A test of friendship

10 days with Lee Jin Ki



“I’m begging you, auntie. Please ask her to talk to me.” Robi was outside Christine’s house wanting to talk to her and settle out things that happened few days ago.

“I tried, Robi. But she told me she’s not yet ready to face you. I’m sorry.” Her mother said with sympathetic eyes.

“I won’t leave unless she talks to me.” He said with pleading eyes. It was already 2 days since they the thing on his pad happened. Christine didn’t talk to him again after that. This was the nth time that he stops at her house hoping to settle things with her, but Christine doesn’t really want to talk to him.

“You should leave, Robi. As much as I want to help you, Christine is having troubles as well. I think you should cool everything down first before talking. I’ll call you when she finally decides to talk to you.”

“Please, auntie.” He begged again.

“I’ll try.” She tried to smile and carefully closed the door.

Robi was walking back to his car when Stephanie arrived and saw him. “Robi? What happened to you?”

He seemed to be 5 years older than how he looks just few weeks ago. He looked haggard and facial hairs are starting to appear unnecessarily.

“Are you okay?” She asked again when Robi didn’t respond.

“She’s not talking to me.” He looked at her with sorry eyes. “I don’t know what else to do, steph. I hurt her so much. She won’t like to see me anymore. I regret everything that I did.” Tears started to flow on his cheek.

“Shh… It will be alright. This will pass and she’ll talk to you soon, okay?”

“Steph, please help me.” He begged and held her hand tightly. “I want to talk to her. I want her to forgive me. We’ll forget everything and start anew. I’m willing to let go of the painful memories we had for the past few days. I promise I’ll be a better man, I just want to say sorry and prove her I love her so much.” He cried nonstop.

“It’ll be alright, Rob. I promise.” Seeing him cry, Steph couldn’t help but feel so hurt as well. Rob slowly let go and went towards his car to leave.


“You promised me you won’t make him cry.” Stephanie said as soon as she entered Christine’s room. “You broke it.”

“I didn’t mean to. I swear I tried hard not to hurt him, but I really can’t lie to myself either.”

“It is because YOU cannot refrain from flirting too much with that guy!!” She shouted.

“How dare you talk to me like that!? You didn’t know what happened!!” She shouted back angrily.

“All I know is you’re cheater who hurts someone’s feelings because you flirted!”

“I can’t believe you’re saying this to your bestfriend!” Christine shouted in anger and tears flowed from her cheeks. “Why can’t you see I was hurt, too!”

“You’re hurt because you didn’t choose the right thing. I can’t believe why you would rather stay with the guy you have no future with than be with the man who promised to give you the world!”

“You’re not in my situation. You don’t know how it feels.”

“If I were in your position I would stick to who I love in first place.”

“I wouldn’t go crazy on him if I loved Robi enough.” She collapsed herself on the floor. “Meeting Onew made me realize how I can be happier. Being with Robi made me happy, but staying with Onew makes me even happier.” She looked up at her friend. “You should be honest with your feelings, too. Go and tell him you like him.”

“You think it would be that easy?” She said in a cursing look. “You want me to be his rebound just because you hurt him a lot? You want me to fill in all the missing pieces that you left?”

“But you do want to be with him.”

“You make him happy more than anyone else could do.” She admitted. “He will never appreciate my existence just because he’s so inlove with you.” Her voice started  to lowered down. “And I kinda hate you for making yourself his world.”

“I’m sorry.” She said in a lowered voice as well.

“Loving him by afar is enough with me. I never even had the thoughts of wanting the both of you to break up. I know it would be like this. I know it will be hard for him to endure the pain.” She looked at her friend. “So if ever he asks me to help him with you, I’ll do everything to get back the two of you together.”

She looked at her in disbelief. “Even if it hurts you?”

“Robi can forget everything that happened and be with you again, that’s how much he loves you. So I’m willing to do the same, just to make him happy.”

“That won’t do.” She said.

They looked at each other, and from then on they understand what each other meant.


-=Author's Note=-

O.O I lost a subscriber ~ OMG. Shall do better now. Be ready... It's a marathon update today. Oh wait. Where's my poster?? *cries for poster request*

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Chapter 44: Sweet Jesus, I read this in 2015 and I'm really glad that I read this story from the start to the end.
I actually wished stephanie and Robi to be together, and Im so happy you made it that way<3
I really love reading your storiesTT_TT I'm so addicted to them lol
You're a really awesome author, indeed:') i'm gonna read the other stories:D
Oh, and just for your information, I've been reading Capturing Taemin Oppa for three times like IM SERIOUS, THREE TIMES
i smiled, laughed, and got the same feels on the same chapter lol I think you did really great! Capturing Taemin Oppa was the best fanfiction i've ever read, serious!!!
I'll be here watching your progress in writing and reading your lovely stories<3
cynyeelim #2
Chapter 31: Reading this chapter with the gif at the end with listening to <everybody> is so matchh
cynyeelim #3
cynyeelim #4
Chapter 12: Omg. Having an intant secret relationship like that is just so perfect
cynyeelim #5
Chapter 4: Omg.The onew here is so damn perfect xD I love naughty onew
Chapter 44: like this story, it's simple but really great
nisce story^^
Hyun_Mi04 #7
Chapter 44: I likey this story. XD
Chapter 40: hi author nim...I juz read this story n for this chapter, I cant see the pic that show onew tweets...can u fix it? I really want to see what onew tweets about christine...ur storg are too best for me to ignore the tweets...please....
leejinki07 #9
Chapter 44: cool!!love it
IHateJustinBieber #10
Chapter 44: Re-read it in an hour... Hahaha this is the best fic ever, again. This fic gave me courage so I had an urge to read it again. LOL