Soft and Gentle

Dongsaeng Saranghae


After our scrumptious dinner, Taemin decided to still stay for another hour. Mom was so happy because all through out our dinner, we couldn't hear anything from Taemin but all good comments and praises for Mom's excellent cooking. Both Mom and Dad were so fond of Taemin's sense of humor.
When the time came on which he had to go home, Mom insisted to him that he must bring home a box of cookies that she personally made this morning.
"Here, take this cookies so you can have something to munch on while driving on your way home. Thank you for visiting and whenever you have a free time, don't hesitate to come back, okay?" mom told him while handling him the box of cookies.
"That's so nice of you Mrs. Park. Kamsahamnida! I really had a good time here. Thank you so much. " he gratefully said and then bowed his head down to my mom.
"Okay then, I'll now leave the two of you. Drive home safely." mom said before entering inside our home.
Taemin waved goodbye to mom and shifted his glance from the door to me. He was grinning so big at me with his eyes locked on mine. That made me conscious and shy.
"What?.." I asked.
"Nothing. I just love staring at you.. I really had a great time today. How I wish we were neighbors so I could spend more time with you.."
"Ahm.. I'm happy too that you took some time to visit me.. Gomawo Taemin.. I really appreciate it. Hrmm, it's getting late, you should keep going."
He sighed, "This is the sad part... Parting ways, saying goodbye. I promise to come back as soon as there's nothing much going on at the school. Bye for now and I hope to see you soon Chemi."
"Bye! You take care.."
Taemin kept his promise. From time to time, he spend time with me at home, sharing his school activities. He often brings something for me like flowers, chocolates, stuffed toys. Well, I guess he's now starting to formally court me..
It was Saturday afternoon, and we were strolling along the village when I got a personal invitation from him.
"Mmm, Chemi.. would you mind if I invite you to come with me at SM High School?.. Ahm, there will be a concert there which has been organized by the Arts Department and they assigned me to be the stage director. It's kinda huge and special for me 'cause I personally choreographed most of the dance perfs that will be performed. And also, I will have this production number along with my good buddy, Onew. My boys will be performing too! Remember EXO? This will be their very first live peformance and also we have..."
"I would love to Taemin!" 
"Huh? Did you just say.."
"I said, yes, I will go with you."
We looked at each other for a moment and then burst into laughter. 
"Hahaha! You know Mr. Lee, you really sounded like a lawyer or something. Explaining things, convincing people.. Hahaha! You should've seen yourself while talking.." I said with a teasing smile stretched on my face.
"You little mean girl... you better run now 'cause when I catch you, you'll never stop laughing."
"Oh no!!! You didn't mean that, do you?"
"Try me Miss Park. Run!"
And there we go, like the classic Tom and Jerry. I ran as fast as I could but he was just too fast and as expected, he caught me. He put his both hands on my waist and started to tickle me, digging his fingers between the bones on my ribcage. I rolled myself like a bufallo in the wide grass at the park, never thinking what will I look like anymore. Good thing, I wasn't wearing a skirt that time but a just above the knee denim shorts. He didn't stop until I barely catch my breath. I was now lying down beside him.
"Now, who's like a lawyer huh? Tell me." He turned his face on me and I answered back, "Hahaha! No one. No one." As a natural response I looked at him also and our faces were just a couple of inches away. I could smell the fresh scent of his breath.
And suddenly, there's a drum roll playing around us. Or was it my chest pounding? My heart skipped when I heard the next thing he said. "I love you Chemi..." That was a whisper.. He was trembling and he's breathing heavily and fast. The scent of his breath was getting stronger for his face was leaning and leaning forward unto me.
*Oh my gosh.. what will i do? what will i do?*
Before I could answer my own question.. Taemin's soft lips touches mine.. His kiss was so gentle and I really felt his sincerity. I also felt like I touched a 110 power volts with wet hands. Mixed emotions are surprisingly getting all over me. All I could do was closed my eyes and feel that sweet moment I experienced first time ever in my whole life...
rlab. chemi rolled like a buffalo. lmao. XD
sorry guys, i made you wait for such a short update but i'm still hoping you guys will like this chapter.
as usual, tumblr here. follow 'kay?
you guys always take care. <3333


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[Dongsaeng Saranghae / 160904] I just realized that I didn't proof read any of the chapters before uploading them before. I'll probably rewrite this. Probably.


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Chapter 3: wrote this story way back 2013. FIVE years after, here I am re-reading it again.. for the nth time. :)
gemmymars #2
Chapter 48: Aww~ the ending's so cute^^
Great job authornim~
gemmymars #3
Chapter 12: Unnie, filipino ka ba??
gemmymars #4
Chapter 9: I should really be in bed right now but I can't stop reading~^^
Chapter 48: e n e"

they they they omg my feels are everywhereeeeeeee
Chapter 47: ERMAGERD. CLIFFY ;; I can't wait for the next chapter c: obviously Minho and Chemi will see each other c:
Chapter 33: Uwahh! Filipino ka ba?
Chapter 41: I kindda want Chemi to end up with Taemin . am I the only one feels like this ? xD