Pushed Away

99 Paper Cranes (Completed)
A/N Thanks for all those who left comments here! I'll try to update the next chapter later :) i know this one's a lame chapter but don't worry i'll try to make the other one exciting :)


Calvin gathered up his courage, and decided to face Kit the next day. He took the roses and his gift for her, and then he headed to her house. He found her going out of the gate, and heading to her new car. “Kit...” he called her. Kit looked up and saw him walking towards her. “Oh, it's you...” she said monotonously. He could see that Kit was not too happy to see him. “Belated happy birthday...” he said, smiling at her. Kit just nodded her head. “I... I brought you this.” he said as he handed her the flowers and his gift. Kit just stared at his gift, then looked up at him. “Just leave it inside. I'll check it out later.” she said.

She opened the door of her car, and put her bag inside. “Kit, I'm really sorry about yesterday. I really am...” he said. “Oh, it's OK, Cal. I understand.” she said. She slammed the door of her car and faced him. “It's not like everyday that my best friend forgets the most important occasion in my life, and at the same stood me up, making me look like a fool.” she said in a sarcastic tone. Calvin could only lower his head, for he felt guilty. “I think I should get used to it. Anyway, I can see you're really happy with Trixie now, and she's your priority. I can accept if I became the second best, but I can never accept if my I will be taken for granted.” she continued. Calvin looked up at her, and he saw the anger in her eyes. She have every right to be mad at him. After all, he broke his promise of spending her birthday with her. “Please don't do this, Kit. Please don't stay mad at me. I'll make it up to you...” he said. Kit just sighed. She was trying her best to be hard on him, but seeing how affected he is just melts her heart. “You know very well I can't stay mad at you...” she said. Upon hearing that, Calvin's face lightened up. “But...” she continued. “Give me time to calm down. I can't forgive you that easily...” she said. “Well, how about forgiving me now?” he insisted. Kit just shook her head. “You know me, Cal. I need to vent out my anger on you on something else before I forgive you...” she said. Then, Calvin looked at her car. “New car, eh... how about we ride this car, let's go for a drive. You can vent your anger at me by driving fast. I won't say anything. Besides, you promised me that if you got a new car, I'll be the first guy to ride with you.” he said. Kit shook her head again. “Sorry, Cal. Not now.” she said.

Just then, Danson arrived. As Kit saw him, Calvin saw her face lighten up. “You're late.” Kit said to him. Danson smiled at her. “Sorry, I need to run some errands before going here. Are you ready?” he asked. Kit just nodded her head. Then, Danson opened the door of her car, and got inside. “Wait!” Calvin told Kit. “You promised me, when you got a new car I'll be the first guy to ride with you?” he told her. Kit looked at him and smirked. “Maybe I can break promises too, Calvin.” she said. Then, Kit got inside the driver's seat, and started the engine. Calvin could only watch them as they leave.


Inside Kit's car...

“Are you really sure you wanted to stay away from Calvin?” Danson asked Kit. Kit looked at him, not knowing what to answer him. Last night, she have decided to stay away from Calvin as much as possible, but seeing Calvin that day made her more confused. “I don't know if I can...” she said in a low voice. “We've been together for years. We were inseparable. I... I don't think I can just throw years of friendship just like that. But, I think it would be for the best.” she continued. Kit looked up at Danson and smiled. “Maybe he have his reasons. Maybe you should hear him out...” Danson said. “Whatever the reason is, he could not deny the fact that he have already hurt me. I believed him, Danson. I believed every word he said but then...”

Kit lowered her head. She could already feel her tears falling again. She doesn't want to cry, not anymore. There is no reason for her to cry. Danson looked at her, and then held her hand. “If he was able to forget the little things about me, the most important things... it's not possible that he would totally forget about us. It's not possible that he could take me for granted, and I don't want that... I don't want to settle for that...” Then, Kit looked up at Danson. “I have this gut feel... and I'm not liking it. I don't want to think that Trixie will be the reason for our friendship to be ruined...” she said. “Then don't think of it. Nothing wrong could happen between you and Calvin. You guys have been together for years, and nothing or no one could ever ruin your friendship.” he assured her. Kit squeezed his hand, and smiled at him. “Why are you so good at this?”
“Good at what?”
“Good at making me feel better?”
Danson just smiled at her. “I just don't want to see you sad. I promised myself that I will give you reasons to smile...” he said. “Because... you never knew how I fell in love with you the first time I saw you smile at me...” he added in his thoughts. “Thank you....” Kit said. “Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for making me happy. Thank you for always listening to me.” she said. “Anything for you. You know, I'm always willing to be Calvin's substitute...” he said. Kit laughed at what he said. “I don't think you can be Cal's substitute...” she said. Danson gave her a confused look. “You are a perfect friend, Danson. Too perfect, you can almost be like my boyfriend.” she said. Upon hearing that, Danson smiled to himself. He could not believe that Kit thinks that he could be her boyfriend, and all he have to do is make a move. Maybe he have a chance with Kit after all.


It was already evening and Calvin patiently waited for Kit outside their house. They have to talk. He just have to explain himself to Kit, and Kit have to hear him out. He doesn't like it if Kit's mad, especially if he is the reason why she is mad. After a while, her car parked in front of him. Calvin stood up at Kit and Danson got out of the car. Kit was surprised to see Calvin waiting for him. “You're still here?” she asked him. “Kit, we need to talk...” Calvin said to her. Kit shook her head. “Not now, Cal. I'm tired. I'll see you tomorrow at school, and then we'll talk.” she said. Then, she turned to Danson and said goodbye before walking inside their house.

Danson saw the disappointment on Calvin's face when Kit turned her back on him. “Honestly, she's mad. And scared. And worried.” he said to Calvin. Calvin looked at him, confused at what he was saying. “She's mad that you forgot her birthday. She's scared that because of this little thing, you'll soon forget all about your friendship. She's worried that you would take her for granted.” Danson explained. Calvin shook his head. “That will never happen...” he said. Danson gave him a skeptical look. “Will never happen? I think it just did. Yesterday, to be exact.” he said. Danson walked towards him, and then put his hand on his shoulder. “Look. I'm not asking you to spend most of your free time with her, or make it up to her. Just don't do this anymore. Don't hurt her anymore... I cant bear to see her cry again.” he said to him. Calvin looked him into his eyes. He was not surprised at the concern that Danson is showing towards Kit He could feel that Danson have been looking Kit at a different light. Maybe it's time for him to confront him about his true feelings for his friend. “Tell me the truth.” Calvin said. “You're doing this... you're concerned about how she feels. You don't want to see her hurt. Are you in love with my best friend?” Calvin asked. Danson looked at him for the long time. He was caught off-guard with his question, but then it's about time for him to tell Calvin the truth. “Yes. I am truly in love with Kit. And there's nothing I wouldn't do to protect her from all the pain in the world...” he said. “Even if you are the one who causes her that pain.”

Then, Danson turned his back on him, and left Calvin. Calvin was left stunned with Danson's confession. If there is one thing that he fears for in his life, it's when he would meet someone who would do everything to take his place in Kit's life. Someone who's more than willing to protect her, to make her happy, and someone who's willing to be depended on by Kit. Sadly, that person eventually turned out to be Danson. Slowly, Danson is taking his part in his best friend's life, all because of one mistake and one broken promise.


Trixie and Calvin were walking to their class, and she noticed the Calvin was silent. It's like her boyfriend is in deep thoughts. “Anything wrong, baby?” she asked. Calvin looked at her, and shook his head. “I'm OK...” he said. “No, you're not. I can feel something's bothering you. You can always tell me whatever it is.” she said. Calvin paused, and then he turned to face her. “It's Kit... she's still mad at me...” he began. Trixie gave him a confused look. “Mad? But why?”
“It was her birthday last Saturday, and I promised to go with her at the amusement park. I was not able to go because we both woke up late.”

Trixie looked away at Calvin and smiled at her. “One point for me...” she thought. Her plans are working, definitely. It won't be long before Kit would stay away from Calvin. Then, she looked at Calvin again, giving him a fake worried look. “Oh, baby... why didn't you tell me it was Kit's birthday last Saturday? Then, maybe we shouldn't have gone to our rest house...” she said. Calvin just smiled at her and shook his head. “It's OK, baby. We were too engrossed with each other that we didn't notice the time. What's weird though, is that I thought I left my phone on and alarmed it... but it didn't...” he said. Trixie just smiled. The truth is, she turned his phone off intentionally so that nobody could disturb them, especially Kit. “Maybe you turned it off while we were... you know...” she said. Calvin suddenly remembered what they did that night, and then he blushed. Trixie how he turned red, and laughed at him. “Hey, no need to be shy about it. It was the best thing that happened to me.” she said. Calvin put his arm around her, and hugged her. “Well, it was mine as well. That night, I proved to myself that I really love you....” he said. “Do you want me to talk to Kit and explain everything to her? So that she won't stay mad at you?” she said, looking up at him. Calvin just shook his head. “Don't worry about it, she'll come around...”


At one corner, she saw them. She saw how happy Calvin is in Trixie's arm. She saw the love in his eyes as he looked at her She saw how happy Trixie is for having his heart. Her heart is breaking again at that sight. She was supposed to be in Trixie's place. She was supposed to be in Calvin's arm right now. She should be the one whom he would be lovingly look at, not Trixie.

Until now, she can't believe that Calvin would eventually learn to love someone like Trixie. If only he knew that Trixie lied to him, then this would not be the case. If only she had the courage to let him know what she feels, then she could be as happy as Trixie... but she's not brave enough to tell him that she loves her. She turned away, unable to take the sight of the happy couple. She clutched the paper crane in her hand, and then dropped it on the floor. There is no use for this now... Calvin thought he have found the real paper crane girl, and she would just let him believe that. But then, if Trixie's lies would worsen everything, then she have no choice but start leaving the paper cranes again for Calvin...


As Jiro passed that corner at the hallway, something caught his attention. It was a small, blue paper crane lying on the floor He bent down to pick it up, and then he stared at it. “Paper crane?” he thought. He turned to his side, and saw Calvin and Trixie happily chatting. Then, he looked back, and saw a figure walking towards the music room. He had a haunch that the paper crane is for Calvin. He knew that Trixie is his paper crane girl, but if she is, why would she throw this one and not give it to him? Then, it hit him. Maybe, just maybe, Trixie's not the paper crane girl after all.


“We don't have a practice today.” Danson told Kit as he ran towards him. They were at the soccer field that afternoon, and Kit passed by the soccer field to tell him that she'll go home. There's no need for Danson to drive her home, since she bought her car with her. “Then, that's great! We can hang out for a while...” she said. Danson smiled and nodded his head. “Let's go for a drive in that new car of yours. Good thing I didn't brought my car with me.” he said. Kit just laughed at his friend. “I'm tired of driving...” she said, hinting Danson to drive for her. Danson was able to get what she was trying to say. “Give me your keys, I'll drive.” he said. Then, Kit leaped to him, and hugged her. “Thanks, Danson! You're the best!” she said as he hugged him.

They drove around the vicinity for a bit, and when they were tired and hungry, the two headed to the cafe. As they got inside, they saw Calvin and Trixie at one corner. Danson heard Kit sigh upon seeing them, then, he saw her turning to leave. Before she could reach the door, Danson was able to held her hand to stop her. “Come on, Kit. You can't stay away from Calvin forever!” he said. Then, Kit looked up at him. “I don't know if I could face him...”
“It's going to be OK.”
“He knows I'm still mad at him...”
“Then walk up to him, and tell him that you forgive him.”
“Do you think he will forgive me for being mad at him?”
Danson laughed at her question. “Why would he be mad at you just because you got mad at him. You have every reason, but you still have to remember that he's still your best friend, OK?” he said. Then, he pinched her nose, and smiled at him. “Come on, let's go and say hi to them?” he said. Then, he held Kit's arm as he pulled her to Calvin and Trixie's table.

Kti found herself standing in front of Calvin and Trixie. That moment, she suddenly felt shy to face Calvin. Danson could feel her hesitation, so he held her hand, and squeezed it. Kit looked at him, and smile, then he turned to Calvin. “Hi, Calvin...” she said. Calvin and Trixie looked up at her. Calvin smiled at her and stood up from his seat. Then, he gave her a hug. As Calvin embraced her, she let go of Danson's hand. Danson could only look at the two as they hugged. He suddenly felt jealous at that sight, and though he knew he have no right to be jealous at Calvin, he just couldn't help it.

“I missed you...” Calvin said to Kit, still hugging her. Then, Kit broke free from his hug and gave him a confused look. “Hey, it's not as if I wasn't speaking for you for a long time, Cal. It's just for two days!” she said. Calvin smiled at her. “40 hours, to be exact, Kit.” he said. “I'm really sorry about your birthday...” he said in a low voice. Kit just nodded her head. “Let's forget it, OK? I forgive you... and besides, Danson was there to keep me company that day...” then he looked at Danson and smiled. At him. Calvin looked at Danson, and then he felt jealous once again. He know he should not be feeling jealous at him, but with his confession last night, he couldn't help but be jealous.

“Aiyo, stop the drama already...” they heard Trixie said. She stood up from her seat and then went to Calvins side. “We'll make it up to you, Kit. After all, it was my fault why Calvin was not able to be with you on your birthday. My treat.” she said to her. “Thanks, Trixie...” Kit said. Trixie faked a sweet smile at her. “Anything for my boyfriend's BFF.”


While the boys were getting their food at the counter, Kit and Trixie were left at the table. There was an awkward silence between them. Even though they hang out once, Kit still didn't know what to say to Calvin's girlfriend. “Let me tell you something, Kit.” she heard Trixie said. Kit looked at her, and she saw hr smirk at her. “I don't like you.” Kit could not understand what she was trying to say. “What do you mean?” Kit asked. “I'm just being nice to you because you're Calvin's BFF... but I don't like you, and I don't like it when you hang out with my boyfriend.” Trixie said. Kit just sighed. She knew it before that Trixie doesn't like her. During the days when Trixie was chasing Calvin, and Calvin was pushing Trixie away, Kit was there to make sure that Trixie wont get near to Calvin. “Well, I guess you can't please anyone...” Kit said to her. Then, she smiled at her. “I can't force you to like me...” she continued. “Yes of course, you really can't force me to like you because I really don't.” Trixie said. Then, she leaned to her seat and crossed her arm, giving Kit dagger looks. “Stay away from Calvin. I don't ever want to see you near my boyfriend...”
“You can't make me stay away from him. We've been together since kids.”
“Oh, I can make you stay away from him. Believe me...”

Then, Trixie gave Kit a devilish smile. “If you won't stay away from Calvin, then I'll do everything to ruin your friendship...” she said. Kit could not believer what she said. She felt the vein coming out of her forehead with what she have heard. “Are you threatening me?” Kit asked her. Trixie smiled and shook her head. “Nah-ah... I'm just stating facts, Kit. You don't know what I'm capable of doing.”


“Have you told her?” Calvin asked Danson as they were waiting for their turn at the counter. “Told her what?” Danson asked. “Told her what you feel....” Danson looked at him and shook his head. Cslvin gave him a confused look. “Why? If you like her then tell her how you feel...”
“It's not that easy, Cal. Kit treats me as a friend... and though I can see some light, I'm hesitating because...”
“Because of what?”
Danson looked up at him and stared him into his eyes. “I can feel there is someone else... someone that she loves for a long time now...” he said. Calvin shook his head, and smiled. “Well, there is... but I don't think it's that guy. Besides, it's been ten years since she last saw him.” he said. “If you like her, then tell her how you feel. You might regret it if you wouldn't, and besides, I would be happy if you become Kit
s boyfriend.” Calvin said. Danson just looked up at him and gave him a faint smile. “But... what if the one she likes is someone she could never love?” he added silently.


Kit drove Danson home that night, and along the way, Danson noticed how silent she is, and the gloomy expression in her face. “Are you OK?” he asked. Kit just nodded her head, but Danson could feel she's lying. “You've been silent since we left the cafe. Actually, you've been silent since Cal and I came back. Tell me what's wrong...” he asked again. Kit looked at him, hesitating if she should tell him what Trixie have told her a while ago or not. “Did something happened between you and Trixie?” he asked again. Kit just sighed and nodded her head. “She said something to me. I don't know if I should just let it pass, or tell Cal, or just ignore it..”
“What did she say?”
“She asked me to stay away from Calvin...”

Danson was surprised at what she said. “Trixie said that?” Kit nodded her head. “But... but why?”
“She didn't like me at all, Danson. Maybe she thinks I'm getting between them. I don't know what I should do now...” she said. Danson looked at her, and then held her hand. “I think you should let Calvin know about this, so that he could talk to Tixie... besides, I don't think Calvin would like you to do it. You're his best friend, remember?” he said. He wished he could take away all the worries in her heart. “I don't know, Danson. She said she could do that, she's threatening me. I'm not sure what if she will do every means so that I could avoid Cal...” she said. Danson smiled as he squeezed her hand. “Just let him know. He'll listen to you, don't worry. He trusts you, right?” Kit nodded her head. Then, she smiled at him. “Thank you for making me feel better Danson.”

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fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #1
very good storryyy here
The foreword looks great! It's a pity that most ppl on AFF are kpop fans, if not, this fic will definitely be featured!
Lovely story here