Eventful Night

In your atmosphere

You frowned. “I’m notyour girlfriend anymore. I’m a ‘tramp’, remember?”

“You called her a tramp?” Yumi asked disgusted.

Kikwang’s temper flared and he attempted to charge at Junho, but Junhyung and Doojoon held him back.

“Get out of here before I throw you out instead,” Kikwang snarled angrily. Sunmi her lips at the sight of the angered Kikwang.

2PM laughed eagerly. “So the mute speaks.”

Junho dropped his arm from Sunmi’s shoulder and held them out wide. “Go on give me your best shot. Come on.”

You stepped in between the two of them. “Stop it!”

You turned to look at Kikwang. “Oppa, he’s not worth it, you’re better than this, better than him.”

“Oppa?!” Junho asked enraged. “You call that piece of oppa?! You never called me oppa!”

You rounded on him now. “Yes, because unlike you, he’s not a prick…” you looked at Sunmi. “Dump his sorry , he’s not worth it.”

Sunmi laughed. “Why? So you could date him again?”

“Whatever, but when he cheats on you with another girl, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Sunmi shook her head. “Whatever, I’m going to sort out my makeup.”

Your old friends followed after her, Junho put an arm around you and B2ST stiffened, 2PM grinned.

“You’re looking good baby, say I pay for your tuition fees, and you can come and be my babe again.”

Kikwang’s heart fell. *Will she leave me?*

You cringed and shrugged his arm off. “I wouldn’t be your ‘babe’ if you were the richest guy in the entire world, you’re a creep Lee Junho.”

Yumi tugged on your hand. “Come on ~~~~~~ ah…”

“Yumi?” Taecyeon asked.

Junho raised his brows. “Does your father know his ‘angel’ hangs around with the scums of the entire city?”

Wooyoung pinched his nose and pulled a face, Junhyung clenched his fists but you gave him a look. “Don’t oppa.”

Yumi crossed her arm. “Does your father know that you gambled 2 million won of his money in Vegas last summer?”

Your eyes widened. “That was you?! The papers said it was an employer’s fault.”

Junho snorted. “They take the blame, that’s what they’re there for.”

You shook your head. “You 6 make me sick.”

“The feelings mutual,” Nichkhun sneered at B2ST and you.

Junho picked up a strand of your hair and sniffed, then pulled his hand away as if your hair was dirty. He looked at B2ST. “You’re welcome to the tramp.”

2PM walked away, leaving you seething in anger.

“~~~~~~ ah, I’m so sorry-…”

You cut Yumi off. “Why didn’t you tell me Junho and Sunmi are dating?”

“They’re not dating, Junho never has a steady girlfriend. Besides, would you have wanted me to bring him up anyway?” Yumi asked. You frowned and sighed.

“You’re right, I wouldn’t have wanted to talk about him. God! They make me so…”

“Angry?” Dongwoon said.

You nodded. “Yes…wait! Is this how you know Junho and the rest of 2PM? Through illegal dance competitions?!”

Junhyung rolled his eyes. “It’s not completely illegal.”

Doojoon punched him on the arm, then faced you. “We were kind of still shocked that you were his girlfriend. All you need to know is that they come here every now and then to try and beat us at what we’re best at.”

“You mean, they never win?”

“Of course they don’t!” Yoseob shrieked. “We’re the best dancers here in West Seoul, we could run circles around those punks.”

You let out a ragged breath. “How long has 2PM been coming to these dance battles?”

Hyunseung shrugged. “Not really sure, for the past 6 months they’ve been coming.”

“We were dating then, god how could I have been so stupid?! Of course he never went to football games.”

Yumi looked down embarrassed. “~~~~~~ ah, everyone knew he was coming to them. Only you didn’t know.”

“And neither of you thought to tell me?!”

“We were doing what we thought was best for you, you were dating Junho! He’s the head Kingka at Seoul High! None of us wanted you to get hurt.”

You exhaled irritated. “I suppose you were doing what you thought was right. I just can’t believe it…” you faced B2ST. “…you better beat them.”

Doojoon laughed and poked your nose, as if he was your older brother. “We will. We just need Kikwang here.”


“Where is that kid anyway?” Hyunseung asked as he peered through the thick crowds of people.

“You need Kikwang to win?”

Junhyung nodded. “That kid has some serious dancing talent.”

You were shocked. “Really? He’s never mentioned to me that he likes dancing.”

“He never even talked before you,” Dongwoon pointed out. “Hyung’s the loner type…well was, till he met you.”


*I was the bithchy attention seeking type…till I met B2ST, till I met Kikwang*

You handed your drink to Yoseob.

“I’ll be right back.”




You bit your lip as Kikwang’s back was turned to you, he was outside just staring off into the distance.

“Mind if I join you?” you asked him.

Kikwang looked back and nodded.

You stood by his side. “The oppa’s told me…about you don’t really talk. I was wondering why.”

Kikwang didn’t say anything, instead he tucked his hands inside the pockets of his jeans.

You panicked. “I mean only if you want to tell me, I don’t want to pry or anything-…”

Kikwang had yanked you close to his body, his hands were holding you by the waist. His eyes burned with such passion it made your own desire grow. Kikwang bent his head down and his lips pressed softly against yours.

Your heart erupted with joy and lust at his tongue slowly glided along yours, the way he held you was so touching, it made you feel truly special. You bound your arms around his neck and pulled him close, loving the way he felt.

Kikwang smiled as he felt you return the kiss with a fiery need that sated his own, he loved the way you smelt, the way you made him feel like truly happy. His fingers tangled in your hair, as he poured out his new love into this one sweet kiss.

You pulled away and giggled, then leaned your forehead against his chin.

“We shouldn’t have done that.”

Kikwang grew worried. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. I don’t know what I was thi-…”

You silenced him with another kiss.

“I mean, we shouldn’t have done that because now I’m not going to be able to stop myself from kissing you,” you said with a smile.

Kikwang cupped your cheek reverently. “I think…I’ve fallen in love with you.”

You looked down as you blushed. “You know what? I think I’ve fallen in love with you too.”

You hugged him tightly, for the first time in your life, feeling the love you heard other people describe, actors and actresses playing it in drama’s…but you were able to experience it yourself for the first time.

Kikwang kissed your head then pulled away but held onto your hand. “Come on baby, let’s go inside, I’m sure the battle is about to start.”

You nodded then hugged his arm. “Okay, let’s go.”

Little did both of you know that someone was watching the both of you and heard every word of your declaration of love for one another.

*That will pay…for taking my man* Hyuna thought venomously.




“Where have you two been?” Yumi asked.

Yoseob’s eyes immediately zeroed in on yours and Kikwang’s clasped hands. “Omo! You’re dating?!”

You and Kikwang exchanged looks.

Kikwang gave a nervous laugh. “I guess we are.”

B2ST hugged you and bumped chests with Kikwang. “Congrats guys.”

Yumi squealed and hugged you tight. “I told you, you have a thing for bad boys.”

“Nope. Kikwang oppa is far from a bad guy,” you assured her.

“EVERYONE!! PLEASE WELCOME OUR FIRST CONTESTANT…4MINUTE!!” the host shouted in the mic and the DJ began to play music as the 5 girls jumped onto the dance floor.

You had to admit, they had nice bodies…no way could you dress up in tight hot pants and a cropped corset top with heavy makeup. Even if you were a dancer…you’d never worn anything so…showy before.

Hyuna winked and blew a kiss at Kikwang, who didn’t do anything. Gayoon waved at Doojoon who gave a sarcastic wave back. You laughed but stopped when you saw Junho and Sunmi heatedly making out.

The worse bit was when Junho looked at you, directly at you and deepened the already hot kiss. You looked away uncomfortably.

Kikwang suddenly hugged you from behind, and you relaxed. *You can have your s Junho, because I have a guy I love right here.*

4minute broke out into an energetic choreography…but it was extremely y.

You and Yumi looked away, covering your eyes. “Awkward!”

Guys  where whistling as Hyuna shook her hips and Jihyun kicked her leg up high. When they finished, the guys applauded…every guy except B2ST, who were shaking their heads.

You looked to see Wooyoung and Nichkhun high five each other as they checked out Sohyun’s rear.

Hyuna made her way towards you. “I bet you can’t dance like that? I know who you are, the ballet dancer…but ballet is for pussys…around here, we don’t do any of those first position .”

Gayoon laughed and sarcastically did a ballet pose. You glared at them.

“I can dance perfectly fine…after all; I was crowned best dancer of Seoul.”

Hyuna smirked. “Prove it.”

You panicked.  “What?”

“If you’re so good, prove it, we are at a dance battle after all.”

Kikwang shook his head, and bent down low to whisper in your ear. “~~~~~ ah no, your leg-…”

But you wasn’t the type to give up, who cares about your leg?

You took off your coat and threw it at Yoseob.

“~~~~~~ ah!” he complained but you ignored him and stepped out onto the dance floor. B2ST watched you warily but they turned to Yumi who was calmly watching.

“Why don’t you look worried?” Junhyung asked.

Yumi smiled. “Hyuna shouldn’t have done that.”

“Done what?” Dongwoon asked.

“Challenged ~~~~~ ah to a dance battle.”

And as soon as the music started, B2ST understood why.

Kikwang knew you were a great dancer from what he saw in the dance room at school, but he didn’t know the full extent of your abilities. 4minute were wearing flat boots, you were wearing high heels and a short skirt and yet you managed to move across the dance floor with ease.

Hyunseung turned to Kikwang. “Damn, you just bagged yourself a smoking hot girlfriend!”

Kikwang just nodded as he watched you, you did a body wave and then swiftly turned it into arm tutting. As soon as the music began to end, you quickly did a pirouette and then curtsied to the audience, who whooped at your dance excitedly.

“WE HAVE SOME NEW TALENT IN THE HOUSE!!” the host shouted.

You walked over to Hyuna and flicked your hair over your shoulder. “So what were you saying?”

Hyuna screamed and stomped off. The others followed after her concerned, you tried to hide the fact that your leg hurt slightly but it wasn’t as bad as you thought.

Suddenly a pair of bulky arms wound around your waist. “Wow,” Kikwang whispered in your ear. “You were amazing.”

You giggled and turned around and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. “Thank you.”

B2ST surrounded you. “Where’s your pitchfork, you little devil!” Yoseob joked.

“Who knew Seoul’s best ballerina could dance like that?” Junhyung teased.

You blushed and hid your face into Kikwang’s chest.

“Look at the couple,” Doojoon cooed. “So cute.”

Hyunseung pinched your cheeks and Dongwoon laughed at you. Yumi was smiling and talking to Junhyung.


Yoseob brightened up. “Our turn. Cheer for us baby.”

B2ST made it to the centre of the dance floor, Kikwang stood by Yoseob.

“Hyung do me a favour, pick another name for ~~~~~~ ah.”

Yoseob grinned. “Why? You jealous?”


Yoseob didn’t expect Kikwang to tell the truth, so he simply nodded. “Alright. But she likes it better when the Yoseob calls her baby.”

Aish! Hyung!” Kikwang complained.

2PM scowled at B2ST, Junho turned his head side to side.

“Prepared to lose?” Junho asked.

Junhyung smirked. “We’re not the ones who should be worried about losing.”

Junho raised a brow and looked at Kikwang. “We want to make you an offer. Leave this hole and join 2PM.”

B2ST looked at Kikwang who hadn’t replied.

Nichkhun smirked. “Look, he’s already thinking about joining our group. Who would want to stay with a bunch of broke losers anyway?”

Suddenly Kikwang broke out into a powerful break dance, he glided along the dance floor and girls screamed their lungs out. 2PM did not look pleased.

When Kikwang was finished, his expression was charismatic and he looked angry. “I’d rather join the Mickey Mouse club than join 2PM.”

Kikwang was suddenly bombarded with nougies and tough hugs.

“Dude, for a moment I thought you were going to accept,” Doojoon admitted.

Kikwang smiled. “I wouldn’t leave B2ST, my life is here.”

Hyunseung bumped fists with Kikwang. “Now let’s go kick their .”

Suddenly Wooyoung skidded on his knees and stood up, narrowly missing hitting Junhyung on the nose with the back of his head.

“Not if we kick yours first.”

You swallowed as 2PM broke out into a y dance routine, theirs hips pumped the air and their seductive grins made girls swoon.

You shook your head as Junho pointed at you. *Once a ert, always a ert.*

Junho saw you and Kikwang exchange looks and a wave of jealousy and possessiveness washed through him, he made his way to you and took your hand. You tried to pull it out of his grasp but he brought it to his lips and placed a wet kiss on the back of your hand.

“She’s so lucky!”

“I wish he would do that to me!”

You rolled your eyes and wiped your hand, you met eyes with Kikwang again and mouthed ‘Sorry’, he just smiled softly.

The y sultry music turned into an upbeat song, and 2PM did y body waves and right at the end, Taecyeon ferociously ripped his shirt off. He did it too eagerly, which made you laugh.

“Another hot performance from them tonight!” the host said. “Their challenger and reigning champion B2ST takes the stage!!!”

B2ST ran around the dance floor like wild kids, and they all pulled out hats from their back pockets.

Kikwang put his hat on and turned it to the side, his face was no longer expressionless; he wasn’t smiling but a charismatic and y look that made you hot and shivery.

And when they began you stopped breathing altogether. You knew that B2ST were good dancers, but you had only seen them dance that one time…and Kikwang wasn’t with them. Now that they were all together, the dance was complete.

Hyunseung and Kikwang both dropped down onto the ground and did a one hand handstand, their legs straight up in the air. Yoseob and Doojoon ran between them and both began to do a funny freestyle.

Everyone…including the guys in the crowd – excluding 2PM -…laughed.

Junhyung and Dongwoon skidded forward expertly and then fell to the ground where they their hips into the air ily, you turned to see Yumi’s bright red face and covering .

You nudged her. “Don’t drool!”

Yumi pouted. “I’m not drooling!”

Hyunseung and Kikwang came down from their handstands and Kikwang bit his lip and did a body wave whilst lifting his shirt up. You almost fainted at the sight of his toned abs and his taught stomach, and when he pointed at you…you were sure his heart had stopped.

Towards the end, Kikwang had a solo. And my god was it good! Kikwang was an amazing dancer, the way he moved seemed so effortless and second nature.

“Omo!” girls squealed as he made his way to you.

You stood frozen as he confidently grinded ily against you, your face felt extremely hot and when he placed a kiss on your cheek, the girls screamed loudly.

B2ST stood in a straight line and exploded out into another set of choreography, Doojoon and Junhyung had Kikwang stand on their knees and he did a back flip, whilst Hyunseung threw his body underneath and did a forward flip. Dongwoon and Yoseob were arm tutting and gliding.

And when they finished they held their hands up in the air, acted as if they were pulling something and then turned slowly.

The entire place was loud with cheers and shouts of B2ST’s name.

“IT’S SAFE TO SAY WHO THE WINNER IS! ANOTHER VICTORY FOR B2ST!! Better luck next time 2PM!” the host announced.

2PM looked sourly away and scoffed as the bucket full of money was handed to Doojoon.

You ran into Kikwang’s arms and hugged caught him in a tight embrace.

“How was I?” he asked you breathlessly.

You leaned back and smiled at him. “Amazing!” you looked at the others. “You were all amazing!!”

Junhyung laughed and patted your head. “Thanks dongsaeng. Where’s Yumi?”

“Right here,” she squeaked. Junhyung cleared his throat and turned back to his charismatic self.

“Urgh-hmm, yeah. Did you like it?”

Yumi nodded eagerly. “I thought you guys were fantastic!”

Junhyung smiled, satisfied.

Dongwoon wiped the sweat off his forehead. “I’m thristy.”

“Me too,” Yoseob said.

“I’ll go get some drinks,” you offered. “Oppa, can you get my coat for me?” you asked Kikwang.

Kikwang nodded and kissed your lips. “Sure thing baby.”

Yoseob looked at Doojoon. “Baby,” they cooed sarcastically at each other. Kikwang shook his head.

Junho saw you and Kikwang kiss, he turned to his friends. “He took our victory and now he’s taken my girl!”

Nichkhun lightly punched Junho’s arm. “We’ll get him and the rest of B2ST.”

Wooyoung nodded. “We’ll show them who’s the real deal.”




Kikwang was looking for your coat and when he found it, a pair of hands snatched it away from him.

Kikwang looked up at Junho who had your coat in his hands.

“Give it back,” Kikwang said coldly.

Junho held your coat up. “I bought this for ~~~~~ ah you know.”

Slowly, Kikwang lowered his hands. “Really?”

“I got it for her on White Day, I wonder why she’d keep it.”

Kikwang was silent.

Junho threw the coat at him. “It’s because she still likes me, and she always will like me.”

Kikwang shook his head. “I’m her boyfriend now.”

Junho laughed. “You think after a few kisses, that she likes you? Please! ~~~~~ ah was a East Seoul girl…she likes guys who has cash. My parents are one of the richest people in South Korea, for ~~~~~~ ah’s birthday I gave her an 8 million won necklace. That coat…the coat ~~~~~ ah was wearing tonight…cost me 2 million won. Can you buy her stuff like that?”

Kikwang looked down ashamed. He barely had enough money to survive.

Junho smirked. “That’s what I thought. Face it, she’s way out of your league. She’ll dump your and then run back to me when she realises you don’t have enough money to support yourself…let alone her. Give her up dude, you’re not worth her time.”

Junho walked away, leaving Kikwang feeling cold and empty.




You shivered, Doojoon looked at you. “Are you cold?”

You nodded. “But I’m okay, Kikwang oppa’s getting my coat.”

You saw him coming towards you, but his face was hard and cold.

He handed you your coat but carried on walking. You blinked the turned to face him.

“Oppa!?” you called but he didn’t say anything back. You sighed worried. “What’s wrong with him?”

B2ST looked just as puzzled as you. “I don’t know…he’s not usually like that. Even before you came.”

You bit your lip. *What’s wrong with oppa?*


I've been writing short chaps, so I figured why not a long one? Hope you enjoyed and liked it ^^

P.S: Hope you're reading Captured, so my next story which is the sequel to Captured will make sense. Link to Captured is on Chapter 13 :D

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Chapter 46: OMG. This fic... Is .. /creys a ing river
it's so gorgeous ;___; and kikwang omfg WHERE ARE MY OVARIES ASDFGHJKL

Thank you for writing this c':
Chapter 12: "That girl can make a nun swear!"
I'm sorry for spamming comments ;_;
/le continues reading
Chapter 7: I nearly cried at this chapter.. ;___;
She lost everything in a night, omfg...
@ LovesYoseob: No it's not weird at all, thank you so much for liking my stories. It really means a lot to me :D
I finished rereading this story for like.. the third time haha. Still love it! I can't really say reread since it was really... in-depth skimming? I'd reread Captures but.. I don't know if my heart could take it lol. Anyway, just wanted to say I still love your writing! My mind didn't change from the year and half that I read this maybe.. I imagined everything, and I mean everything, the same: even though I know who 4Minute is now and so much more about Beast. Sorry for the rambling, I'd feel guilty if I reread it and didn't tell you. That's weird, isn't it?
callumhood #6
lovelyvd #7
ahhh very looooong story.. it was entertain me much!
Laaaaaaab re-reading this :3
nice story
lingy_li #10
OMG i love this story!!!!