Moving on is hard

In your atmosphere

Junho was at home, which was a penthouse that was paid for by his father. He had just come out of the shower when his phone vibrated, he went to check it.

You: Kikwang oppa and me broke up. I don’t know who else to talk to.

Junho texted back his apology but he was smirking arrogantly. “Thank god the did something right. Speaking of…” he dialled Hyuna’s number.

“What?!” she angrily screeched into the phone.

Junho lounged back on his king sized bed and put his arm underneath his head. “Touchy tone, my guess is that you haven’t hear yet.”

“Heard what?”

“~~~~~~ ah and Kikwang just broke up. Our job is officially done.”

Hyuna cheered on the other line. “No way! When I suggested oppa go to his girlfriends-…”

“Stop talking, since we both have what we want we don’t need to contact each other anymore. Delete my number from your phone,” Junho briskly ordered then hung up. *Thank god that’s the last time I’ll ever talk to that commoner.*

Taking a sip from his expensive imported beer, he smiled evilly to himself.




======  - please listen whilst reading this bit! :D


The next day at school was horrible. You didn’t feel like coming in, you were feeling like crap. You buttoned your cardigan all the way as a large gust of wind swept around your feet.

Suddenly, B2ST were pushing and shoving each other playfully. They stopped when they saw you, you smiled at them but they all gave you one quick look and turned to leave. Yoseob hesitated before he ran after the others.

Your smile fell. *I’ve really lost everything.*

Just then, Kikwang came by. He too looked as down as you but the slight crease on his brow showed that he was also angry.

He caught you staring and just walked away. *You hurt me too ~~~~~~ ah. More than I’m letting on, I would have done anything for you. I would have been there for you every step of your career, but you chose to leave me in the dark.*

Your lips trembled as you stubbornly fought back the tears that were soon to fall. *I won’t cry in front of others.*

But now, you were even more alone than ever. *What have I done?*

It had been like this for days, B2ST and Kikwang ignored you. They would go to the field and you would stay in the cafeteria or even eat in the toilets alone, away from everyone else.

You missed how B2ST greeting you everyday, how they clambered around one small lunchbox and their childish bickering. Most of all, you missed spending time with Kikwang but he was right…you hurt him. *Why didn’t I tell him?! I should have known he was different! I’m such an idiot! Now I’ve lost the guy I love.*

Whilst eating your lunch, your phone rang. You picked it up.

“~~~~ ah!” Junho’s voice rang cheerily in your ear. You were thankful to have him and Yumi, but lately, Junho’s been the closer friend.

Sighing in relief, you smiled. “Hi Junho!”

“How are things with Kikwang?”

You swallowed. “Not good, I miss him.”

Junho rolled his eyes, but kept the tone of his voice kind and caring. “It’ll be hard at first, but soon it will get better. Maybe you can even move on,” he said. *Move onto me, make me famous again.*

You thought about it. *What if I don’t want to move on?*

Pushing that thought away, you worked on making your voice sound more happy. “So why the sudden phone call?”

“I was wondering if you wanted me to pick you up from school and take you to rehearsal.”

“Haven’t you got class?”

“Nope, I had a full day off. The wonders of the Seoul High timetable, so what do you say about me picking you up?”

Honestly, you didn’t want to go alone. “I say yes please!”

Junho smirked. “I thought you might. I’ll see you after school then, bye!”

You hung up and smiled a little. *At least I have Junho, he’s making me smile. He’s always be there for me, won’t he?*




B2ST were sitting on the field under the tree looking glum. Yoseob sighed.

“I miss baby.”

“But you heard what happened between ~~~~~~ ah and Kikwang,” Doojoon reminded him. “She hurt our brother, bros before hoes remember?”

“Who told you about us?” Kikwang said suddenly. All five of them jumped, Hyunseung fell out of his chair and Dongwoon jumped so violently he spat out his drink and it rained down on Junhyung’s shirt.

Junhyung scoffed. “You’re such a muppet!”

Kikwang didn’t look like he was in the mood for jokes. “How did you guys know about me and…” he couldn’t say your name. It hurt to say it, he wanted to kiss you but at the same time he didn’t want to.

Hyuna suddenly appeared with a bright pink cake in her hands. “I did, I didn’t want them to insensitive towards you.”

Kikwang understood, he had went to Hyuna’s house and told her everything. Hyuna had listened with little patience. *He should be here begging me to screw him, not telling me how he missed that and how he can’t forgive her.*

Kikwang softened. “You didn’t have to bake the cake though.”

Hyuna smiled. “It was not trouble at all! Everyone eat some!”

She put the cake in the middle and began to cut it, B2ST looked at it warily.

Yoseob leaned in and whispered in Doojoon’s ear. “1000 won she poisoned it.”

Doojoon batted Yoseob away, and hungrily took a piece. B2ST put the cake eagerly in their mouths, but immediately wanted to spit it back out.

“T-This is nice,” Hyunseung said, a thick paste on his tongue. Yoseob puffed his cheeks and turned away, spitting it out behind Junhyung.

Kikwang smiled at Hyuna, not wanting to hurt her feelings. *No one will ever beat ~~~~~~ ah’s cooking skills. I should stop thinking about her, but I can’t.*

“Hyuna!” Gayoon called her. “It’s 12! We should be putting on our makeup by now!”

Junhyung snorted. “From the amount they all have on their faces, I’m surprised they have any left,” he whispered to Hyunseung who snickered.

Hyuna nodded and smiled at Kikwang. “I’ll see you later,” she kissed unexpectedly on the cheek, and stood up, skipping off to her friends.

Dongwoon made a puking noise. “That makes me want to be sick.”

Kikwang kicked him lightly on the shin, but wiped his cheek. “We’re just friends okay.”

“And what will baby think of you and Hyuna being just ‘friends’?” Yoseob asked.

“Me and ~~~~~ ah aren’t together anymore hyung,” Kikwang reminded him, and when he did, his heart felt uncomfortable heavy.

Doojoon shoved Kikwang. “Please, how stupid do you think we are? You were in love with each other, getting over that kind of love takes ages, not days.”

Kikwang shifted nervously. “It doesn’t matter, if she doesn’t trust me or want me in her life then I won’t be in her life.”

Hyunseung moved his shoulders up and down. “You’re not even going to try? She made a mistake, but she’s been through a lot too. Her parents died, her friends in East Seoul abandoned her. I kind of understand where she’s coming from.”

Junhyung could sense that Kikwang was getting uncomfortable, so he changed the subject. “Let’s stop talking about this for a while, and talk about choreographing for the upcoming dance battle.”




When school was finally over you trudged out to the front of the school campus, other students whizzed past you rudely. Some were even tackling each other but amongst the chaos you found the most hurt eyes.

You wanted to run to Kikwang but he was completely guarded, and didn’t look like he wanted to talk. *I can’t believe I hurt him like this* you thought glumly.

Kikwang was lost in your mesmerising eyes, and he wanted to talk to you. But before he could even move, a black limo rode up to the school campus.

“Who’s the rich kid?”

“What’s it doing here?”

“Do you think it’s a celebrity?”

But Kikwang knew who it was, Junho stepped out and held the door open. Girls swooned at his bad boy good looks.

“Oh my god! He’s smokin’ hot!”

“He’s rich too!”

“He could be in B2ST if he went to West Seoul High.”

The B2ST part wasn’t what had Kikwang’s blood boiling, but the fact that you walked straight to Junho and smiled at him. His hand burned to whack Junho straight in the jaw.

Junho gestured for you to get in the limo and once you were safely inside, Junho looked straight at Kikwang. Junho gave him a sarcastic salute and disappeared inside the limo.

“What you doing?” Hyuna asked, appearing by Kikwang’s side.

“Oh, urm, nothing.”

“Well since you’re doing nothing, mind coming to my place for a bit? Watch a film?”

Kikwang didn’t particularly want to, but since Hyuna was his friend he couldn’t ditch her. “Er yeah sure let’s go.”

But his eyes were still on the same spot the limo was. *Maybe Hyunseung’s right, I haven’t tried to save our relationship. Does she love me as much as I love her still?*


N'aww :D Hope you likey ^^

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Chapter 46: OMG. This fic... Is .. /creys a ing river
it's so gorgeous ;___; and kikwang omfg WHERE ARE MY OVARIES ASDFGHJKL

Thank you for writing this c':
Chapter 12: "That girl can make a nun swear!"
I'm sorry for spamming comments ;_;
/le continues reading
Chapter 7: I nearly cried at this chapter.. ;___;
She lost everything in a night, omfg...
@ LovesYoseob: No it's not weird at all, thank you so much for liking my stories. It really means a lot to me :D
I finished rereading this story for like.. the third time haha. Still love it! I can't really say reread since it was really... in-depth skimming? I'd reread Captures but.. I don't know if my heart could take it lol. Anyway, just wanted to say I still love your writing! My mind didn't change from the year and half that I read this maybe.. I imagined everything, and I mean everything, the same: even though I know who 4Minute is now and so much more about Beast. Sorry for the rambling, I'd feel guilty if I reread it and didn't tell you. That's weird, isn't it?
callumhood #6
lovelyvd #7
ahhh very looooong story.. it was entertain me much!
Laaaaaaab re-reading this :3
nice story
lingy_li #10
OMG i love this story!!!!