Peaceful Mind

Dongsaeng Saranghae


It was still a bit dark outside when I opened my eyes. I took a glance at my alarm clock on the table beside my bed. It was just 5:00 o'clock in the morning. With eyes halfly opened, I stood up and went in the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I put on my favorite orange sweater and headed outside. I picked some flowers from mom's garden. I was planning to give it to Bom unnie as my peace offering. She will be leaving later and I don't want to give her an extra baggage of sadness, hurt and misunderstanding between us. I went back inside to arrange the flowers in a small basket. I put some ribbons on it to make it more special and a short note saying "Unnie saranghae.. no matter what".
I walked upstairs to go to unnie's room. I found her still asleep. I smiled as I put the basket of flowers I arranged on her table.
The sky was beginning to lighten up and in an hour or two, they will be waking up. I wanted to surprise them with a special breakfast, so I hurriedly went down to prepare something. I decided to cook Galbi (Grilled Short Ribs), Spicy Seafood Salad, Kongnamul Bab (Bean Sprout Rice), Spicy Stewed Fish, Oi Naengguk (Cold Cucumber Soup), Seasoned Kelp, and Moo Saengchae (Radish Strip Kimchi).
I was arranging the food on the table when I heard unnie's voice calling me. Before I could respond to her call, I saw her approaching the dining area with the basket of flowers I made on her left hand.
"Oh Chemi! Did you make this? Oh! It's so beautiful! So sweet of you saeng. I.. I'm so happy that you've already forgiven me... Dongsaeng saranghae!"
"I love you too my unnie.."
We hugged each other and all our misunderstandings melted away. We are both very happy. We didn't notice that mom and dad were already standing behind us until dad spoke.
"I always knew that this will happen. Whatever things come in your way, you will always end up forgiving and loving each other. Now, shall we eat? Cause just by looking at all of this food that Chemi prepared, I'm begining to drool." he said, laughing.
Unnie and I embraced our parents. And after that "senti" moments of us, we took our breakfast with a peaceful mind and a joyful heart. I'm glad they liked all the food I prepared. All my efforts had paid of.
After eating, unnie started to prepare herself for her trip back to Seoul. TOP Oppa will drive for her.



At 10 o'clock, I went up to her room. I wanted to spend a little more time with her before she leaves. I found her putting some light make up on her face. She was wearing a white short dress with colorful print infront. Looking so beautiful as always. She instantly painted smile on her lips upon seeing me. 
"I will be missing you again unnie.."
"Me too... Had TOP arrived?"
"Not yet... You're so happy with him, huh?"
"Yeah. So much. I can't imagine myself with another person than with TOP. He has always been the guy of my dreams and when he admitted he also feels the same way.. I've always been the luckiest girl in the world.." she said with a sparkling eyes.
"Yeah. Lucky you! But I think he's more luckier because he have you, the nicest girlfriend that he could have, not to mention the looks.."
"Hahaha!" she laughed, the edges of her eyes turning into a curve, crinkling. "That's why I love you saeng, you never fail to be proud of me.. Gomawo. Hmm, you know saeng I still do hope that everything would be fine between you and Minho. We both know he's a good guy and the happiest days of your life was being with him. I'll pray for the best saeng..." 
I didn't know how to respond on what she said. I just smiled so she wouldn't be worry about me.
I was then, we heard a car honks. She looked at the window and saw TOP arrived. I saw the excited expression lit up her face, "He's here! Let's go downstairs?"
"Of course."
We headed down at the living room but unnie walked straight outside to meet TOP oppa. They were holding hands when they came inside the house. I was so happy for my unnie. I could see how they were so inlove with each other. I can't help but to think of Minho..
"This is it guys.. I have to leave you again... I will miss you all. I'll call everyday. And don't worry about me, I'll be fine."
We all embraced her. Mom was crying as expected. We accompany her up to TOP oppa's car. She was holding the basket I gave her. She waved goodbye to us and before she rides, she whispered to me.. "Please promise me that you'll take care of yourself Chemi... I love you Saeng.."
I nodded and waved back at her. We stayed outside  until the car was out of our sight. We were heading inside when mom asked me. "Are you ready for the resume of classes tomorrow Chemi? Have you prepared all the things you needed for school?"
"Yeah mom, I'm ready,"
"Good. Tomorrow is another day for us to be productive, useful, and ofcourse happy. Good luck on your school tomorrow Ttal."
"Gomawo eomma..."
*Another day to be happy... I'll try mom. No, I will be happy. There's a lot of reason to be cheerful. Just like today, my mind is at peace because things were now clear between me and unnie. I have a loving family. I am happy... I should be...*


i supposed to be going to school early today. me and my english group had to practice some speech choir.

yeahright. that's time-wasting. really.

btw, i beg you to follow me on tumblr. please.

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[Dongsaeng Saranghae / 160904] I just realized that I didn't proof read any of the chapters before uploading them before. I'll probably rewrite this. Probably.


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Chapter 3: wrote this story way back 2013. FIVE years after, here I am re-reading it again.. for the nth time. :)
gemmymars #2
Chapter 48: Aww~ the ending's so cute^^
Great job authornim~
gemmymars #3
Chapter 12: Unnie, filipino ka ba??
gemmymars #4
Chapter 9: I should really be in bed right now but I can't stop reading~^^
Chapter 48: e n e"

they they they omg my feels are everywhereeeeeeee
Chapter 47: ERMAGERD. CLIFFY ;; I can't wait for the next chapter c: obviously Minho and Chemi will see each other c:
Chapter 33: Uwahh! Filipino ka ba?
Chapter 41: I kindda want Chemi to end up with Taemin . am I the only one feels like this ? xD