Everything revealed.

Be My Superman.


Minho’s POV

I was in my study desk, thinking about some of my works. I need to finish this thing up before I went to bed. I was too sleepy but what can I do? I need to send this report tomorrow to the Chief.

About Sungyeol, I looked into his file. I read his health report. He was not okay. Honestly, he wasn’t that stable. Right now, he depended with the drugs I gave to him. He was too relying on the painkillers. I need to find other suitable drugs for him.

This kid, he was too young to die. I want to help him survive again. But I know my limit. I’m a doctor who only tried my best to save people. I have no rights to take other’s people life or choose which patient will remain alive. No.

Anna didn’t ask me much about him. Actually I was a bit worry when she didn’t ask. She knew I’m Sunggyu’s friend, but she didn’t make up on them.

 Even Sungyeol didn’t ask me about her.

So, did they actually totally forget each other?

I moved away from my bed. I don’t wanna do that work anymore. I need to sleep for a while and then continued my work. I just need an hour for me to take a nap.

Without thinking much, as I put my head on the comfy pillow and close my eyes, I depart easily to the other world.



Anna’s POV

“Anna-yah, can you send this to Minho? I’m so lazy to go upstairs.”

Mother said to me when I was lying alone in the living room. Actually, I’m not alone. Taemin was there with me while we’re watching movies but he was fall asleep before the movie ends. Probably he was too tired because he had so much football practice these days.

I walked to Mother and took the tray. Minho Oppa must stay awake again today. Maybe he had too much work. I knocked his door, waiting for his  responded.


So, I decided to just go in and put the tray on his desk. He must be sleeping right now.

As I say, he was sleeping soundly on his bed. I tiptoed to his desk. It was too messy and I decided to clean it up for a while.

This doctor, outside he look so charismatic but if you see the way he sleeps, you would laugh. He had no charismatic nor charm when he sleeps!

As I was cleaning up his works, one of the files was fall on the floor. I was panic and quickly grabbed it.

And from there, I stunned for a while when I saw a name on the file.

It’s his patient’s file.

And the name on the file is Sungyeol.

And a photo of him wearing a hospital uniform.

What on earth is that?


No One’s POV

Sungyeol was groaned in pain and that’s what make all of the members in the house was so panic.

He suddenly fell on the floor after the dinner party. No one’s know why did he fell.

He can’t bear any longer and his manly tears fall again while he was handling with the pain.

Hoya can’t see it anymore. One must bring him to the hospital.

But the problem is there’s no transport. Sunggyu hyung drove his car. Only his, Woohyun and Dongwoo’s bike on the garage.

There’s no choice. The hospital didn’t way too far from this house. It may take times if they wanna call the ambulance.

“Put him on me.” Hoya said to them roughly.

“Are you sure?” said Woohyun who was too panic right now.

“Just put him on my back!” he shouted.

At the end, Hoya and Dongwoo ran to the hospital. Hoya carried Sungyeol while Dongwoo hold his brother’s bags.

They was too regret for letting Sungyeol discharged from the hospital.

Hoya could hear Sungyeol’s hard breathing. He can’t help but to run as fast as he can.

“Wait Yeollie, the hospital was in front. Just wait a sec.” he whispered.

They ran through the people who were filling up the streets. They don’t care. They just crashed some of the pedestrians even they were being cursed.

That’s what we called the powers of brother.

A brother was born to help his brother.


Minho’s POV

I was wake up because of a sound of someone’s crying.

When I opened up my eyes, I saw Anna was crying on my desk.

What the hell she crying on my desk in the middle of the night?

I walked slowly to her. I wanted to ask her but I was so shocked when she was holding the brown file.

It’s Sungyeol’s.

Jaw dropped. So, she knew it. What should I do right now?

“Anna-yah.” I called her as she doesn’t realized that I was there standing beside her.

“Anna-yah.” I called her again, with a rough voice.

With teary eyes, she looked at me and says, “How long have you keep this thing from me?”

I kneel down in front of her. I don’t know what to say.

“So, you knew this since when, Oppa?” she repeated her question.

“Since she wanted to break up with you,” I said weakly while lowering my head.

“Why don’t you say to me? Why?”

And she started to shout to me. She started to punch me. I just let her be. Do it, as much as you want to.

Mother and Taemin came into my room. They probably heard her voice and quickly went upstairs.

“Why Anna? Who hurt you?” Mother said with a worried tone when she saw I was being beaten up by her.

“Noona, calm down.” Taemin said while trying to stop her from beating me. I gave an ‘okay’ sign to Taemin.

It’s okay if she wants to beat me. I’m ready for this.

“I’ve been hated him since he abandoned me and I thought he was the most bastard that still lived on this earth. I cursed him every day, Oppa! Why does everybody need to keep secret from me? Did I a child to you guys? Am I not deserved to be told?!”

She was throwing her tantrums. All of my room turns into a whole messy room. Mother quickly stopped her and hugs her.

“Honey, relax.” Mother pursuing her.

“At this matter, all of them were wrong. Don’t let it out only to your brother. He justa doctor who wants to help him.” She continued.

With a shocking expression, she looked at mother, “And you knew about this too?”

Mother was so calm at that moment. She gently said “Yes, Minho said to me. You’re my daughter, he is my son. So no secrets between mother and children, remember?”

I helplessly saw her crying on mother’s embrace. I couldn’t help but to just see.

Then, Taemin gave me my phone. it was ringing nonstop. I quickly answered it when I looked the hospital’s name on the screen.

“What happen?” I said, impatiently.

After hearing one of the nurse’s explanations…

“WHAT?” I shouted.

Without thinking too much, I grabbed Anna’s hand and put my jacket on.

“Come, if you wanna meet Sungyeol.” I whispered.

So mother and Taemin let us go. 

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Chapter 81: crying buckets here..
I know it's just a fanfic, but I am devastated because of what happened to Dongwoo..R
Chapter 15: wait, since when did she became yeol's gf? ._.
Sweetboo #3
Chapter 81: hai,i'm new. anyway, this story is totally daebak!
Chapter 81: this is a amazing story ^^ i can't even stop crying and there's a lot of tissues on my bed XD this story is Daebak!!
dulcie #5
Chapter 81: thank you for the great story author nim
naznew #6
Chapter 81: Gomawo for the last chapter..
Donggyu is from Dongwoo and Sunggyu..
Sungyeol proud with his daughter..
I wonder what sungyeol do with sungjong's phone..
Their moment at Dongwoo's tomb so touching and make me crying.. I miss Dongwoo..T_T
Myungsoo in military.. Imagine he in military uniform..wow..but I don't want imagine myungsoo with military's haircut..huhu..
Donggyu make Hoya smile back..
Love story between Sungyeol and Anna still strong even though have many obstacles..
Chukhae for finished this story.. Clap..clap..clap
naznew #7
Chapter 80: Gomawo updating..
Oh my..i can't stop crying.. dongwoo...a ball of sunshine..the happiness is gone..dongwoo-ah!!
He left and give all brother something to continue their life.. T_T
he fullfill his promise to myungsoo and saving sungyeol's life..
Dongwoo will always exist in their heart and his memory in their house and with his brothers will always remaining forever..
R.I.P Dongwoo...the second brother/ the older brother..
I'm glad they can accept that sunggyu is not their blood-related brother...
Please update again.
Chapter 79: TT^TT I cried............ so sadddddddd :"(
naznew #9
Chapter 79: Andwae!!!Dongwoo-ah..why you must suicide???T_T sob..sob...
Chapter 79: this is so sad I can't help it but cry T_T :'(