying on Calvin. Calvin looked at Danson and smiled at him. “I am enjoying the ball, thank you very much.” he said to Danson. Then, he looked at Kit and glared at her again. Although they say that they are OK, Danson could feel that there is something going on between the two. “You guys aren't fighting, aren't you?” he asked. “Of course not, Dannie. I didn't do anything to piss Calvin off, haven't I, Calvin?” she asked. Calvin glared at her and smiled. “Of course, you didn't. You were ignoring me the whole night, so why would you piss me off?”
“I am not ignoring you, koochiepoo.”
“You are, Katherine.”
“No I am not.”
“Of course you are. You have your eyes on your 'prince charming' the whole night, that you forgot that I am here...”

Kit is getting mad at Calvin, but she doesn't want to explode at him, for it will just ruin her night. “It's no use talking to a stubborn guy like you, Calvin.” she said as she stood up. “Come on, Danson. Let's just dance instead. I don't want to be stuck with this insecure guy here.” she said as she held onto Danson's arm. Danson nodded his head, and as they walked towards the dance floor, he threw a glance at Calvin. Meanwhile, Calvin was getting mad at Kit as well. Not only is she ignoring him, but she asked Danson to dance with him instead. “Stupid Kit! I am here... why did you have to ask Danson to dance with you?” he thought. And yes, he is jealous. Very jealous.


“I don't know what's with him!” Kit said as she danced with Danson. “First, he snapped at me because I took the asparagus that Jay gave me. Then, I warned him about getting too much chili pork, and then he snapped at me like that!” Kit sad in an angry tone. Danson laughed at what Kit said. “I think he just wants you to notice him. From what I see, he wants your attention tonight.” he said. “But he is with Joy. Why would he still want my attention?” she asked. Danson paused and smiled at her. “Because you are his best friend, remember?” he said. He held Kit's hand, and lead her out of the dance floor. “Did you compliment him on his suit tonight?” he asked. Kit shook her head. “No.” she answered. “Have you told Jiro that he's dashing tonight?” he asked again. This time, Kit nodded her head. “I did...” she said in a low voice. “See? Calvin's jealous because Jiro have all of your attention for tonight, and he only wants you to take a glance at him. Why don't you come to him, and then tell him he looks good tonight, and then spend sometime with him. You don't have to be with Jiro the whole night, and he doesn't have to be with Joy the whole night as well.” he said. Kit lowered her and head and let out a faint smile. “Guess you're right...” she said. “And besides, I think this is the first time that you two went to this ball with a different partner. Go talk to him... maybe you could ask him to dance with you. For sure he misses his best friend.” Danson suggested. Kit looked up at him and smiled. “Thanks, Danson.” she said. She then walked towards their table to talk to Calvin. After taking a few steps, Kit turned back and smiled at Danson. “Anyway, enjoy the night. Thanks for the dance.” she said.


So don't let go...
Make it last for a night...
This is my last chance to make you mine...


“Calvin...” Kit called him in a low voice. Calvin looked back at her and just glared at her. “What?” he snapped at her. She took a deep breath and counted silently. She is starting to lose her patience on him. “What is wrong with you?” she asked him. Calvin looked away from her, ignoring her question. “Why are you in a bad mood? Was there something I said or done that you didn't like?” she asked again. “Wow... so finally you're talking to me after ignoring me...” he snapped at her again. Kit walked in front of him and glared at him. “I am not ignoring you!”
“Yes, you are... princess!”
“Look, koochiepoo... you have you eyes on Joy. Don't I have the right to shower my boyfriend with attention?”
“You have the right, but can you put in that little mind of yours that I do exist as well?”
“Are you mad because of what happened at the buffet table?”
“You're making it look like as if I don't know you anymore!”
“Why? Because I wanted to eat asparagus? Are you mad because of that?”
“I am mad because -”

Calvin paused as he stood up. He couldn't recall why he was mad at Kit in the first place. “Because?” Kit asked as she folded her arms. She was waiting for his answer. “Because you would rather eat that asparagus that Jiro gave you.” he said. Kit sighed in frustration. “Look. I am not having this fight over a a stupid asparagus.” she said. Calvin could tell that he have successfully made her pissed off. He saw her storm out of the ballroom.”OK... now she's really mad.” he thought. He decided to follow Kit.

Calvin followed her until she reached the elevator. She pushed the button, and waited for the elevator door to open. “Where are you going?” Calvin asked her. Kit didn't bother to look up at him. “Away from you.” she said. As soon as the elevator opened, Kit immediately went inside, and still, Calvin followed him. “What are you doing here?” Kit asked as soon as the elevator door closed. “I am going with you.”
“I am mad at you, Calvin Chen. Can't you give me the space to calm down first?”
“Look, I just want to talk...”
“Talk about what? You're going to piss me off again?”
“I didn't mean to snap on you like that.”
“Didn't mean to? You were picking at me out there! You wanted me to look like at fool in front of our friends.”
“I didn't mean to -”

Before Calvin could finish his sentence, the lights went off and they felt that they stopped. “W-what's wrong?” Kit asked nervously. “I don't know.” Calvin said. He pressed on the emergency button on the elevator, hoping it would help. They heard a voice over the speaker. “Hi. Uhmmm... me and my friend got stuck in the elevator... we're not moving.” Calvin said over the speaker. “OK sir, please give us twenty minutes to fix the problem.” they heard them said. “Great! I'm stuck with you for the next 20 minutes.” Kit said sarcastically. Calvin just glared at her. “As if I want to get stuck with you...” he snapped at her again. Kit slumped on the floor, and began to toy with her necklace. She fell silent. Calvin know that if she toys with her necklace, it means that she is really nervous. “Are you OK, Kit?” he asked as he sat beside her. “None of your business.” she snapped at him. She continued to toy with her necklace. “God... please let us out of here...” she thought. Calvin just watched her. He took his coat off, and then put it on Kit. Kit was surprised at what he did, and as she looked up at him, he smiled. He moved closer to her, and then he began to rub her arm to calm her down. “Nervous, aren't we?” he asked as he rubbed her arm. “No, I'm not.” she lied. She looked away from him, trying her best not to smile at him. He continued to rub her arm, and she could not deny that it felt good. She was really scared when the elevator stopped, and she felt at ease as she felt Calvin's warm hands against her skin. “Don't be scared now, princess. They said they will fix the problem in 20 minutes, so let's trust that they will.” he assured her. “Good...” she said as she smiled at him. “I can't wait to see Jay. I want to dance with him the whole night.” she said. She heard Calvin sigh again, and she can tell that he is getting pissed off at her again. She smiled to herself, as she never thought that making him mad and jealous is fun.


I've kept my feelings so deep
I've kept a dream of you and me somewhere inside
Although I pray that you would see it in my eyes
But this is my last chance to say
What's in my heart before you fade out of my life
And never understand the way I feel inside


“Chun?” Joy called the guy in front of her. Chun looked back and saw Joy coming up to him. “Hey, Joy! What's up?” he asked. “Chun, have you seen Calvin?” she asked. Chun just shrugged his shoulder. “I don't know... Isn't he with Kit a while ago?” he asked. Then, Jiro came up to him. “Chun, have you seen Kit?” he asked. Chun shook his head. “Saw her dancing with Dannie boy a while ago.” Chun said. “Where's Danson?” both of them asked. “Stepped out to make that important call to Hannah.” Chun said. The two of them sighed. They left the two best friends a while ago to get some more food, and when they came back, they where gone. “Where did they go?” Joy asked in a worried tone. “Maybe they went somewhere to talk about their issues. You can clearly see that they were already fighting a while ago.” Jiro said. Joy sighed again and shook her head. “It's Calvin fault. He started it. Maybe Kit is really pissed off at him right now.” Joy said. Jiro smiled and shook his head. “No, Joy. It's Kit's fault. She should have not said those things to Calvin a while ago. She made Calvin pissed off.” he said. Joy smiled at him and shook her head. “No, Jiro. It's really Calvin's fault. He shouldn't have teased Kit.” she said. Before Jiro could rebut, Chun stepped between them. “Wait, wait, wait... can you guys stop arguing who's fault is it and who started the fight? Why don't we just go and find the two? If they fought, most likely, Kit have already tore Calvin into a million pieces by now.” Chun said.


Kit was walking back and forth as she waited for their elevator to move. Calvin was just watching her as she moved. He laughed silently at her. “Wei... can you stop moving around? You're making me dizzy.” Calvin said. Kit stopped, and glared at him. “I am waiting for this elevator to move because I don't want to get stuck with you here for a long time!” she said. “But you don't have a choice. This is much better that you being alone.” he said. Kit walked over him, and put her hand on her waist. “Why don't you think of other ways to get us out of here, Mr. Smartypants?”
“What do you want me to do? Be like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible?”
“Then why don't you call for help?”
“I already did, remember? They said to wait for twenty minutes.”
“But twenty minutes have passed, Mr. Chen.”
“If you can't wait, then why don't you call them?”
“Because no one is answering... Mr. Chen. Can you at least call one of our friends so that they won't worry about us? You have your phone with you, right?”

Calvin smirked at her. He took his phone from his pocket and showed it to Kit. Kit was shocked that his phone have no signal. “We are in an enclosed area, Ms. Jin. Of course, there's no signal here.” he snapped at her. “And why didn't you tell me?”
“Because you would only get more tensed if I tell you!”
Kit shook her head as she sat beside him. “Great. Just what I needed for tonight – an argument with my best friend.” she said sarcastically. Calvin smiled as he looked at her. “Actually, I'm thankful that we got stuck here.” he said. Kit looked at him, confused at what he said. “What is there to be thankful for for being stuck in the elevator?” she asked. “Can't you see... it's just you and me here. No Jiro, no Joy, no Danson and Chun to bother us. Just you and me... no one to get in our way...” he said. Then, he put his arm around her. “It's just I miss being like this. I'm used to getting all of your attention... but Jay came into your life, and since then, you only had your eyes on him...” he said to her. Kit smiled at him. “You're like that with Joy. You barely notice that I am around when you are with her.” she said. She leaned over him, and rested her head on his shoulder. “I'm used to being the only guy in your life. I'm used to having you around. Honestly, I miss it when you praise me... when you say how good-looking I am in my suit... or that I look dashing.... the likes. When I came over your house a while ago, I was expecting you to say that, but instead, you questioned why am I at your house, and even reminded me to pick up Joy. You didn't even complimented me.” he said in a hurt tone. Kit just laughed at what he said. “So, is that why you were acting up a while ago?” she asked. Calvin nodded his head. “I'm more hurt that you didn't gave me the chance to ask you to be my date. Maybe I want to be your date again... maybe I want to spend this night with you...”
“I assumed that you'll be going with Joy... and you know that Jiro is my boyfriend so I'm left with no choice but to go with Jiro.”
“Maybe if you gave me the chance to ask you out, then maybe I could ask Jiro this big favor. I really want to be your date tonight...”
“And what about Joy? Don't you want to be with her?”

Calvin became silent, and just looked at her. Kit smiled at him, and she reached for his face. “Joy is your girlfriend, and I don't want her to think that I am taking you away from her. You have to enjoy this night with her, because I am enjoying mine with Jiro.” she said. Calvin felt hurt at what she said, but he didn't let her show that. “I can see that... but I can still dance with you later, right?” he asked. Kit smiled and nodded her head. “Of course. You can dance with me right after I danced with Jiro.” she said. Calvin smiled and nodded his head. Just then, Then light went on, and then they felt the elevator moving.


“Jay!” Kit called as soon as she saw him inside the ballroom. Jiro looked back, and smiled at her. He walked towards her, and gave her a big hug. “Where have you been, princess?” he asked in a worried tone. Kit looked up at Calvin before answering him. “Cal and I talked. We got stuck in the elevator on our way back here.” she explained. Jiro looked up at Calvin and smiled. “Thank you for bringing back my princess to me.” he said. Calvin smiled back at Jiro and nodded her head. “Kit, I have a surprise for you...” Jiro said. Kit gave him a curious look. Before she knew it, she heard their song playing. “I requested it just for you... would you like to dance with me?” he said, offering her his hand. Kit smiled sweetly at Jiro, and took her hand. “I would love to have this dance.” she said. Then, they walked together towards the dance floor, and slow danced to their song.

Calvin was watching the two as they danced. He felt envy again because of the surprise Jiro have given Kit. He wished he was the one who have thought of that, so that he could dance with her. “Isn't Jiro sweet?” he heard Joy. Calvin looked at her and smiled. “Yeah, he sure is...” he said as he put his arm around her. “He never did this to me before, but with Kit... it seems that he always have surprises in store for her. I envy her...” she said in a low voice. Then, she looked up at Calvin. “But I am more lucky because my date is the most handsome prince of the school.” she said. Calvin smiled at her, and leaned down to kiss her on the lips. “Don't worry... one of these days, you'll get a surprise much better than this.” he promised. Joy smiled and nodded her head. “Can I dance with the girl I love?” Calvin asked again. Joy let out a giggle and nodded her head. Then, they went to the dance floor and danced side by side with Kit and Jiro.

After the music stopped, one of the teachers walked up to the stage. “May I have your attention please...” she said. All of the students turned their attention to the teacher on stage. “Before we continue with the ball, we would like to announce the king and queen of the ball.”


So hold me close
Coz it feels so right...
This is my last chance to make you mine...


“And the King of the night is... Mr. Calvin Chen!”

As soon as his name was announced, the spotlight focused on him. Everyone around him congratulated him, and Joy gave him a kiss on the cheek before he walked up to the stage. The teachers helped him wore his crown and his sash. “I think the queen would be Joy...” Kit said as she watched Calvin. Jiro put his arm around her and smiled. “Don't worry... you may not be the queen of the night, but for me, you are the most beautiful girl in this room tonight.” he said to her. Kit blushed at what he said, then she gave Jiro a kiss on the cheek.

“The Queen of the night is...”

Everyone inside the ballroom held their breath as they waited for the announcement. Some of them have assumed that it will be Joy, since she is Calvin's date that night. “The Queen of the night is none other than... Ms. Katherine Jin!”

Kit was surprised to hear her name. She looked at Jiro, who was as surprised as she is. “D-did... did they just called my name?” she asked. Jiro nodded his head. “Why don't you go up and get your crown, princess...” he said, smiling at her. Kit nodded her head, and then she left his side to go up the stage. Calvin smiled at her as soon as she got up the stage. She watched her as the teacher put on her crown and sash. Then, she stood next to her. “You deserve to be the queen of the night.” he whispered to her. Kit looked at her, and smiled. “And now, the king and queen will have their dance.” their teacher announced. Calvin held Kit's hand, and helped her down the stage. By some trick of fate, the song that played was their favorite love song. As they turned to face each other, the spotlight was on them, and then they began to dance.

“I never thought I would become the queen of the night...” Kit said. Calvin just smiled at her. “You are the most beautiful girl in this ball tonight, Kit. You deserve it.” he said. Kit looked up at him and smiled. “By the way, Cal...” she said. “You look as dashing as a king tonight...” Upon hearing that, Calvin smiled at her again, and pulled her closer to him. “And I am glad that you are my queen for tonight...” he whispered to her. They continued to dance, until their favorite song is over...

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fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #1
very good storryyy here
The foreword looks great! It's a pity that most ppl on AFF are kpop fans, if not, this fic will definitely be featured!
Lovely story here