
In your atmosphere

Kikwang barely saw you since exams were coming up and even if he did see you, you were accompanied by Jiho.

“Want to eat with me afterschool?” he asked you one day.

You nodded but then pouted. “I’m sorry oppa, but I promised Jiho I’d study with him for the exam. Tomorrow would be good though.”

“Yeah, tomorrow,” he said half-heartedly. Someone covered your eyes but you batted the hands away.

“You know, your actions hurt sometimes,” Jiho said.

You snorted, then kissed Kikwang. “I’ll see you later oppa.”

He knew he shouldn’t be jealous, he’d hear you say ‘I love you’ but it wasn’t you that he didn’t trust. He didn’t trust Jiho…at all.

When you walked away Jiho ran his hand along the small of your back. He turned back to look at Kikwang with an evil smirk.

Kikwang glared back at him. *He better not do anything to hurt her. Or he’ll have me to deal with.*




One day it was lunch at school and B2ST were sitting under the tree waiting for you.

“Where’s ~~~~~~ ah?” Hyunseung asked. “I’m hungry.”

“She’s not a restaurant hyung!” Kikwang complained but he too was waiting for you. And when you came he frowned at the sight.

You were trying to shrug off Jiho’s arm that was over your shoulders.

“I have a boyfriend!” you shrieked.

Jiho winked. “What he won’t know won’t hurt him.”

You rolled your eyes and twisted away from him then sat by Kikwang, you kissed his cheek and lovingly searched his face.

You traced the outline of his lips. “Are you okay? You look a little sad.”

Kikwang looked at Jiho who was sitting directly beside you. “I’m fine, I’m just glad you’re here now.”

You hugged him. “Me too.”

You had to reach out because Dongwoon was giving you the history homework, which meant both Kikwang and Jiho got a view of your rear.

Kikwang blushed and tried not to stare so he looked away only to find Jiho ogling you with hungry eyes, fire roared inside of Kikwang.

He nudged Jiho. “Dude, that’s my girlfriend you’re checking out,” he hissed.

Jiho smirked. “Sorry. You have one fine girlfriend.”

Kikwang wrinkled his nose. *I really dislike this guy.*


Anyone dislike Jiho with Kikwangie? :P Hope you liked :D

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Chapter 46: OMG. This fic... Is .. /creys a ing river
it's so gorgeous ;___; and kikwang omfg WHERE ARE MY OVARIES ASDFGHJKL

Thank you for writing this c':
Chapter 12: "That girl can make a nun swear!"
I'm sorry for spamming comments ;_;
/le continues reading
Chapter 7: I nearly cried at this chapter.. ;___;
She lost everything in a night, omfg...
@ LovesYoseob: No it's not weird at all, thank you so much for liking my stories. It really means a lot to me :D
I finished rereading this story for like.. the third time haha. Still love it! I can't really say reread since it was really... in-depth skimming? I'd reread Captures but.. I don't know if my heart could take it lol. Anyway, just wanted to say I still love your writing! My mind didn't change from the year and half that I read this maybe.. I imagined everything, and I mean everything, the same: even though I know who 4Minute is now and so much more about Beast. Sorry for the rambling, I'd feel guilty if I reread it and didn't tell you. That's weird, isn't it?
callumhood #6
lovelyvd #7
ahhh very looooong story.. it was entertain me much!
Laaaaaaab re-reading this :3
nice story
lingy_li #10
OMG i love this story!!!!