What happened to you?

10 days with Lee Jin Ki



It was past 10 pm and Robi’s car was parked in front of Christine’s house. “Goodnight, Robi.” She said and kissed him on the cheek.

She was about to open the door to go out when Robi called her, “Tine.” Instead of going out, she looked back at him with a confused face. “Can we talk for a bit?”

She sensed through his voice that he was up to something serious. “Sure.” She laid her back on her seat and put her bag on her lap.

“Do you know how much I love you?” He asked.

Christine looked at Robi, waiting for him to answer his own question. “I love you more than I love myself.” He said, hinting sadness on his voice.

“Rob…” He uttered.

“These days I wondered why you’re not calling me baby, babe, sweetie, or hun anymore.” He looked at her and smiled bitterly. “I even wondered why you’re being cold.”

“At first I ignored it, thinking you might be adjusting yourself again. After all, it’s a 10 day vacation to somewhere you’ve never been into. I thought you’ll be returning to your real self soon.” He sighed. “Until my friend who just went back from Korea 3 days ago showed me this…”

He took out a photo and showed it to her. Her eyes widened. Someone spotted them together on the airport back from Caledonia and took a photo of them together, walking while holding hands out of the airport.

She swallowed, trying to grasp for some words that can explain why she is with someone else.

“It’s not that I’m forcing you… but can I claim my right of knowing why you are with him?” He asked. “He is from SHINee, right?”

She nodded, not looking directly at his eyes.

“Why were you together? And according to the news, you went back from Caledonia. What did you do there?”

She didn’t answer, not because she doesn’t want him to know. Christine was not answering because she doesn’t know how to explain it to him, for she doesn’t know how to explain it to herself either.

“Should I ask a yes or no question for you to answer it easily?” He asked gently. Anger won’t be traced on his voice.

“Did you spend the vacation in Caledonia?” She nodded.

“With him?” She nodded again.

He sighed. “Did you not think about me when you were with him?”

It took few seconds before she was about to answer. She said yes.

“And lastly… did something happen between the two of you?”

She closed her eyes and was about to answer when he said, “No. It’s okay. Please don’t answer. I changed my mind.” He breathed heavily and looked away.

She bitted her lower lip, feeling so guilty about how she’s making him feel right now. Christine heard the impact of his back on his seat as he laid on it and looked upward. “This is all my fault.” He said. “I’m sorry for what I did.”

She looked at him in surprise. After all the things she did, he is the one saying sorry to her now? Why?

“If I went with you in Korea, then you wouldn’t be as weak as how you were because you’re alone. I’m sorry. I should’ve known better.” He massaged his temples and closed his eyes. “I was wrong.”

“Because of what happened, you are being confused now. I’m sorry I’ve caused such a trouble for what I did.”

“Robi. It’s not your fault. Why do you keep on blaming yourself?” She was already crying, feeling so much guilt inside. “It’s my fault. It’s really my fault.” She insisted.

“If I didn’t give you that 10 day vacation trip, and if I didn’t tell you about forgetting me during the vacation, then this won’t happen.”

“No Robi. Please. Don’t blame yourself.” She was crying really hard.

He hugged her as soon as he saw her tears. “No, please. Don’t cry Christine. Don’t cry.” He hugged her tightly. “I’m not blaming you. I understand. I’m not mad. I’m willing to forgive and move on with you. Please, be okay. Don’t feel bad.” He uttered while rubbing her back. “I love you, please, don’t be sad.”

“I shouldn’t have done it, Robi. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I lost my mind. I didn’t know why I do that. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.” She kept on saying those things while crying really hard.

Robi looked at her and slowly leaned forward to reach for his lips. They lips touched each other. Robi gently gave her the assurance that he’s still willing to accept her no matter what happened.

“Are you willing to move on with me? I mean… do you still want to continue the things we had planned in the very first place?” He gently wiped the tears on her face. “Give me the answer tomorrow. I’ll wait for you. You should go inside and sleep well tonight. I want you to think things over. Be brave, Christine. I love you.” He pecked a kiss on her forehead and asked her to go.

He rested his head on his seat and hit the steering wheel. “Why can’t I even get mad at her?”


-=Author's Note=-

There, guys~ Another update. :D Yiheeeeee... FTW~

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Chapter 44: Sweet Jesus, I read this in 2015 and I'm really glad that I read this story from the start to the end.
I actually wished stephanie and Robi to be together, and Im so happy you made it that way<3
I really love reading your storiesTT_TT I'm so addicted to them lol
You're a really awesome author, indeed:') i'm gonna read the other stories:D
Oh, and just for your information, I've been reading Capturing Taemin Oppa for three times like IM SERIOUS, THREE TIMES
i smiled, laughed, and got the same feels on the same chapter lol I think you did really great! Capturing Taemin Oppa was the best fanfiction i've ever read, serious!!!
I'll be here watching your progress in writing and reading your lovely stories<3
cynyeelim #2
Chapter 31: Reading this chapter with the gif at the end with listening to <everybody> is so matchh
cynyeelim #3
cynyeelim #4
Chapter 12: Omg. Having an intant secret relationship like that is just so perfect
cynyeelim #5
Chapter 4: Omg.The onew here is so damn perfect xD I love naughty onew
Chapter 44: like this story, it's simple but really great
nisce story^^
Hyun_Mi04 #7
Chapter 44: I likey this story. XD
Chapter 40: hi author nim...I juz read this story n for this chapter, I cant see the pic that show onew tweets...can u fix it? I really want to see what onew tweets about christine...ur storg are too best for me to ignore the tweets...please....
leejinki07 #9
Chapter 44: cool!!love it
IHateJustinBieber #10
Chapter 44: Re-read it in an hour... Hahaha this is the best fic ever, again. This fic gave me courage so I had an urge to read it again. LOL