On This Day

Dongsaeng Saranghae
The next day, I woke up still thinking about Taem's weirdness over the phone. I started to feel so curious about it. After I finished my lunch, I headed to Seoul's Finest Mall to watch the concert. As I entered the the mall, Ann J immediately approached me.
"I'm glad you made it. Taem is busy at the moment. He would be assisting the new Musical Director," she excitedly informed me.
"Oh I see. That's good for him," I told her.
"The event will be starting in less than an hour. Taem reserved us a VIP seat right in front. I heard that EXO of SM High School is one of their guests performer and also your favorite singer IU. They will be joining the newest artists of SHINee Records. Isn't that amazing?!" Ann J couldn't hide her excitement.
"That's cool! Uhm, can I just go to the wash room for a moment? 
I'll be right back." I told her and she just nodded.
I turn around and walked staright to the washroom which was located at the lower ground floor of the mall. I slowly entered and there was no one there at that time. I was fascinated by the interior of the whole washroom. It was designed so classy and elegant. I began to stand infront of the wide mirror, staring at my reflection, and I saw a full grown lady. I was looking at the floral purple dress I was wearing and my eyes got locked up on my necklace. It was the music note necklace I received from Minho as a Christmas present five years ago. The best gift I have received 
in my life. Even if he chose to fade away and left me alone, this necklace would still remain very special to me.
A lady went in and stood on my side. I was shocked to see Krystal. I didn't want any more trouble with her, so I turned around to leave the room but before I could even reach the door, she called me.
"Chemi? Chemi, right?" she asked
I turned back and nodded at her. To my surprised, she smiled sweetly at me.
"Uhm, believe it or not I am glad to see you.. You know I have always wanted to do this."
The first thing that came in to my mind was that she would slap me. I was breathing hard at that time. She was just few steps away from where I was standing, and before I even noticed it, Krystal was standing infront of me, leaned forward and embraced me. "I'm sorry for all the not-so-good things I have done to you. I was so mean and bratt during those times. I'm sorry.." she whispered.
For a couple of seconds, I couldn't utter any word. I tapped her back and I told her that we should just set things aside and forget about it.
"Thank you.. I should've known that you are really a good person.. Friends?" she said handing over her right hand to me. I held it and we shook hands while smiling.
We went out of that wash room laughing. it seems like all our bad memories and impressions for each other flushed away along with all the water in that room. I found out that she was currently engaged to the well-known drummer Minhyuk. She also asked me about my relationship with Taem and when I told her that we broke up and just remained friends, she felt bad about it.
"Oh.. You don't have to. Taem is happy with his girlfriend and I am happy being single like this." I assured her.
"Wait.. Oh my G! I remember before, when I was so mean back then, I eavesdropped over Minho and Onew's convo and there I found out about your relationship with Taem and so I deliberately kissed him so you would get hurt. Mianhae.." she said feeling awful about it.
"Past is past." I simply said.
"But there's more, I also heard Minho's confession about his feelings for you, and then that's when I realized the reason why he was so protective about you during those times. We were so surprised when he decided to leave for Australia to finish his studies there. Good thing he came back, I think two months ago and he's currently working at..." Krystal wasn't able to finish what she was about to say because there came Ann J in a rush and started to pull me.
"Chemi!!! The concert is about to start. We have to go now." That was Ann J.
"Wait, Ann J, I was talking to Krystal over here. What are you saying again about Minho?.. he's here in Korea?" I asked Krystal, my chest was pounding.
"Chemi, listen. They are about to close the door and we will not be able to watch the concert if we stay here for another one minute. We must hurry now. Please.. Please.." Ann J began to beg.
"It's okay Chemi.. You may go now.. and yes, Minho is back here in Korea." Krystal finally said then she waved goodbye at us.  
Ann J and I ran fast at the concert function hall and we were glad we made it. The concert immediately began and it was opened up with SM High School's hottest boy group EXO. The crowd went wild as the twelve good-looking students of SM dance their hearts out with their own song Wolf and Growl. Taemin must be very proud of his boys. All of the teen fans were screaming and chanting at every performer on stage. IU's turn came in, and I was so excited 
to see her in person and up close. I was smiling until the song she was about to sing began to play, and when she sang the very first line of the song, my heart began to thump.
*That is my song! "Someday" That is the song I made for Minho.. How come SHINee Records knew about my song? This is so plagarism! I should take some actions..* I began to feel annoyed.
IU's rendition of the song was so soulful and I must admit, it was so good, but that won't stop me from demanding some explanations on SHINee Records, aftre all, that was still my own song. After the show, I urgently looked for Taem, he would be my way to talk to someone inside SHINee Records.
"Taem.. Uhm, something came up and I need your help so badly on this.." I told him as soon as I saw him.
"What's wrong?.." he asked casually.
I was not used to that kind of reaction from him. Usually, when I told him about a problem or something, he would instantly looked so worried but that's not what I was seeing on him at the moment.
"I needed to talk to someone at SHINee Records. Uhm, the song that IU just performed was my own song. I mean, I personally wrote the melody and lyrics of that song and I just don't know how SHINee got a copy of it. They plagarized my song without my consent. You know what I'm trying to say right?"
"Oh! Of course. Of course my Princess. Uhm, I think you should talk to the Musical Director. I was informed yesterday that he was the one who made all the line ups on the song that have been played a while ago. I could accompany you to his office. SHINee has their own office inside this building."
"Okay. Gomawo Taem.."
Truth is, I was feeling scared at that moment, I didn't know what exactly would I be saying with the Musical Director. He might shout at me or tell me things that I would not want to hear.
*Relax Chemi.. You're doing what is right.. Gather all your guts girl. Fighting!* I thought trying to boost my confidence.
We were standing infront of the Director's office when Taem told me that I must talk to the Director alone. I almost fainted when I heard that. He said, he still needed to do something important at the concert hall. I would be very selfish if I let him stay with me, so I thanked Taem for bringing me up at the office and as he went back down, I began to knock gently at the door. I heard a response from inside telling me to come in. It was a deep tone voice of a man. I slowly opened the door, and the first thing that I noticed was that it was quite dim inside the office. It was not the usual office that has bright white lights on it. There was a music playing inside, and I was startled when it came to my senses that the song that was playing is also my song "Hello", the one I made with the help of Minho. At instant, I was in nostalgic mode upon hearing that song. *This company is so good at plagarizing my work.*
I saw a tall man standing behind a big wooden table. I couldn't see his face because he was facing the big glass window that actually showcases the big concert hall where the event was held.
"Annyeonghaseyo Sir.. Uhm.. I am Park Chemi and I came to see you because I wanted to ask how did you get a copy of the song "Someday" which was performed by IU and." I began to say my piece.
The man began to speak but the music is quite loud that I couldn't barely hear his voice. I was having a hard time 
understanding what he was saying but I listened very intently.
"A special girl wrote that five years ago, I was there when she composed it. I could feel that it was written for me, and now I wanted to personally tell her that the day she waited for.. that "Someday" in that song is happening right now.. right on this day." he said without even turning his back to face me.
"Huh?.. I'm sorry Sir but I don't understand. How could that happen when I was the one who composed that song, and for your information Sir, the one that is playing right now on your office is also my composition. Every song I am writing is so significant and special to me.. You can't just steal it. You don't have any idea what's the real story behind all of the songs I have written. It comes from my heart and I made it for the person I love the most. So please.. dont do this to me.." 
My voice was cracking the whole time I was explaining. I don't know but it just blurted out all in my mouth. Maybe because that's what I was feeling.. and it all comes from my heart. Tears began to fall down on my cheeks. I was like a statue back there, I was looking down while crying.. waiting for some answers from the Director. Even without throwing a glance at him, I knew that he moved away from the window and the next thing I knew, he was standing next to me. I could smell his perfume, that was Calvin Klein Eternity for Men, I knew.. I would not ever forget that 
scent.. And I almost choked when he began to speak so near to me that I could now recognize his voice.
"Have I told you that I don't wanna ever see you crying?.."
I felt that my heart literally jumped out of my chest upon hearing that. I slowly shifted my glance from the floor to his face and I almost died as I saw that beautiful face of Minho..
Mixed emotions ran through me. My knees were so weak and my body began to tremble. *Am I dreaming? Oh please don't let me wake up..* For a moment, we were just staring at each other. Neither of us could speak. I was the one who turned my glance away from his face. If I didn't do it, I might just melt down infront of him. When I finally gotten back to my senses, I cleared my throat cause I was about to say something but I was off guard and the next thing he did made me closed my eyes. His soft lips that I longed for, for five years finally touched mine. That sweet and passionate kissed erased all my doubts, wonderings, and pain. I had a lot of things to say and to ask but none of it does matter now. We were catching our breaths as our lips separated. 
"I love you Chemi.. so much.. and I'm sorry for leaving you.. I was so irrational and immature at that time. I should've understand you more. I'm sorry.. I was so hurt too when I left and I used that as a motivation to get through there, and here I am now living my dreams. There's just this one thing that would make me so complete.. and that is your love Chemi. To be with you s all I have ever wanted. I hope I am not too late for that.. Am I?" he asked me. His eyes were digging into my soul.
"It's never too late.. Five years seems like forever and there were times that I wanted to give up but my heart always tells me to keep waiting.. and that's what I just did. I waited too long for this moment to happen and I will never lie on what I am feeling right now. I am so happy and thankful that finally you are here with me. The long wait is over. I love you too Minho.."
We hugged each other so tight.. We were crying.. but not because we were hurt but because we are so happy and overwhelmed. I thought that, that was it but the surprises seems to never end. I was in awe when he began to kneel down and get something on his pocket. It was a ring. He showed it to me and started to ask "Chemi.. My Baby.. My Dongsaeng.. Will you spend the rest of your life with me? Together, we will make beautiful music, about our life, our kids, and our love.."
*Can someone give me an oxygen?.. I can't breathe..*
"Yes! Yes! I couldn't imagine myself being with someone else except you Minho.. I love you so much.." I gratefuly answered.
He wore the ring on my left ring finger and he stood up to hug me once again, and I was shocked when the door instantly opened up and there goes Taem, Ann J, Onew oppa, and even Krystal clapping their hands while cheering for us. 
"WooHoo! Our plan worked! At last, everyone is happy in here." Onew oppa blurted out.
"Good job guys! Thank you Taemin for helping us out.. I really appreciate it." Minho told Taem, and he smiled.
"I couldn't believe you plan all of this. Now I know why are you so weird last night Lee Taemin.." I said teasing Taem.
"This goes for a celebration! Let's all have a party later, okay? My treat. Is it fine if I bring along my fiance Minhyuk? By the way, Onew you're the only one who doesn't have a partner. Your not getting any younger huh, go get some chick will you?" Krystal began to bully Onew oppa.
"That's what you think you bratty chick.. I already asked IU and guess what? She said yes!" Onew oppa bragged on us.
We all laughed out loud.         
Love is so universal. There are many kinds of Love and different levels of it.  We often mistaken a simple affection in defining it as Love. When our hearts begin to thump, we believe it's Love. Many didn't know that Love is so deep and pure that even words are not enough to describe its true and real definition. As for me, I believe that Love is unconditional, it does not boast, it is patient, love is growing up, it never gets tired on waiting for the right person destined to be with you.. your soulmate.. it always has a room for forgiveness, and it evolves not just on two hearts that like each other, but also inside a family and in circle of friends. 
There you go chingus.. the love story of Chemi and Minho has been concluded..
I want to thank all of my subbies who appreciate my very first chaptered story here on AFF
Kamsahamnida!!! /bows/
and as I promise, there will be an alternate ending for Chemi-Taemin love story as well. ^^
If you fell in love with DongSaeng Saranghae,
I will be very much happy if you could at least recommend it to ur other friends. (:
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[Dongsaeng Saranghae / 160904] I just realized that I didn't proof read any of the chapters before uploading them before. I'll probably rewrite this. Probably.


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Chapter 3: wrote this story way back 2013. FIVE years after, here I am re-reading it again.. for the nth time. :)
gemmymars #2
Chapter 48: Aww~ the ending's so cute^^
Great job authornim~
gemmymars #3
Chapter 12: Unnie, filipino ka ba??
gemmymars #4
Chapter 9: I should really be in bed right now but I can't stop reading~^^
Chapter 48: e n e"

they they they omg my feels are everywhereeeeeeee
Chapter 47: ERMAGERD. CLIFFY ;; I can't wait for the next chapter c: obviously Minho and Chemi will see each other c:
Chapter 33: Uwahh! Filipino ka ba?
Chapter 41: I kindda want Chemi to end up with Taemin . am I the only one feels like this ? xD