Into your heart

10 days with Lee Jin Ki


Onew rubbed his eyes as he woke up few hours after Christine left. He looked at his watch. It’s already 1 pm, no wonder why his stomach suddenly growled in hunger again.

“Food.” He uttered as he helped himself up, and then he noticed the note that was placed on the table.

“I cooked what you can eat so feel free to have whatever you like to eat. Just call me at this number if you feel like needing anything… Tine-umma will be back in a bit so don’t feel sad, aegi-ah~”

He smiled to himself as he read the note, but his eyes switched to the kitchen area because he was too hungry.

He was eating when he took a look at the note again and dialed the number that was written there. It’s Christine’s cellphone number.

“Umma~” Onew uttered when Christine took his call. “When are you coming back?”

“Soon, baby.” Christine said on the other line, riding along his childishness. “Did you eat the foods I prepared? They are all in the kitchen.”

“I’m eating them all right now.” He chuckled. “I’m so hungry. By the way, where are your parents?”

“They went home to our province. They’ll be gone for about few weeks.” She explained.

“So you’ll be home alone until then?”

“Yeah. Probably.” Christine suddenly heard a whisper saying “nice.” on the other line. “Hey. You can’t stay in my house. I am not allowing you to stay there! It’s just for now since you were asleep when I was about to send you off.”

“If I insist on staying then you can’t do anything about it, right?” Onew teased.

“Hey. Don’t even dare.”

“I’m not daring, hun. I’m stating what I will really do.” He said. “Okay. You shall focus on your work now and let’s see each other again later. Take care sweetie, I love you.” He said and hanged up without her answering back at all.

He tilted his head a little when he realized the last words he uttered. I love you ~

“Sometimes it’s really hard to prevent the mouth from saying something real.” He chuckled and continued eating.

Onew washed the plates after eating and carefully put them on the rack. Feeling boring and in the absence of doing something interesting, he decided to tour himself on her little mansion.

The house is not too big nor too small for a house. It’s a two storey home designed to accommodate a 3-5 scale family, enough for Christine and her parents, who are often being accompanied by other family members. There are 3 rooms on the 2nd floor. Christine’s, her parent’s, and one if there are guests that will stay overnight or even longer.

The wall beside the staircase is full of her family pictures. What caught his attention are those pictures showing Christine during her childhood up to when she graduated from college.

“The real cutie pie is you, not Key.” He said as he looked at those pictures earnestly. He took his phone and captured her graduation photo.

Feeling unsatisfied, he even captured her photo from when she was just a month old baby. He smiled dearly while looking at the photo he just took through his phone.

Onew opened his twitter and posted her baby picture.

“You will never know how you changed someone’s life in just a blink of an eye.” He included as a caption on her baby picture.

He went downstairs and saw some DVDs under the television. Onew didn’t want to be such a house intruder, but he really got intrigued when he saw an album entitled: Christine’s 18th birthday.

“So inside is Christine 4 years ago?” He smiled and just slid the disc inside the player and played it. He sat on the couch and took hold of the remote control, as if it was his own house.

It was a complete 18th birthday party. He was guessing the party was held on a hotel’s events hall or something close to that. There were 18 candles, 18 roses, and 18 gifts. He was having fun and the most interesting part was when her closest friends presented her a very special presentation.

“We especially did this for your birthday.” The representative of her friends said before starting. “You know how we don’t really listen to KPop but because we really really love you, so yeah, we will give this performance a try.” The speaker went to his position.

“Replay?” He uttered after seeing the five guys’ position.

Presto, Replay played as soon as they finished arranging themselves.

He was laughing at the constant mistakes but found it really cute and touching, seeing how her friends took the courage of dancing to something they don’t normally listen to.

After the performance was a great applause from her guests. Christine was seen being so happy and proud of her friends.

“Oh, really. You guys make me want to cry.” She said while asked about her insights regarding their performance.

The MC also gave the mic to her friends to give a special birthday wish for her.

“And because we are in a KPop vibe…” Her funniest male friend uttered. “We would like to wish you a career in Korea soon, with SM Entertainment, together with Girl’s Generation. I hope to see you on TV one day singing Gee Gee Gee Gee baby, baby, baby.” The crowd laughed. “And also dance to Sorry, Sorry~”

“And apart from it…” the other friend said. “I hope you can see SHINee, our twins, in real life.” Everybody laughed when he uttered about SHINee being their twins. “Like seriously… from the bottom of my heart, that is something I wish for you to have. Go to Korea someday, Chrissy. Try to experience the life you might have had before.”

The mic was passed to her other friend. “I don’t know~” He said when he was caught off guard. “I would probably just wish for her to get married to Onew of SHINee.” He said out of nowhere and immediately saw her father’s frowning expression. “Oh, I’m sorry uncle~” He scratched his head. “But that is a long term wish. It would be nice if she could get married to Onew 4 to 5 years later~” He said as an excuse which sent everybody a good laugh.

He thought about it and remembered that Christine and Robi’s relationship was just 2 years old when they broke up..

“Hmm~ So this was when Robi was not in her life yet.” He sighed and smiled to himself again. “So technically, it was I who got into her life first, so definitely, I have the right to own her. Hmm~ Sounds legitimate.”


-=Author's Note=-

OH YEAH. I promised to update last night but wasn't able to fulfill that because Onew suddenly posted a message for their anniversary indicating "Everybody Fantastic Chicken" in the end. I was crazy, I mean really crazy last night. WAE, ONEW, WAE?? LOL. 

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Chapter 44: Sweet Jesus, I read this in 2015 and I'm really glad that I read this story from the start to the end.
I actually wished stephanie and Robi to be together, and Im so happy you made it that way<3
I really love reading your storiesTT_TT I'm so addicted to them lol
You're a really awesome author, indeed:') i'm gonna read the other stories:D
Oh, and just for your information, I've been reading Capturing Taemin Oppa for three times like IM SERIOUS, THREE TIMES
i smiled, laughed, and got the same feels on the same chapter lol I think you did really great! Capturing Taemin Oppa was the best fanfiction i've ever read, serious!!!
I'll be here watching your progress in writing and reading your lovely stories<3
cynyeelim #2
Chapter 31: Reading this chapter with the gif at the end with listening to <everybody> is so matchh
cynyeelim #3
cynyeelim #4
Chapter 12: Omg. Having an intant secret relationship like that is just so perfect
cynyeelim #5
Chapter 4: Omg.The onew here is so damn perfect xD I love naughty onew
Chapter 44: like this story, it's simple but really great
nisce story^^
Hyun_Mi04 #7
Chapter 44: I likey this story. XD
Chapter 40: hi author nim...I juz read this story n for this chapter, I cant see the pic that show onew tweets...can u fix it? I really want to see what onew tweets about christine...ur storg are too best for me to ignore the tweets...please....
leejinki07 #9
Chapter 44: cool!!love it
IHateJustinBieber #10
Chapter 44: Re-read it in an hour... Hahaha this is the best fic ever, again. This fic gave me courage so I had an urge to read it again. LOL