
In your atmosphere

You stood up from the ground and straightened your clothes.

“I should get going, it’s getting pretty late.”

Yoseob stuck his tongue out. “You’re no fun. Here in West Seoul, the kids get stay out all hours of the night.”

You raised an eyebrow and bent to pinch his cheeks. “Well I’m not a little kid now am I?”

They stood up. “We’ll walk you home.”

You nodded but then stopped. “Wait…do you all even live near me?”

Doojoon shuffled on his feet. “Not really…us 5 live in a flat on the other side of town.”

Doojoon had only pointed to himself, Junhyung, Dongwoon, Hyunseung and Yoseob.

You turned to Kikwang. “You don’t live with them?”

He didn’t answer. “I can take her home guys, I live the nearest to her.”

They all looked at you. “Are you going to be okay?”

You beamed up at Kikwang. “Yep, more than okay.”

“Oh yeah, there’s this dance battle on the weekend. We wondered if you wanted to come and watch?” Hyunseung asked.

You narrowed your eyes. “Is it illegal? Will there be drugs?”

Junhyung laughed. “It’s not too illegal but there are definitely no drugs. Have you ever seen a dancer high on cannabis?”

You shook your head. “No, not really. I guess you can count me! I’ll come and support my 6 oppa’s.”

They laughed and hugged you goodbye.

“Sweet dreams baby,” Yoseob cooed into your ear. “Dream about me tonight.”

Junhyung grabbed him by the ear and dragged him away. “See you tomorrow ~~~~~~ ah.”

You laughed as you watched the 5 of them head in the opposite direction. You stood by Kikwang’s side and the two of you began to walk.

Kikwang saw you shiver slightly, he shrugged his jacket off and draped it around your shoulders.

You gasped. “Oppa! You’ll freeze”

You couldn’t tell if he was cold in his t shirt, but if he was, he concealed it really well.

“I’m fine, I’m more worried about you catching a cold.”

You nodded but bit your lip in concern. *Yeah but you’re the one who’s been ill lately.*

“So you really can come to the dance battle?”

You nodded enthusiastically. “Of course I can! But would it be okay to bring a friend?”


“Yeah, my friend Yumi from Seoul High. I still keep in touch with her.”

Kikwang relaxed, for a moment he thought your ‘friend’ was going to be a guy. You noticed how he became much happier once you told him Yumi was a girl, you giggled. *Silly oppa, you’re the only guy I’m interested in at the moment…the only guy in my life who seems real and I feel completely safe and comfortable around.*

“I’m sure the guys won’t mind.”

“She’s really nice, the only real friend I had.”

Kikwang was surprised. “Really? But you said that you were the head Queenka at Seoul High.”

“Exactly. People didn’t want to be my friends because they were interested in me, but because they wanted their own popularity and to leech off my money…well my parents’ money,” you said bitterly. “Besides, when I became penniless and a dancing cripple, they all turned their backs on me without a blink of an eye. They left me alone when I needed them most, Junho didn’t even say sorry the day I visited Seoul High. He didn’t say sorry about my parents or my dancing, he didn’t even apologise for cheating on me. All he said was ‘I don’t date tramps’ and threw the couple ring I forced him to buy into the bin, yeah some life I had.”

Kikwang felt your pain, he thought since people had money…they would be happy. You were proof that his views and ideas were narrow minded.

You’d never thought about the type of people you used to associate with, you just went with the flow but now…you were realised how miserable your life was as a rich person. Being here with…normal people like B2ST, like Kikwang…put your entire life into perspective.

Kikwang stopped and tugged lightly on your wrist. He pulled you towards him slightly and your heart was pounding in your chest. He really is handsome.

“You’re not a tramp, you’re the most beautiful and sweetest girl I know. Junho was an idiot to let you go…”

You blushed. “Really?”

Kikwang smiled. “Really.”

The two of you carried on walking.

“You know, I’ve met you before.”

You frowned. “We have?”

“Yeah, you were with Junho. I bumped into you accidentally and he hurled abuse at me, it was quite funny actually,” Kikwang said amused.

You stopped and scurried behind him, taking a few steps back. You could picture him those large tracksuits…

“Omo! You’re the hot back guy!”

Kikwang chuckled. “The hot what?”

“Oh crap!” you muttered. “I thought you had a hot back, when you were walking away,” you admitted shyly.

Kikwang laughed and pulled you along.

You were glad he didn’t say anything, most guys would tease you or go on about it but he was gentleman enough to drop the subject. *Junho would have talked about how hot he was all night.*

The two of you passed by an old beggar sitting on the road, covered in tatty blankets and a hat in front of him.

“Please, help me?” the man begged.

You hid your disgust. *Why would I give money to someone who doesn’t even try to work?*

To your surprise Kikwang tossed a few pennies into his hat.

“Sorry mate, it’s all I’ve got.” 

The beggar smiled thankfully up at Kikwang. “Bless you son.”

Kikwang led the way and you followed behind him.

“Why did you do that?”

Kikwang looked back. “Did what?”

You subtly glanced back at the beggar who had people walk past him and have cruel words thrown at him, which made you think. If you had been in East Seoul with Junho, his friends or the other Queenka’s, you wouldn’t have been able to hold back on your harsh insults.

The only reason you weren’t being horrible was because of Kikwang’s presence.

“You gave him all the money you had, why would you do that?”

Kikwang shrugged and carried on walking, you hurried after him.

“I figured he needed it.”

You pursed your lips. “I still don’t understand. Why didn’t you just keep the money?”

Kikwang sighed and faced you. “Because…that guy needs all the help he can get. I’m not just going to stand here and watch him starve and freeze to death, when I know I have some money in my pocket. I get to go to a warm bed, yeah it’s not anything you would have had in East Seoul, but it’s a bed nonetheless…that guy,” he pointed to the beggar. “Doesn’t have one at all.”

You tilted your head. “He could get a job. He might be making it up and saves the money to buy drugs. You don’t know, and you’re giving money to random strangers.”

Kikwang let out a tried laugh. “Have you ever given money to charity before?”

You felt offended at his question. “Of course!”

“Then I’m doing the exact same, it’s just this time, I’m meeting the person who really needs the money.”

You rolled your eyes. “But that’s different.”

“Really? A charity organisation could be a fake; a scandal…the CEO could be taking the money.”

He had a point, but you still didn’t get his point. “Why would you help a stranger, rather than help yourself?”

Kikwang sighed. “Because that stranger needs the money more than I do, I don’t want to question every little thing I do. I want to wake each morning, and no matter how ed up my life is, I know deep down inside that I’m not such a bad guy…because I help others, like that beggar.”

You searched his face. “Are you alone?”

Kikwang chuckled. “I’m here with you.”

You shook your head. “No I mean besides that, emotionally…are you alone?”

Kikwang grew quiet, he hardly ever spoke to his mother and if he did, it was always him trying to calm her down. He would narrowly miss being smashed in the face with a beer bottle, because he looked like his cursed father.

“I guess I am alone.”

Your bottom lip quivered and then you threw your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, wishing all the pain in him to go away. He’d taken some of yours away and you were returning the favour. You didn’t want to see him sad, you wanted him to smile and laugh.

Kikwang slowly reciprocated the hug, and when you felt his strong arms wrap around your waist you shivered in delight. His rock hard body was pressed up against yours and he made you feel at home, like nothing bad had ever happened.

“I have some money in my purse, I want to go and give it to the man,” you mumbled into his chest. He pulled back and looked down at you with a puzzled look. “I want to wake up feeling like I’ve done some good in this world too.”

You grabbed his hand and dragged him back to the man, you placed the 50 won in his hat.

“Bless you kids,” the beggar looked at Kikwang. “You and your girlfriend both.”

Kikwang was about to say no but stopped himself; he didn’t want to deny it. He loved how the man thought you were a couple, it made him think of the possibilities with you…what the two of you could be.

You blushed and bowed. You couldn’t believe you’d just done what you did, your old self would never have stood there and talked to a beggar. You wouldn’t even be walking in the first place! But in your limo being chauffeured around.

You stared up at Kikwang. *Look at how much I’ve changed since I’ve know B2ST, since I’ve met you. I never gave money to random strangers unless it was through a charity, I’ve never been in a cat fight before because I’ve always been the one everyone wants to be and…I never liked a guy as much as I like you.*

Kikwang smiled at how the two of you were still holding hands, he stayed with you right till you reached the door to your home.

“This is me,” you said quietly and took out your keys, fumbling with it because you didn’t want to go inside just yet. *What is with me?! I’m Choi ~~~~~~ ah, I never used to get this embarrassed in front of a guy! Mind you…no guy was ever like Kikwang oppa.*

“Thank you for walking me home,” you thanked him. “If you want, you can come in for a bit. I’m sure imo wouldn’t mind cooking extra tonight.”

Kikwang would have loved to stay and talk to you for a little while longer, but he thought about home…and his mother. He sighed.

“I better get going, my mother might be worried.”

You nodded. “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

You turned but he called your name. “~~~~~ ah?”

You looked and your heart felt like it stopped, Kikwang was so recklessly close you could feel his hot, minty breath softly caressing your skin. The smell of him whirled around you, you bit your lip in anticipation.

Kikwang smiled and your cheek softly. “Good night ~~~~~ ah,” and then he left.

You let out a large breath, not even realising you were holding it. You shut the door and leaned your back against it, you put your hand over your heart which was thumping ever so fast.

You slowly sunk to the floor with a large smile on your face.

“What’s up with you?” your aunt asked with an amused tone as she carried an laundry basket.

You stood up and shook your head. “I just had a really good night.”




Kikwang opened the door and was glad to see that his mother wasn’t up, but 10 empty bottles of Soju surrounded the beat up couch and his passed out mother.

“Aish,” he sighed and picked them up.

“Kikwangie?” his mother called out. “Kikwangie will never be like you, you monster.”

Kikwang’s heart clenched tightly in pain. If only he could have his mother sober, just for one day, he would try and help her forget the memories she had embedded into her mind of his father.

*It must hurt her, to look into my face and not see me…her son…but the bastard that left her.*

Kikwang tucked his mother into the couch and kissed her forehead. *I’m sorry Umma, for not being a better son…I will try my best to make you proud, even though you won’t notice.*

He took a pillow and put it on the floor and then he laid down, slowly falling asleep. He closed his eyes and dreamt about you, your warm eyes, your soft pink looking lips, your shining smile…no wonder you were the most famous and youngest ballerina. You were stunning. He admired the way you were honest with him and the rest of B2ST about your past, but it made him feel guilty because he was so dishonest about his own.

*I wish I could be with you ~~~~~ ah, but it would be unfair of me, to bring you into my pain filled world.*


Hope you liked it ^^ Sorry for the really last few chaps which have been kind of sad, but I promise a more happy and drama filled chap soon ;) Comment, subscribe and let's be friends? :D

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Chapter 46: OMG. This fic... Is .. /creys a ing river
it's so gorgeous ;___; and kikwang omfg WHERE ARE MY OVARIES ASDFGHJKL

Thank you for writing this c':
Chapter 12: "That girl can make a nun swear!"
I'm sorry for spamming comments ;_;
/le continues reading
Chapter 7: I nearly cried at this chapter.. ;___;
She lost everything in a night, omfg...
@ LovesYoseob: No it's not weird at all, thank you so much for liking my stories. It really means a lot to me :D
I finished rereading this story for like.. the third time haha. Still love it! I can't really say reread since it was really... in-depth skimming? I'd reread Captures but.. I don't know if my heart could take it lol. Anyway, just wanted to say I still love your writing! My mind didn't change from the year and half that I read this maybe.. I imagined everything, and I mean everything, the same: even though I know who 4Minute is now and so much more about Beast. Sorry for the rambling, I'd feel guilty if I reread it and didn't tell you. That's weird, isn't it?
callumhood #6
lovelyvd #7
ahhh very looooong story.. it was entertain me much!
Laaaaaaab re-reading this :3
nice story
lingy_li #10
OMG i love this story!!!!