
In your atmosphere

Kikwang arrived at the dance battler location, his angry look didn’t repel girls, but attracted them.

“Omo! He’s so hot!”

“I love it when guys are serious like him.”

“Does he have a girlfriend?”

Kikwang smirked bitterly. *No I don’t, thanks to certain people.*

“Dude! You made it!” Doojoon greeted Kikwang. “You feeling better?”

Kikwang saw that 4minute was here too, and he felt his fists burn. “No…but I feel like beating a few people tonight,” he said, meaning the other type of ‘beating’ too.

Doojoon anxiously bit his lip at how bloodthirsty Kikwang sounded. “Okay, well we’re practicing so why don’t we go here.”




“Drive faster!” you ordered the taxi driver. “I’ll pay you more money!”

“I can’t the traffic is too heavy, we’re only a few minutes from West Seoul anyway…so you shouldn’t be late.”

You looked at Yumi. “I have to get out of here.”

“You can’t, we’re on the middle of a road.”

“Yeah but the traffic’s not moving,” you reminded her and got out of the taxi and ran for your life.

“Yah!” Yumi and the taxi driver shouted in unison. “Aish stupid girl,” Yumi hissed. “Drive faster now.”

Thankfully, Yumi had told you where the dance battler was. You were sprinting so fast, it didn’t even feel like you were running, more like gliding along the road. People beeped the horns as you dodged past their cars.

You didn’t care about anything else. *I’m coming Kikwang oppa. I’m coming back.*




Kikwang was performing quite poorly, it was like his mind was somewhere else. In the middle of a pyramid, Kikwang lost his balance and almost dropped Dongwoon.

“I’m fine,” Dongwoon assured the others. “It’s him you should be worrying about.”

Hyunseung handed Kikwang a drink. “Look, maybe you should sit this out. We don’t want one of us dying,” but he looked at Yoseob temptingly. “But one dying might not be so bad.”

Yoseob pouted. “Yah…look at Junhyung. He’s the one leaving dirty underwear everywhere.”

Yoseob said it in front of girls, once they heard it, they squealed in disgust and quickly hurried away. Junhyung whacked Yoseob.

“You ruin my life.”

Yoseob rubbed his head but smiled happily. “And it cheers up my life.”

Kikwang shook his head. “No, I’m fine.”

“Are you sure? You look a little-…”

“I said I’m fine, Hyunseung,” Kikwang snapped. Hyunseung held his hands up.

“My bad.”

Hyunseung whispered to Doojoon, “This kid is falling apart.”

“I know, but what can we do?”

Other groups were performing, their stunts were good but if B2ST were performing and all their members were in good condition, those stunts would be nothing.

Doojoon sighed. *We’re doomed unless a miracle happens.*




You reached the dance battle location, but as you tried to get in, you bumped into someone.

“YOU!” you screeched and tried to grab a fistful of Hyuna’s hair. “You ruined everything! You turned Kikwang against me, and now you’re going to-…”

Hyuna rolled her eyes. “Relax, you can have him.”

“Yeah right. You think I’m going to believe that? I know everything, how you got your brotherto me. What kind of sick thing is that?”

“I know, and I truly am sorry for what I’ve done to you. But now I know…Kikwang will never love me. He loves you so much he rejected me,” Hyuna said arrogantly. “Not to mention he gave me a big wakeup call earlier. You two deserve each other, just don’t lie to him anymore…and dump that Junho.”

Hyuna left leaving you stunned and slightly embarrassed. *She just had a civil conversation with me, and I was getting ready to kick her .*

But you weren’t here to deal with Hyuna, but with Kikwang and Junho…Kikwang first.

You fought your way through the crowd, but couldn’t find B2ST at all. You pushed unfamiliar faces out of your way, but it was no good.

“Choi ~~~~ ah?” someone asked. You turned to see the host look at you. “Omo! It is you! Will you please do my even the honour of dancing for us and then handing the prize over to the winners? It will be great, just don’t tell the police.”

You nodded frantically. “Sure…if you do one thing for me.”

“Argh-urmm,” someone cleared their throat over the mic. Kikwang didn’t bother to look up, thinking it was another announcement from the host. “Kikwang oppa? Are you here?” your familiar, sweet voice called out.

Kikwang slowly lifted his head up and stood, not quite believing it. But you were there, on stage, in a pretty white dress, waiting for him. *Is this a dream?*

“Can we get a spotlight?” the host asked. Suddenly, a bright white light shone down on Kikwang. You swallowed nervously as you saw him, all that time of not seeing him, and now…it was almost surreal.

“Hi,” you waved timidly. Kikwang was slowly walking forward, the crowd making an automatic path for him. “I-I know I should have called first, but I needed to talk to you soon. You were right, I shouldn’t have hidden anything from you. I don’t even know why I did.”

The crowd was muttering, but you only had eyes for Kikwang and he only for you.

“I didn’t tell you because…I really was afraid. I didn’t want to lose you and I was so caught up on assumptions, that I never stopped and think to myself ‘You’re not this type of person’. I’m so sorry, for hurting you and B2ST. And I know I don’t deserve your apology but I really am sorry.”

Kikwang stopped just a few steps away from the stage, he took a deep breath in.

“And from now on, I’m going to be honest with you. And one thing I need to be honest about is that I’m still…deeply…madly in love with you.”

The entire crowd cooed and squealed.

Kikwang looked down then back up at you, with intense eyes. He strode over and hopped onto the stage, and with passion that was overwhelming, he kissed you deeply.

Sparks literally flew as the host had fireworks light the stage, people cheered and clapped loudly. Music was playing and you, were one happy girl.

Kikwang pulled back and cradled your cheek in his palm, the feel of your skin was just as smooth and warm. “And I love you.”

He kissed you again and this time, he picked you bridal style. He had to pull away to jump down the stage, and once he set you back on the ground. B2ST crowded around you.

“Baby!” Yoseob yelled and hugged you tight. For once, you didn’t mind and allowed him to hug you tight. Soon the others hugged you too.

“I missed you,” Doojoon said and ruffled your hair. You giggled.

“I miss you too.”

“~~~~ ah!” Yumi shouted. “You got here thank god!”

Junhyung caught her eye. “Hey.”

She blushed. “Hey.”

You all left the two of them alone.

“~~~~~ ah?”

Junho was coming towards you but rage exploded inside of you. “I’m so happy for you.”

You threw your arm back and let your fist snap forward, you punched Junho with all your strength. He groaned in pain.

“That is for splitting me and oppa up,” you slapped him hard. “And that is for making me think you were a decent friend.” You stamped on his foot.

“What the hell?” he yelped. You threw his phone at him.

“You disgust me. I’d rather hand around with a bunch of sewer rats than you,” you looked at the host. “Get them out of here, they’re not worthy.”

The host bowed at you. “Anything for Choi ~~~~~ ah.”

You saw 2PM get dragged away. B2ST cheered.

You looked at Kikwang, he took your hand and led you away to a quiet place.

“I’m sorry about the public display but-…” your sentence was cut short as Kikwang pressed his lips onto yours.

Forgetting everything else, you wrapped your arms around him and kissed him back deeply. How Kikwang had dreamt of kissing you again, and now he was here doing exactly that.

“I’m sorry, for everything I put you through,” you apologised. “I don’t know what I was thinking. Being friends with Junho? That was so stupid.”

 Kikwang hugged you. “I want us to be together, no more fighting. Can we do that?”

You smiled. “We can do anything if we’re together.”

He kissed the top of your head. “I’ll love you forever ~~~~~ ah.”

“I’ll love you forever too oppa.”




You and Kikwang were at your parents’ grave. You were putting flowers down and Kikwang held onto your hand.

“Thank you for giving birth to a lovely daughter. I will look after her and love her,” he promised.

You giggled and knelt down close to their grave. “I wish you could have met him, you would approve of him so much,” you kissed your fingers then put it on the tombstone. “I love you Umma and Appa.”

*I should be thanking you for giving birth to me. Because if you hadn’t, I would never have found my true love. Lee Kikwang.*


WAH!! It's finished :D hope you all liked the ending :D

Thank you to all my lovely readers and subscribers :D I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!


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Chapter 46: OMG. This fic... Is .. /creys a ing river
it's so gorgeous ;___; and kikwang omfg WHERE ARE MY OVARIES ASDFGHJKL

Thank you for writing this c':
Chapter 12: "That girl can make a nun swear!"
I'm sorry for spamming comments ;_;
/le continues reading
Chapter 7: I nearly cried at this chapter.. ;___;
She lost everything in a night, omfg...
@ LovesYoseob: No it's not weird at all, thank you so much for liking my stories. It really means a lot to me :D
I finished rereading this story for like.. the third time haha. Still love it! I can't really say reread since it was really... in-depth skimming? I'd reread Captures but.. I don't know if my heart could take it lol. Anyway, just wanted to say I still love your writing! My mind didn't change from the year and half that I read this maybe.. I imagined everything, and I mean everything, the same: even though I know who 4Minute is now and so much more about Beast. Sorry for the rambling, I'd feel guilty if I reread it and didn't tell you. That's weird, isn't it?
callumhood #6
lovelyvd #7
ahhh very looooong story.. it was entertain me much!
Laaaaaaab re-reading this :3
nice story
lingy_li #10
OMG i love this story!!!!