The Confession

Paradise ( HANA KIMI EXO Version)


The dorm heads have discovered my real identity already and to my surprise, they chose to keep my secret and l;et me stay in the school. To be honest, the moment they asked me if I am a girl, I am already ready to run away and off to the airport I go but then again I stayed because as a grownup I have to face the consequences of my every action. I am also tired of the thought of fleeing to the US just because things didn’t go my way on how I want to see it.


I believe that I am lucky enough that I have met those wonderful people that even my ‘stalker’ can no longer scare the full hell out of me, though I admit that I still am scared, but I feel safer now because of them.


In this wee hour of the night, sitting on the toilet bowl, I kept on thinking, wait.. . I am not taking a dump, OK? Just thinking inside the toilet because I can’t seem to face the man who is sound asleep outside now and if I went out, I might be seeing the other man.. I feel so tormented, like I am having a diarrhea, only that the whirlwind of spasm is happening in my head.


Earlier this evening while drying my hair after I showered, Luhan sat on his bed across mine. It was the time that I knew that he already knew that I am a girl. I smiled at him and thanked him for once again, standing for me..


“That’s because we are bestfriends, Soongyu”

“Just call me Sunny”

“Erm. I might call you that while we are outside and that’ll be a problem right?”

“Right. Then try not to call me ‘Sunny’ when we are out. Kk” I got up and placed the towel on the hanger

“Sunny” he said. I admit, I am not still used to him calling me by my name, Sunny though.

I turned to look at him but I was caught off guard because Luhan was standing just a foot away from me, hands on his pocket. Head bowed down, with eyes that refused to meet mine as he shifts his weight from one foot to another.

“Yes Lulu?” He looked at me and smiled, but it’s kinda unnatural,

“I need to tell you something”

“Tell me” “I like you”

“I like you too. Ever since. That is why we are bestfriends, right?” pardon my stupidity for not getting what he meant right away

“It’s love”

“I love you all. Is that even new?”

“Sunny Lee, listen to me..” he said and grabbed me by my shoulders with his strong yet gentle hands, his hands stayed on my shoulders whilst still keeping a distance from the two of us. The both of us stared at each other for 8 deafening seconds, yeah I counted those times, and by that time, I didn’t know how he did it. It just happened, from the cutie boy to the serious Luhan you’ll dare not to piss off. “For almost 8 months, you’ve been with us here as a boy, you’ve been my best friend. Though at first, I thought that you are just one annoying pretty boy who will steal the spotlight from me, but no, it didn’t happen like that. You actually become one of those who helped me shine even more, most of all, you have thought me to be selfless, you thought me the real meaning of being a man. Before, I would laugh at these people who are crushing on the same gender, but never did I know that all of these is because of an element called love.”


“Sssh.. Let me finish. This is now or never. Please. I just need to clear my heart, mind and soul” he looked at me with those eyes full of concentration while his left index finger is placed on my lips. I just gave him a short nod, assuring him that he can continue whatever it is, “little by little though, fear started to gnaw the insides of me because I know in myself that I am a man. A real man, a straight guy.. you are the problem!”

“What did I do?!” I protested

“One more unwanted noise and you’ll regret cutting my monologue once more..” I involuntary took a step back as he closed the gap between the two of us, I mouthed “sorry” then he cleared his throat and continued, “you are the problem because all the while I knew that you are a boy. Someone of the same species like us and I am being attracted to you. At first, it’s just like a simple one but then it seems like an electric shock is moving inside my body everytime I am with you, just like now. That is the time when I thought of how to be a real man. to be a man doesn’t mean you have to beastly, or suave or whatever it is that defines a real man in normal perspective, to be a man means accepting in yourself that you are not perfect and accepting that you are just a human being able to be loved and to give love no matter who the person is. To be a man needs courage. Sunny Lee, I am in love with you. I am already decided that I would not care if they will call me a gay because at least I am not afraid top admit in myself that I love you. And now that I’ve learned that you are a girl, my bottled-up feeling are getting even stronger”

“Luhan… I honestly don’t know what to say..”

“It’s OK. I don’t expect you to give me a concrete answer right away because I know you aren’t ready for all of this that has happened today”


We stared at each other for a moment and I admit, I am one lucky girl or man(?) to be able to have this handsome guy right in front of me to confess on me about what he really feels. For a flash of second, serious Luhan went back to the jolly old Lulu..


“Na bestfriend.. I need fresh air.. kk.. I’ll go out for now.. be back later.. good night!!!!!” he said and disappeared on the doorway


I locked the door after he left, I can’t still believe what had just happened, I am in tyranced when my phone rang and put me back to reality,


A video call from my angels..



“Look who’s with me!” One by one, hyo focused the phone to each angels’ faces. Our conversation mainly focused on their visit here in Korea and that I should spend it with them and no one but them. I tried to be the usual cheerful Sunny and hid the worry I have for real.


An hour later after Luhan left, I heard the jingle of the keys and the door know moved. I hastily covered myself with the sheets and pretended to be asleep, I felt his presence standing next before me then he sighed and after that, I heard his bead creaked.. it was not long until his snores started to fill the room.






I lied on my bed and played with myself.. the ‘pretending you are sleeping’ game. I snore like a real sleeping man when in fact sleep refuses to come to me no matter how much I welcome it. I turned to look to the other side of the bed, facing the wall because I don’t know what kind of thoughts will come to my mind if I faced the other real figure in this room.


I heard her move and wore her sleepers. I shut my eyes tight and clutched my blanket. As soon as I heard the bathroom door closed, I opened my eyes again and looked around me. The scenes of the few hours ago are still vivid in my mind.


I didn’t know where the heck did I got the courage to confess and tell her everything but..oh.. I dunno!!! It just appeared on my doorstep out of the blue and I quickly grabbed it.


To be honest, I never really have fallen in love. Unlike what others think of me, my heart is just as innocent as my youthful face, but not my eyes.. well you know already why they are no longer innocent.. No need to elaborate. >.< And I assure you that I no longer visualize that y body.. oopsss.. I should stop this. I sound like a maniac.


Anyway, as I am saying, I never really have fallen in love, love as in the type of love for another person you envision yourself to be with until your hair turns snow white or when you no longer have any teeth but you still manage to smile fully because of the contentment of being with that person. Soongyu is the one who have brought cupid together with him and I was cupid’s lucky victim. You see, I used ‘him’ because I really am so into him. And Sunny, she is the one who has shined a light to my dilemma. I love both of them equally. But I know I have to be ready to whatever it is that will happen in the future.




I didn’t realized that I fell asleep. I didn’t even know what time she went out from the toilet and I won’t even dare to think whatever it is that she did there.


I turned to look on her bedside as soon as I woke up but to my disappointment, she’s no longer there… shooottt!!!! I KNOW WHY?! Oh my SISUS!!!! I AM LATE!!!!


It’s freaking 12 in the noon.. NO I am not late… I totally ditched morning class..rhgauiergtuyegtry8e


OK Calm down Luhan.. inhale.. exhale.. inhale..exhale..


I got up and took a bath then wiped the steam off the mirror. I stared at my body intently.. OK. Only I can stare.. COVER YOUR EYES.. did you covered them already?? Ok.. so as I am saying, I am staring at myself.. I got well-chiseled abs.. my biceps and triceps are well built.. my thighs and legs are ok.. and most of all I got good skin and a handsome face, right? Sorry if you think that I am being conceited, I am not.. I just want to make sure that I am fit to be her other half.


I went to the cafeteria right after. My stomach is rumbling like there are three hundred tornadoes moving inside all at once. As I was helping myself with the wide array of foods, I can’t help but to look at her.. there sitting and laughing with the most devoted SNSD fanboy who will totally be in his fanboy mode once he knew who she is; with the derp yet charismatic womanizer who might be formulating a way to make a move to her; with the shaman who will be more confused once the truth was unveiled; with the little bun who will surely show more aegyo than needed; with the musical genius diva who might be doing his own acoustic version of ‘nobody’ just to impress her; with the troll that has the most handsome jawline who will definitely use the power of his voice to grab her attention; with the intimidating yet soft-spoken and gentle panda who I am sure is making a way to use his tempting aegyo so he could have her all for himself; wity the guardian who has been there protecting her all the while and; with the cold-faced punk who is miraculously back to his jolly self.


I quietly sat on one of the deserted tables and began eating my brunch, there is no room left to squeeze myself with the group that is why. I noticed them staring at me..


“Wae?” I asked

“Why are you absent?” Kris asked

“I overslept”

“Are you sick?” Tao asked

“Nope..” Then all of them looked at each other, I slowly swallowed my food, my eyes not leaving their mischievous faces , then they started to walk to my direction, including here. Before I knew it, the three giants are already carrying me while I am sitting on the chair back to their table..

“YAHH!!! PUT ME DOWN!!! IT’S SO HIGH!!!!” I screamed like a little kid as I covered my eyes, not wanting to look down, I am afraid of heights.. very very afraid.. T.T

“Lulu, gwaenchana?You look like a ghost” she said and wiped the sweat that formed on my forehead.

“He’s fine.. look, he is as red as a cherry” Baekhyun grinned

How will I not blush?! She just touched me tenderly!!!!

“Why did you sat away from us?” They all asked

“There is no more chair..”




After lunch, I went to the soccer field and sat on the bleachers. I can’t help but to think of the times during the sports festival. The times when I felt the power running through my system especially during the times when I will her voice calling out my name..


Wait.. I am just reminiscing.. why am I hearing voices now? Am I hallucinating? I am not taking drugs!!!!


“Oh.. My!!!! Umma!!!!’ I jumped from my seat when a cold hand touched my shoulder then I turned and my mouth formed a big O

“Did I bother you?”

“No. It’s fine, Sunny”

“I want to tell you something”


“I already have an answer”


“About last night..” I turned serious when I heard her mention the thing last night.. but then…


*Tokyo, London, New York.. Paris. Oppa Oppa*


“I.. I’ll just tell you next time.. my oppas are calling..”


A/N: I know I was supposed to update yesterday but I fell asleep.. OTL mianhae for being irresponsible.. just so dead tired from school. >.<

yay! cheers to my 100th paradise subbie!!!!

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Chapter 54: Sunny has D cups............she has the biggest pair in GG........she's hella not flat chested bruh.
Chapter 37: Lol Sunny has the biggest s in SNSD how did it not show?!
Chapter 14: I though that was Hyomin from T-ARA for a sec lol.
Chapter 11: You guys are gonna hate me but I actually don't think Kris is that attractive. Lol sorry.
Chapter 7: Ok is Sunny a dude? and what does she mean by shes not a girl yet?! I'm confused
noriemantile #6
Chapter 81: hello Author-nim~ I really love your story. I wish you can make other stories about Sunny Unnie <3.
jeonsunhan #7
Chapter 81: i hve read this once but i read it bck cause of the story is so amazing~!! i luv it
yme_xiu #8
Lob this story
yme_xiu #9
Ermm..wait.. Hana kimi?? Oguri shun? Toma ikuta?
Chapter 37: oh my.. XD I was about to say how sweet and such a charming prince kris is... not until he commented about sunkyu's chest XD puhahahaha