The Other Guy

99 Paper Cranes (Completed)
“I can't believe vacation's over...” Hannah groaned as they walked through the covered walk as they headed to their next class. “Don't worry, just three more months, and it's going to be our winter break.” Kit said to her. Hannah sighed. At the thought of winter break, she became more sad. It won't be long before she would leave for Vienna for her scholarship, and she's sad to leave her new friends behind. Its only now that she have found friends that could accept her, and she would leave them soon. There are times that she wished she would've not agreed to study in Vienna, but there's no turning back now. She didn't even have the strength to tell them all about it. Kit looked at her, and he saw the sadness in her face. “Hey, cheer up. We still have Saturdays and Sundays, you know.” she said. Joy smiled and nodded her head. “Slumber party this Friday, my place.” she said. Hannah looked up at them, and smiled. “Great!” she said.

The three of them stopped, when they saw the school bullies at the other side of the covered walk. They were picking up on some freshman. “Bastards...” Kit muttered. “Why can't they pick someone their own size?” she continued. She was about to take a towards them, but Joy stopped her by holding her arm. “Don't Kit...” she heard Joy said. She looked at her, and she saw him trembling. “I think we should head back, I don't want to see them...” she continued. Kit and Hannah gave her a confused look. “Why?” Hannah asked. “Wei, did those guys bullied you before?” Kit asked. Joy shook her head. “That guy...” she said pointing at the tall guy with wavy hair, wearing a gray sports leather jacket. “He was courting me before...” The two were still confused. “So?” they asked in unison. “Well, he found out that Jiro and I were already dating, and they were harassing Jiro before. I don't want to see them...” Joy said. “OK, let's just find another way to get to our next class...” Kit said. As they turned their back to leave, they didn't know that one of the bullies have seen them. “Wei...” one of them called. They paused and looked back. They saw the three walking towards them. The guy that Joy pointed a while ago was smiling at them. “Mike He...” Joy said in a low voice. “And you still remember my name. Why are you avoiding me like I have a disease or something?” he asked. He stopped in front of her and caressed her cheek. Joy looked away from him. “Hey, don't worry... I don't like you anymore... if that's what you're afraid of...” Mike said. Kit glared at him. “Wei! You're such a ert! We can sue you for harassment.” she said to him. Mike looked at her and smiled. “So, you have a pretty friend here, I see...” Mike said. He leaned on the pole beside her, and then extended his hand. “Mike He, Junior, taking up Advertising” he said. Kit just looked at his hand, and raised an eyebrow at him. “As if I'm asking...” she said to him. Joy took Kit's hand and pulled her away from Mike. “Come on, we'll be late...” she told her. The three girls turned their back on them, and then walked away from them.

“Wei, Mike...” Ethan, one of his friend, called him. Mike looked at him. “seems like that friend of Joy doesn't like you, huh?” he said. “It seems that your charm is not working anymore. First, it's Joy, then her friend.” Joe, his other friend say. Mike just smirked as he watched Joy and her friends leave. “Don't worry, dude. I'll get her someday...” he said.


Danson slowly opened the door of the music room and he saw Hannah by the piano, practicing her piece. He watched her as she played the piano. “Wei...” he heard someone whisper to his ear. He looked at his side, and saw Chun standin beside him. “Chun, you sure will give me a heart attack one day...” he said. Chun just smiled at him. “Look, lover boy. If you want something from her, then approach her, OK? Why are you hesitating to approach Hannah? She's a nice girl although you bully her.” Chun said. Danson glared at his friend. “Can you let me watch her play the piano in peace?” he asked. Chun put up his hand as he smiled at him. “Fine, fine. I'll leave you alone.” he said. Then, Chun left Danson alone. Danson watched Chun as he walked away. He smiled as he watched him. Chun is really a funny guy, trying to give meaning to all the things around him. He turned to peek inside the room and he was surprised to see Hannah standing by the door, smiling at him. “Wei! You are the one who'll give me the heart attack!” he told her. Hannah smiled as he put his had on her waist. “How long are you planning to watch me from here? You could get inside this room, you know?” she said as she opened the door wide. Both of them entered the room. “I didn't want to disturb you...” he said. Hannah took her seat back, and then gave space for Danson. “I'm practicing for my recital next month...” she explained. “And I thought a musical prodigy like you doesn't need to practice anymore?”
“Of course I still do. Especially when I feel nervous...”
“You're scared?”
“Yes. Remember when you told me I would miss a note during my performance if Calvin would come? What if I did?”

Danson looked at the piano, and began to play some notes. “You just have to believe yourself... and always have a presence of mind.” he said. Hannah just sighed at him. “I don't know... every time my performance is coming up, I feel really nervous...” she said. Then, an idea hit Danson. He looked at Hannah and smiled. “Come with me...” he said, winking at her.

Danson took Hannah at the school auditorium. “This is where you'll have your recital, right?” he asked as they walked towards the stage. Hannah nodded her head. “OK. Have you tried practicing here?” he asked again. Hannah shook her head this time. “I haven't...” she said. Then, he turned to her and smile. “Why don't you practice here for the day. Imagine that it's already your recital, and the auditorium is filled with a lot of people...” he said. Hannah looked around the place, and then gave him a confused look. “But... it's empty...” she said. “That's why you have to use your imagination.” he said. He pulled her towards the stage, and then make her sit in front of the grand piano. “I'll watch you from below, OK? I'll be your audience.” he said to her. Hannah smiled, and nodded his head. Hannah watched Danson as he walked down the stage. He took the seat in front of him. “Hey, what's your favorite tune?” Hannah shouted at him. Danson smiled at her. “I like 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow'...” he said. Hannah smiled and nodded her head. Then, she began to play his favorite tune. Danson smiled to himself as he listened to her play.


Jiro and Joy were at the study hall. Jiro was taking down notes, when he noticed that his girlfriend is spaced out. “Something wrong?” he asked in a worried tone. Joy looked at him and shook her head. “Hunny, I know when something is bothering you. Tell me...” he insisted. Joy sighed before speaking up. “Mike He...” she began. Jiro felt anxious. He leaned on his chair and took a deep breath. “Is... is he harassing you again?” he asked. Joy shook her head. “But... I'm scared... I think he's eying Kit. I don't know what he'll do to her...” she said. Jiro looked at his girlfriend worriedly. “Kit? How did he knew Kit?”
“We bumped into them at the covered walk. Kit saw them bullying a freshman. She wanted to talk to them, but I stopped her. Then, Mike saw us...”
“What did he do?”
“He talked to me, then he introduced himself to Kit. But Kit just ignored him.”
Jiro laughed upon hearing that. Kit could be as mean as Trixie sometimes, especially if she didn't like the person. “Have you told Kit about what happened to us before?” he asked. Joy nodded her head. “Yes, I did. But, what if he would pester Kit this time? I'm worried about her... Do you think we should tell Calvin and Danson about it?” she asked. Jiro nodded his head. “I think it would be better if we do. We have to make sure that Mike and his gang won't get near to her.”


Mike took a seat beside Joe, and then looked up at one of his friend, Andy. “You got the info I need?” he asked him. Andy nodded his head. “Of course, Zeropointsix never fails, boss.” he told him as he handed him a piece of paper. Mike smiled as he read it's content. “Katherine Jin, also known as Kit. Sophomore, taking up Journalism.” he read. Then, he looked up at Andy and smiled. “Good job, Zeropointsix. You never failed me whenever I ask you to research about someone.” he said. “So, what's your next move now, Mike?” Ethan asked. “I have to get to know this girl. I want to know her schedule, who she hangs out, where she usually hangs out...” he said. Then, Andy gave him another piece of paper. “I knew you'll be asking for that...” he said, winking at Mike. Mike took the paper, and saw that it contained Kit's class schedule. “You're really good, huh...” he said to Andy. “And yeah, I heard she and Calvin Chen have been best friends since kids. She's friends with Joy and her boyfriend, Jiro, that dorky Hannah Tan, that gay guy, Wu Chun, and the soccer heart throb, Danson Tang.” Andy said. Joe looked at Andy, surprised at what he did. “Wei, you found all about her in just a few hours?” he asked. Andy just winked at him. “I have my sources...” he said.

Mike looked at the papers he was holding and smiled to himself. “Katherine Jin...” he muttered. “One day, you're going to be mine. All mine...”


“Hey, Kit!” Kit closed the door of his locker, and saw Calvin coming up to him. She smiled at his best friend as she saw him. “Hey, Cal! Where's your girlfriend?” she asked. “Don't ask where she is. She might be with some of her friends... are you afraid that she'll see us together?” he asked. “You know that we have to keep our friendship from her, remember?” she said. Calvin sighed at her. “Fine, I understand...” he said. He watched as she opened her locker again to take some books. “Hey, want to hang out at the cafe today?” he asked. “What about Trixie?”
“Why do you have to worry about her?”
“Because may I remind you, Calvin... we agreed not to let her know that we're OK now. If she found out, she might threaten me again.”
“Fine, I got your point. Let's just have snacks at my house today. Don't worry about Trixie, she'll go shopping with her friends this afternoon, so I'm free.”
Kit looked at him and smiled. “Sounds like a plan...” she said. “Good... because I've been wanting to ask you something about Algebra, I really can't understand a thing about it...” he said.

Kit paused for a while. At the corner of her eye, she saw Trixie coming up to them. Then, she looked at Calvin and glared at her. “Can't you leave me alone? What else do you want from me?” she shouted at him. Calvin looked up at her, confused. “What? What's wrong?” he asked. He saw her looking at the other side, and he saw Trixie walking up to them. “OK, I got it...” he said to her in a low voice. As Trixie got nearer, they began to act as if they were fighting again. “Look, Kit...”
“I don't want to hear your explanation, Calvin. Just leave me alone, OK?”
With that, Kit slammed the door of her locker, and walked away from him. Calvin just watched at her as she leave. “She's such a good actress...” he thought. Trixie reached up to him and kissed him on his cheek, and then she looked at Kit. “What happened?” she asked, not taking her eyes off her. “N-nothing.” he said. “You two had a fight again?” she asked. Calvin nodded his head. “I was asking her to apologize to you...” he lied. Trixie looked at him and smiled. “No need for that, Cal. I have forgiven Kit. Let's just forget everything that happened.” she said. Calvin just smiled at her. “That's the thing...” he thought. “You may have forgiven her because she's avoiding me, but I don't think she have forgiven you for making her avoid me...”


That night, Danson was busy studying for his quiz the next day. He took his bag to get his other notebook, but he found that his notebook is not in there. “Where could it be...” he thought. He looked through his table, and the searched for it inside the drawer. Suddenly, he remembered that his notebook was on his other bag. He walked over the cabinet and took out his bad. He opened it, and saw what he was looking for inside. He took it, and then threw his bag inside the cabinet, when suddenly, something fell on the floor. It was a paper crane. Danson knelt down and picked it up. He stared at it for a long time. “How come I had this?” he thought. Then, he remembered.

The last time he used that bag was when they found out that Trixie was the paper crane girl. Before they saw Calvin caught Trixie, they saw this paper crane by his locker. He remembered taking the paper crane with him to show it to Calvin and Hannah as evidence that Hannah is the paper crane girl. He stood up and reached for his bag again. If he is not mistaken, he also took the love note together with the paper crane. He turned down his bag, and took off all of it's content, and at last, he was able to find the one thing he was looking for. He still have the note that goes with the paper crane. He reached for it and read it. “Trixie is not the paper crane girl...” he said to himself. “She assumed someone's identity to have Calvin by himself...” he reached for his phone to call Kit about what he found, but he paused. The paper cranes can be his evidence against Trixie, but will Calvin ever believe him if he told him that his girlfriend is lying to him?


The next day, Kit was walking to her class, when Mike and his friends blocked her way. She tried to get away from them, but Mike just keeps on blocking her. This annoyed Kit. “Excuse me, but I still have a class to attend to.” she said in an annoyed tone. Mike just smirked at her. “Whoa... hey, I just want to have a few minutes of your time...” Mike said. Kit glared at him, and then crossed her arms. “Well, you just wasted it. Now, if you'll excuse me...” Kit tried to walk away from him, but Mike got in her way again. “Don't you like me?” he asked her. “What is there to like about you? You bully the lower classmen, you harrass people just to get what you want. You're a big bad bully, I didn't really like bullies.” she snapped at him. “But I can make you like me. I'm not really like that, if you'll only give me a chance.”
“Have you heard of the saying first impressions lasts? Whatever it is, you can never change what I think of you.”
“I can impress you more, Kit. You'll be very impressed that you'll be begging for my time.”
Kit raised an eyebrow at him, and smirked at him. “Oh really? I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm not that type of girl.” she said.

Just then, Calvin came and saw how Kit was being harassed by Mike He and his friend. “Hey!” he shouted at him. Mike and his gang looked at him as Calvin walked towards them. “Can't you leave my best friend alone?” he told them. Mike glared at him. “Why are you concerned, are you her boyfriend?” he asked. “I am more than that to her. Stop pestering Kit, or else...” he said. Mike glared at him one more time, before leaving Kit alone. As soon as they were gone, Calvin looked at Kit worriedly. “Are you OK? Did they hurt you?” he asked. Kit smiled at him. “I'm OK, Cal. They were just blocking my way... nothing major.” she said. “You know I'm always worried whenever you do that...”
“Do what?”
“Act brave in front of every one when you know for yourself that you're already scared.”
“But I am brave. I have to learn to defend myself, Cal...'
Calvin smiled at her. “But next time... shout for help if you are really scared, OK?” he said. Kit smirked at him as she put her hand on her waist. “Who said I'm scared?” she asked. “Or are you the one who's scared for me?”


Rina sat beside Trixie while they were having their lunch at the cafeteria. “Are you really sure that Calvin and his BFF are not yet in good terms?” she asked. Trixie nodded her head. “I saw them fighting yesterday.” she said. Rina just smiled as she shook her head, much to Trixie's confusion. “What?” she asked. “They're acting otherwise...” Rina said. “What do you mean?” Trixie asked. “I heard Mike telling Andy Chen about his encounter with Kit a while ago. I heard him say that Calvin got in his way and defended Kit from them. Andy also said that after his encounter with Calvin, he saw them talking as if they were still BFFs.” Rina explained. Upon hearing that, Trixie felt her blood rushing up to her head. “Really?” she asked. Rina nodded her head. “How can they still be BFFs... I should've gotten rid of his BFF!”
“But I think the two already made up. Who knows, they have already talked. They're neighbors, remember?”
“I can't believe she could do this. She's such a cunning ... I can't believe she charmed Calvin under my nose.”
“Yeah... and without any effort, Mike have liked her. I heard Mike's chasing her, and maybe Calvin thought Mike was harassing his little BFF that's why we got into the picture.”

Trixie looked at her, as if she discovered something. “Mike He? Like Kit?” she asked. Rina nodded her head. “My God, she's such a flirt. Even Mike He...” Rina muttered. Then, an idea hit Trixie again. It was another evil plan against Kit. “Let's give Kit a dose of her own medicine...” she told Rina. Rina gave her friend a confused look. “What do you mean?” she asked. “If Mike He likes her... then he'll get her with my help.”


Next Chapter:
Trixie's evil plan would put Kit in danger. Who would be able to save Kit? Is it Chun? Jiro? Danson? Or Calvin?
Hannah and Danson would get a little bit closer.

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fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #1
very good storryyy here
The foreword looks great! It's a pity that most ppl on AFF are kpop fans, if not, this fic will definitely be featured!
Lovely story here