Slowly Fading

Dongsaeng Saranghae


Taemin and I arrived at my place at 5:30 o'clock; just enough time to prepare for a movie night with Minho. I saw mom talking to Aunt GaEul at the other side of the block. I went out of Taemin's car to call mom so I could introduce her to Taemin.
"Hi mom!" I called out as I walk towards their direction.
"Hello dear!" mom waved.
"We were just talking about you and Minho."
I pouted my lips to her, "Really?.. How are you Aunt GaEul?" I shifted my position so I can face her.
"I'm fine Chemi. Who's with you dear?" she replied as she leaned to her side, peeking at the car that's pulled over in front of our gate.
"Oh! I almost forgot. Hey, Taemin, can you come over?"
Taemin immediately went out of his car and headed towards us.
"Mom, Aunt GaEul, I would like you to meet Lee Taemin. He's a really close friend of mine and Bom unnie too."
Taemin bowed down to give respect.
"Hello ma'am. I'm glad I have finally met you. And of course same as you ma'am." he said as he shook hands on both mom and Aunt GaEul.
"Amm, Aunt GaEul here is Minho's aunt. Mom and her were like sisters."
"Oh! speaking of Minho. He left a note for you Chemi. He asked me to immediately give this to you as soon as you arrived. Wait here, I'll just get it." she said then turned around.
*Where could he possibly be?..* I thought as I felt a bit nervous.
Aunt GaEul returned in no time and she handed me the note. I silently read it and it goes like this.

*Dearest Dongsaeng,
Please forgive me for not making it tonight on our movie "date". :) Something came out this afternoon. Bom talked to me and asked me if I could go to BlueFire club tonight. She said she needed to say something very important to me.
Oh Chemi, this might be it! I have a feeling she will now say the words I've been waiting.. her sweet yes!
Don't worry I still have one day tomorrow before I leave for Seoul. We could still watch a movie. I promise I'll make it up to you.
Wish me luck!
See you,

My whole body shivers as I finished reading his letter.
*No way! This is not happening! I am the one who supposed to tell him everything. Why unnie? Don't just stand there, Chemi. Do something!* I silently scolded myself inside.
"Taemin, could we go on BlueFire? Is it okay with you? I really need to go there. I.."
He interrupted me, "Will you relax Chemi? Okay, we will go there just please tell me what's happening."
But instead of answering him, I turned to mom to ask her permission.
"Mom, please.. I just really need to fix this. I promise to tell you everything as soon as I get home."
"I trust you dear.. Go on!" she said then looked at Taemin.
"Please take care of my daughter.."
"Don't worry ma'am, I will." he said with assurance.
We went back to his car and headed to BlueFire club. I dialled unnie's number but it was out of reach. That made me more uneased.
"Now, can you tell me what's going on, Chemi?" I then heard Taemin's voice.
"I told you back at the park that I have something to do this evening. Truth is, Minho and I were supposed to watch a movie. That would be our last hang out together before he returns to Seoul the day after tomorow."
"Okay.. and then?"
"He said on his letter that he couldn't make it because unnie talked to him this afternoon, asking him to go on BlueFire. He said, she needed to say something very important. And I have this intuition that unnie will tell it all to Minho. How she feels about him, about our agreement, everything!" I explained, teary eyed. I redialled unnie's number and I'm thankful it rang.
"Neh, Yobeoseyo?" she picked up.
"Unnie! Unnie! Where are you? Are you with Minho? Please unnie.. don't tell him please.." I begged but unnie refused.
"No Chemi. This has to be ended. Listen saeng, I know it's not going to be easy but don't worry.. I know what I'm doing."
"But unnie, I am the one who must tell.. Hello? Hello? Unnie, are you still there? She hung up." I told Taemin.
"We're halfway there Chemi."
After my phone conversation with unnie, I was in total silence. I was so afraid.. I've never been afraid like this my whole life. It was like a virus that slowly crashing me inside.
*Please don't hate me Minho.. Please don't.. Please..*
I was in that thought when I saw the big signage of BlueFire club sparkling. Taemin didn't have a hard time finding a parking space for his car. We immediately ran towards the main door of the club. I bumped into someone who were slowly walking. He probably didn't see me because he was looking at the floor while walking.
"Hey! Watch out!" I shouted as I lifted my head to take a glimpse at him. And to my surprise..
"Minho?!" I nervously asked. I wasn't so sure but he looked back at me and it really was him.
"Minho, are you alright?" I asked him.
He didn't mutter any single word. Instead, he continued walking outside the club towards the parking lot. Taemin and I followed him. Minho sat at the sidewalk. I asked Taemin to wait for me on where we were standing for I have to follow Minho.. alone.
Taemin wanted to accompany me but I told him I have to do this by myself. I made him agree and so I slowly walked towards Minho. The first thing he said was.. "Why Chemi?" That was in a low tone. Almost like a whisper and then I was startled when he began to yell at me.
"I-I'm sorry.." I answered with a cracking voice.
"Was there something or anything at all that I did to you offensively? To make you do this to me? Was there Chemi?" he asked in between sobs.
"Nothing. There's nothing wrong with you.. It was all me.. I'm so sorry.."
"Then why?! I don't understand. I treated you right, didn't I? My life has been an open book to you. There was no single instance that I lied. Everything I told you was real. The least you could do is to be real to me in return but I was so wrong. This is so unfair!"
"I know. I didn't mean to hurt you.. please believe me. If there's one thing in this world I would want, that would be to always see you happy. But things screwed up and turned into a big mess."
"Am I happy now Chemi? Do I look like one? Please let me understand Chemi.. I'm so hurt right now. I feel I was humiliated back there in front of Bom and that TOP! I looked like a fool! So stupid to think that Bom would finally like me and love me. So stupid to believe you when you say that she likes me too.."
I could see his anger through his eyes. If those eyes could kill someone just by staring, I would probably be dead right now. I wanted to explain myself to Minho but I just couldn't find the right words to say to make him calm and to comfort him.
He stood up and met me face to face, "Please be true to me this time Chemi.. Why did you do that?" he whispered but his voice was still full of hate. My sobbing turned into crying. My chest was so heavy. I can hardly breathe.
*Because I love you!* I screamed inside my head.
"I-I.. I did it because I love you.. so much." I nervously said.
"That's bull!" he yelled again. This time, in my face.
"That's enough! If you don't have anything nice to say to Chemi, just leave her alone!"
That was Taemin. I didn't notice he walked towards me and Minho. He grabbed my hand to take me away from Minho but worse thing happened..
Minho grabbed me back and he suddenly punched Taemin on the face. Minho is too tall for Taemin and with that hard punch from the fist of an angry man, Taemin really fell off the ground with a bloody mouth.
"Don't you ever come near me and play as a hero to Chemi! You don't know a thing! You're such a jinx in my life, you know?!" Minho shouted at him.
I was in total shock. Minho grabbed the collar of Taemin's jacket who is now lying helplessly at the street. That's when I kneeled down and hugged Taemin to cover him from another punch Minho might throw again.
"Please Minho.. Stop this. Enough. Taemin doesn't have anything to do with what I did. It was all my fault. I'm so sorry.. I'm so sorry.. Please stop this.." I said while crying out loud.
It was then, Minho walked away from us, slowly fading in my eyes.
So, this is it. The secret is already revealed.
huhuhu~ TTT^TTT
I really want to cryyyyyy~ :(
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[Dongsaeng Saranghae / 160904] I just realized that I didn't proof read any of the chapters before uploading them before. I'll probably rewrite this. Probably.


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Chapter 3: wrote this story way back 2013. FIVE years after, here I am re-reading it again.. for the nth time. :)
gemmymars #2
Chapter 48: Aww~ the ending's so cute^^
Great job authornim~
gemmymars #3
Chapter 12: Unnie, filipino ka ba??
gemmymars #4
Chapter 9: I should really be in bed right now but I can't stop reading~^^
Chapter 48: e n e"

they they they omg my feels are everywhereeeeeeee
Chapter 47: ERMAGERD. CLIFFY ;; I can't wait for the next chapter c: obviously Minho and Chemi will see each other c:
Chapter 33: Uwahh! Filipino ka ba?
Chapter 41: I kindda want Chemi to end up with Taemin . am I the only one feels like this ? xD