Long Vacation Part 2 - Night Out

99 Paper Cranes (Completed)
“Don't you want to come in first?” Trixie asked. Calvin just shook his head. “I need to go home early. You know that I need to drive mom tomorrow morning...” he said. Trixie pouted at him. “Well, what can I do. Auntie Chen have to come first, right?” she said. Calvin nodded his head. “Don't worry, I'll make it up to you next time, OK?” he said. Trixie nodded her head and smiled. “I understand... anyway...” then she leaned over him and whispered to his ears. “I'll be home alone next weekend, let's have a sleepover here, OK?” she whispered. Calvin could only swallow hard as he looked up at her and smiled. “O... OK...” he said. Trixie winked at him, then kissed him on the lips before going inside their house.

Meanwhile, Calvin walked towards his car and got inside. He took his mobile phone and called him mom. “Hello? Mom, it's me, Calvin... yeah, I'm on my way to the beach house now. Don't worry about me... I'll drive safely... Bye...” he said. Then he took something from his pocket, it was the brochure that Kit's mom gave to him. He looked at his watch, it was already 8 PM. By his calculations, he would be able to reach the beach house by midnight. “I should get going...” he thought as he started the engine of his car. He have to get to Kit somehow...


“Sssshhh...” Chun looked at the three, making a quiet sign at them. At the other room, they could here the girls having party. “Hey, they really are enjoying without us!” Jiro whispered. “Aiyo! That's why we're also out to enjoy, OK?” Chun whispered. Jiro and Danson nodded their head. They ducked as they passed their room, tiptoeing their way out of the house. They were careful not to make a noise so that the girls won't know that they're sneaking out.

Meanwhile, Joy, Hannah and Kit were inside their room, singing on the top of their lungs, jumping and dancing around. They didn't notice that the boys have already gone out.


“What the... are you kidding me?” Danson shouted at Jiro and Chun. When he asked awhile ago where they are going, the two just answered that they are going to heaven. He never thought that what they meant is a night club named “Heaven”. “Are you really serious about going inside this place?” he asked again. The two just nodded their head. “Wei, don't tell me you don't haven't been inside this place?” Chun asked. “And don't tell me you've been inside this kind of place?!” Danson snapped back. “Don't tell me you're gay, Danson...” Jiro said. “I'm not!” he shouted at him. “Then prove it. Go inside the bar, and charm as many ladies as you can.” Chun said, challenging Danson. Danson nodded his head, taking Chun's challenge. “Fine. I'll go inside.” he said. Then he walked towards the entrance of the bar. After a while, he turned back to his friends. “Hey, are we even allowed to get inside?” he asked.


The room was filled with laughter as the three girls plopped down to the floor. “God, this is so fun... let's do this again!” Kit said. “Yeah, my place after midterms...” Hannah said. Joy nodded in agreement. “I'm glad that you're enjoying our company, Kit...” Joy said. Kit smiled and nodded her head. “Honestly, I've never had girl friends before since I keep on hanging out with that loser.” Kit said. “Ooooh... do I hear a hint on bitterness?” Joy . Then, Hannah looked at Kit. “You mean you just hang out with Calvin all the time?” she asked. Kit looked back at her, giving her a confused look. “Calvin who?”


“Hey, are we even legal to drink?” Danson asked his friends as soon as Chun placed their order. Jiro frowned at him. “Aiyo, Danson... just go with the flow, OK? They might notice that we're minors with the way you're acting...” Jiro said. “Fine... fine I'll stop questioning you guys....” Danson said. Then he looked over at the stage and saw girls dancing on the stage in bikinis. Jiro and Chun saw how Danson's eyes popped out upon seeing that sight. Chun tapped Jiro and leaned over him. “I think it's Danson's first time to get inside this kind of place...” Chun whispered to him. Jiro nodded in agreement. Then, Danson turned to them with the shock expression on his face. His lips turned into a grin. “This is fun!” he exclaimed.


“OK, let's play truth or dare.” Kit said as she sat up. “I pick truth...” Joy said, “OK... I'll ask you a question...” Kit said as she sat up and face Joy. “If Jiro is not your boyfriend, who in the whole university would you date?” she asked. Joy thought up for a while, then smiled. “Hmmm... actually, he's the reason why I volunteered to be the campaign manager... I'll date Nicholas Teo!” she said. Kit gave Joy a surprised look. “No way! You have a thing for Nic Teo as well?” she asked. Joy nodded her head. “Aside from him being cute, he's such a gentleman... too bad he's already dating Cyndi Wang...” Joy said. “I heard they broke up already...” Hannah said. Then, the two looked at Hannah, shocked with what she said. “Really?” they asked in unison. Hannah nodded her head. “I heard Cyndi's already dating Jason Hsu, and Nicholas is single and available...” Hannah continued. “OK, how come we didn't know that? How did you found out?” Joy asked. Hannah just smiled at her. “I may be quiet but I have my sources about those gossips.” she said, winking at them.

“Hannah, it's your turn. Truth or dare?” Joy asked. “I pick truth.” Hannah said. Then, Joy faced her. “OK, the question is... if you would get stuck in a room with no way out, who do you want to get stuck with?” she asked. Hannah was a little hesitant to answer the question. She looked up at Kit, and Kit just nodded her head, urging her to answer. “Don't worry, whoever will be your answer, even if it's that guy, I won't get mad.” she said. Hannah blushed, and lowered her head. “Well, Kit basically hinted on it. Its Calvin...” she answered. “I knew it! So you really have this huge crush on Calvin, huh?” Joy asked. Hannah nodded her head. “I know, I know... I'm really obvious...” she said shyly. Kit gave her an assuring smile. “It's OK, Hannah. We all have crushes... right, Joy?” she said, turning to Joy. Joy nodded her head in agreement. “Kit, it's now your turn. Truth or dare?” Hannah asked. “Well, since you both picked truth, then I'll pick truth as well.” Kit said. “Then truth it is. Honestly, were there times that you see Calvin as more than a friend?”


Danson gulped down the bottle of beer, and Jiro and Chun cheered on him. “Way to go, Danson!” Chun said. After drinking that bottle of beer, he felt as if he wanted to throw up. “I'm not doing this again...” he said. Jiro just smirked at him. “No way, we still have a lot of bottles here...” he said, pointing at 8 b unopened bottles of beer. “OK... OK... fine, I'll help you finish these up.” he said. Just then, three girls walked towards their table. “Hey, guys...” one of them said. “Want some company?” The three looked at each other grinned. “Of course, we do, baby...” Chun said to them. Then, the three girls took a seat beside them. One of them even sat on Danson's lap. “I hope you don't mind. I'm not comfortable with these chairs...” the girl said flirtatiously to him. Danson gave her a surprised look, but nevertheless, he smiled at her and nodded her head. Then, the girl put her arms around his neck. “Thank you, sweetie!” she said, then kissed him on the lips. Jiro and Chun eyed at each other, grinning from ear to ear. “Ehem...” Jiro coughed, interrupting the two kissing couple beside him. “May we know your names, lovely ladies?” he asked. The girl on Jiro's arms looked at him and smiled. “I'm Abby.” she said. Then, the two looked at the girl besides Chun. “I'm Celine.” she said. “And I'm Snowy.” the girl on Danson's lap said. “Well, it's nice meeting you girls.” Chun said. The three girls just giggled. “By the way, I'm Chun. That guy over there is Jiro, that's Danson.” Chun said. “It's nice meeting you, guys.” Abby said. Snowy looked at Danson and smiled seductively at him. “So, your name is Danson, huh? Nice name for a cute guy like you...” she said. Danson didn't know if it's because of her compliment, or the fact that there's a y lady on his lap, or the alcohol, but he felt himself blushed. He felt it became too warm that he couldn't breathe. Danson smiled at her, as he ed the first button of his shirt. “Thanks...” he said shyly. “Hey, Snowy... please bear with Danson. He's just a little shy...” Chun said. Snowy looked at him and winked. “Don't worry, after tonight, Danson won't be shy anymore...” she said.


Calvin stopped his car from a block, and then he took the brochure out. He's been circling around the place, but he couldn't seem to find the beach house. “Where could it be?” he thought. He looked at his watch, and saw that it was almost midnight. “Maybe those guys are already asleep... but should I still continue to find them?” he thought. He knows it would be a bad time to disturb Kit and her friends, but he just needs to see her. There are a lot of things that he have to say to her, but he's still unsure if Kit would face him. He was taking a chance here. He started the engine of his car again. He will find that beach house no matter what, after all, it's his friendship with Kit that matters here.


“Cheers!” All of them said as they made a toast. All of them gulped down their last bottle of beer. As soon as he finished the bottle, Snowy, looked at Danson, and then pulled him towards her and gave him a long passionate kiss. Jiro and Chun, as well as Abby and Celine cheered on them. After that long kiss, Danson pulled away from Snowy, and then smiled at his friends. “You're the man, Danson!” Jiro said to him. “As if I'm the only one who flirts here...” he said to Jiro. “Well, you know sometimes you have to experience other things instead of being stuck in a relationshiop.” Jiro said, winking at him. Danson just smiled at him. Although he is aware that he is kissing another girl, at the back of his mind, he imagined that it was Kit that he is kissing. “I wonder what it's like to really kiss you, Kit...” he thought. “Hey, I think we should get going... it's already late...” Chun slurred. “Man, you're already drunk... don't expect me to carry you, OK?” Jiro said to him.


Calvin passed by the Heaven Night Club. As he turned to his side, he saw Danson, Jiro and Chun coming out of the club. He laughed to himself as he saw how the the three walked. He could see that they are really drunk. He decided to stop at them, and give them a ride, anyway, the three would know where the beach house is. He stopped the car, and then got out of it, he followed the three. “Chun! Jiro! Danson!” he called. The three looked back, and saw him “Hey! It's Calvin the great!” Chun said. “Calvin who?” Jiro asked. “Calvin shmalvin...” Danson said. With the way they talk, it's very obvious that they are drunk. “You guys need a ride?” he asked them. “Nah... we don't need your help, Calvin the great...” Chun said slurrying. “Yeah... we don't need you here...” Jiro said. Just then, Danson almost fell off balanced. Good thing Jiro and Chun were able to hold him. “Hey... are you drunk?” Jiro asked him. Danson just smiled stupidly at him. “Who's drunk?” Danson said. Calvin was trying to suppress his laughter at these three guys. “Come on, let me give you a ride. Where are you guys staying?” Calvin asked, hoping he could fish some information from them. “Come on, let's go with Calvin... I wanna go to shleep...” Chun said. “Fine, fine... I'll lead the way...” Jiro said. He tried to walk up to his car, but because his sight is already blurry, he couldn't find where Calvin parked his car. “Man, your car's gone missing...” Jiro said. Calvin wanted to laugh out loud, but he's trying not to. He then decided to carry the two drunk men plus Jiro and helped them inside his car. “Just don't throw up, OK? I just got it cleaned yesterday.”


The girls were already asleep, when Hannah heard some creaking sound outside their room. She sat up from her bed, and wok up Kit and Joy. “What is it?” Joy asked groggily. “I heard some noises outside...” Hannah said in a worried tone. “It's just the boys. Don't mind them.” Kit said, turning to her other side to sleep again. “I don't think it's them. I think someone got inside the house...” Hannah said. “Don't mind it... go back to sleep...” Joy said. Hannah just sighed., Guess the two are dead tired, so they don't want to be disturbed. Hannah decided to go out of the room and check what's that noise she was hearing. She tiptoed outside the room, and looked to her left. There was no one on that side. Then, she looked at the door, and she saw a tall figure by the door. She suddenly felt scared and nervous. Someone got inside their house, and this is not definitely Jiro, Danson or Chun. Then, she let out a loud shriek, too loud that could wake up the whole neighborhood. The tall figure came up to her, and then cover with his hand. “It's me...” the figure whispered.

Meanwhile, Joy and Kit were suddenly awakened by Hannah's scream. “Someone really got inside our room!” Joy said to Kit. The two rushed outside the room. Kit tried to find the switch, while Joy saw that someone was gripping Hannah. She attacked the figure by giving him a kick. As soon as the figure let go of Hannah, she punched him on the face. “Joy!” Hannah said. She tried to stop Hannah, when suddenly, the lights went on. The three of them were surprised to see Calvin on the floor, flinching from pain caused by Joy's punch. “Calvin?!” the three of them exclaimed. Kit walked towards him with her hands on her waist. She glared at him. “What are you doing here?” she asked. “W-wait... before you question me, can you help me? Apparently, I have three drunk guys inside my car...” Calvin said as he stood up. “Why the hell are you bringing three drunk guys here?! What do you think of this place, resting place for drunkards?!” Kit shouted at him. Calvin shook his head. “No, but the drunk guys I met on the way told me they're staying here...” he said. Joy gave him a confused look. “Danson, Jiro and Chun?” she asked. Calvin nodded his head. “What a lie, Calvin Chen. The three guys are already sleeping. I even can't believe that they were able to sleep with the noise we made.” Joy said. Then, Hannah decided to peek inside the boys' room. True to what Calvin said, their room is empty.

“Uh, Joy... I think Calvin's telling the truth. The guys are not inside their room...” Hannah said. Kit and Joy looked at her. “What?!” they both said. Then, they turned to Calvin again. “They're inside my car. Want to see for yourself?” he asked. Joy didn't answer him. Instead, she rushed outside the house, to Calvin's car. She opened the door to the back seat, and saw the three asleep. She could smell alcohol in their body. With this, Joy became furious. “What the... and you three sneaked out on us?” she said. Then, she turned to the three behind her. “Let's get them all inside the house.” she said to them. “But I will have my revenge on Jiro.”


“Why are you making me do this?” Calvin asked to them. “Because you're a guy, OK. Besides, all I'm asking is just undress them.” Joy said. “Why can't you do it on Jiro? He's your boyfriend!” he complained. “Just do it, Calvin Chen, or else...” Joy said. Then, she left the room. Calvin was left with no choice but to undress the three. As soon as he is done, he called on Joy and Hannah. He saw that Hannah was holding a digicam, wearing an evil smile. Joy smirked as he looked at the three guys on the bed. Jiro was in between Danson and Chun. “Time to get back at them...” she said. She did her evil plan, while Hannah took pictures. As he watched them, Calvin doesn't know if hes going to laugh because of what Joy did to them, or if he will feel sorry to the boys. As soon as Joy is done with them, he saw a contented smile on her face. “Ha! You should know better than lie to Joy Lin!”


Calvin walked outside the room, and saw Kit standing by the door. They looked at each other, while Calvin smiled at her, her face was formal. “I don't want to ask why you are here. I'm too tired for a conversation...” she said to him. “I... I understand... guess it's a bad time to barge in to you guys.” Calvin said. Then, Kit looked at him again. “We only have two rooms in this house. You can't sleep at the guys' room because you'll ruin Joy's prank on them. You can't sleep on our room either.” Kit said. Calvin nodded his head. “I know. I'll sleep in the couch instead.” he said. He watched Kit as she entered their room.

Calvin settled on the couch. He saw Joy and Hannah coming out of the boys' room, giggling. The two looked at him and smiled. “Thanks for the help, Calvin. I've always wanted to do that.” Joy said. “Good night, Cal!” Hannah said. “Good night, girls.” he said to them as they entered the room. As they turned off the lights on the den, Calvin laid down on the couch. Though he is tired from the long drive, he couldn't sleep. From the way Kit talked to him a while ago, it seems that it would be harder on his part to ask her to listen to him. Anyway, he was the one who didn't want to hear her out, and he could understand if Kit would do the same to him. He just hoped that Joy and Hannah would help him with Kit, since he helped them with their prank. He closed his eyes, and tried to sleep. He hoped everything would be settle tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Kit could not go back to sleep. She felt guilty for shouting at Calvin a while ago. He must have his reasons why he drove all the way here at the beach house. She sat up from her bed, and she still wondered what was his reason. She stood up from her bed, and took the extra blanket that they had. She went out of the room, and at the den, she saw Calvin sleeping peacefully on the couch. She smiled to himself. Guess, Calvin's tired from driving, and from having to carry three drunk guys. She walked over him, and placed the blanket on him. She knelt down, and stared into his face. She brushed his hair as she watched him sleep. She could not deny that she missed her best friend after all. She may hang out with the coolest kids in school, but she missed Calvin the most. “Whatever happened to us?” she thought. As far as she know, they were doing OK, that is until Trixie became his girlfriend. Maybe it was a wrong move when she advised Calvin to give Trixie a chance since she is his paper crane girl. She thought Trixie would change for the better if Calvin would be her boyfriend, but her attitude just got worst. She even ruined her friendship with Calvin, just because.

“Sweet dreams...” she whispered to him. Then, he kissed him on the cheek. She stood up, and headed back to their room. What she didn't know was Calvin was still awake that time. As soon as she have gone back to their room, Calvin opened his eyes and smiled. “Sweet dreams, Kit...” he said. Then, he closed his eyes to finally sleep in peace.


Hannah was the first to wake up that morning. As she got out of their room, she smelled someone cooking from the kitchen. She headed to the kitchen, and saw Calvin cooking breakfast. “I never thought you could cook...” Hannah said. Calvin looked back at her. “Good morning, Hannah.” he greeted. Hannah walked beside him to see what he's cooking. “Hmmm... bacon and eggs, huh?” Hannah said. Then, he looked at her and smiled. “It's Kit's favorite. I hope you don't mind me cooking here?” he said. Hannah shook her head. “No, it's OK. As long as it's delicious, I wouldn't mind having you in the kitchen.” Hannah said.

Hannah helped Calvin prepare the breakfast on the table. Just then, Joy and Kit woke up and got out of their room. “Morning...” Joy said as she sat down. “Hey girls, good morning!” Hannah said to them. Kit looked at the table, and saw her favorite breakfast on the table. “You cooked this, Hannah?” Kit asked. Hannah shook her head. “Calvin cooked all of this...” she said. Kit glanced at him, and saw him smiling at her. “Calvin still knew...” she thought. “Let's eat. I'm getting hungry.” Calvin said.


“Baby...” Jiro whispered. He smiled as he slowly opened his eyes. Last night was a great one, that's for sure. He felt someone hugging him. “Hmmm... did we brought home those girls last night?” he thought. Then, he suddenly panicked. If they did, then Joy might have seen those girls from the club. He looked at himslef, and saw himself . There are two persons beside him, hugging him. “Uh-oh... I'm doomed...” he thought. He saw that the two persons beside him were under the blanket. “OK... don't panic, Jiro... just relax... you can explain everything to Joy, OK?” Slowly, he took off the blanket. To his surprise, he saw Chun and Danson beside him hugging him. He was relieved because he doesn't have to explain a thing to Joy if she finds out that he slept with another girl. On the other hand, he panicked again. If he didn't slept with another girl, is it possible that something happened between the three of them?

“Get off of me!” Jiro shouted at them, which woke the two up. “Hey...” Danson said groggily. He opened his eyes, and when he saw himself beside Jiro. “Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh” he shouted. He sat up and covered himself with a blanket. “Jiro! I can't believe you would do this to me!” he said to him. “What did I do to you? You... you... you were the one who molested me!” he said. Because of their noise, Chun finally woke up. “What's the noise all about?” he asked as he yawned. He was as shocked as the two when he found himself beside Jiro and Danson. “What did you guys do to me?” he asked. Just like Danson, he covered himself with blanket. “It's your fault! You molested me!” Jiro said to Chun. “I can't remember anything!” Chun exclaimed. “Does that mean something really happened among us?” Danson asked in a shocked tone. “I... I don't know... does that mean we're...” Jiro said.

Meanwhile, while the four were having breakfast. They heard the three guys shouting at their room. “I think they woke up and found out about my prank.” Joy said as she stood up from her chair. She was smiling evilly again. “And I bet they were really shocked...” Hannah said as she laughed. She stood up and followed Joy the the guys' room. Calvin looked at Kit, and smiled at her. “Aren't you going to follow them?” he asked. Shook her head and continued eating her breakfast.


They stopped nagging at each other when Joy and Hannah opened the door of their room. “Joy!” Jiro exclaimed upon seeing his girlfriend. “Oh, great... how will I explain this to Joy?” he thought. Just then, they saw the two girls laughing. “Wei... why are you laughing?” Danson asked in a confused tone. Joy walked towards them and smirked at the three guys. “See what happens when you sneak out late at night?”

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fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #1
very good storryyy here
The foreword looks great! It's a pity that most ppl on AFF are kpop fans, if not, this fic will definitely be featured!
Lovely story here