Introducing... Lee Jin Ki

10 days with Lee Jin Ki


“Kamsahamnida~” Onew bowed to everyone as the recording was finished. “You worked hard, Thank You very much.” He kept on bowing to everyone with courteousness.

“You worked hard too, Onew-ssi.” One of the writer-noonas told him with empathy. “As usual, we can always expect good working relationship with your group.” She continued praising.

Onew flashed the usual Onew Smile. She almost fainted as Onew’s teeth shine and sparkle together with the perfect curved lips. “Aniyo~ Noona.” He said in his dubu voice. The noona wanted to faint for the 2nd time around.

He continued bowing and greeting the staff and crew until all of them went out of the studio and reached downstairs to go to the next schedule.

“Oppa!! Oppa!!” Fans screamed as they saw SHINee went out to go to their van. “Onew-oppa!”

Onew turned to the fan who called and smiled. Loud scream was heard again.


“Pfft.” Onew expressed as he closed the van. “As usual.”

“Onew-yah. I received a call from the PD and they are inviting you to do 1000 song challenge again.” The manager told him.

“The last time you told them to team me up with a girl, they gave me a woman as old as my mother.” The other members laughed on the back. “Hyung, can you ask them to give me a partner of the same age? Someone who is quite younger is okay, too.” He jokingly said but everybody knows it is really what he wants to happen.

“Do you think I can ask them that?” The manager looked at them in his WTF face. “They will think I’m weird.”

“Aniya~” He shook his head. “Just try to do it, hyung. I want to do the 1000 song challenge with a youngster this time.” He looked at the members at his back. “If you were me, will you allow yourself to be teamed up with an old person every single time?”

The members shook their head and chuckled, “Of course not, hyung.” Jonghyun said.

“See? Do something about it, hyung.” Onew looked at the manager again and patted his shoulder. They were chuckling when Onew’s phone rang.

“Shin Hye-ah~~” He answered coolly. “Oh, I’m sorry. I have a schedule until 12:30 tonight. I can’t make it. I promise I’ll make it up to you the next time.”, then he hanged up.

“But hyung, we don’t have any schedule after 7 pm tonight.” Taemin said when he heard his conversation with the person on the other line.

“I already met her thrice. It’s not entertaining at all.” One simply said. “Joon introduced her to me when we had a drink at his home with his other friends. It was fun at first, but I felt bored on our 3rd meeting.” He tossed his phone and caught it.

“Did you score?” Minho asked naughtily.

“Just here.” Onew pointed his lips. “And here.” He pointed his neck. “Apart from that, not at all. She was hard to get.”

“I wonder why the company allows you to be that carefree. I mean, you’re the idol with the most wholesome image, and they still allow you do it.” Key shook his head while checking his phone.

“They can’t do anything about it, and besides, I know how to be careful.” He reasoned out. “Even Teukie hyung and Yunho hyung are like that. Fans are just more suspicious of them because they have slightly naughty images of them.”

“While us, members, always take the blame when fans pity you when you seem to be out of place.” Jonghyun complained.

“During the times when you don’t want talking to us, we get the blame saying we never paid attention to you and treats you as an outcast.” Minho added.

“Even some are saying I stopped being close with you just because I got more mature.” Taemin said.

“That’s what you call ‘skill’, kids.” Onew smirked and shrugged his shoulder.

“Who’s gonna be your next girl then?”

“Haven’t meet her~” Onew pouted. “And I won’t be able to meet someone for the next 3 days. We’re so busy.” 

-= Author's Note =-

So I was shocked this morning when I figured out almost 20 have already subscribed to the story. With that, I felt proud and pressured at the same time. This should be a hit then since a lot have already started to expect something out of this story. Anyways... I just introduced you Onew's character in this story. I hope you get how I want him to portray in this particular story. Look forward to the next chapter then and give me some feedbacks. Okay. Thank you~




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Chapter 44: Sweet Jesus, I read this in 2015 and I'm really glad that I read this story from the start to the end.
I actually wished stephanie and Robi to be together, and Im so happy you made it that way<3
I really love reading your storiesTT_TT I'm so addicted to them lol
You're a really awesome author, indeed:') i'm gonna read the other stories:D
Oh, and just for your information, I've been reading Capturing Taemin Oppa for three times like IM SERIOUS, THREE TIMES
i smiled, laughed, and got the same feels on the same chapter lol I think you did really great! Capturing Taemin Oppa was the best fanfiction i've ever read, serious!!!
I'll be here watching your progress in writing and reading your lovely stories<3
cynyeelim #2
Chapter 31: Reading this chapter with the gif at the end with listening to <everybody> is so matchh
cynyeelim #3
cynyeelim #4
Chapter 12: Omg. Having an intant secret relationship like that is just so perfect
cynyeelim #5
Chapter 4: Omg.The onew here is so damn perfect xD I love naughty onew
Chapter 44: like this story, it's simple but really great
nisce story^^
Hyun_Mi04 #7
Chapter 44: I likey this story. XD
Chapter 40: hi author nim...I juz read this story n for this chapter, I cant see the pic that show onew tweets...can u fix it? I really want to see what onew tweets about christine...ur storg are too best for me to ignore the tweets...please....
leejinki07 #9
Chapter 44: cool!!love it
IHateJustinBieber #10
Chapter 44: Re-read it in an hour... Hahaha this is the best fic ever, again. This fic gave me courage so I had an urge to read it again. LOL