Closer to the enemies

In your atmosphere

Your phone beeped in class, you quickly hid your phone under the table and looked at the text.

Junho: Want to have dinner with me at your favourite restaurant? Just us two? (:

You rolled your eyes, Junho used to take you there if you were ever mad at him, it was the easiest way to ease your anger. You quickly texted him back.

You: Yeah sure! I’d love to go there again, I haven’t been in a while.

Junho: Great, I’ll pick you up at 7. See you soon.

You put your phone back in your bag, not realising that all the while you were texting Dongwoon was looking and watching you. *Is she texting hyung? Kikwang hyung never texts unless it’s important, it costs money to text all the time.*

After class you and Dongwoon were heading off to meet with the others, he was making fun of your teacher.

“I bet you he was one of those guys that got bullied in school and takes it out on the kids he teaches?”

You had to agree. “He probably was.”

Dongwoon cleared his throat. “So you and hyung were texting in class huh?”

“You saw that?”

He nodded.

You blushed a little. “Actually it wasn’t Kikwang oppa, it was Junho. He just wanted to know if I would have dinner with him tonight, and I said yes. Kikwang oppa doesn’t text during class unless it’s important.”

Though Dongwoon felt a little uncomfortable he was glad you were being honest with him, and that you knew about Kikwang’s care with texts.


You didn’t even have time to look before someone gave you a bone crushing hug, you hugged Yoseob back.

“Oppa, it’s nice to see you too but I can’t breathe.”

Yoseob pulled back, and held up your wrist and frowned in disapproval. “Aigoo, you’re so skinny. Isn’t she skinny?”

“I’m not!”

Junhyung raised an eyebrow. “You are skinny, even skinnier than this fool.”

Hyunseung was nudged by Junhyung. “Yah! I’m not skinny, and I’m not the fool. He is,” Hyunseung pointed at Yoseob.

“I ain’t no fool!” Yoseob exclaimed. Doojoon plugged his ears and sighed heavily.

“I cannot put up with them anymore. I need new friends.”


You laughed but couldn’t see Kikwang. “Where’s oppa?”

As if on time you heard his name. “Kikwang oppa!”

Each of you turned to see Kikwang with Hyuna trailing behind him, her skirt was short and her face was covered with makeup. She had tied her shirt so that her stomach was showing, and her belly button piercing glistened in the sun.

Kikwang gave you a quick kiss. “How are you?”

“I’m good.”

“Oppa! Want to come to my house after school?” Hyuna interrupted rudely, you looked at Kikwang puzzled.

“House? After school?”

“Yeah,” Kikwang said rubbing the back of his head. “We were paired up for a project.”

“Oh,” was all you could manage to say.

“So I can’t spend tonight with you.”

“Oppa that project is due in like 3 weeks,” Hyuna added. Kikwang rolled his eyes and mouthed ‘help’ to you.

You giggled and grinned wickedly at him. “I hope you two have fun tonight.”

Hyuna smiled at you fakely. “Oh we will.”

She skipped off. You shook your head then faced Kikwang.

“Since you’re not free tonight, I’m going to have dinner with Junho. Is that okay?”

Kikwang wanted to say no, but he had promised you that he would trust you. Besides, you and Junho were friends now, even if Kikwang wasn’t completely comfortable with it.

“Sure, just call me when you get home.”

Yoseob looked at Junhyung. “Are we being ignored again?”

Junhyung snorted and pushed Yoseob’s head. “Everyone ignores you.”





It was almost 7 and you were putting on perfume when you heard someone beep their horn, you looked out the window and looked down to see Junho waving you down. You held up your index finger saying ‘1 minute’. You grabbed your jacket and took the elevator down.


“Sorry to keep you waiting,” you said as you met him outside. Junho as always was dressed impeccably, he wore all black which you had to admit, made him look hot but there wasn’t any desire to jump on him, you only felt that for Kikwang.

Junho smiled and held the limo door open for you. “No problem.”

The two of you rode in the limo, you were nervous since you hadn’t been in a limo since the crash. Every time the drive stepped on the brakes you were expecting a side collision but nothing.

“How was school?” Junho asked.

“School’s always the same. Boring and long, how are 2PM?”

Junho laughed. “They’re good, right now they’re having a competition on who can pull the most girls in one night. My money is on Nichkhun, that guy can smooth talk women like nobody’s business.”

You smiled but didn’t say anything. Junho frowned.

“Am I making you uncomfortable?”

You shook your head. “No, just thinking. They’re never going to change are they?”

Junho snorted. “Of course we’ll never change.”

You hid your disappointed expression from him. *So he’ll always be a judging prick? But Junho’s been nice lately.*




Kikwang dreaded each step but once he was at the front door he couldn’t turn back now. *It’s only for a couple of hours.*

He knocked and the door swung open, on the other side Hyuna was eagerly smiling at him.

“Oppa! You came!”

Kikwang nodded. “Well you did invite me.”

“Of course, come in,” Hyuna said laughing dramatically. Kikwang came in and looked around her small flat, it looked as if Hyuna tried to clean in a hurry. Kikwang saw that she had stuffed clothes under the sofa, and she missed a thong that was lying on the ground.

Clearing his throat and turned to face Hyuna. “I can’t stay long, my Umma wants me home for dinner.”

Hyuna nodded. “Sure, should we get started? You can sit on the sofa.”

Kikwang sat on the sofa and Hyuna looked him up and down. She had imagined screwing him on her couch many times now, now that Kikwang was here, she almost couldn’t believe one of her fantasies was coming true. *You’re right where I want you.*




“Would you like me to take your coat?” an employee asked you as you took a seat, you shook your head the employee walked off.

You looked around at the familiar surroundings, you took a deep breath in and loved how you could almost taste the food. *It’s good to be back here.*

Junho watched you smile and he clenched is fists in victory. *She’ll be dumping that poor kids and coming back straight to me.*

“Order what you want, it’s on me,” Junho told you as you were handed a menu. You scanned the menu with hungry eyes and your mouth watered as you thought about eating, but then you snapped out of it.

“I can’t make you pay, I’ll pay half and-…”

“~~~~~~ ah, this place costs a lot. I don’t want you worrying about the bill when I can handle it, like I said order whatever you want. It’s my treat.”

You narrowed your eyes slightly. *When we were dating, he always complained how he had to pay. What’s making him change his mind?*

Once you had ordered your food, you and Junho sat in silence for a little while. You cleared your throat and rested your chin on your knuckles.

“So, what brought all this along?”

Junho shrugged. “I don’t know, I guess I wanted to have dinner with a female friend who has some decent table manners. Eating with Taecyeon is like watching a national geographic documentary.”

You laughed. “Yeah, Taecyeon does have some weird eating habits. I’m glad you called, because…guess what? I can dance again!!”

Junho’s eyes widened then a smile broke out. “Seriously?!”

You nodded excitedly. “I couldn’t believe it either, the doctor said that since my leg was pretty wrecked in the crash that the chances of dancing again were slim unless I had some intense physiotherapy but I couldn’t put my aunt through that, it would cost money. But I got called into the hospital and…my leg has healed.”

Junho put his hand on top of yours and smiled softly at you, you felt slightly uncomfortable.

“I’m happy for you. When will you go back to the company? As soon as possible I say.”

You pulled your hand out from under his and looked down. “I don’t want to go back to the company.”

WHAT?!” Junho roared, just then the food came. He quietened down but once the waiters had left, he leaned in. “Are you crazy? You’re one of the most talented dancers in Korea, think of all the money you can get. You can help support your aunt.”

“Yes, but I like my life now. No stress and there’s no paparazzi following me around, I like having time with my friends. If I went back to the company, I won’t see Kikwang oppa very much.”

“But if he truly loves you he would want you to continue your dreams right? Come on ~~~~~~ ah, don’t waste your talent,” Junho pressed on. *She needs to ing dance, otherwise what I’ve been doing will be for nothing!*

You pouted. “I’m not sure I will dance again, but I can always dance for fun. Maybe join a dance group and compete in the dance battles.”

Junho did his best to not shout. “But no one in the media will see this, you need to be in the spotlight where people can see how great a ballerina dancer you are.”

You shook your head. “No, people think what they’re told to think by the papers. I’ve made up my mind Junho, dancing isn’t for me anymore.”

You began to eat, Junho swallowed his words and took a bit out of his food. *I’ll make her dance again.*




Kikwang was surprisingly having a good time, Hyuna wasn’t being too forward and for once in her life, she was laid back.

Hyuna sighed. “Aish, can we take a break? My hand hurts from all this writing.”

“Sure,” Kikwang said and rested back into the couch. He rubbed his eyes and checked his phone, you hadn’t called him which bothered him slightly. *Maybe she forgot, it’s not that big a deal right?*

Hyuna frowned as she watched him look at his phone, she stood up.

“Want anything to eat?”

Kikwang shook his head. “No thanks, I have to go home remember?”

Hyuna nodded sadly. “I get it.”

He felt guilty for some reason, so he phoned his mum and asked if he could eat at Hyuna’s. When he hung up he smiled at her.

“She doesn’t mind. So have you got anything good?”

Hyuna skipped to the kitchen. *He’s already forgetting about that ~~~~~~ ah and she’s probably screwing Junho now. I hope she is anyway.*

Hyuna opened a few cupboards and Kikwang soon realised that she had barely anything, he took out some crisps and the small amount of ham in her fridge.

“What are you doing?” she asked him, but he silently worked. He poured the crisps out onto a bowl and cooked the ham, soon a light supper was ready. Hyuna clapped. “Wah! Thank you.”

Kikwang smiled shyly. “No problem, hope it’s okay for now.”

As they ate Hyuna smiled ain approval. *Yes Kikwang, come to me and forget that .*




You and Junho left the restaurant, you were on the way to the limo but Junho wasn’t by your side. You looked back to see him walking down the street.

“Where are you going?”

Junho grinned at you. “Come on, let’s go for a walk.”

“But I have to go home!”

Junho rolled his eyes. “You’re 18 ~~~~~~ ah, I’m sure you’re allowed to wonder around East Seoul with a friend. You’re probably safe here than in that dump you live in.”

You winced. “That dump is my home.”

Junho bit his tongue, cursing himself. *I shouldn’t have said that, I can’t push her away.*

“You’re right, sorry but please? Just a little walk will be fine.”

You checked the time on your phone, it was getting pretty late but Junho was right. Your aunt wouldn’t die if you were out with a friend.

Sighing you strode to Junho’s side. “Okay a quick walk.”

As the two of you walked, your eyes were sparkling as you peered into your favourite designer shops. Clothes you could no longer afford, then you thought about your parents. Without Kikwang here to comfort you the pain was even worse.

Junho saw the tears building. “Hey, you okay?”

You nodded. “Yeah, just something in my eye that’s all.”

Junho tucked his hand in his pocket. “So who would you rather date between Doojoon or Taecyeon?”

“What?” you shrieked. “What kind of question is that?!”

Junho shrugged mischieviously. “I don’t know, I was bored and you were quiet so I thought why not play a little game of ‘would you rather’?”

You sighed. “Aish.”

“So which one? Doojoon or Taecyeon?”

“Doojoon oppa.”

Junho thought. “Okay Wooyoung or that oaf Junhyung?”

You slapped Junho’s arm. “Junhyung oppa is not an oaf, but between the two I would say Wooyoung.”

*Junhyung is off bounds since he’s Yumi’s, but Wooyoung is such a ert!*

“Yoseob or Junsu?”


“Chansung or Hyunseung?”


Junho gently poked you on your arm. “Aish! Why are you only choosing the fools?”

“Because they don’t follow their like your fools,” you said teasingly. “Besides, I don’t really know 2PM that well, I only knew them vaguely. I’ve gotten to be really good friends with B2ST, they’re really good dancers too.”

*She’s only saying that because she’s with that er Kikwang, when she’s with me, she’ll be all over 2PM.*

“Even if they’re poor?” Junho asked. You crossed your arms.

“Money can’t buy everything Junho, it can’t buy friendship or love. That’s the most valuable lesson I’ve learnt since I’ve been living in West Seoul.”

The two of you passed by a beggar, you took out some coins and placed it in the beggar’s hat.

Junho followed you. “Why did you do that? That idiot should be working and earning the money himself.”

“Junho, your money comes from your father’s business,” you reminded him. “Where are we going by the way?”

You hadn’t taken much notice of your surroundings, but now it all came to you.

“What are we doing here?”

You and Junho stood outside of your old company, Junho looked at the building.

“You should be dancing ~~~~~ ah.”

“What are you doing here?!”

You turned to face Sooyeon, who was coming out from rehearsals.

You backed away a little and glared at Junho. “Nothing, we were just leaving.”

A pompous smile appeared on Sooyeon’s face. “They said I was the best Clara you know? They were completely freaking out because they lost the great and so called irreplaceable Choi ~~~~ ah, but it turns out you are replaceable.”

Anger boiled inside of you and you turned and sneered at Sooyeon, the girl had knack for pissing you off.

“Please, you can never be me. I have always been the better dancer.”

Sooyeon crossed her arms. “Prove it? Oh wait, you can’t. You’re a cripple, and we don’t accept cripples in our ballet company.”

You laughed mockingly. “Well they accepted you didn’t they? By the way, I can prove it. I can dance again, my leg is healed and once I’m back on that stage you’ll be forgotten and I’ll be the star again.”

Sooyeon’s face turned pale. “Y-Your leg’s healed?”

You nodded. “Perfectly. I’m coming for an audition tomorrow and our dance teacher will welcome me back with open arms, I hope you enjoyed your few minutes of fame.”

You walked off and you heard Junho scarper after you. When you rounded the corner you breathed out in horror.

“What have I done? I wanted to give up ballet, I was doing it for me and Kikwang so we can be together.”

Junho grasped your arms and gently shook you. “That was great! You stood up to that stuck up , you’re going to be dancing again!”

“But it means me not being able to see Kikwang that much, maybe even moving back to East Seoul.”

“Is that so bad?”

“Of course! I love Kikwang!”

Junho let go of you. “Obviously not as much as you love dancing. Just audition, maybe Kikwang will be happy.”

The idea tempted you but you didn’t want Kikwang or any other of the B2ST members to use your popularity to get what they want, it would crush you. *I can’t lose them.*

You nodded. “Okay, I’ll audition. But you have to promise me that you won’t tell anyone, especially not Kikwang oppa.”

Junho hugged you, but a dark grin was on his lips. “I promise.”




Kikwang was shrugging on his jacket as he made his way towards Hyuna’s door.

“I had fun tonight, surprisingly,” Kikwang said.

Hyuna smiled. “Yeah me too. How about tomorrow?”

Kikwang hesitated. “I was thinking of having a date with ~~~~~~ ah.”

Hyuna turned jealous and began to sulk. “Oh her, why do you like her and not me?”

Kikwang was slightly shocked with Hyuna’s straightforward question.

“I don’t know, maybe it’s because me and ~~~~~ ah have this connection.”

“But we connected tonight too!”

Kikwang nodded. “Yes as friends, and I’m glad we’re friends now Hyuna.”

At those words Hyuna perked up. “We’ve gotten closer haven’t we?”

“We have, now I better go. I’ll see you around.”

Hyuna shut the door and laughed darkly. *Soon we’ll be so close that you’ll never want to leave me for that you call your girlfriend.*


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Chapter 46: OMG. This fic... Is .. /creys a ing river
it's so gorgeous ;___; and kikwang omfg WHERE ARE MY OVARIES ASDFGHJKL

Thank you for writing this c':
Chapter 12: "That girl can make a nun swear!"
I'm sorry for spamming comments ;_;
/le continues reading
Chapter 7: I nearly cried at this chapter.. ;___;
She lost everything in a night, omfg...
@ LovesYoseob: No it's not weird at all, thank you so much for liking my stories. It really means a lot to me :D
I finished rereading this story for like.. the third time haha. Still love it! I can't really say reread since it was really... in-depth skimming? I'd reread Captures but.. I don't know if my heart could take it lol. Anyway, just wanted to say I still love your writing! My mind didn't change from the year and half that I read this maybe.. I imagined everything, and I mean everything, the same: even though I know who 4Minute is now and so much more about Beast. Sorry for the rambling, I'd feel guilty if I reread it and didn't tell you. That's weird, isn't it?
callumhood #6
lovelyvd #7
ahhh very looooong story.. it was entertain me much!
Laaaaaaab re-reading this :3
nice story
lingy_li #10
OMG i love this story!!!!