
In your atmosphere

It had been 2 weeks since you had been discharged from the hospital, and it had been the most boring 2 weeks of your entire life!

Your aunt wouldn’t let you go out because of your leg, there was no TV or computer so you couldn’t contact your friends. You tried to call or text them but they either didn’t pick up or made excuses.

That Kikwang guy hadn’t been over either. You were half tempted to start hacking at some cables with a saw just so you could get your aunt to have him come over, and then you would strike a conversation with him…though he didn’t seem like the talkative type.

You were slowly fading away.

“Can I go to the library today?” you asked. “I need to study, I’m going to be behind on school work.”

Your aunt looked up at you from her ironing. “We don’t have a Library here in West Seoul sweetheart. It was burnt down.”

“No…the library in East Seoul. I know my way, and I promise to be back by 7 this evening, in time for dinner.”

Your aunt didn’t look convinced. “I don’t know, I shouldn’t be letting you travel all the way by yourself. You won’t be going back to school for some time.”

“I can use the tubes fine, I need to get out and catch up with friends anyway.”

“Well let me finish this and I’ll accompany you.”

You were mortified at the thought. “No! I-I mean, I don’t want to keep you from housework, I’ll be fine on my own.”

Your aunt smiled at you. “Okay, well be safe.”

“I will,” you said as you left.




You approached Seoul Ballet Theatre and you cursed as you saw that the large Nutcracker posters no longer showed your beautifully made up face, but the face of…Sooyeon.

“That ,” you hissed.

“~~~~~~~ ah?”

You looked to see your dance teacher walk towards you, he gasped at your leg. “So the rumours are true…you can no longer dance?”

You cleared your throat. “The doctor said that there could be a chance that I could dance again but…”

Your dance teacher frowned. “I’m sorry ~~~~~~ ah, but by then you would be out of shape and rusty. Besides, chances of dancing to utter perfection after accidents such as this are slim. It’s a shame that you were not able to perform, but Sooyeon luckily stepped in. It was one of our most successful shows.”


You were seething. “How can you say the show was good if that wooden fool danced instead of me?!” you asked furiously. “I was the star of the show!”

“That’s right, ‘was’. The loss of your skills and talents will cost the company greatly but all dancers are replaceable,” your dance teacher said. “I am greatly saddened that I was not able to see you grow as a dancer and reach your prime years.”

“B-But…” you stuttered but he cut you off.

“It’s time you find something else. Stay healthy and have a good life, I’m sorry everything that has happened to you though.”

You sank into a nearby bench and you couldn’t breathe, your dance teacher – who had called you his star, his most treasured dancer – was easily dumping you like so sort of rubbish.

Angrily standing up you left. *I’ll show him…I will make myself better and dance for another company.*

You hobbled off, hoping to vent to your friends.

As you edged closer to Seoul High you began to regret coming, you’d been out of school since the crash and you hadn’t talked or seen anyone except for Yumi.

*What the heck. I’m Choi ~~~~~ ah, I’m popular!*

Someone barged into you.


“Get out of the way, freak,” a girl hissed at you as she strutted off into Seoul High, you felt like slapping her.

“, doesn’t even know the school’s Queenka.”

You brightened up when you heard the school bell ring and people began to rush out the doors into the parking lot.

“Hey!” you waved as you saw your friends. You hopped on your crutches and stood in front of them, without your heels on, you were short. You hadn’t ever mind being 5 ft 4 and a half since it was easier for people to lift you up, but you had always wished you had long legs. All of your friends were at least 5 ft 6.

“What are you doing here?” your friend, Sunmi, asked. She looked down at your cast. “The papers actually got a rumour correct, you can’t dance anymore.”

You didn’t like her tone, it was as if she was glad you were hurt.

“Er yeah…why haven’t any of you come to see me?! I’ve been texting and calling!” you exclaimed and looked around at them, no one would look you in the eye. “How about we go to our favourtie café and we can catch up?”

Sunmi stepped forward and towered over you. “Listen, since you can’t dance and we’ve heard that you’re poor till you’re 21, we don’t want you to be friends with us. We can’t have a peasant ruining our image.”

You were hurt by her comments. “What are you talking about? I’m Queenka of Seoul High.”

“Not anymore, we all took a vote…you’re no longer the Queenka, I am. Besides, the tuition fee for this school is going to be more than what your penniless aunt will be able to make in 5 years, so you won’t even be able to go to school here.”

You glared at Sunmi. “I am still a student here. You won’t get everything; you will never be like me.”

“Please. You and Junho broke up the night of the crash; you don’t have the Kingka boyfriend, the rich parents or the show. Give it up ~~~~~~ ah…without dancing you’re nothing.”

Sunmi and the girls laughed at you pitifully and walked away in their Prada heels and stepped into the cars there parents bought for them.

You blinked back tears. How could they do this to you? Dump you so easily because your leg was broken, because you were poor…because your career over. *What happened to friends through it all?* you asked yourself miserably.

Fighting the urge to kick their asses, you hobbled off.

“~~~~~~ ah?” Junho’s voice called from behind you, you slowly turned to see him with a ty girl and 2PM behind him.

You scowled at the girl. “I see you had no trouble moving on.”

Junho glanced at the girl than smirked at you. “At least she’s not a tease or broke.”

His friends laughed.

“I like the cast ~~~~~~ ah,” Taecyeon sarcastically said.

“Where’d you get it? A dump?” Junsu cruelly joked. Nichkhun high fived him and Wooyoung looked at as if you were inferior. Chansung didn’t say anything, but you knew he would side with his hyung’s…he always did.

Junho walked towards you and pulled the couple ring off. “I don’t date tramps,” he said with a cold smirk and threw the couple ring in a nearby bin.

He walked off with his phony friends and got into the black Hummer H3T, he revved the engine and zoomed off. 2PM recklessly stood up in the back and held beer cans up.

You couldn’t stop the tears flowing down your cheeks. *This is so unfair! How could they do this to me? How could Junho…*

You didn’t want to continue those thoughts. You always knew people in Seoul High were shallow, but your friends and 2PM took that word onto a whole new level.

“I don’t people like that in my life,” you whispered to yourself as you sat on the tube, making your way back home. “To hell with all of them.”

Once you got off the tube and up on high ground, you couldn’t go home yet. Your aunt would notice something was wrong and she’d force you tell, you weren’t ready to confess your problems to a woman you barely knew.

Instead you made your way to a park. Well…it was vandalised, but luckily the swings were still intact.

“I HATE MY LIFE!” you shouted angrily as hot tears spiralled down your cheeks. The cold air made your breath come out in a cloud and you angrily stared at your cast.

“Ever thought of a joining the opera? With lungs like that, you’ll be the new Sarah Brightman,” a voice said from behind, startling you.


Mean people right? Poor you :( Who's the 'voice'? :L Hope you all liked it :D

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Chapter 46: OMG. This fic... Is .. /creys a ing river
it's so gorgeous ;___; and kikwang omfg WHERE ARE MY OVARIES ASDFGHJKL

Thank you for writing this c':
Chapter 12: "That girl can make a nun swear!"
I'm sorry for spamming comments ;_;
/le continues reading
Chapter 7: I nearly cried at this chapter.. ;___;
She lost everything in a night, omfg...
@ LovesYoseob: No it's not weird at all, thank you so much for liking my stories. It really means a lot to me :D
I finished rereading this story for like.. the third time haha. Still love it! I can't really say reread since it was really... in-depth skimming? I'd reread Captures but.. I don't know if my heart could take it lol. Anyway, just wanted to say I still love your writing! My mind didn't change from the year and half that I read this maybe.. I imagined everything, and I mean everything, the same: even though I know who 4Minute is now and so much more about Beast. Sorry for the rambling, I'd feel guilty if I reread it and didn't tell you. That's weird, isn't it?
callumhood #6
lovelyvd #7
ahhh very looooong story.. it was entertain me much!
Laaaaaaab re-reading this :3
nice story
lingy_li #10
OMG i love this story!!!!