Dance Battle

In your atmosphere

~ Seoul Ballet Theatre ~

You and your dance teacher had finished talking about a particular scene in the show.

“Everyone practice, I must go out and make a call,” he turned to you. “You’re doing wonderful my star.”

You smiled and stood in front of the mirror, but then it had a horrible addition to it.

“You think you’re so great don’t you?”

You stared around the practice room, posters of the show were stuck on the wall, posters with your face on it. “Look around Sooyeon, I am great.”

Sooyeon was you’re under study. She would stand in for you if you couldn’t make a rehearsal…which has only happened twice…and that was your parent’s fault. And she would sometimes learn from you, but you had no interest in helping a conniving .

Sooyeon narrowed her eyes at you. “You think that just because you have a boyfriend, rich parents and the lead of the show that you can actually dance. Please, sunbae only chose you to be the lead because he wants you to his co-…”

You grabbed her hair and pulled. “You ! Just because you did, doesn’t mean I will!”

“I bet you cheat on your boyfriend with all those other guys…he’s too hot to be with you!” Sooyeon shouted as she yanked your bun and pulled hard.

The two of you were scrapping like 8 year old boys on a playground. The girls gasped in shock, the guys smiled in delight.

Your partner pulled you away and Sooyeon’s partner pulled her.

“Let me at that sack of poo,” you hissed and struggled in your partner’s arms. He finally let you go and you swiped your hair out of your face. “You think I can’t dance?”

Sooyeon glared. “You can’t. You look like a cripple trying to jump, I can’t believe that you got Lee Junho to be your boyfriend.”

You wanted to pummel her. “Fine,” you aid through clenched teeth. “Dance battle, we’ll settle this in front of people who like to talk.”

“Oh it’s so on.”

~ West Seoul ~

Kikwang was outside enjoying the cool breeze when he felt arms wrap around his waist.

“You want some company?” a strange girl asked him in a seductive voice, he twisted out of her arms and moved away. “I see how it is, you’re a shy one.”

Kikwang continued to ignore her.

The girl was persistent though. “If you come with me, I’ll help you overcome your shyness. I’ll rock your world.”

Kikwang looked down at her then walked away without a single world. *I don’t need a ho like that in my already life.*

“You know you’re mad right?”

Kikwang turned around. “What are you doing here?”

Junhyung walked over with his hands in his pockets. “Turning a girl like that down, any other guy would have bedded her.”

Kikwang snorted. “Yeah…well I’m not like any other guys am I?”

“No,” Junhyung said hopelessly. “You’re not.”

“What do you want?”

Junhyung raised a brow. “Is that a way to talk to your hyung?”

Kikwang sighed. “I just want to be alone.”

Junhyung nodded. “Just be back in time for the battle.”

He knew he shouldn’t take Kikwang’s coldness to heart, but it annoyed the hell out of Junhyung. *That kid is half mute.*




“ARE WE READY?!” The host bellowed into the mic and the crowd whooped with excitement.

Doojoon strapped on fingerless gloves and Dongwoon mussed his hair. “Where’s Kikwang and Junhyung?” Doojoon asked.

“I’m here,” Junhyung said appearing. “Kikwang’s…”

“Here,” Kikwang said suddenly. “Let’s just go beat the crap out of those kissing douche bags.”

All 5 members of Beast smiled. *Though he’s quiet, he follows after our own heart.*

“Are you ready to go home crying?” Doojoon taunted as he and Junho stood face to face.

“Do you even have a home?” Junho sneered back.

Before Doojoon could answer back, the host appeared with a large black bucket filled with money. Doojoon did his best to conceal the greed and excitement that coursed through him as his eyes laid on the money, no way would he give Junho that satisfaction.

“Winner takes all,” the host boomed. Junho threw in cash into the bucket, the crowd cheered.

“Doojoon…” Hyunseung warned from behind, but Doojoon kissed the rolls of money he had and tossed it in the bucket. It was Doojoon’s rent money.

“Alright! Let the battle…BEGIN!!!”

An awesome track came on and the base was pounding in their ears, Beast gathered around and huddled together.

“We strip them of everything,” Doojoon hissed. “Money, pride and dignity.”

Yoseob rolled his eyes. “Anyone would think we’re going off to war or something.”

Hyunseung grinned. “This is war.”

Everyone looked to Kikwang, who always looked calm and composed. He rarely joined in the groups ing and back stabbing but observed, which always made the hyung’s feel even more immature.

“Can you do this kid?”

Kikwang quickly looked at Junho. “I could beat his with a blindfold on and both hands tied around my back.”

Yoseob clapped him on the back. “That’s the spirit!”

Junho walked towards Beast and the girls screamed as he began his solo in the beginning, he was trained in gymnastics and he flipped his body in the air. Everyone stared in awe as he lifted himself up off the floor with his hands, and then glided to the front in front of a large crowd of girls.

The screamed when he swung his hips ily left to right, front to back. Slowly he lowered his jacket off his shoulder and exposed his toned biceps that obviously showed he worked out.

Then he returned back to 2PM who stood in formation, and just before the music started, Junho caught Kikwang’s eye and smirked.

They jumped out and began to dance together, perfectly in sync and the choreograph had obviously been thought about carefully. Kikwang nodded to the beat of the music, the way 2PM danced reminded him of a boy group…too clean cut. Too rehearsed.

When they finished the entire crowd screamed as 2PM had ripped their shirts off, some girls almost fainted.

Dongwoon frowned. “What a cheap trick.”

Yoseob covered his eyes. “Tell me when they’ve left, I like being able to see…and if I look at their hairy chests, I think I will permanently be blind.”

Doojoon nudged Kikwang. “You going to do all right kid?”

Kikwang nodded and wiped the bottom of his lip with his thumb as he took his place.

~ Seoul Ballet Theatre ~

You smirked as Sooyeon didn’t use ballet, but danced like a girl would in a club. She had used your partner for the show as a pole, and grinded against him. He stood awkwardly as she slithered her way down his body, then crawled back up it.

Then she faced the entire group and began to shake her ridiculously. You laughed out loud as she tried to pirouette with her shaking in mid air.

You thought that she would have known when she’d embarrassed herself enough, but she seemed to enjoy making herself look like a freak show.

She began to whip her hair back and forth, while her hands swung wildly in the air. You exchanged with other dancers and they smirked and shook their heads in pity. You were embarrassed for her!

When the music stopped, Sooyeon was breathing hard. She looked slightly dizzy. “R-Right, try and beat that,” she said as her eyes were slightly unfocused.

You stood up and pulled up your white tights and adjusted your skirt while you fixed the straps of your leotard.

“Okay,” you said casually. Sooyeon had chosen a song that was definitely English and it was obviously a song about . You at least had a lot more class than Sooyeon.

You twisted your neck to the sides and took your starting position. Then you faced Sooyeon and the other dancers who looked at you. “Who do you think will win, me or Sooyeon? You’ve seen once performance of her, and many of me. Now compare.”

Everyone didn’t hesitate with their answer. The entire group said your name.

Sooyeon glared at all of them. “You traitors! You’re saying that because you’re ing scared of her!”

You walked over to Sooyeon and looked at her pityingly. “Unlike you, I don’t have to result into pole dancing to prove I’m good, I know I am and I’ve accepted it. It’s time you do, because you can never beat me.”

~ West Seoul ~

Beast exploded from their huddled positions, and began to dance with an amazing amount of position. Even Yoseob looked y!

Dongwoon and Yoseob arm tutted, for a maknae and someone who was deemed as too cute they were gaining a lot of attention…especially from the girls.

Doojoon stepped forward with Hyunseung and they both began to pump their chests out, making the girls scream like mad…even louder than they had done with 2PM. Then they both began to break dance, with amazing skill. Doojoon spun himself on his head then slowly eased himself down to his hands and pushed himself up. Hyunseung had spun on his shoulders with a fast speed that made his legs look as if they could tangle at any moment.

Hyunseung finished with a pose, his legs were in the air, Doojoon pulled on his foot and Hyunseung pushed himself up with a smooth grace. The crowd went wild.

Junhyung and Kikwang took the centre and they did the back flip they had both practiced, instead of landing on his feet like Junho did, Kikwang immediately went into a handstand and spun himself down to the floor.

“Holy !” the host said into the mic at the moves Junhyung and Kikwang bought to the floor.

2PM looked at each other, Beast was imprecise but effortless and showed an enormous amount of free styling and skill.

Beast got together and broke down into a y choreography, they all went down on the ground and began to their hips into the air. The girls went wild.

Then it was time…time for Kikwang to shine.

He crawled up into a standing position and walked towards a girl who wasn’t beautiful but decent and slightly plump. Then he began to dance with her, even offering her a kind smile. The dance wasn’t ual in any way, but sweet and made girls wish he had chosen them.

Kikwang picked the girl up and spun her around in his arms, and when he finished spinning he set her down and kissed her cheek.

Then Beast gathered and exploded into yet another effortless choreography. They did body waves, as the music faded Beast turned their backs to the crowd and held their jackets off their shoulders.

Junho didn’t look pleased as the crowd was so loud he could barely think hateful insults towards the 6 guys.

“I think it’s clear who the winner is,” The host boomed into the mic. “Winners are BEAST!!!”

Doojoon was handed the bucket of money, and everyone crowded around them.

2PM looked bitter and angry.

“ this, I’m going home,” Chansung said, and was followed by Junsu and Nichkhun.

“Don’t worry,” Taecyeon said. “We’ll beat them next time.”

“We’ll come back with a better choreography,” Wooyoung said, he looked at Kikwang. “That kid…hate to say it, but was skills.”

Junho had to agree. *So that’s Beast’s secret weapon?*


Hope you liked it ^^ In my humble opinion I think Beast and 2PM are both amazing groups and have amazing dance skills, and if they were to have a dance battle in real life, I don’t think I’d be able to choose a winner :L but for the sake of the story, Beast is better…but in real life I think they’re equal.

Oh and I’ll going back to school tomorrow :( So updates may be shorter and not everyday, but I will try my best ^^





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Chapter 46: OMG. This fic... Is .. /creys a ing river
it's so gorgeous ;___; and kikwang omfg WHERE ARE MY OVARIES ASDFGHJKL

Thank you for writing this c':
Chapter 12: "That girl can make a nun swear!"
I'm sorry for spamming comments ;_;
/le continues reading
Chapter 7: I nearly cried at this chapter.. ;___;
She lost everything in a night, omfg...
@ LovesYoseob: No it's not weird at all, thank you so much for liking my stories. It really means a lot to me :D
I finished rereading this story for like.. the third time haha. Still love it! I can't really say reread since it was really... in-depth skimming? I'd reread Captures but.. I don't know if my heart could take it lol. Anyway, just wanted to say I still love your writing! My mind didn't change from the year and half that I read this maybe.. I imagined everything, and I mean everything, the same: even though I know who 4Minute is now and so much more about Beast. Sorry for the rambling, I'd feel guilty if I reread it and didn't tell you. That's weird, isn't it?
callumhood #6
lovelyvd #7
ahhh very looooong story.. it was entertain me much!
Laaaaaaab re-reading this :3
nice story
lingy_li #10
OMG i love this story!!!!