Just Friends

In your atmosphere

You and Kikwang were back to being the normal loved up couple. As the two of you were walking hand in hand down the hallway, Junhyung jumped up and slung his arms over your shoulders.

“Did you hear?! That Jiho guy got expelled for swearing at a teacher!” Junhyung said. “I almost hated Jiho as much as I hate Wooyoung from 2PM!”

At the mention of Jiho’s name you winced and blinked back the fresh hot tears, Kikwang saw your watery eyes and changed the subject.

“How’d you think you did on the exam?”

Junhyung was about to answer but Doojoon appeared by your side. “You kidding me? He didn’t even know we had an exam!”

Junhyung rubbed his cheek embarrassed. “I was catching up on the episodes of Kerero okay!”

“Baby!” Yoseob squealed and gathered you in his arms. “I’ve missed you.”

You struggled to breathe. “This is too close for comfort.”

“Oops sorry,” he pulled away. “Aigoo. You’re getting too skinny.”

“Oppa you saw me yesterday,” you said giggling. “You talked to me even more when Kikwang oppa and me weren’t speaking.”

Kikwang let you and Yoseob chatter whilst he talked to Junhyung.

“Is it true? Jiho’s really gone?”

Junhyung nodded. “Yep. I know we’re not supposed to let ~~~~~ ah know that we know about what happened that night, but for what it’s worth…if that dude showed up here, he would have come back out needing facial reconstruction.”

“And a hip replacement,” Hyunseung added.

“Maybe a cast too, what’s a broken arm?” Dongwoon joked darkly.

Kikwang looked around at his friends. “Thanks. But, I still don’t know how ~~~~~~ ah got away.”

Hyunseung looked back at you joking with Doojoon and Yoseob.

“When girls are in situations like that, they get an adrenaline rush and will do anything to get out of it. Maybe she socked him really hard in a highly sensitive area.”

Kikwang sighed. “Yeah probably. I want to ask her but…I don’t want her to re-live that night. She could barely look at me and if I touched her, she flinched.”

“But she’s fine now right?” Junhyung asked, Kikwang nodded. “Then everything’s good dude. She’s back in your arms loving you. Which brings me to the lovely question, have you two gotten…”

“No!” Kikwang roared. Everyone in the hallway turned to look at him. He cleared his throat. “We haven’t and I don’t think now’s the right time anyway.”

“Why?” Junhyung pressed on. Hyunseung rolled his eyes.

“She almost got by Jiho, her supposed friend! You think she wants to get frisky between the sheets now?!” Hyunseung said.

Kikwang glared at them both. “Would you stop debating my life here. We’ll do it when we’re both ready.”

Still Junhyung continued to . “It must be hard, to be the only in our group. Even the maknae’s gotten lucky.”

Dongwoon flipped Junhyung off, but Kikwang just nodded awkwardly.

“We need to change the subject…”

Right on time, Hyuna squeezed herself into the middle. “Hey Kikwang!”

They all literally jumped back.

“I think I just suffered from a ,” Hyunseung whispered to Junhyung as he clutched at his heart. The other 4minute girls waved at B2ST, who shivered in sheer fright.

Kikwang did his best not to frown, so he stuck a fake smile onto his lips. Hyuna smiled calmly but inside she was thrilled. *He’s finally smiling at me!*

“Where’s ~~~~~ ah?” she asked.

“She’s over there,” Kikwang said. Hyuna disapprovingly gazed at you talking to Doojoon and Yoseob. *Taking my unnie’s guy whilst she has mine. What a !*

“I’m surprised she’s not with Jiho, I always see them together.”

Kikwang’s blood ran cold and he did his best to compose himself. If he saw the he would beat the out of him.

Hyuna tapped the side of her head with her hand. “Silly me! He got expelled. Wonder what he did, he must be a bad boy.”

Kikwang coughed. “Yeah. We have to go.”

Kikwang his heel and took you away with him, B2ST were confused but when they saw 4minute’s smug faces they instantly knew why.

“Oppa what are you doing?” you asked. “Are you okay?”

He nodded. “Y-Yeah. I just wanted you all to myself this morning. Are you sure you’re okay?”

You honestly didn’t think you’d recover from your ordeal, but since Kikwang had been by your side, you were feeling a lot better. There wasn’t anyone you trusted more than him.

Smiling you wrapped your arms around him and stared into his eyes. “As long as I have you, I’ll be okay.”

He leaned down and kissed you sweetly. *I really do love you ~~~~~ ah.*




“I feel really uncomfortable with this,” Kikwang admitted. You sighed and sat down on his lap.

“You have work and I don’t want you to be late because you had to walk me home. I’ll be fine, it’ll do me good. You know, to come out of my shell and face the world again.”

“Still...what if he shows up?”

You hid your worry, you hadn’t thought about that. You were just glad Jiho hadn’t walked you all the way home that night.

“I’ll take a different route home. If anything happens I’ll call you or the other oppa’s.”

Kikwang bumped foreheads with you gently. “You promise?”

You held out your pinky finger and twisted it around his. “I promise,” you kissed him softly. “Now go before I make you late.”

You reluctantly let go of him and waved goodbye as he got on the bus. Taking a deep breath you began your walk home.

You kept texting people, Yoseob made jokes. Yuri complained about Seoul High and Hyunseung complained about Yoseob.

You would laugh but you were making sure you were aware. You kept your whistle and pepper spray in your coat pocket now, and they were ready just in case they needed to be used.

When you rounded the corner and came to your street a black limo you knew all too well was parked outside. Some people stared at it, as if debating whether or not they should steal it. Giving that the owner was leaning against the limo, they just stared.


He turned to look at you, for once, that arrogant smirk wasn’t there. Only a look of concern and worry. He walked towards you.


“Hi. What are you doing here?” you asked, getting straight to the point.

“I wanted to see how you were doing. Your aunt wasn’t in so I waited for you out here.”

You nodded. “Do you want to come in?”

Junho looked hesitant. “I can’t. My Appa wants me to come home soon and learn the business’ infrastructure, but I had to come and make sure you were okay.”

You blushed. “Well thanks for the concern, it must have been hard for you to come here.”

Junho curled his lip at the dirty streets but for once you didn’t care, he had saved you. Speaking off...

“That night. How come you were here?”

“I came to apologise to you actually. I know I’m a and I broke up with you in the worst way possible, I was never nice when we were dating, but I still want to be friends. I probably don’t deserve your friendship or even your time but I hope we can get pass our differences and become friends.”

You were shocked. It was like he was…begging. Lee Junho never begged. *Does he want to be friends that badly? Is he really sorry?*

Junho bowed awkwardly at your silence. “I see, well, I’ll go.”

“No!” you said loudly. “I’m so grateful to you for saving me that night, if you hadn’t been there…Jiho would have…what I’m trying to say is. Yes, we can be friends.”

Junho opened the door to his limo. “I’m glad we’re friends ~~~~~~ ah.”

Smirking he got into his car, you watched the limo ride off.

“So friends huh?”

You whirled around.

“Kikwang oppa?”

His eyebrow was raised. “I was wondering how you got away from Jiho, now I know.”

You ducked your head. “Are you mad?”

Kikwang frowned but then smiled and pulled you to him. “I’m not mad. I’m more annoyed, that Junho was the one to say you and not me but I guess I’ll live. I owe the guy now.”

You were so relieved. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, it’s just I thought you would react badly.”

Kikwang softened. “You can tell me anything ~~~~~~ ah. I promised I would trust you didn’t I?”

“You still came here?” you teased. “Shouldn’t you be working.”

“Ahjumma gave me the day off, I’d been working extra shifts for the past month so she said I could have tonight off. Which means I have you all to myself...or is Junho counted in tonight too?” he joked.

You slapped his chest. “It’s not like, we’re just friends. Nothing more.”

He kissed you. “Good. So long as it’s just friends. I think I can live with that.”




Junho’s limo stopped and parked.

“I won’t be gone long,” Junho told his driver. “Just stay here and don’t come looking for me.”

Junho got out of the limo and went inside a building.

“It’s a shame you don’t go to our school,” Jihyun said from the shadows.

Hyuna stepped out. “Leave him alone,” she realised he was frowning. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Keep your s in line Hyuna,” Junho said.

Suddenly Jiho too stepped out, his face was bruised and swollen, he was bent over slightly from the beating.

Junho smirked at him. “Nice face.”

Hyuna glanced at Jiho. “The plan was to save ~~~~~ ah, not to beat the out of my older brother.”

Junho shrugged. “I was selling the act, your brother did a wonderful job of attempting to her. If I left them any longer who knows, maybe he would really have her. Besides, now she’s right where I want and that scum Kikwang is right where you want.”

Junho turned to leave but Jiho called him.

“Wait! I didn’t get beat for nothing.”

Junho threw a thick wad of cash at Jiho. “There. Buy your es and drugs with it.”

Jiho and Hyuna looked at the cash temptingly. Junho grinned and loped back to his limo.


Bad Junho! hope you all liked it ^^

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Chapter 46: OMG. This fic... Is .. /creys a ing river
it's so gorgeous ;___; and kikwang omfg WHERE ARE MY OVARIES ASDFGHJKL

Thank you for writing this c':
Chapter 12: "That girl can make a nun swear!"
I'm sorry for spamming comments ;_;
/le continues reading
Chapter 7: I nearly cried at this chapter.. ;___;
She lost everything in a night, omfg...
@ LovesYoseob: No it's not weird at all, thank you so much for liking my stories. It really means a lot to me :D
I finished rereading this story for like.. the third time haha. Still love it! I can't really say reread since it was really... in-depth skimming? I'd reread Captures but.. I don't know if my heart could take it lol. Anyway, just wanted to say I still love your writing! My mind didn't change from the year and half that I read this maybe.. I imagined everything, and I mean everything, the same: even though I know who 4Minute is now and so much more about Beast. Sorry for the rambling, I'd feel guilty if I reread it and didn't tell you. That's weird, isn't it?
callumhood #6
lovelyvd #7
ahhh very looooong story.. it was entertain me much!
Laaaaaaab re-reading this :3
nice story
lingy_li #10
OMG i love this story!!!!