
Be My Superman.


10 years later.


“Quickly! They will be here sooner!” Sungjong shouted to his hyungs. Woohyun hurriedly went to the front. He had already prepared the dishes.

“Babe! You should bring the cake now!” he shouted. Sungjong still standing in front of the door, waiting for someone.

Then comes a graceful woman from the kitchen, while bringing a tray of cakes. She displayed it on a small table besides them main dining table. The dinner had ready.

Woohyun smiled happily at Chorong, his wife. He gave a kissed on her forehead.

“Aish hyung, noona! Stop it!” Sungjong threw a pillow to them. Luckily Woohyun managed to catch it.

“You! If it hits Chorong I kill you! Don’t you know she is pregnant!” Woohyun barked and chased Sungjong all over the house. Chorong just stayed aside, laughing happily while watching those two quarrelling.

“Both of you should stop now I think,” Chorong said suddenly. She pointed her finger to a direction. Woohyun paused. Sungjong who was covered his face also paused.


“HYUNGGGGGG!!!” Both of them shouted at the same time. Chorong just laughed when he saw both of them act that way.

Sunggyu just hugged both of them. He was happy to see those two. “How ’ya doing?”

“WHERE’S DONGGYU?” Woohyun asked as soon as he let Sunggyu go. He looked around but Donggyu wasn’t there.

“I’m here!” A small cute voice greeted them. Woohyun automatically looked down. “Donggyu-ah!” He tossed Sunggyu’s son in the air. He was happy to see Donggyu was here.

“Hyung, my turn!” Sungjong whined. He didn’t get a chance to kiss Donggyu. That kid always with Woohyun and that hyung never give him chance to have a time with Donggyu.

“Easy guys. Don’t fight because of my son,” Sunggyu chuckled as he puts off his shoe and went inside. Hwayoung was at the back. She greeted Chorong and both of them went to the kitchen and do some girls things.

“How long would you be here?” Woohyun came to him. He let Donggyu played with Sungjong. He took a sit next to Sunggyu comfortably.

“Hwayoung said she had nothing to do with Canada anymore,”

“Hooray!” Woohyun shouted. He knew Sunggyu would stay here after this.

“I just felt 10 years just passed by quickly.”

“Well,” Woohyun sighed. “If Dongwoo hyung was here, I’ll get another nephew or niece,”

Sunggyu patted his shoulder gently, “You’ll get one to, right?”

Woohyun just grinned.

Hwayoung bought a tray of tea to them. When Donggyu saw his mother, he ran to her to get his cookies. Hwayoung picked him up and kissed his continuously. She gave the butter cookie that Woohyun made for them. Donggyu ate it happily.

“Is it nice?” She asked as she looked at his son was so interested with that butter cookie.

“I made it,” Woohyun smirked. Donggyu looked at him and bowed. That’s what makes them laughed so hard.

Chorong was already joined them. They need to wait for other guests before they start the occasion.

Woohyun took a sit next to Chorong. He put his arm around Chorong’s waist and looked at her dearly. They were about to kiss each other but Sunggyu stopped them, with the tray he picked on the table.

“Don’t do it in front of my son,” He said jokingly.

Chorong who was embarrassed was turning red. Woohyun just grinned.

Hwayoung laughed hard. She can’t stand Sunggyu’s face when he stopped both of the love birds from kissing.

Chorong got up as she heard the bell door was ringing. Woohyun insisted. He wants go instead of his wife. But Hwayoung already got up while cradling Donggyu in her arms.

“I’m sorry! I’m late!” They heard Sungyeol’s voice when the door were closed. Woohyun spread his arms to Sungyeol and they hugged for about few seconds. Sungjong shyly went to his hyung and bowed. Sungyeol ruffled his hair lovingly. Lastly, Sunggyu went to him and hugged him lovingly.

“How are you hyung?” he asked. Sunggyu just smiled, “Like what you see,”

Sungyeol went to Chorong and bowed. They just smiled to each other. The awkwardness was still there, he can’t deny it.

Hwayoung brought Donggyu to Sungyeol. Hwayoung needs to force Donggyu to bow to Sungyeol since her son had never met Sungyeol before. Only Woohyun and Sungjong and Hoya would have met Donggyu while Sungyeol was in Dublin, doing his studies there.

“This is your uncle, bow.” Donggyu looked at his mother and his uncle continuously. Then he bowed obediently.

“Good boy. What’s your name?” Sungyeol asked friendly.


“Well your eyes were so much like your father,” he commented.

“Like father like son, remember?” Sunggyu interrupted.

Anna walked slowly to the living room. Since the house was so familiar, she has no problem to go here and there. Sunggyu asked her to sit but she refused. She wants joined Chorong and Hwayoung at the kitchen.

“Let me handle Haeun,” Sunggyu volunteer. Anna just gave her baby without thinking twice. She saw Chorong and Hwayoung had so much to pack up.

“How old is she?” Sunggyu asked Sungyeol who was busy doing something with Sungjong’s phone. Both of them sat on the couch while giggling and laughing.

“6 month, next week.” He responded proudly.

“Well,” Sunggyu tickling his niece lovingly. “She’s cute.”

“Just look at her handsome daddy,” Sungyeol compliment himself.

“Well her uncle is so handsome too,”

“At least she doesn’t have tiny eyes, right?”

Sunggyu just kicked Sungyeol at the . Amazingly, Haeun laughed when his daddy fell from the couch.

“Omo, did she laugh? Did she?”

Sungyeol went to the kitchen and called his wife. He pulled his wife to Sunggyu.

“She laughed,” he said happily.

Anna gave a weird look. “Then?”

“It’s the first time, right?”

Sunggyu was already laughing at both of them.

“She also laughed this morning when we’re in the cab,”


Anna went to the kitchen again. Sungyeol picked his daughter from Sunggyu. He still can’t believe what he heard.

“You’re proud, didn’t you?” Sunggyu said, happily.




They decided to go with two cars. Sunggyu would ride his Sonata while Woohyun will drive his Cayenne. Sungyeol and his family would ride with Woohyun while Sungjong would follow Sunggyu.

“What about Myungsoo?”

“He was in the military remember? He’s already there.”

Soon, they went to Gyeonggi-do province, where today was Dongwoo’s death anniversary.

The journey was filled with laughter at first but when they entering Gyeonggi-do province, all of them went silent.

They missed Dongwoo, so much.




It was up on the mountain. Sunggyu, Woohyun, Sungyeol and Sungjong were following the women when they were hiking the mountain carefully. Donggyu were in Sunggyu’s back while Sungyeol carefully holding the little Haeun in his arm. Woohyun lingered his arm on Chorong’s waist, to give her support. He was very carefully since Chorong was still in her early pregnancy.

Up on that mountain, there were three tombs were located together side by side. And there was a man, in his complete military suit was pulling the weeds around the tombs. He was crying on the third tombs.

It’s was Dongwoo’s.

Myungsoo never thought that his hyung would go. Few years ago, he was afraid that his twin would be gone. He never expected this kind guy would be gone before him.

“How are you?” he hold the tomb softly as he was gently holding onto Dongwoo.


He turned, then he smiled. He saw his family was behind. There was Sungyeol, Sunggyu. Woohyun, Sungjong and his sisters-in-law. There were his niece and nephew too.

“When were you coming home?” He said excitedly. He hugged Sungyeol from the back since his hyung was holding a baby. He was thrilled, really excited.

“This morning,” Sungyeol smirked. “You’re so manly!” he complimented.

“Yeah,” Myungsoo said as responded. “Who is this?” He pointed to Haeun.

Anna had already chuckled at the back.

“My daughter,” he said proudly.

“Seriously? Why don’t you tell me?!”

“Remember by the time when you’re already entering the military? I’ve told you m wife was pregnant. Now I got her.”

He hit Myungsoo’s head with his hand, “Sheesh you Pabo,”

Myungsoo was excitedly wanted to hold her, so Sungyeol just let Haeun being carried by his uncle. “What’s her name?”


Myungsoo started to play with Haeun. He was so excited to see her.

“Aren’t you excited to see my son?” Another voice interrupted.

Myungsoo turned to the left and he saw Sunggyu was carrying a kid on his back.

“Is that Donggyu?” he was more excited than just now. “You’re a big kid!”

“Well guys, shall we start?” Woohyun said in the middle of the excitement.




Once they had cleaned their mother, father and Dongwoo’s tombs, they headed to a local restaurant nearby before sending Myungsoo back to his base camp. They ate knife-cut spic seafood noodles as their lunch.

They ate happily. Sometimes when Woohyun were making jokes, they will laugh so happily.

For Myungsoo, he just felt he was the happiest man. He loves to see Sunggyu treating Donggyu to eat. Hwayoung would be by his side to take care of their precious son. He loved to see how lovingly Woohyun towards Chorong. As for Sungyeol, he could see how proud he was when he was talking about his daughter.

Sungjong and he were eating the food silently. He and Sungjong didn’t talk much since Sungjong was busy to watch Haeun who was sleeping next to her.

“How are we gonna meet Hoya?” Sunggyu said to break the silent in the middle of the lunch session.

“He said he will find us here. He’s here doing some concert tour with Tasty.” Woohyun answered.

“What Tasty?” Sungyeol asked blindly.

“A new-comer boy duo hyung,” Sungjong explained.

After they had finished their lunch, Haeun began to cry. Anna knew it was her lunch time. She was about to go to the nursery room at the toilet but Hwayoung stopped her.

“I’ve already went there, but there was just a basic toilet.” She said.

Anna looked at Sungyeol. She didn’t pump her milk before since she doesn’t have much time to do it. At this moment, she doesn’t want to give formula milk to her daughter. No, it’s not the time now.

“Come, sit here.” Sungyeol ordered. She doesn’t want to feed her daughter in front of his brothers in law. But when Sungyeol gave her a look, she still refused.

“I’ll cover you,” He said again. She began to sit behind her husband, facing the wall. The others just do like there’s nothing happened.

But to Anna, she was embarrassed. Totally embarrassed.




They met Hoya once before they send Myungsoo back to the base camp. Hoya was with his bike, while the other were with their car.

Once Donggyu saw his almighty uncle, he let go of Hwayoung’s hand and ran to his uncle. Hoya spread his arms to the little angel and hugged him happily.

“He’s really well with that kid,” Woohyun said through a smile that he can’t hide.

Hoya tossed him twice in the air. Donggyu chuckled happily. They just saw those two having a good time.

“I never say Hoya hyung smile so brightly like that,” Sungjong commented.

“He’ll be like that, only with kids.” Sunggyu responded.

“Is that mean that is the one that cause him did not marry anyone yet?”

Everybody looked at Woohyun weirdly.

“I heard that,” A growled voice approached them. Woohyun was just chocking down his saliva bitterly. He just bowed and grinned as big as possible.

“How are you?” Hoya said gently to his sisters-in-law. They just smiled and said something simple. Hoya was attracted with the baby that Anna was holding.

“Your kid, Yeol-ah?” He asked.

Sungyeol from afar replied, “My great daughter!” He yelled.

Hoya asked a permission to hold Sungyeol’s daughter. Anna let him since his face was hoping so much to hold Haeun.

“Be careful Oppa, she might get awake,” Anna said softly.

“She?” Hoya paused. “What’s her name?”


Myungsoo was at the post guard house. Sunggyu was already with him along with Sungjong and Woohyun. Sungyeol came a bit late since he has to greet Hoya first. Myungsoo reported himself first before going back to them.

“Be careful,” Sunggyu advised.  Myungsoo gave a gentle look. Sunggyu didn’t say any. He just replied that smile with his eyes.

“I’ll gonna miss you Hyung,” Sungjong began to tear up. Myungsoo laughed, as a remedy to wash his nervousness away. “You’re a big kid, remember?”

Sungjong just let his hyung ruffled his hair dearly.

Myungsoo turned to Sungyeol. Hoya was already there, standing right next to him.

“Be good. When you come out, I wanna see a manlier Myungsoo. Manlier than I am,” Sungyeol grinned. Myungsoo can’t say any. He just hugged Sungyeol for a long time, as it was to repay all those waiting that he had longing for to hug Sungyeol again.

“I’ll find you a wife once you’re out,” Sungyeol joked as Myungsoo had let go his arm around his neck.

Hoya didn’t say any. He prefers to watch and stay silent. Myungsoo knew about it. He didn’t wanna say any to Hoya since he knew, right after Dongwoo had gone, he became colder. He began to stay away from everyone. His life just at home, studio, home and studio again. He lived like that for years until today; everyone could see that he could bare the pain. He had stand as Hoya, the dancing machine again.

“Have you visiting the tombs?” Sunggyu asked to break the silence between them.

“Not yet. I think I wanna go after this,” Hoya responded while looking at the big brother.

“We’ll go with you.” Sungyeol said.

“No. I don’t want anyone see me crying,” Everyone just amused. They didn’t expect a straightforward-honest answer would come out from a cold-stone Hoya.

“I’m going in. See you in the winter break,” Myungsoo got ready to go it. Before that, he hugged all of his brothers and both his niece and nephew dearly. He just bowed to Anna, to Hwayoung and Chorong.

He was happy. Absolutely happy.

“Should we go now?” Sunggyu said after Myungsoo had gone on the other side of the high walls. The women had went in with the kids. Only Sungjong, Hoya, Sungyeol and Woohyun were still outside, talking to each other at Hoya’s bike.

“We’ll going to follow you.”

“I said no,”

“Oh please hyung,”

“Oh please no.”

“Whatever it is, we’ll going to follow you.”

“Before I punch you, just shut up.”

“I’m not afraid of you anymore.”

“Oh yeah? Should we see who’s going to end up the hospital bed?”

“Okay, you win!”

“I lost!”

“See my white flags here?”


But after all, they ended up following Hoya to the tombs. What a life.




Your POV

Haeun was already sleeping in her pink bed. Sungyeol was on the bed, reading about surgery through a book he bought at a bookstore in Dublin. He doesn’t know when he became an avid reader. Anna came with a white lace night dress. She walked to her dresser table to put on some cream before she will go to bed.

“Babe, aren’t you tired?” Sungyeol put down his book. He put off his spectacles as well. Now, all of his attention was at his wife, 10 out of 10.

“Are you jet lagged?” She replied shortly. She was totally busy applying the cream and lotion all on her entire body.

“I just wanna say thank you.”

“Your voice is so y,”

“You’re too y for me tonight.”

“Oh please Sungyeol. Haeun is just 6 month old.”

They paused. The silence filled up the entire room until Sungyeol break the silence, “Thank you for this pleasure.”

“You don’t need to thank me,”

“I love you.”


“Infinite. Forever, infinity.”

“Be my superman?”

“Forever baby, forever.”


Soon, the night began to fill with love, tears and happiness between both of them.


I should thank God for not taking your life. I should be greatful for you to stay live and be my savior.

I’ll protect you, if one day you had collapse.



I should thank God too for giving me chance to be a great husband of yours. I know I’m weak and I’m not a perfect husband as anyone else. But because of your perfection, you gave me your perfection to complete mine.

I should thank you for giving me chance to have Haeun, and to be a great daddy.

And we should thank Dongw0oo hyung too, for giving me these kidneys for me to breathe again.

If I had to choose to die for myself, I would ask God to die because of you two.

I love you, and Haeun. I’ll protect you, with all my will.



Be My Superman had ended!

To take this opportunity, I wanna apologized for what I’ve done throughout the story was being published.

To my loyal reader/s,

Thank you for the supports. I wouldn’t continue to write this until the end if it’s not because of you guys.

To the one who made my poster, Thank you.

To the subscribes and to whom who had voted my story, Thank you.

And to I finite members,

Thank you for giving me influence to write this BE MY SUPERMAN.

And to the loyal readers, subscribes and voters, do check my next project.

It’s KILL. Here’s the link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/461330/kill-angst-exo-yixing-kris

Till we meet again.



Monday, August 5 2013.

5.38 pm

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Chapter 81: crying buckets here..
I know it's just a fanfic, but I am devastated because of what happened to Dongwoo..R
Chapter 15: wait, since when did she became yeol's gf? ._.
Sweetboo #3
Chapter 81: hai,i'm new. anyway, this story is totally daebak!
Chapter 81: this is a amazing story ^^ i can't even stop crying and there's a lot of tissues on my bed XD this story is Daebak!!
dulcie #5
Chapter 81: thank you for the great story author nim
naznew #6
Chapter 81: Gomawo for the last chapter..
Donggyu is from Dongwoo and Sunggyu..
Sungyeol proud with his daughter..
I wonder what sungyeol do with sungjong's phone..
Their moment at Dongwoo's tomb so touching and make me crying.. I miss Dongwoo..T_T
Myungsoo in military.. Imagine he in military uniform..wow..but I don't want imagine myungsoo with military's haircut..huhu..
Donggyu make Hoya smile back..
Love story between Sungyeol and Anna still strong even though have many obstacles..
Chukhae for finished this story.. Clap..clap..clap
naznew #7
Chapter 80: Gomawo updating..
Oh my..i can't stop crying.. dongwoo...a ball of sunshine..the happiness is gone..dongwoo-ah!!
He left and give all brother something to continue their life.. T_T
he fullfill his promise to myungsoo and saving sungyeol's life..
Dongwoo will always exist in their heart and his memory in their house and with his brothers will always remaining forever..
R.I.P Dongwoo...the second brother/ the older brother..
I'm glad they can accept that sunggyu is not their blood-related brother...
Please update again.
Chapter 79: TT^TT I cried............ so sadddddddd :"(
naznew #9
Chapter 79: Andwae!!!Dongwoo-ah..why you must suicide???T_T sob..sob...
Chapter 79: this is so sad I can't help it but cry T_T :'(