Softly Saying Sorry

99 Paper Cranes (Completed)
A/N thanks to those who read my story :) keep those comments coming in...

I know, some of you already hate Calvin for being such a jerk in this story, hope this chapter would take that hatred away...


Note: this is a special chapter wherein some parts will be written in Calvin's POV. The events that would happen in this chapter will happen right after his and Kit's final confrontation.


“The people you don't even notice or you neglect often knows your worth, and the people you care about the most make you feel trashed....”

I saw this note on my locker, and with it is a black paper crane. I find it weird, as Trixie has not been around due to flu. I don't know who would play this kind of prank on me, leaving these things on my locker again... but then, when I read what's written on the paper, I felt guilty.

It has been weeks since Kit and I last talked. I still remember the pain I felt when she slapped me. I guess I've hurt her so much that she had enough of me. When she pass by me, she ignores me, acting as if she doesn't know me. During class, she would sit as far as she could. Her friends glares at me, as if I've done a crime. I would see her joke and laugh around with Danson, and I felt jealous. I was supposed to be in his place. I should be the one she's laughing and joking with, not him.

From my window, I watch her. I could see her from time to time with Hannah and Joy in her room, having their girls' night out, getting crazy and all that. I see her smiling, and laughing. But then, when Hannah pointed at me, she looked at me, and I saw the smile on her face disappear. She would go to the window and put the blinds down. I see her as she happily chat with Danson on the phone. He make her smile, like what I used to do.

It breaks my heart seeing her moving on without me. It breaks my heart knowing I have ruined everything between us. I always said to myself that she's the last person I want to hurt, and I never thought I will be that person that would hurt her. I know I should have listened to her, not blame her for what she did or even judged her. I guess when you're in love, you turn blind. You become biased. And would not see the wrong thing in the person you love. I was like that... and because of what I did, I threw 10 years of friendship out of the window.


How would you ask forgiveness to someone whom you've hurt so much?


Calvin was walking through the school hall, when he saw Danson. He saw Danson looking away from him. Danson ignored him, and went on his way. “How... how is she?” he asked. Danson paused and glared at him. “She's doing great without you.” he said. Calvin let out a fain smile. “I... I can see that.” he said. Then, he looked up at him and smiled. “You're doing a great job with her.” he said to him. “Anything for the girl I love.” Danson said to him. “Have... have you told her... about what you feel?” Calvin asked. He could hear his voice trembling, afraid to hear his answer. Danson shook hjs head. “No. This is not the right time to tell Kit that I love her. As long as I make her happy, I'm contented with it.”
“But until when will you suppress your feelings for her?”
“There will come a perfect time, Calvin. As for now, we're enjoying each other's company.”

Then, Danson continued on his way. “Danson...” Calvin called again. Danson paused. “Tell her... tell her...” Danson turned around tn face him. “Whatever it is that you want to say, do you think it would be better if you tell it to her?”


Study Hall.

“Hey!” Kit and Hannah turned and saw Danson rushing up to them. Danson took the seat next to them. “Hey, I heard we won't have any classes Thursday and Friday next week. Do you guys have any plans?” he asked them excitedly. “Well, I'm planning to practice for my upcoming recital...” Hannah said. Danson just shook his head. “Aiyo, don't you have any other things to do than practice piano?” he asked. “Well, that would really depend if you have plans. I also get tired playing piano, you know.” Hannah said.

Then, Danson took a brochure from his bag, and show it to the two girls. “Beach house?” Kit said. Then, he looked up at him. “You want us to go to this beach house?” she asked. Danson nodded his head. “Actually, my family was planning to have a vacation there this week, but mom and dad had to cancel due to some problems in their office. I asked if we could use their reservations, and they agreed. And the best part of it all, they have already paid for it.” he explained. “Well, then count me in.” Kit said to him. Then, she looked at Hannnah, pleading her to go. “Well, I think I should not always practice the piano right? Count me in.” Hannah said. Then, someone took the brochure from Kit's hand. They looked up and saw Chun reading it. “Beach house, eh...” he said. Then he looked at the three. “Count me in.” Danson shook his head, annoyed at him. “We didn't invite you yet, Wu Chun!” he said to him. “Hey, I think it's a good idea to have Chun around...” Hannah said. Kit nodded in her agreement. Then, Jiro and Joy came, and Jiro snatched the brochure from Chun's hand and read through it. After they read it, they looked at Calvin. “Aren't you going to invite us, Danson Tang?” Jiro asked him. Joy saw the irritated look on Danson's face, and she just laughed it off. “Fine. Do you want to come with us?” Danson asked sarcastically. Chun, Hannah and Joy could only snicker at Danson. “With the way you asked us, it's as if you don't want us around Are you planning something evil to Hannah and Kit?” Jiro asked. “We can't let you do something to these girls, Danson.” Chun added. Danson rolled his eyes at them. “I am not planning anything evil to them, OK? Fine, you guys can go with us!” he said.


What will you say to someone who's heart was broken by you?”


Calvin still watched from his window. He could see that Kit is not yet around, as her room is still dark. He looked at his watch, it's already 8:30 PM. Where could Kit be? An hour have already passed, and she still hasn't come home. He's getting worried now for her. Knowing Kit, she would never stay out this late. He reached for her phone, and dialed her number. After a few rings, he saw that someone turned the lights on at her room. He sighed with relief as he saw Kit inside her room. He didn't end the call right away, he continued to ring it out. Then, he saw Kit took the phone from her bag. She looked at it, then she just threw it at her study table.

He sighed as he ended the call. Guess Kit could never forgive him for everything he have done. He looked at her again, and saw her walking up to her window. Somehow, his face lightened up upon seeing her. “Kit!” he called. He smiled at her. But, Kit just looked at him. Still, he could see the anger in her eyes, and her looks were piercing through him. Then, she turned away from him. She pulled the blinds down, not wanting to see him anymore...


With the way she looked at me, I knew that she's still mad at me. I admit I am wrong. I should have listened to her... If only I could turn back time, I would right the wrong things I did.

I would be there for her birthday...
I would have asked her what she said to Trixie...
I would have listened to her when she was trying to explain...
I would have not forced her to apologize to Trixie..
And most of all,
I would have not hurt her, physically and emotionally...

But then again, I could never turn back time. I wanted to have another chance, but will Kit ever give me that chance?


Calvin followed Trixie to another store. Somehow, he is getting tired with this shopping trip. They have been through all the stores inside the mall, and Trixie had bought all the dresses she could have her hands on, but still she's not satisfied. “Kit wouldn't be like this...” he thought. “At least, when Kit shops for clothes, she doesn't buy all the clothes she sees.” he said. Then, Trixie turned to him, showing him a blue wrap-around dress at one hand, and a red dress on the other. “Baby, which one looks good on me?” she asked. Calvin just sighed. “Haven't you bought enough clothes already, Trixie?” he asked. Trixie pouted at him. “Shopping is my favorite hobby... and anyways, all my clothes are already out of style so I needed a new wardrobe!” she defended. Then she looked at the two clothes again. “I think I'll try these two first, then let me know what you think, OK?” she said. She reached up to him and kissed him on the cheeks before going to the fitting room.

As he waited for Trixie, Calvin decided to look around the store. He saw a blue blouse at one of the stands. “I think that one would look good on Kit...” he thought. He already thought of buying it, giving it to Kit as his peace offering. He went to that stand, and as he was about to take it, he felt someone touch his hand. He turned to his side, and he saw Kit. He was surprised to bump into her in this store. “Hi,” he said, smiling at him. Kit just looked at him, then she took the blouse, and walked up to Hannah and Joy. “That blouse would look great on you.” he heard Joy said. He saw Joy looked up at him. She just rolled her eyes at him. “Try it out first.” Hannah said.

He walked towards them even though he could feel their hostility. “It... it would look great on you, Kit.” he said. Kit looked back at him. “I'm not asking for your opinion.” she snapped at him. “Uhmmm... I was thinking of buying that for you. I never thought I would bump into you guys here.” he said. Kit sighed, and then faced him. “Look, I don't want to get caught by your girlfriend talking to you. I still love my life. I'm not sure what she's going to do to me next if she sees us together.” she said. Joy and Kit turned their back on Calvin and went to the fitting room at the far side of the room. Hannah stayed standing, she looked at her friends, and then she looked at Calvin. He could see the hurt in his face. “There's a reason why she's saying those things...” she said to him. “But you never gave her the chance to explain. I can't blame her if she would give you cold shoulders.” Then, she left Calvin to follow her friends.

Calvin could only watch as Hannah follow them. He wanted to go to Kit, and to talk to her. Maybe it's about time to hear her side of the story, but how could he do that if every time they see each other, she would walk away from him?

Meanwhile, Trixie was watching Calvin all this time. She could feel he's hurt just because Kit was staying away from him. He have not been himself since the two best friends fought. She know Calvin misses Kit a lot, guess she could never break the two apart. But what can she do, for her, with Kit around, she feels insecure. Part of the reason why she fell in love with Calvin is because of how he treats Kit. He always looked after her, took care of her and protected her from anyone or anything that could hurt her. She liked seeing the smile on his face whenever he sees that Kit is happy. She thought that when she becomes Calvin's girl, she will have his full attention. But then, Kit, still gets in the way. Kit have always been Calvin's priority, and she was starting to get scared that she will take him away from her. That's why she never took an effort to befriend her, and to like her, because she's a threat to her. She wanted to take her place, so bad that she even threatened Kit to stay away from her boyfriend.

Trixie saw Calvin look at her. She composed herself, and gave him her sweetest smile. “Baby...” she said. Calvin walked towards her and put her arms around her. “Have you decided what to buy?” he asked. Trixie shook her head. “I don't like the fitting... hey, let's grab something to eat, OK?”


Hannah sat on the couch as she watched Joy and Hannah try out some shoes. “This one doesn't fit...” Joy said as she took the red high heels off her feet. “But I like the color, though!” she continued. Kit looked around the store, looking for any signs of Jiro, Danson and Chun. “Aiyo, where are the boys! I told them to meet us here...” she said. “I think they played too much video games that they forgot they'll be meeting us here.” Joy said. Then, she looked at Hannah, who was staring a a white high-heeled sandals on the shelf. “Hey, Hannah...” she called. “Have you found the perfect shoe for your upcoming recital?” she asked. Hannah looked up at her and smiled “Not yet.” Hannah answered. Then, Joy walked up to the shelf and took the sandals that she was eying a while ago. “Here, try this on...” Joy said. Hannah took the sandals from Joy, and looked at it hesitantly. “The heels are too high... I'm not used to wearing these things...” she said shyly. Kit gave her an assuring smile. “There's always a first time for everything. Why don't you try it out for a while?” Kit asked. Hannah looked at her and nodded her head.

While Hannah was trying out the sandals, Joy and Kit went to another shelf to find another pair of shoe to buy. Just then, Danson came inside the store. He found Joy and Kit by the shelf, looking at the shoes that were displayed. At the couch, he saw Hannah trying out a sandal. He walked over Hannah and sat beside her. “Hey, nice sandals there.” he said. Hannah looked at him and smiled. “Thanks...”
“Are you going to buy it?”
“I don't know... I don't even know how to where these things. I'm flat footed and clumsy, you know...”
Danson just miled at her. “You can always learn to, Hannah. Wear it, I'll help you stand up, OK?” he said. Hannah smiled back at him and nodded her head. After she wore the sandals, Danson stood up and helped her up. Hannah could feel her knees wobbling during a few steps, and she was thankful that Danson helped her walk. “Try to walk by yourself, take a small step at a time.” he said. Then, he let go of her hand. Hannah took a few steps. She was happy that she is already getting used to wearing high heels. “See, you can do it!” Danson said. Then, Hannah walked towards him. As she took her last step to reach him, she fell out of balance, and almost fell on the floor. Good thing Danson was able to catch her before she fell on the floor. Both of them looked at each other's eyes for a long time.

“Ehem...” they heard someone said. They both looked up, and saw Joy and Kit smiling at them. Danson helped Hannah up, both of them were already blushing. “We'll pretend we didn't see that. Right, Joy?” Kit said, turning to Joy. Joy tried to suppress her laugh as she nodded her head.


“Hannah...” Calvin called Hannah as he saw her walking towards the music room. Hannah paused, and saw Calvin rushing up to him. Hannah turned his back on him and went on her way. “Hannah, I can't believe that even you would ignore me...” he said to her. Hannah paused again and faced him. “I'm sorry, Calvin. I just don't want your girlfriend to be mad at me as well.” she said. “You don't have to worry about a thing. I was the first one to approach you... or are you afraid that Kit or Danson would be mad at you if they see you talking to me?” he asked. Hannah shook her head. “They didn't tell me not to talk to you, but after what happened at the cafe days ago, the more reasons why I should be scared of Trixie and avoid you.” she explained. “That's why I want to talk to you. Tell me what happened that day. I want to know the reasons why... why things turned up this way...” he pleaded.

He watched as Hannah turned away from him. “It's all your fault...” she said in a low voice. He followed her as she walked through the hall. “If you listened to her, then maybe she won't be this way towards to you. You've hurt her a lot that...”
“That she does not know if she could forgive me or not?”
Hannah looked at him and nodded her head. “Then tell me. Tell me what happened. I'm ready to listen now...”
“Even if you found out what happened, it wouldn't change a thing....”
Calvin lowered his head, and Hannah saw the disappointment in his eyes. “It's true, Kit didn't start the fight. You should already know that, Calvin. You know her more than we do. She was only trying to defend me from them. She just ignored whatever hurtful things that they said towards us, but Trixie still provoked her. When she turned her back from Trixie, your girlfriend pulled her hair and they began to fight. Kit was just defending herself, Calvin...” Hannah said. Calvin could not believe what he heard. Kit was telling the truth after all, and he should have believed her in the first place. “Now that you know...” Hannah said. “What else is there left for you to do?”


Honestly, since the day Trixie became my girlfriend, it seemed that my world revolved around her. I failed to notice Kit's worth, ignoring her, taking her for granted. I can see she was OK with it, because she knows I'm happy. I thought everything is going well between the three of us, that I failed to see the conflict rising between the two important girls of my life. All that she asked me was to trust her and to believe her, and I failed to give my trust in her.

I was the person Kit cared most about, but what did I do? I ignored her. I made her feel trashed. I made her feel that Trixie is more important thing in my life. I defended Trixie from her, that I didn't realize I was already hurting her. I chose to believe Trixie instead of her... and now...

I can see Danson is doing his best to make Kit smile. It seems to me that she doesn't need me now. When I left her, she found great friends who believed in her despite the fact that she never even told them a thing. I can see that she's happy without me...


While me... I find it hard to live without my best friend...


Isn't it ironic...
That the day I found out what really happened between Trixie and Kit
Was the day someone left a black paper crane at my locker?


Why do I feel someone is lying to me?

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fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #1
very good storryyy here
The foreword looks great! It's a pity that most ppl on AFF are kpop fans, if not, this fic will definitely be featured!
Lovely story here