
In your atmosphere

“Hey, anyone fancy going to a club tonight?” Doojoon asked. “Exams are over so why not throw a celebration?”

You tilted your head. “I thought people celebrated when they got their results.”

Junhyung winked. “Call us rebels. I’m in though.”

“Me too!”

Kikwang looked at you. “Want to spend time with these goons?”

You giggled and nodded. “Sure. Oh! Can I invite a few other friends?"

“So as long as Yumi’s one of those ‘few people’, I’m cool,” Junhyung said calmly, but the corners of his lips were twitching.

“Great!” you squealed. “I’m sure we’ll have a good time.”




Your aunt was zooming around the now crowded living room, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she hid things.

“I’m so sorry the place is a mess.”

Doojoon waved his hands. “Trust me ahjumma, this is tidy. Try coming to a place where 5 guys live, it’s not pretty.”

Your aunt smiled. “Well, I’m glad ~~~~~~ ah has made some friends. And Kikwangie! I’m glad you’re her boyfriend.”

He bowed. “It’s my pleasure. She’s a lovely girl.”

Yoseob nodded enthusiastically. “She makes the best lunches!”

Your aunt laughed. “You all seem like lovely boys, her friends in East Seoul…they weren’t very nice people. You take care of my niece okay?”

B2ST bowed. “Of course we will!”

You and Yumi were in your room getting ready again.

“Do you think Junhyung likes the colour red?” Yumi asked nervously as she touched the hem of her dress.

You smiled. “All guys like red, it means a girl is confident.”

Yumi puffed her hair. “Okay. Oh, I don’t think I’ve told you this, but Junho and Sunmi are officially over. It was the biggest piece of news around school, I hate to say this but it might have been the smartest thing both of them did. Imagine if those two spawned? Think of the little devil children that will be running around?”

You giggled. “Yumi! You’re dreadful!”

She held her hands up. “I’m just saying you know. So what about West Seoul? Anything big?”

You were straightening your hair. “Well someone needs severe counselling for doing a documentary in animal for their media project.”

Yumi blinked then cracked up laughing. “I wished I was there,” she said as she wiped her tears.

You giggled, you put your hair strengtheners down and jumped slightly in approval. “There, I’m done. Let’s go clubbing!”

Junhyung was staring at the floor in a bored manner. “Why do girls take so long to get ready?”

“Why do guys have to be such grumps?” you said. They all turned and all 6 of their eyes and tongues fell out.

You and Yumi looked incredibly y yet kept that chic and sophisticated style, Yumi had gone for a sweet sultry look while you had gone for a y rocker chick look.

You walked over to Kikwang and gently shut his open jaw. “I take it I look nice?”

He nodded without saying a word.

Laughing you kissed his cheek. “You look pretty good too mister.”

Junhyung shot up from his seat and began to chat to Yumi. Hyunseung, Dongwoon, Doojoon and Yoseob looked jealously at them.

Doojoon frowned. “I really need a girlfriend.”




You , Yumi and B2ST got to the club. You and Yumi began to queue but Kikwang looked at you oddly.

“What are you doing?”

You pouted. “We’re queuing…no wait!”

You squealed as Kikwang pulled you out of the line and a group of people took your place.

“Aw, now we have to wait even longer.”

Kikwang smirked. “Nope. Come here.”

He strode to the front of the line where B2ST were, the bouncer bowed to Doojoon and let them through.

You looked back at Kikwang surprised. “How-…?”

“We got this place famous, they manager owes us so we come here every now and then to relax and have fun,” Kikwang explained. You raised your eyebrows.

“Fun?” as you watched a girl in latex hot pants strut by.

Kikwang chuckled. “You’re so cute when you’re jealous. I haven’t been with any other girl but you, and I never will want to be with any other girl but you.”

Blushing at his words you bit your lip. “Do you really mean it?”

He put your hand over his chest. “I mean it with all my heart baby.”

You were about to kiss but Yumi and Yoseob pulled the two of you to the dance floor.

“Come on! Dance!”

Laughing you danced with Yumi and Doojoon, you bopped hips with them both.

“Come on ~~~~ ah! Where’s the dancer in you?!” Yumi shouted over the loud music.

Pursing your lips in determination, you began to dance much more skilfully than the other people who were just jumping up and down.

A small circle formed around you, and you threw in a little ballet making your y dance moves instantly cute and innocent.

Kikwang smiled. *She is such a good dancer!*

When you finished a large group of people clapped. Suddenly someone approached you.

“Are you Choi ~~~~~ ah? The ballerina?”

You hadn’t had someone ask you that in a long time, nodding you smiled at the person. “Yeah, that’s me.”

“Omo! I love your work, I was so gutted when I heard about the accident and you had to cancel the season. SooYeon was awful as a replacement!”

You giggled.

“Can I get an autograph?” the person held out a pen and pad ready. You took it and wrote a message and signed. “Omo! You are awesome!” the person left happily.

Kikwang wrapped his arms around you from behind. “I should feel jealous, but I don’t even feel jealous one little bit.”

You smiled. “You should be, did you hear? I’m awesome.”

Kikwang laughed in your ear. “She was being nice.”

“I can dance circles around you little buddy.”

“I’m with the lady on this one,” a voice said from behind. The two of you turned around, and you gasped.

“What the are you doing here?!” Doojoon roared.

Junhyung glared at Wooyoung who was smirking.

“Wipe that smirk off before I do it with my fist,” Junhyung sneered.

Nichkhun grinned. “Why the violent threats? We came here in peace.”

You walked between them. “Er yeah. I invited them here.”

Everyone except Kikwang gaped at you. “You what?!”

"When you said you were inviting friends I thought you meant people, not animals," Junhyung hissed.

Junho stepped forward. “Yeah didn’t you hear? Me and ~~~~~~ ah are friends again.”


“And you’re okay with this?” Dongwoon asked Kikwang, who nodded stiffly.

“I owe the guy okay, he helped ~~~~~ ah with her little problem,” he told s quietly. They understood immediately and backed down.

Junhyung nodded. “Fine, but I am not going to be friends with any of them. They’re pieces of .”

Chansung shrugged. “The feelings mutual.”

You bit your lip in worry. *Maybe it was a mistake inviting them here. You can cut the tension with a knife!*

“Omo! You’re here too?!” that annoying shrill voice rang out. B2ST groaned and faced 4minute.

Hyuna ran out. “Who knew you guys would be here too?”

Dongwoon looked at her suspiciously. “Yeah, it was just a coincidence.”

Hyuna and Junho met eyes for a brief moment and something was passed between them.

Junho suddenly nudged you. “Hey remember that time you got really drunk, and then you told everyone I was your husband and then you made out with me?”

You literally stopped breathing. *Why the did he bring that up?*

B2ST looked awkward, especially Kikwang.

You gave a nervous laugh. “I was drunk, I wasn’t in my right mind. Besides,” you looped your arm through Kikwang. “I have Kikwang oppa now.”

Junho gritted his teeth. *ing bastard.*

Kikwang’s heart was touched, yet he couldn’t help but feel a little left out. *This is ~~~~~ ah’s past. I should be glad I’m part of her present and future.*

Wooyoung looked at Junhyung. “I guess we’re friends now.”

Junhyung curled his lip at the title. “No way would I ever be friends with you,” he pointed to his eyes then at Wooyoung. “I’m watching you.”

Hyuna smiled at you. “I love what you’re wearing by the way.”

“Urm, thanks,” you said cautiously. “Why are you being nice?”

Hyuna shrugged. “I’m tired of trying to take Kikwang away by forcing you to stay away from him, so I’ve given up.”

“Well I’m glad we’ve moved past the drama,” you said relieved. Out of nowhere, you felt someone wrap their arms around you. It was Kikwang, he kissed your exposed neck.

“Want to dance with me?”

You didn’t say anything but pulled him onto the dance floor, for a while it seemed as if it was only the two of you and there wasn’t anybody else. The two of you were the hottest couple on the floor.

“They’re such good dancers,” Yumi said to Junhyung pouting “I wish I could dance like ~~~~~~ ah.”

Junhyung looked at her. “How do you know if you haven’t tried?”

He led her to the dance floor and they too began to dance, Yumi was shy at first but soon enough she got into a swift move that made Junhyung crazy. *This girl is so innocent yet y!*

“I love you,” Kikwang said into your ear sweetly. He hadn’t said it in a while and right now, it felt good to declare his love for you.

Just as you were about to say I love you back, someone tapped him on the shoulder. He looked back to see Junho smiling.

“Mind of I dance with her for a while?”

Kikwang handed your hand to Junho. “Sure. Make sure you bring her back to me.”

You blew a kiss at him then danced with Junho, he inappropriately put his hands on your hips. A surge of panic went through you and Jiho’s face appeared in your mind.

You jumped back and Junho held his hand up. “Sorry, it’s instinct that I’m like that around you.”

You breathed out to steady your beating heart, fanning your face you did your best to smile. “It’s okay, we’re ex’s right? There will always be that awkward tension between us.”

Junho smirked. “Yeah.”

Kikwang watched Junho edge closer to you, it did amuse him that you would move back unconsciously.

“You shouldn’t be sitting down you know,” Hyuna said loudly. “Come oppa, dance with me.”

Kikwang sighed. “Okay fine.”

Hyuna didn’t waste time, she wrapped her arms around Kikwang and swayed her hips ily. If it was you, Kikwang would have danced alone but he just stood rigidly not knowing what to do. It was like he was Hyuna’s pole.

She giggled. “You said you’d dance with me, not stand there and watch me dance.”

Kikwang caught your eye, you wanted to laugh at how uncomfortable he looked. Since Hyuna was being nice you decided that she wasn’t too much of a threat anymore.

‘You can dance with her’ you mouthed to him.

‘You sure?’ Kikwang mouthed back. You gave him the thumbs up.

Kikwang gulped, he didn’t want to dance but it wasn’t in him to stay still when there was danceable music playing.

With a deep breath, Kikwang began to dance with Hyuna.

Hyuna smirked. *He’s going to be mine soon.*


Sorry for the late update, my computer was down and school's been driving me crazy! ARGHH! But hope you liked it ^^

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Chapter 46: OMG. This fic... Is .. /creys a ing river
it's so gorgeous ;___; and kikwang omfg WHERE ARE MY OVARIES ASDFGHJKL

Thank you for writing this c':
Chapter 12: "That girl can make a nun swear!"
I'm sorry for spamming comments ;_;
/le continues reading
Chapter 7: I nearly cried at this chapter.. ;___;
She lost everything in a night, omfg...
@ LovesYoseob: No it's not weird at all, thank you so much for liking my stories. It really means a lot to me :D
I finished rereading this story for like.. the third time haha. Still love it! I can't really say reread since it was really... in-depth skimming? I'd reread Captures but.. I don't know if my heart could take it lol. Anyway, just wanted to say I still love your writing! My mind didn't change from the year and half that I read this maybe.. I imagined everything, and I mean everything, the same: even though I know who 4Minute is now and so much more about Beast. Sorry for the rambling, I'd feel guilty if I reread it and didn't tell you. That's weird, isn't it?
callumhood #6
lovelyvd #7
ahhh very looooong story.. it was entertain me much!
Laaaaaaab re-reading this :3
nice story
lingy_li #10
OMG i love this story!!!!