
In your atmosphere

“Damn I look good,” Yoseob complimented himself as he stared into a mirror in a rundown flat. 5 other guys sat in the small living room on a beat up couch and tatty wooden floors with one small television in the middle.

Doojoon laughed. “Shame the ladies don’t think so.”

“Yah! Not my fault they don’t appreciate my pretty boy looks,” Yoseob said defending himself as fixing his hair.

Dongwoon and Hyunseung were eating ramen pots on the floor and Junhyung was practicing some dance moves. He kicked one guy lightly on the leg.

“Come Kikwang, we have to work on our solo,” Junhyung said to the handsome quiet boy on the floor.

Kikwang didn’t utter a single word but got up and began to practice with Junhyung.

*I swear the only time that guy smiles is when there’s some strawberry ice cream in front of him and the only time he talks he’s forced to* Junhyung thought as he helped Kikwang with a back flip they prepared for a dance battle later on.

“What time is this thing anyway?” Dongwoon asked.

Doojoon, the oldest and the leader of the group shrugged. “I’m not sure, I’m supposed to receive a text telling me when and where it is.”

Hyunseung shook his head. “Damn, I wanted to go check out our competition.”

Yoseob snorted and spoke in a high pitched, cute voice. “What competition? Beast is the best dance group ever!”

Junhyung groaned. “God, if he uses that voice one more time, we’ll be down to only 5 members.”

Yoseob blinked. “My bad hyung,” he apologised in the same high voice.

Junhyung ran around the couch to try and grab him. “Come back here you weasel!”

Kikwang looked up and shook his head at s, though they weren’t blood related, they all saw each other as brothers. Growing up in West Seoul brings the oddest group of people together, survival is key in an environment such as West Seoul.

Doojoon’s phone sounded. “There it goes boys. Let’s go.”

Beast entered an abandoned factory, but was greeted with strobe lights, a DJ playing music and a huge gathering of people and dance groups.

Doojoon looked back at the guys. “It’s a good crowd this early.”

“Look what the cat dragged in.”

Junhyung frowned heavily. “Piss off Wooyoung.”

Wooyoung smirked. “You have some nerve to talk to me.”

“You have some nerve coming down here without your daddy’s permission,” Junhyung cooed sarcastically. Wooyoung glared at him.

Wooyoung wanted to punch Junhyung but he was held back. “Don’t let the trash of the Seoul city get to you, he’s just jealous that your watch costs more than his life.”

Doojoon growled. “Get your herd of illiterate monkeys out of here Junho.”

“Funny that, you and your crew of peasants go to the lowest ranked school in the country. And we’re the illiterate ones,” Nichkhun said with an arrogant laugh.

Dongwoon smirked. “At least we don’t buy our way into education.”

Chansung, the maknae of 2PM took a step forward,. “You little-…”

Doojoon blocked his way. “Keep your rabid dogs on a tighter leash Junho.”

Junho smirked. “Or what? I hit the speed dial on my phone, and I’ll sue your broke so hard, you’re great, great, grandchildren will be going to court.”

Doojoon smirked. “At least I’ll have grand children, cause you lack in a certain department whereas I excel in it.”

Junho flipped him off.

Beast and 2PM eyed each other warily; both groups even in numbers, both groups consisted of sick dancers and dirty fighters.

“Whoa, whoa! Have we got a fight brewing here?” the host of the dance battle said through a mic, people gathered around. “How about we settle this.”

Junhyung rubbed his knuckles and looked at Wooyoung. “I am so ready for this.”

“Through a DANCE BATTLE!!”

Junsu frowned. “Aren’t we here for a dance battle anyway?”

“Ladies and Gents! We are kicking off the tonight with something epic!”

Beast gathered around. Yoseob pouted. “I would have much rather this be a fist battle, but so long as we beat their rank asses, I’m in!”

Doojoon for once laughed at Yoseob’s weird comments. “We’re going to use the routine where…”

Dongwoon moaned. “Oh no…not that one…please.”

“What one?” Hyunseung asked.

“The one where Yoseob does his solo and pulls a girl from the crowd...well tries to pull a girl.”

Yoseob looked up. “Really?”

Hyunseung too followed Dongwoon’s look of dismay. “I agree with the maknae on this one, Yoseob will get slapped and everyone will laughincluding 2PM and we’ll lose.”

Junhyung looked at Yoseob. “I don’t know, a good slapping might put some sense into him.”

“Yah!” Yoseob yelled then turned to Doojoon. “We did do that routine with Dongwoon’s cousin, and she only did it because he paid her. And honestly, my face is too beautiful to get slapped.”

If Yoseob couldn’t do it…then only one other guy could.

Everyone looked at Kikwang.

“Oh great…” he muttered.

“It’s the only way to beat 2PM, and the ladies won’t slap the out of you,” Dongwoon said. “You’re the only hyung they don’t find irritating for some reason.”

Doojoon, Junhyung, Hyunseung and Yoseob glared at the maknae. “I pull enough girls to keep me happy and I’ve never received one complaint from any, thank you very much,” Junhyung declared.

Kikwang smirked at the groups bantering. “So Yoseob’s part?”

Doojoon nodded. “I want to show those spoilt brats that money isn’t everything. Especially not around here, I’ll shove their Cartier watches somewhere real nasty.”

Beast looked impressed at their leader’s exclamation.

2PM were too preparing.

“I swear they have a 5 year old in their group,” Taecyeon said, talking about Yoseob.

“That’s because he is 5,” Chansung laughed to himself. The entire group shook their head at his awful sense of humour.

Junho was about to give the group a pep talk, when a girl with a decent figure and skimpy clothes walked past. She was shaking her like nobody’s business and when he checked her out, the girl turned and winked at him.

“Damn, that girl was fine,” Junho said.

Nichkhun smirked. “The thing is Junho there’s this other girl called ~~~~~ ah, I should introduce you to her. She is your girlfriend after all.”

Junho shrugged. “Nothing wrong with looking, but damn…” he looked back at the girl. “I wish ~~~~~ ah would dress up for me like that sometime.”

“You mean you wish ~~~~~ ah would dress up as a for you sometime,” Wooyoung corrected.

Junho frowned. “Smart . Now, I’m sick and tired of those poor mother ers treating the royalty like . Tonight we’ll teach them not to mess with us anymore and…” Junho’s phone rang. “Aw , one minute.”

He checked the ID caller, it was you.

“Speak of the devil,” Chansung said grinning. Junho answered it.

“Hey babe.”

“Hi, what is that noise?”

“Nothing, just still at the football game, it’s half time so they’re playing music. Are you still at the dance rehearsals?” when Junho said it he made a ‘sleepy’ face and his friends laughed.

“Yeah, we’re just touching up some scenes on Act 2. Oh did you tell the guys about the tickets?”

Junho frowned. “Urm yeah, I told them. They’re really excited to see you.”

“How sweet,” you said but your dance teacher called you. “Got to go, will you be coming over tonight? Want to match our outfits for the gala on Friday?”

“No, the game will finish late and I want a good night’s rest,” Junho lied again.

“Oh okay, have fun and tell me who won tomorrow. Bye.”

“Bye,” he hung up.

Taecyeon snorted. “What an honest relationship you two have.”

“What are we excited to see? ~~~~~ ah ?” Junsu joked.

Junho pulled a face. “She wants us to see her show.”

Wooyoung gaped. “Ballet?”

Junho nodded.

“No freaking way! I am not watching some guy in tights prancing around on stage with girls way out of his league,” Wooyoung protested.

“You think I want to go?” Junho cried out. “I’d die of boredom before I die of old age, besides, she’ll be looking for us so we can’t even skip it. We literally have to go.”

Junsu rolled his eyes. “Fine, but you have to promise us something.”


“At least introduce us to some of the dancers, maybe we’ll get lucky.”

Junho smirked. “Deal.”

Junhyung watched Junho and Junsu high five. “I hate those guys. I’ve been dying to punch Wooyoung’s face,” he growled.

“Violence isn’t the answer hyung,” Yoseob teased.

Junhyung frowned. “Whatever.”

He then realised Kikwang was nowhere to be seen. *Aish that kid…always disappearing. I swear he gets quieter and more mysterious by the second.*


Hope you liked the chap ^^ 2PM  are baaadd :L


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Chapter 46: OMG. This fic... Is .. /creys a ing river
it's so gorgeous ;___; and kikwang omfg WHERE ARE MY OVARIES ASDFGHJKL

Thank you for writing this c':
Chapter 12: "That girl can make a nun swear!"
I'm sorry for spamming comments ;_;
/le continues reading
Chapter 7: I nearly cried at this chapter.. ;___;
She lost everything in a night, omfg...
@ LovesYoseob: No it's not weird at all, thank you so much for liking my stories. It really means a lot to me :D
I finished rereading this story for like.. the third time haha. Still love it! I can't really say reread since it was really... in-depth skimming? I'd reread Captures but.. I don't know if my heart could take it lol. Anyway, just wanted to say I still love your writing! My mind didn't change from the year and half that I read this maybe.. I imagined everything, and I mean everything, the same: even though I know who 4Minute is now and so much more about Beast. Sorry for the rambling, I'd feel guilty if I reread it and didn't tell you. That's weird, isn't it?
callumhood #6
lovelyvd #7
ahhh very looooong story.. it was entertain me much!
Laaaaaaab re-reading this :3
nice story
lingy_li #10
OMG i love this story!!!!