Unexpected Hero

In your atmosphere


“Please start talking to him, he’s a mopey mess,” Doojoon begged you as the two of you walked to your locker.

You stubbornly shook your head. “Not  until he comes and apologises and begins to trust me, he basically thought I would cheat on him with Jiho. I’ve said I love him countless times and yet he still thinks these things,” you said in frustration.

Doojoon sighed. “We get jealous easily, it’s a male thing.”

You nodded mockingly. “I’ve noticed.”

Out of nowhere, the other B2ST boys crowded around you.

“Are you hyung breaking up?”

“Don’t break up!”

“Don’t leave us baby!” Yoseob wailed.

You tittered back. “Whoa, morning to you too.”

“Don’t break up with the kid,” Junhyung said. “He’s even more depressing than before.”

You had to laugh at that.

“He loves you ~~~~~ ah,” Hyunseung said.

You crossed your arms. “Well he should have thought of that before he began thinking up crazy scenarios of me and another guy.”

“Hey ~~~~~ ah,” Hyuna greeted you with s sickly sweet smile. “Nice shoes.”

As they walked past, Doojoon shivered as Gayoon winked at him.

“I get nightmares because of that girl,” he said, just then Kikwang came by. He awkwardly looked at you, his face close to begging.

You tried not to look at him for more than a mere second.

“I have to go,” you murmured and swiftly turned in the other direction.

Kikwang’s shoulder deflated and you felt cold and harsh. *Maybe I should have let him talk* you thought.

Yoseob punched Kikwang’s arm. “Look what you did, you jealous buffoon.”

Kikwang nodded glumly. “I know, what have I done?”

They all looked to see Jiho strutting down the hall towards you. A charming smile lit up his face and he began to talking to you

Kikwang frowned and he and the others headed the other way.

“You know what I don’t blame you, that guy is kind of y,” Hyunseung said after observing the way Jiho acted.

“I should have given her more space,” Kikwang said.

“You did,” Dongwoon said. “It’s just some other guy is trying to worm his way into the space. You just had to tell her how you felt…in a not so shouty manner.”

Yoseob clapped his hands together. “I’ve got it! Tonight, prepare a romantic dinner for her. Wait at her home and then sweep her off her feet and impress her, she will have the hardest time forgiving you and our baby will come back!”

Doojoon shrugged. “That’s not such a bad idea you know.”

“Hey Kikwang,” Hyuna said. “Did you do the homework for Biology? If you haven’t, you can cope mine.”

Kikwang was wary of the ‘nice and not-y’ Hyuna. “Urm, no thanks. I’ve done it.”

“Well let me know if you need anything,” she said happily, and gently pat his shoulder, her hand lingering a little longer than it should before she walked away.

“I hate how she just pops out of nowhere,” Hyunseung complained.

“Like a spot!” Yoseob said.

“Well I like having no drama,” Dongwoon said. “I can have peace, and the fan girls aren’t too annoying now so it’s all good.”

“Do we have another dance battle coming up?” Junhyung asked. Doojoon shook his head.

“Nope, nothing. Oh well, the more time to practice.”

Kikwang shook his head. “I can’t tonight, I have plans.”

Yoseob smirked and high fived Hyunseung. “He’s going to do my suggestion. See, I am smart!”




You and Jiho were leaving school together, since he’d offered to walk you home.

“You know, hundreds of girls would do anything to be in your place,” Jiho said arrogantly.

“You know…you’re not that good looking,” you said honestly. *Kikwang oppa is much more handsome.*

Jiho clutched his chest. “Ouch!”

You laughed but stopped when you met eyes with Kikwang, you so desperately wanted to run into his arms and kiss him and he the same. But…you could tell he was still wary of your relationship with Jiho.

You looked away quickly and marched off. Jiho hurried after you.

Kikwang sighed. *I only hope that tonight she will forgive me.*




“I hate how it gets dark so quickly,” you said. Jiho looked around and grinned as he saw nobody else in sight.

“I like it. You can hide a lot in the dark.”

You didn’t know what he meant by that, so you didn’t say anything.

You stayed quiet throughout the entire walk. Jiho sighed.

“Let’s go to the park,” Jiho suggested.

The two of you sat down on the swings.

“Well this is fun,” Jiho said sarcastically as the silence between you two continued.

“I’m sorry,” you apologised. “I’m just thinking.”

“About Kikwang,” he said a little sourly. “What do you see in him anyway?”

You smiled shyly. “What don’t I see in him. All my life I’d been choosing the bad guys, but Kikwang, he’s the exact opposite. He’s kind and sweet and he…gets me. I love him,” you stated. You stood up. “I need to go, I need to talk to him.”

You tried to go but Jiho held onto your wrist.

“Why don’t you ditch him and be with me?”

You couldn’t believe what he was saying. “No Jiho, I love Kikwang.”

“I can be better than him. I can give you more,” he said with a dirty look.

You struggled. “Let me go!”

Jiho suddenly kissed you forcefully, his tongue intruding your mouth.

You shoved him away but he held you close.

“The signals you’ve been giving me, come one, it’s obvious you want to do me,” he whispered in your ear. His breath made your skin crawl.

Tears fell from your eyes as you tried to fight your way out if his grasp. “Please let me go! Get off me you creep!”

Jiho ran his filthy hands along your inner thigh, while he nibbled hard on your bottom lip.

“Ahh!” you screamed as he shoved you onto the ground and he began to undo his pants. *This can’t be happening! Oh god…this can’t!*

“You’re mine you ,” he hissed and was about to slap you but he was shoved away.

You scrambled up and pulled your skirt down and your coat tightly shut.

Junho punched and kicked Jiho in the ribs, with one last swipe to  his jaw, Jiho surrendered.

“Stop you crazy mother er!” Jiho pleaded.

Junho grabbed his collar. “I’m the ‘crazy mother er’? I’m not the one girls here you piece of .”

Jiho smirked. “I was just having fun.”

Junho slugged him hard. “Get the out of here before I sure your poor and kick it into prison.”

At the mention of cops Jiho ran away.

Junho looked back to see you bawling your eyes out. He made his way to you and put his hand on your shoulder.

“~~~~~ ah…”

You tried to slap him but he caught your wrist.

“It’s me…Junho,” he said. You looked up and without thinking about it, you hugged him hard and sobbed into his chest. “It’s okay, I’m here. Did he hurt you?”

Not physically…but emotionally.

You pulled away. “I feel disgusting,” you cried and clawed at your skin, trying to scratch away the feel of Jiho’s touch. You realised Kikwang was right about Jiho.

What if he hurts you and I’m not there to protect you?

You cried even harder. “I-I can’t believe this. I’m so sorry.”

“Ssh. You have nothing to apologise for,” Junho said softly, he took his jacket off and draped it over your shoulders. “Let’s get you home.”

You allowed him to walk you home, but whenever he spoke you flinched. Whenever he touched you to steady you, you would jump away.

He stopped by your flat.

“Are you sure you’ll be okay?”

You didn’t look him the eye, too embarrassed. “I’ll be fine.”

He nodded and turned to leave.

“Junho! Wait!” you called. “Thank you, for tonight.”

He gave you a small smile. “No problem.”

You climbed the stairs and when you reached the door you were shocked to find Kikwang sitting at the front waiting.

He stood up so fast it was a blur. He hugged you tightly, the way he embraced you…like he was caging you someplace safe. Here in Kikwang’s arms…you felt safe and secure.

“What happened?”

You began to cry again. “J-Jiho…he tried to me.”

“WHAT?!” Kikwang roared. “Where did the bastard go?”

You pulled him back. “He left but please…oppa. Don’t leave me, I don’t want you to leave me and let me be alone. Please stay,” you begged.

His heart broke at the terror and fear in your voice. He hugged you again.

“I’ll never leave you again, I’ll always trust you,” he promised as he kissed your forehead.

“And I’ll always trust you, you warned me and I didn’t listen,” you said in a thick voice. “I’m so sorry. I can’t believe I did this to you…”

“Sssh,” he said calming you down. “It’s over. You’re with me, I’ll never let you get hurt again. I love you ~~~~~ ah.”

“I love you too.”

*Thank god I have Kikwang oppa. And thank god to Junho…my unexpected hero.*


Bad Jiho! Grr :L Good Junho? :P hope you all liked it ^^

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Chapter 46: OMG. This fic... Is .. /creys a ing river
it's so gorgeous ;___; and kikwang omfg WHERE ARE MY OVARIES ASDFGHJKL

Thank you for writing this c':
Chapter 12: "That girl can make a nun swear!"
I'm sorry for spamming comments ;_;
/le continues reading
Chapter 7: I nearly cried at this chapter.. ;___;
She lost everything in a night, omfg...
@ LovesYoseob: No it's not weird at all, thank you so much for liking my stories. It really means a lot to me :D
I finished rereading this story for like.. the third time haha. Still love it! I can't really say reread since it was really... in-depth skimming? I'd reread Captures but.. I don't know if my heart could take it lol. Anyway, just wanted to say I still love your writing! My mind didn't change from the year and half that I read this maybe.. I imagined everything, and I mean everything, the same: even though I know who 4Minute is now and so much more about Beast. Sorry for the rambling, I'd feel guilty if I reread it and didn't tell you. That's weird, isn't it?
callumhood #6
lovelyvd #7
ahhh very looooong story.. it was entertain me much!
Laaaaaaab re-reading this :3
nice story
lingy_li #10
OMG i love this story!!!!