Chapter 6: School Again!

A Kingka Fell In Love With Me! (Revising)

~Eun Sun's POV~

I groaned when my alarm clock woke me up at 5:50 am. Turning around on my bed didn't help. Even trying to sleep through didn't help either. I grabed my plushie of a star fish and shot it at my alarm, making it fall off and stop that annoying noise. 

"Peace at last," I said, repostioning my place in bad and fall back to sleep. 

Then suddenly my balnket vanished how a magician make the girl vanish in a trick. I whined and sat up. My brother and I started to bicker. Arguement after areguement. We were the at the point that we are like an old married couple who has many problems. 

"You still have to school," my oppa said. 

"Ani," I said, going back to sleep," I screamed. 

"Fine." He came near me and started to tickle me; he knew ticking me was my weakness. It always have been ever since I was little. He continued until I pulled out the white flag. "There you go. Now go get ready." 

I mumbled and walked off the bathroom. Did the same old morning routine and this time curled my hair and used make up, which Mrs. Lee gave to me ever since I dated Kiseop. She said I need to bring out my features espicailly my eyes and lips. I wanted to experience it and have it a go. After all of that, grabbed my totoro back pack and headed downstairs.

"Morning sweetie," my mother said, smiling at me. My dad smiled too but didnt greet me. He knows that I know he will say the same thing. I just ate my toast bread, drank half of my mango juice, and off I went. 

I kept thinking what should I do if the bullies did something to me. I can either stand their like ghost or walk to school insted of taking the bus. Too late for the second choic; I was already here. Also, speaking to the devil. 

"Look... what we have here," Eli said, with a plastered smirk, "How was your sleep, four eyes?" I looked away and tried not to be scared or mad at the same time. "Hello. Earth to nerd. Can you hear me?" Moving my head in many directions and tried to look at the eyes of the devil. "Hey! Look at me when I am talknig to you!" His voice was raging and forced my head to look at his direction. 

"Back off," I screamed, slapping his hands away from me. "You know it already that your here talking to me. It is like living in hell when your presence is here." After that event, I walked off. I really don't have to put that off every morning, five days week. "That jerk!" 

"Hey, there is the protective brothers' sister," said L. Everyone laugh and I just rolled my eyes. 

"So how did you do," asked Jwi So. I looked down and handed them my gradings. "I am so s- O...M...G!" 

"What," Infinited screamed in a unison. 

"All 100 in her clases! Why can't you just graduate already. You make me feel so retarted," said Jwi So, pouting. 

I hugged her and said, "You are not retarted. You are smart and pretty. That's the thing. Your also pretty." 

Jwi So couldn't stop smiling. She loved it when she is called 'pretty', which she is. 

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Will update soon don't worry


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Chapter 75: seems eli doesn't want let her go...
I like kiseop..he is so sweet^^
Chapter 74: wahh..eli and her getting closer..I hope she will not forget kiseop...hehe...update soon^^
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 73: Please update!!
Chapter 73: and..I'm very curious..I want to know what will eli do..he want to fight for his love or give up...poor kiseop and the babies if eli still want her to be with him
Chapter 73: wahhh...such a great story!!! I really like it...please update soon quickly^^
Chapter 72: OMFG ITS TWINS!!! i fricken love your story <3 update soon~ FIGHTING!
Goldie #7
Chapter 71: Aww thats sweet kiseop
Lexi14 #8
I hope you update soon i really like this story and cant wait for you to update^.^
Goldie #9
Shineelover77 #10
Chapter 70: waiting for it ... BTW love your story