Silent Death

Dongsaeng Saranghae
"We are here." Taem's voice interrupted me with my deep thoughts about what Minho's mom had told me a while ago. It was only then I noticed that we were actually in front of my house. "Are you alright?" he asked. I tried to put a up a smile so he won't be worried anymore. "Yeah. Thank you so much Taem for keeping me company tonight. Would you like to come in?" I told him. "I would love to, but you need to rest. Maybe some other time.." he said. "Ok, I'll go ahead. Thank you again." I finally said before I went out of his car. 
As I entered the living room, I found mom sitting at the couch, reading some letter. She looked at me and instantly noticed my eyes. "Are you alright dear?" she asked. "Yes eomma. I guess I'll have a flu. My head is in severe pain at the moment." I answered. I was not making lies back there. I was really having a headache. The thing is, I didn't 
bother to tell mom that I cried. "Oh.. take a medicine before you go to bed, okay? Uhm, ttal, I have received an invitation to your unnie's graduation day. It would be next week, Friday. I am so excited and happy to see ur sister taking her steps in fulfilling her dreams." Eomma said excitedly. Seeing our mom filled with so much happiness, I understand more why Minho's mom was able to say all those words to me. She wanted so much for her son. I guess every mom would be like that to their children, wanting the very best. "Chemi? You sure you're fine? Do you wanna go to see a doctor?" It was mom, she started to sound nervous. "Aniya Eomma.. Uhm, I'll just go upstairs to take a rest. I will be fine. Good night.." I assured her then I headed to my room.
I've been laying down on my bed for two hours but I just couldn't sleep at all. I felt like I was so helpless at that moment. Like a kid who was so happy playing with a balloon and then suddenly it just flew away and you couldn't do anything about it but just to see it fades away before your own two eyes. 
*How I wish I am at the right age right now.. maybe 20. Things might be different. They will never say to me that I am too young to fall in love.. but it's not, reality bites as they all say. I will only be turning 16 next month, still under age, still a kid.*
That thought made me cry.. I quickly wiped my tears. I stood up, and opened my window. Cool wind approached my face. It was so cold that I began to chill a bit, but it didn't make me close it, in fact I actually sat down beside it start to look blankly at the road. I was there at about fifteen minutes when I saw a cab slowly passing by then it stopped in front of our house. A guy went out, he was wearing a black hoodie jacket that it covered half of his face. As the cab left, the guy looked up exactly on my way. The hood fell back and I clearly saw the face of Minho. My heart began to pound faster and faster. He waved at me and I closed my window and hurriedly went down to meet him. 
It was already eleven in the evening. Everyone in the house was already sleeping at that time except me. I slowly opened the gate for him. As he saw me, he instantly hugged me. It was so tight, so warm embrace. 
"Mianheyo saeng.. I'm so sorry.." That was the first words he said. 
"Let's have a seat inside. It's freezing out here." I told him.
We sat on the couch, sitting beside each other, holding each other's hand. "What happened to you? Taem said you're not attending any class.." I directly asked him. "That conversation with my family didn't end up well not like the way I was expecting it. Eomma totally disagree with my idea of not leaving anymore, and as I insists what I want she 
started to take actions that really surprised me. I knew you went at our house with Taem a while ago, they just didn't allow me to go out to see you, that's why I went out secretly tonight to be here. I needed to talk to you Chemi. I thought of something.. I just need your approval of it.." he said looking deeply unto me. "What is it?" I asked nervously. "I will not go to Australia. Let's meet at the day of my flight and run away from them. Let's go somewhere else where no one would object. Would you come with me?.." he asked. "Wo? I.. I don't know.. You know I have always wanted to be with you but not like this way. What will happen to us? You will not pursue your college and I may not be able to finish my high school?" I started to freak out. "Listen, I will do my very best to provide for your future. Just be with me. Please be with me Chemi.. I love you so much. This is the only way I know." His eyes started to fill with tears. My heart broke into pieces seeing him like that. I embraced him, trying to calm him down. I don't know what to think or what to do with his idea. I never wanna be far away from Minho, but I just couldn't take that kind of plan. I was so scared for anything that might happened between us. I knew in my mind that, that would not be the right thing to do, I must tell him what I honestly thought about it but I was too afraid that he may not understand me.. and worst I might loose him again.
"Minho.. your mom is right. At this moment, the thing we must priority is our study. Four or five years of being not together will not break our relationship, our love we have. I have faith in us. Besides, I am too young to be in a kind of commitment you wanted us to be. I love my mom, dad, and Bom unnie. I can't afford to break their hearts and trust in me. I assure you that even if you leave, my heart will be with you.. always. It will not change but will wait for your return. I will wait patiently wait, even if it takes forever.. cause my heart only beats for you and you alone Minho.." I explained sincerely what I was thinking.
He stared at me.. looking so disappointed and hurt. "I never thought you would say those words. I was expecting that you will gladly accept my proposal.. You're just like them.. You don't understand me. I'll go ahead. This might be the last time you will see me. Bye Chemi.." he said then quickly stood up and went out of our house.
For a minute, I was in shocked. I was just standing there. Things happened so fast, and Minho just vanished like that infront of me. I went outside to run after him but I failed to see him. He faded so fast. My body was trembling because of the cold weather but I continued to look for him. I reached a couple of blocks away from our house but still I couldn't find him. I went back at our house with a broken heart. I couldn't find anymore strength to face another day with this kind of emotions bursting in my heart and my soul. I felt like dying.. dying silently inside.      
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[Dongsaeng Saranghae / 160904] I just realized that I didn't proof read any of the chapters before uploading them before. I'll probably rewrite this. Probably.


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Chapter 3: wrote this story way back 2013. FIVE years after, here I am re-reading it again.. for the nth time. :)
gemmymars #2
Chapter 48: Aww~ the ending's so cute^^
Great job authornim~
gemmymars #3
Chapter 12: Unnie, filipino ka ba??
gemmymars #4
Chapter 9: I should really be in bed right now but I can't stop reading~^^
Chapter 48: e n e"

they they they omg my feels are everywhereeeeeeee
Chapter 47: ERMAGERD. CLIFFY ;; I can't wait for the next chapter c: obviously Minho and Chemi will see each other c:
Chapter 33: Uwahh! Filipino ka ba?
Chapter 41: I kindda want Chemi to end up with Taemin . am I the only one feels like this ? xD