Always Be Here

Dongsaeng Saranghae


I walked straight outside of SM High School. I just continued walking without any particular place to go. At that moment, all I wanted was to get as far as I could from that place. I stopped at the third bus station I had seen. Breathing heavily, I slowly sat down at the bench provided for the passengers. One by one, the people that was with me slowly faded until I was the only one sitting there alone. There were couple of buses that had stopped, expecting that I was gonna ride but I remained seated. I was staring blankly at the flower shop across the road. In an instant, my eyes began to be filled with tears and it freely flowed on my cheeks. I didn't bother to wipe it out, I just let it dropped down and poured continuously. Maybe, just maybe, the hurt I was feeling right then would lessen even just a little...
*Why do I have to see that? That was a total slap on my face and in my pride. Why Taem? Why?..* I repeatedly asked that question but I just couldn't find any answer. I really would like to understand why they had to do such thing, but it was a total abstract for me. I didn't get it at all.
*For what? For their fans? That's a total crap! He didn't even bother to take any consideration on what would I feel about it.* I sadly thought.
The hurt abruptly mixed with hatred and total loneliness. This would be the second time that I have been through pain involving my heart. It hurts so much that I was like slowly dying inside. I remembered when Minho left because he was so mad at me, that was painful. This time was different from it but still, the pain was flowing inside of me. Different situation, different level, nonetheless I was still hurt. I buried my face with my two hands and cried so hard. Cool wind began to blow and then it followed by a fine drizzle. An hour had passed, I was still sitting there when I got a call from Taemin. I didn't take it, I just let it rang continuously until it finally stopped. I was not yet ready to talk to him, not even to see his face. I decided to just turn off my phone so he couldn't reach me at all. I looked at my watch to check the time, it was already 10 o'clock in the evening. 
*I need to go home..* I thought, thinking about mom and dad.
I stood up and took a glance at the road where I could see any bus that would come along. At that time, the fine drizzle was beginning to turn into a heavy rain. I started to feel scared when the wind began to blow hardly, and the rain was now pouring heavy with thunder and lightning that were striking unexpectedly. My body began to shiver because of being so cold and frightened at the same time. 
*Oh Chemi.. why didn't you just jumped up of at the first bus that stopped here a while ago?.. Now you're stuck in here.* I told myself, feeling so hopeless at that time.  
Feeling really nervous and afraid, I cried again, praying that somehow I could get out of that helpless situation of mine. I tried to call a cab but it was already occupied even before it reached my place. My whole body was then trembling severely and starting to feel numb. I moved back on the bench to take a seat cause I was fighting the dizziness that I suddenly felt. I didn't want to faint in there because it would cause me much trouble, but my body couldn't take it anymore. The last thing I saw before I finally went in total blackout was a car that stopped infront of me, someone came out of it handling a black umbrella and running towards my direction. 
Light penetrated my eyes as they flutter open, l was surprised to see myself lying on a bed inside a hospital room with an IV drip on my left hand. I was alone inside at that moment. There was a basket of tulips arranged on the left side table beside my bed. I silently prayed, thanking God that He sent someone to help me during that difficult time.
*I'm so grateful to You my Lord and to the angel that brought me here. I would really want to meet whoever that person is so I could personally show my gratitude,* I told Him.
Afterwards, the door opened and I shouted with excitement upon seeing who entered.
It was Bom unnie, she was carrying some food with her and a big bag on her back. She grinned at instant she saw me then hurriedly walked and throw herself at me.
"Oh Chemi saeng! I'm so glad you're awake now. I was too worried when I saw you here last night, you were unconscious and shivering due to high fever. How are you feeling now?" she started to speak. I replied by also asking a question.
"Uhm, unnie.. Do you know who brought me here last night?" I curiously asked.
"Yeah, he called me immediately after you were admitted here. You mean you didn't know who helped you?" 
"No. Wait, you said he. Is he still here at the hospital? I would really wanted to thank him personally, and by the way, how did he know your number?" I asked again, this time so eager to know him. Curiousity was beginning to kill me. She chuckled and that made me confused.
"You really don't have any idea, do you? Chemi, it's Minho!" Bom unnie revealed.
"Huh?!" I reacted with eyes and mouth wide opened. I was really surprised with that.
*But how?..* I wondered.
"Hey! Are you alright? Here, why don't you eat first. I'm sure you're really hungry by now." She said while handling me a bowl of soup she brought.
She was right, I was starving at that time, so I took the bowl and immediately sipped the soup and munched on some garlic bread and egg rolls. Unnie was smiling and staring at me the whole time I was eating.
"I missed you saeng.." she said then ruffled my hair.
I finished all the food in no time. Unnie was cleaning the utensils I used when I asked her again how she was being informed by Minho about my condition.
"Well, I was so surprised to get a call from Minho last night. We haven't talked for a while and besides it was really late, I think that was past eleven in the evening already, and when he told me that you were here I was terrified and nervous. After we talked, I immediately called up TOP and we hurriedly went here. Uhm, Chemi I didn't tell mom and dad about this, but I did call them last night saying that you spent the night at my place here in Seoul. I'm sure they would be so worried if they were informed about this, I just did what I think would be the best for all of us." unnie explained.
"I understand unnie, Gomawo.. and I'm so sorry that I had caused you trouble.." I apologized, feeling so guilty about it.
"It's fine Chemi. What's important is you're safe now. Thanks to Minho.." she responded.
"Minho... Is he still here?" I suddenly remembered him.
"He's at the Hospital Cafeteria with TOP." unnie said casually.
"With TOP oppa?! Unnie--" I couldn't help but to feel a bit worried.
"Relax saeng! It's alright. You know what, I'm so happy that they got the chance to talk and fix things between them, so let's just let it be and hope for the best.." she assured me.
An hour later, we heard knocks on the door. Bom unnie opened it and I saw TOP oppa, right behind him was Minho. I didn't know what I exactly felt upon seeing him. 
"Hey, Chemi saeng! How are you?" TOP oppa greeted me warmly.
"I'm feeling alright now oppa, Gomawo for staying with unnie last night," I replied.
"Don't mention it, we all did it for you, of course along with Minho here, right bro?" TOP oppa took a glance at Minho who was standing at the right side of my bed.
"Yeah, we're all here for you Chemi.. always be here." he softly said.
It was then when the doctor and a nurse came in to tell the good news. "Miss Park, we would like to tell you that all the lab results were good. You experienced unconsciousness and fever because of over fatigue and stress. We will now discharge you and may continue your rest at home." the doctor happily announced.
"Alright! Now, that's really a good news. Uhm, Bom why don't we go now and settle the hospital bill?" TOP oppa told unnie.
"Okay. Chemi and Minho, we'll have to leave you for a while." unnie said then the two of them went out of the room.
From the door, my sight slowly shifted to Minho. I felt so conscious when I saw his eyes locked on mine and that sweet smile I've always wanted to see. I just smiled, trying to hide my happiness upon seeing him.
"Are you sure you're feeling well now?" he started to talk.
"Uhm, yeah. Thank you so much Minho for helping me out last night. I didn't know it was you.. I was so scared back then and I didn't know what might happened to me if you didn't show up. I.. I.." I cried, trying to recall what I've been through.
"Shhh.. Shhh. It's alright now. Just forget about it okay?" he cut my words and tried to comfort me. Minho slowly sat beside me and dried my tears. He continued to speak, telling me what happened before he saw me at the bus stop, I carefully listened. He said he was watching me all along while Taemin and Krystal were performing and that he saw me when I ran outside the stadium. He tried to look for me around the campus and when he couldn't see me, he decided to take his car and look for me outside. Luckily, he found me and brought me here at the hospital. That was so brief, I don't know but I had a feeling that time that he wasn't telling it all to me. I believed him though, but it's just incomplete I guess..
*What is it you didn't want me to know Minho?..* I couldn't help but to ask myself.
I noticed him smiling while staring at the hospital window, so I asked "What is it? What were you thinking huh? Mind to share it with me?." He looked at me then his grin turned into chuckling. "I'm just wondering, what are you doing there under the bus stop on a late night? We all knew that you easily get sick just because of a sudden change of weather, and I heard in the news this morning that the rain that had fallen last night have a 20 percent mixed of snow, that's why it's too cold compare to an ordinary rain during Fall season. Why had to stay there? If I were you I would just go straight home and have a hot beef stew while watching the pouring rain outside my window. I just couldn't help but to think that you are still a little girl that cannot handle herself by her own." 
"I think I am more like a stupid than a little girl." I abruptly said. I was surprised on my own response that I had said such words, but maybe It's the truth I myself had to hear. "Don't say it Chemi.. Please, no one ever thought you were like that. I'm sorry if I offended you with that "little girl" thing i said." Minho apologized. "It's okay, you don't have to feel sorry." I told him.
It was then Bom unnie and TOP oppa came back. "It has been settled. We could leave anytime we pleased." TOP oppa announced.
Unnie called a nurse to help me out on the IV drip while Minho and TOP oppa were packing all the things they brought at the hospital. We were heading outside when unnie said "Uhm, Minho we will take Chemi home now. You could come with us if you want to." she offered Minho but he refused. "I would love to, but I have to come back at the campus today. There are lots of things to be done back there. I'll just go and visit you Chemi one of these days, okay? Afterall, I am really missing our music jamming." he said, then bowed his head to unnie and oppa before he finally left. The last part of what he said made me smile *I am missing it too, Minho.* I thought.   
at last!! a new chappie *clap clap*
mianhae guys if it took us so long to update :((
things are really getting quite messy rn.
we actually had 2 versions for this chapter and this is the version 2.
urgh. /smacks head
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[Dongsaeng Saranghae / 160904] I just realized that I didn't proof read any of the chapters before uploading them before. I'll probably rewrite this. Probably.


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Chapter 3: wrote this story way back 2013. FIVE years after, here I am re-reading it again.. for the nth time. :)
gemmymars #2
Chapter 48: Aww~ the ending's so cute^^
Great job authornim~
gemmymars #3
Chapter 12: Unnie, filipino ka ba??
gemmymars #4
Chapter 9: I should really be in bed right now but I can't stop reading~^^
Chapter 48: e n e"

they they they omg my feels are everywhereeeeeeee
Chapter 47: ERMAGERD. CLIFFY ;; I can't wait for the next chapter c: obviously Minho and Chemi will see each other c:
Chapter 33: Uwahh! Filipino ka ba?
Chapter 41: I kindda want Chemi to end up with Taemin . am I the only one feels like this ? xD